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The Days of the Golden Moons (The Two Moons of Rehnor, Book 5)

Page 20

by J. Naomi Ay

  At the end of the tour, we stopped in a gift shop and everyone purchased I love Senya buttons. We all wore one except Tim who bought one that said, Kiss me, Kate.

  Caroline accompanied us and pointed at a huge poster on the wall of the gift shop. “That's my husband Taner,” she said. “The man right behind HIM. The boy in the blue ball cap is Luci's husband Berkan.”

  “Taner looks so young,” I remarked.

  “Why was Ron's arm in a sling?” Jerry asked, staring up at the poster. I was looking at the others which seem to span Ron's life from about twelve to sixteen and then again after he was already on Rozari and running SdK.

  “He had been shot a few weeks earlier,” Caroline said. “One of several assassination attempts.”

  “He never smiled,” Gina says. “Even as a boy he didn't smile. Look at that one!”

  “That's a pretty hot looking horse,” Janet smirked.

  “Okay, I'm going to tell you a secret,” Caroline whispered conspiratorially. ”

  We all bent in closer.

  “Katie told me that when she was 13 and he was 16, he materialized in her bedroom, and they…you know.” She winked.

  “He materialized? What the heck does that mean?” Janet asked.

  “Some kind of inter-dimensional travel or something,” Caroline replied.

  “Can you imagine having that pop into your bedroom when you were thirteen?” Gina sighed.

  “No wonder you never stood a chance, Jerry,” Thad laughed.

  “I guess not,” Jerry shrugged, “But, that's okay. I won in the end.”

  He smiled at Janet. She smiled sweetly back at him and reached for his hand.

  We went back to the Palace with enough souvenirs for a lifetime. As we were walking to our building, there was a bit of commotion in front of one of the other buildings.

  “What's going on?” I asked Caroline.

  “Ka...Her,” Caroline laughed. “Is saying goodbye to some dignitaries.”

  “Can we go see too?” Gina begged.

  Jerry was craning his neck, but unless he had x-ray vision, I'm sure he couldn’t see anything from this distance.

  “Everyone will be gone, and she will be back in her office before we can even get over there,” Caroline replied. “I'll check and see if she has time to meet with you tonight.”

  “It sounds like she's as busy as HIM,” I remarked.

  “Almost,” Caroline agreed. “They just got back from a month's vacation, and then she instituted some new rules, so a lot of time has been cut from both of their schedules.”

  “What kind of rules?” Janet asked.

  Caroline led us back to our rooms. “Well, she makes sure HIM doesn't have any appointments before 7AM, and she makes him eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. She sits there and watches him do it because if she didn't, he wouldn't.”

  “Let me guess,” I said. “Before this he was living on cigarettes, coffee and alcohol.”

  “You know him well,” Caroline chuckled. “She also makes him quit at 9PM although sometimes they run late still. It's been great for us though. Up until a few months ago, Taner would drag himself to bed around 2AM and then drag himself up again around 6AM. He's too old for that, and he's had heart issues although funnily enough, all of that has just disappeared since he came back from Rozari. Taner’s really feeling much better now and it helps that he can actually get a full night's sleep most nights.”

  “Ron always had a tough time realizing that us mortals can't keep up with his schedule,” Thad commented.

  “That's the truth,” Caroline agreed.

  “And he was always high maintenance,” Janet smirked.

  “That's for sure too.” Caroline nodded. “I used to be so jealous of Katie. Not anymore. Now I know I got the better end of the deal.”

  “Me too,” Janet wrapped her arm around Jerry. He blushed like a school boy.

  “He is so hot though,” Gina said dreamily. “Especially now.”

  “Yeah,” all the girls sighed.

  “Can't compete with Emperor Superman.” Jerry looked at Thad and shrugged.

  “I don't even try,” Thad replied. “I’d rather be Batman anyway. Or Aquaman. He could do this cool breathing underwater thing. Green Lantern was okay too.”

  “Thad!” I sighed.

  The next few days we did more touring of Mishnah and even went south to the Dark Continent. We weren't allowed to go to Karupatani even though I desperately wanted just to fly over. Karupatani as Thad had said was secured so that HIM could wander around it safely and that meant no one was allowed to be there unless they lived there and that included all airspace. We did visit a few beautiful beaches for Gina's sake and the SdK campus which Thad proudly showed us around.

  After about five days, we were content just to stay in the Palace, sleep late, dine in the various dining halls, wander the gardens and galleries and just enjoy life. I spent nearly all of my time in the galleries, reading the histories and staring at the portraits of the Kalila Kings. My previous studies had gone only as far as Markiis' grandchildren. Mishka who settled Mishnah and his descendants were all hanging on the walls just waiting for me to discover them. I took pics and recorded copious notes to share with Kenak who was far too feeble to come on this trip. He would be so excited to hear about it though.

  “It's amazing how all these guys are related to Dr. Ron,” Janet who had come with me remarked. “I guess we really knew so little about him.”

  “I knew some of it,” I admitted. “But not most of it. Like the Senya tour, I knew nothing about any of that.”

  “You think Katie knew?”

  “No,” I said. “I know she didn't.”

  When we arrived back at our suites, Kira informed us that Katie had invited us to join her for coffee and dessert after dinner tonight.

  “You're going to be going to Their suite,” Kira said. “So dress nice and mind your manners.”

  “Will HIM be there?” We all asked anxiously.

  Kira shook her head. “No. He's busy tonight.”

  “I heard that Her Imperial Highness has scheduled a dinner party in the Crystal Ballroom on Saturday night, so I suspect you'll all get to see HIM then.” Caroline smiled.

  “That's so exciting,” Gina squealed, and we all rushed off to an early dinner and to change into our nice clothes. Gina bought a traditional Mishnese dress and Janet, and I wore cocktail dresses from Rozari while the men all wore suits and ties.

  At eight, Noka and Kira returned to shuttle us to the secured building where the Imperial residences were. Not only did we have to pass through the security guards, we also had to pass through retina scans and hand prints.

  “This place is locked up tighter than a bank vault,” Tim mumbled.

  “It's a marble, crystal and gold prison,” Jerry commented and then added with a nod. “I knew about it.”

  “You knew about what?” Janet asked as we walked up the marble staircase.

  “This place,” Jerry waved his arms. “Katie more or less told me, and I promised her I would lie about it at her court martial.”

  Tim harrumphed loudly.

  “Fortunately she never made it to her court martial,” Jerry said to Tim. “So I never had to lie.”

  “This way, please.” Caroline indicated as we reached the top floor. We passed more security guards and went through another set of invisible scans before we were finally emitted into the Imperial Suite.

  “Well, look who's here!” Katie cried as we walked in. “Shut the door Kira so I can hug everyone and not get locked in the tower for it.” She rushed forward and wrapped her arms around me.

  “Hi honey,” I said and burst into tears.

  She kissed Tim's cheek even though he was acting like an old fart, but I saw him smile and show her the button he bought.

  “Dr. Moonbeam,” she called and wrapped her arms around Jerry’s neck, hugging him tight. Both of them started to cry. “I'm so happy for you two,” Katie grabbed Janet, and the two of them
went at it like they were long lost friends. Thad and Gina got hugs too and then Katie invited us all out on her patio for a chocolate buffet and drinks.

  “You made this all yourself of course,” Janet said as we admired the gourmet spread.

  “I ordered it myself,” Katie offered with a smile. “Our kitchens do a much better job with chocolate than I can. Help yourself everyone. Lady Kelli will take your drink orders.” She pointed at another woman dressed in the same gown that Caroline and the other staff were wearing.

  Katie wore a similar cut Mishnese silk gown but in a shimmering white gold and a rope of pearls around her waist. Instead of the KdK broach, she had a fabulous diamond necklace. A diamond studded clip was holding back her blonde curls. She also wore thick gold cuff bracelets around each wrist.

  “So I want to hear everything,” she said, sitting down on a chaise. I sat down next to her and gazed out at the beautiful ocean and the two enormous moons that shown gold above it.

  “This place is absolutely perfect,” I declared. “Is the weather always this wonderful?”

  “Not at all,” she laughed. “It rains and snows and sometimes it’s downright miserable. You just came at the very best time of the year.”

  “Hell, I've been here when there was golf ball sized hail, tornadoes, rogue waves, hurricane force winds, and six feet of snow,” Thad said, taking a bottle of beer from Lady Kelli. “Of course Ron was usually causing all that.”

  “Yeah,” Katie nodded. “We're working on not taking out our temper on the weather. We all hate lightning and tornadoes.”

  “What?” Jerry asked.

  “I'll explain later,” Janet whispered.

  “So you tell us everything,” Jerry prompted.

  “Yeah,” Janet agreed. “Our lives are boring and ordinary compared to this.”

  “Will we get to see Ron- HIM?” Gina asked.

  “I hope so,” Katie replied. “He knows you are here.”

  “Where is he tonight?” I asked.

  “Working of course,” Katie said. “On most nights I force him to quit about now, but he's still trying to catch up from taking a month off in Karupatani. It's hard to believe how much work there really is. There are literally thousands of people on waiting lists to see him. Thad knows how bad it is. It's like it was at SdK except a million times worse.”

  “I do know,” Thad nodded. “I am on the list to get an audience and my estimated grant date is 3.2 years from now.”

  “Maybe we can get that moved up a bit,” Katie laughed. “As long as you’re here. You should have gotten an automatic bump in the queue just for being upped.”

  “I’ll check my status,” Thad replied pulling out his cell. “Oh, you’re right. Now I’m at 3.1 years.”

  “So what is your life like, Katie?” Jerry asked, and we all leaned forward. “What do you do all day?”

  Katie thought for a moment. “When I first got here I was so overwhelmed I couldn't do anything. I let the press interview me and gave them far too much information. I hosted a lot of garden parties where I shook too many hands and smiled at all the wrong people. Then I was gone for several years as you know. Now that I am back, I have my bearings, and I think that this time, I actually have a purpose besides wearing pretty dresses, waving at the people and …uh…” She cleared her throat.

  “What's your purpose?” I asked.

  “Well, I've expanded my waving at the people to actually speaking with them and pre-emptively meeting with many of the dignitaries prior to their audience with HIM. I can screen out a lot of what they are coming to present, subjects I know he won't be interested in hearing. I help them get right to the point more or less. They also seem to be calmer and more comfortable if I accompany them into their audiences. Often we find that people become a bit tongue tied when they are with HIM, and he of course has no patience for that. We're kind of streamlining the whole process, so it's more efficient and productive for everyone.”

  “So everyone walks in and can't open their mouths because they are afraid if they say something wrong he might, I don't know, kill them or something?” Jerry asked.

  “That's kind of how it works, Jer,” Thad replied. “It used to be that way at SdK too. That’s why we always were in need of more doctors.”

  Katie rolled her eyes.

  “I can see where your role is extremely important,” I said. “I bet everyone appreciates having a Queen who is a…a…”

  “Normal Human woman?” Katie smiled. “That's the funniest part of it for me. I never realized how much everyone was frightened by him. You all weren't frightened of him at SdK, were you?” She looked at Thad, Gina and Janet.

  “No, Katie.” Thad shook his head. “We were all frightened of you.”

  “We always thought he was plenty strange though,” Janet added.

  “How is Shika?” I asked.

  “Shika is doing wonderfully. He's at the University of New Mishnah but just spent a few weeks with us in Karupatani last month. I am amazed every day what a fabulous young man he has turned in to especially with such whacked out parents.”

  “The people positively adore Prince Shika,” Caroline put in. “He is today's teen heart throb.”

  “I don't know,” Gina sighed. “Those pictures of HIM as a teen still have my heart throbbing.”

  “Mine too.” Katie winked.

  “I would like to live here all the time,” Gina said. “Why don't we move here, Thad? We could work at SdK here, couldn't we? Can't he make you an Earl of something here instead of Kalika-hahr?” She looked to Katie.

  Katie shrugged.

  “We'll discuss it later, Gina,” Thad replied. “Personally, I am a major fan of the Kalika-hahr Cougars. I just don't know if I can share my heart with any other team.”

  I would have liked to immigrate too although I wasn’t sure where we would live or what we would do. I didn’t think Katie was opening up the Palace and giving us rooms to live in unless we had some sort of job here. Tim was laying on one of the chaise with his feet up, gazing at the ocean. He looked quite content to me. If I announced right now that we weren't going back to Takira-hahr, I don't think he would fight me for more than a minute or two.

  “Do you get out at all, Katie?” Jerry asked, leaning against the balustrade and looking at the beach.

  “Only as far as the beach,” Katie replied. “Let's go take a walk for a bit.”

  “What do you mean you don't get out, honey?” I asked. “Weren't you busy touring all over the place?”

  Katie ignored my question and headed down the steps to the sand.

  “She's not allowed to,” Caroline whispered. “Since she came back, HIM won't let her leave the Palace unless he accompanies her, and since he never goes anywhere other than Karupatani, she can't either. See those bracelets she wears? They are keyed to certain doors. Even in the Palace, she can only go where he lets her.”

  “Sounds like he's keeping her on a short lease,” Jerry muttered.

  “Very short,” Caroline agreed. “She has to get his permission just to go visit her mother in the other building. But around here, you don't argue with him.”

  “Around here and half the known galaxy,” Janet added.

  We walked on the beach for a while, all of us taking off shoes and kicking up the warm sand with our bare feet. Gina ran into the ocean and discovered it was a lot chillier than it looked.

  “Not quite Takira-hahr,” she cried, running back out. “More like Atlantic City.”

  The two moons lit up the beach from overhead and a million billion stars twinkled in the sky. The lights of the Palace behind us shown like a Christmas tree.

  “It is really beautiful here,” I must have said for the thousandth time.

  Caroline was looking at her cell.

  “They're done for the night,” she announced.

  “Goodnight then.” Katie waved, turning quickly and heading back to her balcony with Caroline. Kira and Noka indicated that we should follow them down the beac
h toward our own building. I waited for a moment and watched Katie climb the steps back up and disappear inside.

  “He's very high maintenance,” Janet remarked, watching too.

  “He always was,” I replied.

  Chapter 31


  “Did you eat?” I asked. He had his bare feet up on the coffee table, and the pregame show was on the vid. His netbook was open on his lap, and a cigarette was hanging off his lip.

  “Is beer considered food?” he said, pointing at the open bottle near his foot.

  “Do you want dinner? Some eggs?”

  “Eggs are good,” he replied.

  Eggs were always good for him. I headed to the kitchen and got out the frying pan and a dozen eggs.


  “Sausage is good,” he replied, typing away. “Thad is here, yes?”

  “Yes. With Gina and Shelly and Tim and Jerry and Janet. Thad says his audience date is 3.1 years from now.”

  He laughed.

  “Ring him. He can come watch the game.”

  “Who's playing?” I cracked a dozen eggs and scrambled them with the sausage.

  “Ravens against Tigers.”

  “Ravens, of course. What about Gina? I don't want to entertain her. I'm going to bed shortly.”

  “No Gina,” he replied. “She is annoying. Thad only.”

  I rang Berkan's office. Lord Eberly answered.

  “HIM requests the presence of the Earl of Kalika-hahr,” I said.

  “Yes, Madame,” Eberly replied. “Right away.”

  I gave Senya his plate of eggs and sausage and sat down on the couch next to him.

  “Are you going to come to my party in the Crystal Ballroom on Saturday night?” I asked as the Imperial Anthem started to play. All the people in the stadium were standing with their hands over their hearts. An enormous Imperial flag flew above their heads.

  “Do I have to?” he asked swallowing eggs with beer.

  “It would be nice. Everyone wants to say hello.”

  He shrugged and handed me back the plate. I took it to the kitchen.

  “Welcome to Turko, Mishnah where the home town Tigers are taking on the Capital City Ravens,” the announcer yelled. “Both teams are in a heated contest for the Capital Planet championship which will allow them to advance to the Imperial playoffs where they will face the Kalika-hahr Cougars, straight from our newest Imperial planet, Rozari. In a moment, we'll go over the complete standings and see who is still in contention from each of our Imperial Star Systems. In the meantime, before we kick off, a shout out to His Imperial Majesty who we are told now never misses a Raven's game and is listening to us live from the Palace of Mishnah.”


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