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Love at the 20-Yard Line

Page 10

by Shanna Hatfield

  “Do we have a deal, though?” Brody asked, holding out his hand to Mason.

  The little boy nodded and shook Brody’s hand then Jed took a turn.

  Haven glanced at Brody. “Are you sure you want to do this? That fence is four feet high.”

  “I know. I’ve got this.” Brody sauntered across the yard and eyed both sides of the fence.

  With a series of running steps, he launched himself over the fence and landed with a bounce on the other side. Repeating the action, he jumped back into the yard where the two little boys ran up to him, both talking excitedly and begging him to do it again.

  “You two made a deal, now get to it,” Wes said, propelling the boys toward the door. When they went inside, he turned to Brody with a broad grin. “Man, that was awesome.”

  “Just takes a little practice.” Brody caught Haven’s eye and recognized her indulgent smile.

  A short while later as they all sat around the dinner table, the conversation ranged from the types of potatoes Wes and John were planting that year to how many home football games were left in the season.

  “Can we go, Dad? Please?” Mason and Jed both begged their father.

  If Brody hadn’t met Wes and his family that afternoon and happened to run into them somewhere, he would have immediately known he was Haven’s brother because he looked like a slightly older version of Hale and Tom. Mason and Jed looked just like him, too.

  “We’ll see. A lot will depend on how well you boys can behave for the next week or two,” Wes said, winking at his wife. Since the two boys were so ornery and rambunctious, they used any advantage they could to keep them in line.

  They indulged in Haven’s banana cake for dessert with caramel-laced ice cream. Brody couldn’t remember when he’d spent such a fun, relaxing day.

  Once everyone was sufficiently full and couldn’t eat another bite, Wes and Tammy took the boys home and Tom left to complete some paperwork he needed to have ready early the next morning.

  Hale and Brody joined John in clearing the table while Haven and Rachel put food away and started doing the dishes.

  Brody was walking out of the kitchen when Rachel began peppering Haven with questions. He grinned when he heard her say they met at a football game and yes, she was aware that he was extremely handsome and sweet.

  Laughing to himself, he’d never considered himself sweet. He could be selfish and arrogant when the mood struck him, as well as callous, thickheaded, and stubborn. Fortunately, the mood didn’t strike often.

  Mostly, he felt a deep sense of gratitude for the way his mother raised him. She sacrificed everything for him yet taught Brody a healthy respect for women, despite his bad boy reputation. A lot of that was just locker room talk and wishful thinking from girls who liked to hang out with players.

  When he returned with the last of the dirty dishes, he overheard Haven ask her mother why she gave her such an awful name as he stepped out of the kitchen. Brody stopped just outside the door and listened.

  “You know I hate my name, Mom. What were you thinking? How many drugs did they give you during labor? It sounds like I should work in some tawdry club or escort service.” Haven rinsed off a bowl and dried it.

  “I happen to think your name is beautiful. There isn’t a thing wrong with Haven Clarice Haggarty. I named you that because after three boys, I was grateful for the haven you would provide in my all-male world. You were so delicate and perfect.” Rachel sounded wistful as she scrubbed a pot and rinsed it.

  “Well, when you say it like that, it makes it sound better.” Haven smiled.

  “Does Brody make fun of your name?” Rachel looked at Haven with concern. “He doesn’t seem like the type to do that.”

  “No, he’s never said anything about it.”

  “I bet when he says your name, your knees get all wobbly and butterflies swarm your tummy,” Rachel teased.

  Brody didn’t wait to hear the response, experiencing a small measure of guilt for eavesdropping. He recalled what Marcus said about Haven’s name. He’d have to remember to tell her how much he liked it, just not now. Otherwise, she might catch on that he overheard the conversation she had with her mother.

  Brody returned to the living room and talked with Hale and John until Haven and Rachel joined the men when they finished the dishes. Over cups of coffee, they discussed farming and football. Haven finally glanced at the clock on the fireplace mantle and rose to her feet.

  “We better head back to town. I don’t want to keep this guy out past his bedtime,” Haven said, grinning at Brody.

  Brody stood and shook both Hale and John’s hands then gave Rachel a warm hug, thanking the family for their hospitality.

  “You’re welcome to come anytime, Brody. The next time you’re here, Haven will have to take you out to see the cattle or go for a horseback ride.” John winked at his daughter.

  “That sounds great. I didn’t know you had horses, too,” Brody said. Riding horses with Haven would no doubt be a great experience.

  “Just a few,” John said, looking at his wife. “Rachel rides them more than anyone. I guess they’re kind of her pets.”

  “That they are, but I share,” Rachel said, walking with Haven and Brody toward the door.

  “Oh, I almost forgot my dishes.” Haven hurried into the kitchen and returned with a clean bowl and an empty cake pan.

  “You can fill that pan back up with cake, sweetie, and bring it next time you come,” John said. He was partial to Haven’s baked treats. Rachel didn’t like to bake. Since Haven moved out, he rarely got homemade pie or cake, unless she brought something when she came to visit.

  “I’ll see what I can do, Dad. Thanks for everything.” She hugged her mom and dad then Hale. Before he let her go, she whispered in his ear. “I hate your new gun. Don’t ever ask me to shoot that thing again.”

  Hale chuckled and shook his head then waved as she and Brody walked outside.

  On the way back to town, Brody asked Haven questions about her family.

  “I know they can be a little much,” Haven said as they arrived at her apartment.

  Brody remembered he left his bag of clothes on her couch, grateful for an excuse to follow Haven inside. He wasn’t ready for the evening to end.

  He got of the car and realized his phone had been quiet all day. He turned it off before they went to church and never turned it back on. An entire day spent without calls or texts was nice. He might have to try it more often.

  Time spent with Haven and her family had given him a sense of something he’d spent his life waiting to find. He felt at home with the friendly group of people and hoped Haven would take him back to the farm again.

  “Honestly, doll, it’s been one of the best days I’ve had in a long, long time. Thank you for inviting me to tag along.” Brody opened the back seat door on his side of her car. He picked up her bowl and cake pan and carried them inside to the kitchen. After setting them down on the table, he turned to look at her.

  “I’m glad you had a good day, Brody. I enjoyed spending my Sunday with you.” She stood with her hands stuffed in the back pockets of her jeans, studying him.

  He opened his arms and she stepped into the warmth and comfort of his embrace.

  “You mean my family didn’t scare you so badly you’ll walk out that door and never call me again?”

  “Not even close.” Brody inhaled the smell of sunshine and something flowery in her hair. “Your nephews are awesome.”

  “They’re a handful is what they are.” Haven leaned back so she could see Brody’s face. “You are so good with kids. Where does that come from?”

  “I suppose part of it was growing up alone. I always wanted to be around other kids. Part of it is from my degree,” Brody said. He didn’t often talk about his career options, beyond football.

  “Degree? What do you have a degree in?” Brody hadn’t mentioned a degree before. Like many other players, she assumed he’d left school to play football.

cation. I try to keep up my certification. When I’m done playing football, I plan to teach and coach.” Brody gazed down at Haven, pleased by the look of approval on her face.

  “That’s fantastic. I had no idea.” She hugged him tightly. “What else are you keeping a secret?”

  “Let’s see…” He removed her glasses and set them on the counter. Unhurried, he kissed one eyelid followed by the other. “I’m pretty sure it’s not a secret now, but there’s this girl named Haven who caught my eye and I spent the entire day wanting to do this.”

  Brody pressed his mouth to hers, teasing and tasting. Haven’s arms wrapped around his neck and he drew her close, deepening the kiss. A moan of pleasure escaped her and Brody thought he might lose all control.

  Reluctantly pulling back, he gave her a devilish smile, trying to lighten the moment. “I’m not the only one with secrets, Miss Haggarty.”

  “What am I hiding?” she asked, still languid from his kiss.

  “The evidence of what happens when a hot shell casing goes down your shirt.” Brody playfully tugged at the neck of her T-shirt.

  She stepped away from him and tucked her chin to the neck of her T-shirt. Slowly, she backed toward the living room. “That evidence will remain hidden. No one, and I mean no one, is going to see it.”

  “Is that right?” Brody lunged toward her, making her giggle as he chased her around the coffee table and caught her waist between his hands.

  Gently tossing her down on the couch, he held her hands in his. He pressed his body next to hers, pushing the throw pillows out of his way.

  “I might take a peek for myself. It is evidence, after all.” Brody held both of her hands in one of his above her head. He used the forefinger of the other one to trace a line across her smooth jaw and trail down her neck to the top of her T-shirt.

  Although she appeared alarmed and uneasy, she held perfectly still beneath him.

  “Relax, Haven. I won’t do anything. At least not much.” Brody lowered his head and coaxed her lips into a heated response with his.

  He dropped his hold on her hands and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her with more passion and yearning than he’d ever felt for anyone.

  “Brody…” she whispered breathlessly, causing him to raise his head and look into her soulful eyes. What he saw reflected there both frightened and encouraged him. He’d never seen such a beguiling mixture of love, longing, and acceptance before.

  Quickly picking her up, he switched places so she rested on top of him, staring down into his face. He traced her dimples then kissed her again. He’d never get the taste of her sweetness out of his mind if he lived to be a hundred.

  She lifted her head and gazed at him with a soft smile. “For evidence,” she said, pulling down the neck of her shirt just enough that Brody could see a bright red spot that closely resembled the round end of a shell casing. It looked tender and sore. He noticed two similar spots marring her creamy skin.

  Before he could think about what his actions might inspire, he pressed a kiss to each spot. Haven sucked in a gulp of air while his hands rubbed soothingly along her back.

  He continued to press kisses against her soft skin, but stopped before he took things too far. Determined not to yield to his desires, he sighed and held her close.

  Since Haven dressed so conservatively, he’d had to use his imagination to fill in a lot of the detail. Beneath her business suits and sweater sets lurked a temptingly curved body. He’d never dreamed she’d look so tempting in jeans and a T-shirt.

  That tiny little peek at the ivory skin on her chest left him feeling as if he might die from wanting.

  “I’m sorry, doll. Does it hurt?” he asked, trying to focus on the fact she’d been burned instead of the ache she created inside him.

  “A little. Not like it did when it happened.” She spoke quietly as her head rested on his chest.

  Brody’s heart pounded out such a loud, rapid beat, she worried it might explode. While she felt limp and languid against him, his muscles tensed and tightened beneath her. Eager for him to relax, she scooted off him and the couch.

  “Roll over,” she said, pushing at his shoulder.

  He stared at her, trying to figure out what she was doing. When he didn’t move, she pushed at him again.

  “Roll over, Brody. Please?”

  “Why?” He wanted to be clear on what she had planned before he agreed.

  “Just do it. What do you think I’m going to do? Clonk you over the head and paint your nails bright pink?”

  “No.” He chuckled as he rolled onto his stomach. When he turned his head, she slid a pillow beneath his cheek.

  Her breath was warm on his neck when she whispered close to his ear. “Just relax, football man.”

  If she thought brushing against him with her sweet breath blowing on his neck and her alluring scent teasing his senses would help him relax, he’d have to explain in detail how that wasn’t going to work.

  “Look, Haven, I…” Brody couldn’t say another word as her hands began massaging the muscles of his back. She put strength behind her movements and he could feel her loosen a knot beneath his shoulder.

  “That feels good,” he groaned. Her touch had to be some form of exquisite torture.

  Only, it got worse.

  She pushed his shirt up until his back was mostly exposed. He reached back and yanked the T-shirt over his head. Brody held on to his self-control with a tenuous grasp as her hands caressed his bare skin.

  Mindful of his need to calm down, he let his body and mind unwind. Haven didn’t say anything as she worked, kneading his muscles until they became pliant and lax.

  Brody couldn’t remember the last time he felt so completely relaxed and serene. When she finished and sat back, he tried to lift his head to look at her, but couldn’t. His arms didn’t want to function either.

  “Where’d you learn to do that?” he mumbled, feeling drugged. He absently considered the possibility of her hands casting some sort of spell over him.

  “I’ve got a hard-working dad and three brothers, remember?” Haven was pleased to see Brody look entirely peaceful for the first time since she met him.

  “That’s right,” he whispered, losing the battle to stay awake.

  Haven could tell by Brody’s breathing he’d gone to sleep. She decided to let him rest for a while. It was barely eight and she didn’t typically go to bed until after ten.

  Quietly retrieving the book she’d started reading the previous afternoon, she curled up in the chair by the couch. However, instead of getting lost in the story, her thoughts and gaze wandered to Brody.

  She made a cup of tea, abandoning efforts at reading as she studied him. The urge to reach out and run her hand through his hair and along his face was overwhelming. She ran light fingers through his thick hair and grinned when a corner of his mouth tipped up in a smirk she well recognized.

  It was wrong for one man to be so perfectly handsome. She admired the muscles exposed on his back and arms, anticipating seeing those on his chest when he rolled over. Even though she’d seen her brothers without their shirts, it was far, far different to see Brody shirtless.

  Haven recalled Allie’s words about paying money to see him without his shirt on and stifled a giggle. She wondered if Allie would hand her a twenty-dollar bill to come over right now.

  When it was almost ten, she decided she better wake Brody and take him home. He certainly couldn’t stay at her apartment all night. The neighbors would have a heyday if he walked out with her in the morning.

  Haven knelt next to him and brushed her fingers along his forehead then finger-combed his hair away from his temple.

  “Brody,” she whispered, hoping he’d stir. “Brody, time to go. I need to take you home now.”

  He didn’t so much as flicker an eyelash at her. She leaned close and kissed his cheek then gently shook his arm.

  “Please, Brody. I can’t let you stay here all night. You have to wake up, now.”

bsp; Still nothing.

  Curious to discover if he was ticklish, she grazed her fingers down his side. Suddenly, he rolled over and grabbed her in his arms, blowing a wet, sloppy kiss on her neck.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, doll,” he said in a gravelly voice, sounding half-awake as he pulled her down beside him and tickled her sides.

  “Not fair using brute force.” Haven squirmed to escape while containing her giggles. “That’s definitely cheating.”

  “Who says?” Brody nuzzled her neck and kissed her cheek.

  “Me.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed against his chest. Warm and solid, he smelled so good, her resolve to take him home started to rapidly unravel.

  “Is that right? Even so, I think I’ve overstayed my welcome today. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” Brody set Haven on her feet and rose to his, realizing he didn’t have on his shirt. He vaguely remembered tossing it aside when magical fingers began massaging his back.

  Haven grabbed something from the floor and hurried to the other side of the room. “Looking for this?” His T-shirt dangled from her finger.

  “As a matter of fact, I am.” He held out his hand to her. “May I have that, please?”

  “Mmm. No. I don’t think so.” Haven cocked her head and shot him a saucy smile. “I think I like you this way much better.”

  “Haven,” he growled, taking two quick steps and grabbing both her and his shirt. From behind, he wrapped his arms around her and held her against his chest. He pressed his lips close to her ear. “If you don’t stop this nonsense, I won’t be the only one without a shirt.”

  She stiffened and grew still in his arms. Upset, she pushed against him and took a step away, keeping her back turned while he put on his shirt.

  “I’ll take you home,” she said quietly, picking up her purse and fumbling with her keys. When she dropped them on the floor, Brody bent down to pick them up at the same time she did. Their gazes locked. He noticed she looked confused and a little offended.

  “Haven, I’m sorry. I was just teasing.” He stood and pulled her upright, enveloping her in a tender embrace. Her arms wrapped tightly around him and she breathed against his chest, making his temperature begin to climb again.


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