Delarossa (The Hadley Caro Series Book 1)

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Delarossa (The Hadley Caro Series Book 1) Page 21

by R M Taylor

  “It is fine Aris, it is easier if I arrange everything since the authorities have my details, and then Lucy can negotiate with me later. I do not care right now, it is only money, everyone we love is safe, that is most important” Lina said with a smile. The car pulled up to the building and entered the underground parking lot.

  Chapter 45

  Lucy woke up slowly, and several things registered all at once. She was naked, she was very comfortable in a glorious bed, and the bed smelled of Aris. She was in Aris’ bed. She wasn’t alone in the room, the dull light from the small lamp on the bedside table illuminated a woman sitting in the armchair next to the window. She was young, and had dark curly hair, and brown eyes. She looked like her dad. Lucy smiled at Isla, and she opened her senses to see if she could feel anything from her, despite being half vampire. She could feel emotions, but no specific thoughts. She felt concern, worry, anticipation, expectation, and fear. Fear? Fear of her? Lucy sat up and pulled the duvet up around her as she did, feeling self-conscious and vulnerable. Her limbs ached as she moved, and she looked down at her arms where a plethora of gashes had healed completely, with just a few tiny white silver scars down her shoulders and arms, and there were two bandages on her forearm on one arm and on her wrist on the other.

  “Isla?” asked Lucy.

  “Yeah, it’s nice to meet you Lucy. I brought you back from the park, you had passed out and were injured, so I cleaned you up and patched your injuries as best I could. You have been out for about 5 hours now. Can I get you anything?” Isla asked, seeming tentative and still a bit scared. Her heart was racing, Lucy could hear it faintly.

  “I won’t hurt you Isla, I’m not the type of shifter that struggles for control, me and my dragon are very in sync, I won’t change, so you can relax” Lucy explained.

  “Oh, sorry, I….... you’re the first dragon shifter I ever met. I wasn’t sure if you would still be, you know, on high alert, ready to fight, or defensive, or anything” Isla stumbled over her words and Lucy felt sorry for the girl.

  “It’s fine, honestly, I badly need a pee, a shower and some food, so I’m gonna go use the bathroom, why don’t you chill in the living room, I won’t be long” Lucy smiled at her, and Isla nodded and rose.

  “I’ll make some sandwiches then, see you in a few” Isla smiled and left.

  The shower was amazing, Lucy scrubbed her skin and hair until she felt squeaky clean and devoid of any of the sweat, blood, and mud from the fight. She rummaged for some fresh pjs and after blow drying her hair joined Isla in the living room. There were piles of sandwiches on plates, as well as naughty pies and pizza, and nibbly bits like crackers. She was so relieved and grateful, her stomach growled loudly as she sat, and she laughed.

  “Sorry, my stomach must have remembered I haven’t eaten in ages. Thanks so much” she smiled and tucked in, the fight along with the lack of food had left her really weak and dizzy.

  “That’s ok, I guessed you would need a lot to eat, I have a friend who a bear shifter and she eats so much all the time, I assumed you would be the same. She’s quite small like you, I honestly don’t know where she puts it” Isla laughed.

  “Oh, we have hollow legs” joked Lucy “you guessed right, I eat a ridiculous amount, especially when I have used my gifts a lot, or flown lots” Lucy explained through a mouthful of pizza.

  “What gifts do you have? Is that ok to ask? I’m not familiar with the social etiquette” Isla laughed nervously.

  “That’s ok, some people bristle at it, but I don’t see any point in being guarded about it, especially since it was my job for so long. My gifts vary, but usually, depending on the person I scan, I can sense lies, sometimes I can hear thoughts, I can pick up feelings, I can sense other people, but it depends on the type of person whether shifter or vampire or human. I have premonitions in dreams, and I get impressions from places, kind of like memories or events that happened in the past. Again, it just depends. It’s frustrating, if I could harness this shit better I’d be dynamite!” she laughed.

  “That’s amazing, even having that some of the time sounds very cool. I’m a healer, both emotion and physical. I would have healed you completely, but your injuries were extensive, so I held back just in case someone else was hurt. Sorry about the scars, I’m still learning how to do it properly” Isla pointed to Lucy’s arms.

  “Oh, don’t apologise, I remember before passing out how bad I was, thank you so much for the help, that has answered that question, I wondered how I was so healed” Lucy smiled at Isla.

  “I’m learning from my dad’s friend, she’s a witch as well as a vampire, she’s a member of the High Court, and she’s really powerful. She is a physical witch, not mental, so she can instruct me on how to heal physical injuries, but I’m still learning how to help people who need emotional healing. That one’s trickier” Isla finished off a sandwich and opened a bottle of what looked like blood. Just as she took a drink Aris arrived, and in a second, he had her scooped into a hug, the blood forgotten.

  “Thank goodness you’re ok” He said, hugging her tight. Lucy loved how good a Dad he was.

  “I’m fine, Dad, I’ve been keeping an eye on Lucy while she slept, the woman is tough” Isla explained as they broke the hug and sat down on either side of Lucy. Aris looked her over, his eyes landing on the scars and almost gone bruises. He swallowed and asked how bad Lucy was when she got to her.

  “She wasn’t doing great, but it could have been worse. I would have healed her more except…” Isla was cut off by Aris.

  “Isla, you have to conserve your gift, you heal someone until their life is no longer in danger, not until they’re completely healed. You will exhaust yourself otherwise” Aris said with finality.

  “I’m fine, and absolutely that’s right, Isla. I would have been unhappy if you had healed me at your expense, your gift should never be exhausted by others” Lucy smiled at her.

  “I’m glad you understand. So, do we know what’s happening with Isobel now everything is over?” Isla asked.

  “Until the High Court deals with sentencing Vesike, Isobel stays imprisoned. Her punishment will be delivered once Vesike has been dealt with. So, I don’t know how long that will be. I would encourage you to try and see her again, she may relent and speak to you yet” Aris said.

  “I may, but right now I’m too angry. But I know that time will be running out. I will think about it. You look tired dad, I’m gonna go and get sleep too, Peter should be back from work now. I’ll speak to you again soon” Isla gave Aris a hug again. She said her goodbyes, waved at Lucy and then left.

  Lucy agreed with her, Aris looked exhausted and drawn. He needed to feed, he was pale, and his eyes were too dark.

  “You need a shower and a feed, then a long sleep” she said, and he nodded.

  “No argument here” he said.

  “I have a better idea, we should make use of that gorgeous bath in there” Lucy said with a smile “and you should make use of me, I can spare you some blood, Isla healed me enough. So, you can feed from me, no arguments”

  “Lucy you’re still healing, there is no way in hell I’m taking your blood” Aris shook his head at her.

  “I’m fine, look” she peeled off her pj top and let it fall to the floor. Next came her pants, and she turned slowly “See? No more bruises” She stood naked in front of him and waited for his response. His gaze perused her slowly, and she felt powerful, beautiful, and in charge.

  “Woman you’re killing me” he looked up to the ceiling and in a split second swept her up and took her to the bathroom.

  Chapter 46

  He set her on the counter and set the bath to filling, then returned to her. His mouth met hers and he kissed her deeply, one hand gripping her lower back and the other entwined in her hair, grasping it firmly. She made small approving noises as they kissed that he loved, and he moved his hand to her breast, using his thumb to stroke across her nipple, loving it when her moaning got louder, and her nipple became hard.
This woman was delicious, even without sipping her blood, he could be happy just tasting her lips and her body. She threaded her hands into his hair and pulled his hair gently, enough to show her approval at his actions. He stepped back and stripped, good god this man was gorgeous, he returned within a second to wrap himself in her again. Her legs wound around his waist and he pulled her gently to the edge, allowing him access.

  Her heels dug into his lower back as he kissed her. He ran his thumb through her folds and circled her clit slowly. She gasped, and her nails dug into his shoulder, she had to hold back, or the skin would break. Barely aware the water was almost halfway, he turned and simultaneously turned the water off as he lowered her down into the bath. She would never get used to the speed he could move. He joined her quickly, pulling her into his lap as the water splashed around them. He braced his feet against the end of the bath and planted her over his cock. She gave a small squeak as he did, they moved so quick, and then they returned to kissing. She held herself up by holding the top of the bath, one hand on either side of his head. He soaped up his hands and ran his hands all over her. His hands explored her back and the curve of her ass, pulling her forward so she was rubbing against him. He pushed her back, rubbing her clit over his length. Back and forth he pushed her, and her eyes closed, breath quickening. With one rock forward and then back he slid in her, and they both gasped at the sudden sensation and pleasure. She followed his lead, using the shower gel to wash him, only to find it was difficult to ride a guy when so soapy everywhere. After a fit of laughter and some slipping and sliding, they washed off and got back into rhythm. He pulled her closer and brought one breast to his mouth to use his tongue to circle and lap at her nipple as he gripped her hips. Grazing her nipple with his teeth, then lapping with his tongue had her panting harder. He changed to her other breast, and felt his fangs lengthen as she rode him harder. He felt her grip his hair, and she pulled back, for a second, he worried he had hurt her, but then she bit him where his neck met his shoulder. She bit down hard, then released him, reeling back, surprise in her eyes. He pulled her in for a kiss to reassure her he was ok with it, and slid his hand between her thighs, finding her clit between her swollen folds.

  She moaned louder, and he swallowed her cry, kissing her hard. His fang pierced her lip lightly and he groaned loud, the tiny drop of blood tasted exquisite. Her pace was increasing in speed, she was close, he could feel her clenching tight around him, and she turned away from the kiss, showing him her neck. Inviting him to bite her. There was no hesitation this time, he bit her quick, low where she bit him. He felt her come as he bit, and he sucked on her hard, drinking her deep as she rode out her orgasm. She rocked slowly, drawing out the pleasure as he finished drinking. He was close himself now, and he kissed her, lifting her and then pulling her down harder. He could feel that her legs had gone to jelly, so he gripped her thighs and moved her back and forth on him, until he felt her tighten around him again, and realised she was close to another orgasm. They moved quickly again.

  “Touch yourself for me, I want to see you stroke yourself” He begged, his hands gripping her hard. She smiled and did as he asked, considering his eyes as they moved.

  “I’m gonna come” She gasped out.

  “Me too” He said on a breath.

  They froze as they reached orgasm together, both breathing hard. She lay her head on his shoulder as they recovered, and after a while when their breathing was back to normal, she sat up slightly and smiled at him. She stroked his cheek and kissed the line of his jaw.

  “I think that there’s more water on the floor than in the tub now” she laughed, and he gasped

  “Too sensitive my love” and then pulled out of her. She laughed again when she realised what he meant. He cupped her cheek and smiled.

  “You’re gorgeous” he said. She cupped his face back.

  “I was thinking the same about you. Sorry I bit you, I’m not sure what came over me there” she laughed nervously.

  “Shifters bite during sex when they find their mate, it’s claiming them as theirs, they usually pierce the skin deep though, usually leaving a scar. I think it’s just instinct” he stroked her cheek as he explained.

  “My dragon thinks you’re our mate?” she squeaked, shocked and embarrassed.

  “Maybe, or she’s ready to mate, and is manifesting that during sex. I wouldn’t worry about it either way” he smiled.

  “Oh, my goodness, I didn’t realise, of course, I knew about that, but it was never really explained to me. I could have bound myself to you” she sat back, moving to the end of the bath, he could practically feel her running.

  “Would that have been so bad? I’m a catch you know” he winked at her to hide the pinch of hurt.

  “Of course, it wouldn’t be bad, if we were in a relationship for a while and we were both ready for that commitment. I don’t get it though, she never ever pushed me to claim Connor. Never even showed much interest in him to be honest. In fact, even moving in together was interesting. She nearly forced a change when I brought the final box into the house” she frowned “she must be ready to mate then, oh good grief if she gets baby fever I’m done for” she laughed. He smiled back but was preoccupied in pushing down the jealousy the mention of Connor’s name had caused. He wished she had claimed him, was disappointed that she hadn’t. For someone who had rejected commitment so vehemently in the past, that was a big deal. It just didn’t seem scary with Lucy.

  “You’ve gone quiet” she said.

  “I’m fine, just a bit stoned, your blood makes me high” he laughed lightly.

  “Time for bed” she got up on wobbly legs and got out, being careful not to slip on the water-soaked floor.

  “Yes, bed is definitely calling” he followed suit and slapped her ass as she reached for a towel. She squealed again, she was so cute, he loved her. With a start he realised he loved her, he really did. As ridiculous as it sounded, in the short space of time he had known her, it was enough for him. How messed up was that? He never bonded to anyone, never got close to a woman, why bother? None of them were worth the risk. Lucy was completely different, worlds apart, galaxies apart. He hoped to god she would feel the same in the future, even if she didn’t feel like that now. Losing her would break him, it was a possibility he just couldn’t face, she was just too important.

  Chapter 47

  After the best night sleep ever, they woke to the sunset. Lucy couldn’t remember being this happy before. Content was the word, and she realised that she had never actually felt content before. After another earth shattering session, they hit the shower and got dressed. Lucy began tidying up as Aris checked in with Joseph about the club on his new phone. When he had had time to go get a new phone she didn’t know, they probably had spares in storage. Vampires were organised like that, on the ball all the time. She finally allowed herself to think about everything.

  She was going to have to touch base with her friends today. Toni was gonna be pissed at her for keeping her out of the loop. She had no idea where Susana was, after yesterday they all needed downtime, and the last she saw Will was telling Susana he would get her somewhere to stay. She had to remember to thank him, he was a good guy, and she liked him a lot. Lina and the High Court enforcers had placated the authorities and the hotel, so there was nothing else to resolve really. Marius was dead, Vesike was in prison, and everyone was safe. Isobel would get her punishment, she had no say in that really, she hoped if Isobel was willing to change that they would spare her death. She should be free of worry now, but she couldn’t help but wonder if Marius was as connected and organised as people said, would someone just as despicable taken his place? Would they pursue her instead?

  Something was distracting her as she did dishes and tidied. It felt like something was tugging at her awareness, something nagging like a reminder. She couldn’t put her finger on what it was, and it was bugging her. Like a tap dripping or a clock ticking, a noise in the background that was tapping at her unconscious. She
sat crossed legged back on the sofa and opened her mind, trying to sense what it was. Her mind went quiet, and she listened to all the sounds of people in the building, both actual sounds and mental thoughts and feelings that she could sense like a sound. She could feel the emotions of the people, mostly they were relieved and positive, some sad and some annoyed.

  She realised that she could sense the vampires now. Not as clear as humans or shifters, but she could sense some emotions and the odd stray thought. Which was so epically cool. She listened to others for a while, some minds she recognised, Will and Susana were in Will’s apartment, having a lot of fun, she was surprised to find. Crikey she had missed the details on that little development. Mental note to self to talk to Susana. Many other people were enjoying breakfast with donors, some of the shifter families were eating dinner, their kids about to go to bed, since they kept semi human hours. The atmosphere was normal and happy-ish. Everyone seemed chilled and normal.

  Except one person was furious. Very angry and intent on causing harm. One person, a woman, she realised as she strained to feel the person’s mind. The person felt feminine, almost soft and familiar, and definitely vampire. At first Lucy thought it could be Isobel, but she could feel her, separate from others, Isobel was a dark blue spot on her senses. Intense emotions were always very dark in colour in her mind. Isobel was depressed and sad, fearful yet resigned. But the angry woman was a deep black/red like a smouldering dying ember to her view, her rage was that intense. She was getting nearer and nearer to Isobel, right next to her in fact. In a split-second Lucy realised why she was picking this up. The furious red woman was going to kill Isobel. She was picking up on her intent, the woman was about to commit murder.

  Lucy bolted to her feet and ran to the bedroom, shrieking at Aris to ring security.


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