Delarossa (The Hadley Caro Series Book 1)

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Delarossa (The Hadley Caro Series Book 1) Page 22

by R M Taylor

  “What? Why? What’s wrong Lucy?” He hung up on Joseph and dialled the security team then he handed Lucy the phone, so she could talk. As she hurried out an explanation she heard movement of the air and the guard unlock doors and open the cell.

  “Shit. Oh my god…. fuck” the guard said.

  “I was too late. Oh my god Isobel” Lucy stared at Aris in horror, her hand over her mouth in shock, and realisation dawned on his face.

  “I’m sorry miss I need to call Lina, I need to hang up” the guard disconnected, and Lucy dropped the phone onto the bed.

  “Aris, it was a woman, I could sense it, she was furious” Lucy explained. Then she cried, for Isla, and for Isobel. She never had a chance to make things right with her daughter and that hit a nerve in Lucy.

  Aris was stock still, staring at the phone.

  “I’ll call Dante, Lina will be on the phone to the guard” he explained as he dialled.

  Lucy sat on the bed and cried again. It felt like she was haemorrhaging, bleeding out the emotion and feelings. As Aris explained to Dante, there was a knock at the door. She rose to answer it as Aris finished the call to Dante and called Will. She answered the door to find Susana there, who immediately hugged her when she saw her tears.

  “What the hell happened now?” Susana hugged her hard, rubbing her back. When she didn’t answer, Susana assumed it was just stress.

  “There’s been a lot happen sweetie it’s ok to cry”

  “Isobel, Isobel’s dead…” Lucy cried out, words seemed to be lost. They moved to the sofa as Aris re-joined them.

  “I need to go Lucy, the council has the building on lockdown, all the doors are sealed. I need to see Lina. I’m the first suspect, obviously. You are high on the list too, but Lina is getting the security feed, so we will know more then. Susana, will you stay here and look after Lucy, I’ll call soon” Aris bent down and kissed her quickly as Susana nodded, then left.

  “How did you know?” Susana asked quietly.

  “I just felt something was wrong. You know when I get that inner alarm thing, it was different but insistent. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was needing my attention. So, I sat and searched for the cause. I saw a woman near Isobel, she was furious, and her intent was like an alarm in my head. I knew what she was going to do. I made Aris call security, but it was too late” Lucy sniffed and used her top to wipe her nose. So classy, but she gave zero shits at that moment.

  “Fuck, ok, so she’s dead. Who would kill her? She was gonna die anyways it was only a matter of time” Susana said. Leaving Lucy for a second, she brought some tissues for her from the bathroom, and sat down opposite.

  “I don’t know, but whoever it was deliberately planned this, it wasn’t spontaneous. But who hated her enough to kill her?” Lucy asked.

  “Like Aris said, you two are top contenders. I guess so is Isla, in theory. Although I refuse to believe that girl would hurt anything or one. She is a sweet girl, with a good heart. We talked for a long time when you were unconscious. She’s lovely” Susana said

  “She is, I like her a lot. Aris was with me, we were in the apartment together since Isla left this morning. No way to prove it really, the security system is good, but I think it only shows when someone opens doors or maybe rides the elevator. I’m not even sure it monitors doors once inside the building to be honest, I don’t know how it works.” Lucy explained.

  “Well, if it’s as high tech as it seems then they should get to the bottom of it quickly” Susana said.

  “I hope so” Lucy replied.

  Chapter 48

  It was vampire tradition to cremate the dead, in times past it was crucial to destroy evidence of their existence. They all wore black just like most funerals, and like most funerals, the body was carried in a coffin. Traditional vampire families had a coffin made when their children were born, it was a way to celebrate life and death. Vampires were pragmatic and since they lived so long, a coffin from their birth year that was made personally for them was a way to commemorate their long life and the era they were born into when they died. Isobel’s was elaborate, handcrafted and highly intricate with filigree engravings and her family crest carved into the top of shiny mahogany wood. Beautiful and ornate, it was a priceless work of art and it was a shame it would be burned.

  Lucy’s arms were linked with Aris and Isla, and they led the procession into the building. The sun was almost completely set, only the weakest of sunlight cresting the roof. Vampire funerals were always just after sunset, the rest of the night was then dedicated to the wake. Vampires were not accepted in churches, no religious organisation would welcome them to be fair, change happens slowly, and people were not ready to embrace vampires into their religions yet. Probably never will, they were still known as the undead, and no amount of contemporary scientific evidence would shrug off that prejudice in a hurry. So, in most cities there were buildings for vampire funerals. Always old buildings, the older the better, the most stylish and beautiful were preferred. This building was located on the outskirts of the city, officially it was a college of arts, but unofficially it was the coven’s church. It functioned as both, the student population was low, and only the most talented joined the school on scholarships regardless of income. Talent and ability above all else was valued. Classes had ended early hours ago, so there were very few people around to see them enter. The students were given a half day to ensure none would be present on campus. Security was thorough, they were alone.

  They walked under the arches of the entranceway and cast-iron lamps provided low light to the tunnel like entrance. They walked silently behind the coffin, carried by four members of Isobel’s family, two brothers and two cousins. It was almost silent, the sounds of their footsteps on the cobbles the only noise breaking the quiet. They reached the courtyard and crossed to the older part of the building. Originally built as a church, the 4th century structure was converted to a college hall when it was established almost a century ago, at the same time Lina commissioned the Hadley Building. The coven invested heavily in education, as well as running this small college, they were stakeholders in the two universities in the city and donated a huge amount. Knowledge was power, in more ways than one. The converted church was lit up, candles and lanterns adorned the entrance and the interior, creating a solemn atmosphere.

  Isobel’s father was leading the ceremony, as the family head it was his duty and right to lead all Decante funerals. He stood on the platform waiting as they filed in. He glared at Aris, and Lucy had an awful feeling that things would descend into violence later. She opened her senses, but all she could feel was expectation and tense nervousness. If people were thinking anything, they were keeping very quiet. The atmosphere was strung tight, and as the ceremony began, as they listened to Alexander Decante speak, she became aware of unfamiliar vampires moving closer, and they stood back against the walls. Alexander said lovely words, described beautiful stories of when Isobel was younger. He very obviously adored his daughter, and his tears fell freely.

  Aris and Isla were tense next to her, and she was overwhelmed for a second at the intense emotions around her. Sadness, grief, anger, a lot of anger, and fury from the front of the room. Alexander Decante was the source, and his words turned menacing as the speech went on.

  “Isobel was my only daughter, and for all her faults she did not deserve to die in such a fashion. I know that someone in this room is responsible. I do not accept Lina’s explanation of the lack of evidence and the failure of security or technology, all of that is too convenient. Nor do I believe that this was not planned, someone knows something. The fact is, my daughter is dead by the coven’s hands. I will have vengeance for my daughter, her actions were born from pain and the injustices she suffered, it was not her fault. For that, blood will be spilled” his words echoed in the silence, and a split second later each row of seating was hemmed in by vampires. The doors had been locked, there was no way to escape. Lina and Dante stood.

er, I promise you whoever is responsible will suffer. I promise they will be handed over to you, they will be judged. It has been only 3 days, please give us time to question everyone again. There are only the council and Isobel’s closest friends here. The person responsible is not here” Lina implored him, and Lucy could practically feel Alexander’s rage grow as he listened to Lina’s words.

  “You are lying” he hissed out “Dozens of my strongest enforcers are at your building now Lina, they are all hundreds of years old and seasoned fighters, I have instructed them to question all of the coven using any force necessary. I will get to the bottom of this, if I do not, I have instructed my men to execute them all and you will all follow them” Alexander smiled slightly at Lina, and Lucy was one hundred percent sure that this man would butcher everyone to get to the truth.

  “There are children at home! Please, they have nothing to do with this, spare them Alexander let the families go! Give us time, we will hand the killer over I promise” Lina’s panicked expression was mirrored in all the coven members’ faces. Lucy’s heart was pounding, she had to do something.

  “Grandfather, please, these people are my family” Isla stood and pleaded. “Please, do not harm anyone, we will find who was responsible. Isobel murdered our brother Matt, there was good reason for her being imprisoned. She was likely going to be executed for her crimes anyway. My coven family have committed no crimes! Just the one who killed her without authority” Isla was trying to hold it together but was shaking and crying, panic choking her words. “Please Grandfather...Isobel…”

  “SHE WAS YOUR MOTHER!!! Do not dare call her Isobel again like she was someone irrelevant. Your precious coven is concealing the person who took her life, they are liars. I will not stand for it” Alexander’s words had silenced them all, and Aris stood slowly, hands held out in front in a gesture of pleading.

  “Alexander, this is not the time for this, we should be honouring Isobel. The person responsible will be dealt with, but we should lay Isobel to rest first. We are civilised people, we can resolve things without violence” Aris choked on his last word, as Alexander had crossed the room in half a second and had his hand around Aris’s throat, gripping him tight.

  “Civilised people? This coming from you? You have no sense of honour Aris Landon. If you had, Isobel would never have been pushed so far she felt there was no other way out. It was your actions that forced her to be so desperate. I should kill you for insulting me with the word honour” Alexander’s face was contorted. Isla sped to him, and tugged on him frantically, begging him to release Aris. One squeeze and Alexander would snap his neck. Even with quick vampire healing and her gift, there were no guarantees that he would survive.

  “Please, Grandfather, please” Isla begged and begged, her words merging into howling sounds that were not decipherable as her cries turned to wails.

  The coven was silent and still, everyone afraid to move an inch in case it started a brutal fight. Alexander’s men were just as still, poised, waiting for the order to open fire. Lucy had no idea what to do, and looked in panic to Will, pleading for help, what should she do? If she moved to defend Aris, it would spark a fight. Everyone would die. She couldn’t change, it would be chaos, and again everyone would die. Moments passed, seconds felt like minutes, everyone held their breath. Until slowly, Bernice stood.

  “It was me, please do not hurt my coven, please, Isobel murdered Matt, I loved him, I always have, from the moment we met. I killed her because she deserved it, she was a neurotic controlling bitch who had it coming and I am not sorry!” Bernice glared defiantly at Alexander. Everyone stared open mouthed at Bernice, in shock at her words. Within a split second, Aris was dropped on the floor, and Alexander had Bernice in his hands. Blood splattered all over the people in her row, as he crushed her windpipe swiftly and tore at her carotid with his teeth. He pulled her head back violently, snapping her neck and blood gushed down the chair to the floor as he went to work on her limbs. She made no noise, and the cracking was the only noise heard over the gasps in the room as he broke her one bone at a time. The violence and sound of blood dripping to the floor and the scent of it was too much for Isla, and she vomited on the floor. Aris rubbed her back, kneeling beside her and repeating comforting words.

  The room was silent for what felt like a long time. Alexander walked to the front of the room, wiping his blood covered face and hands with a handkerchief as he did. He nodded to his men, who stood down and moved to the back of the room. Once done wiping his face and hands, he removed his blood-soaked suit jacket, calmly draped it on a chair, and faced the room again.

  “Now, we will honour Isobel. Now, she will rest in peace. Now, justice has been done” Alexander moved to the coffin, kissed the seal on top and nodded to the 3 men and a woman who lifted it, and then they all returned to the cars they came in, faster this time, footsteps slapped on the pavement. Lina took the lead, and Will and Dante hung back at the rear. No-one spoke or spared a glance at anyone else. Once they reached the cars, Alexander turned to Lina.

  “I am taking her back to our family home to be cremated according to our traditions. I would say you are all welcome, but I will not lie, the only reason you were here at all tonight was to find her killer. At least the person responsible has paid for their crime. You may now go and scrape her off the floor, I suspect you have your own funeral arrangements. Although, if it were me, I would throw that one in the trash. She does not deserve a funeral” He glared at Aris, then returned to his car. Lina called back to instruct Will and Dante to recover Bernice, who were waiting for the order. Several others joined them to help clean up. It was only when Alexander and his procession was gone that the coven allowed themselves to mourn Bernice. Tears flowed as Lucy held Isla in her arms, and Aris joined Will and Dante to bring Bernice back.

  “Please take her back to our apartment, she can stay with us tonight. Isla call Peter, he can stay with us also. I love you sweetheart. I love you Lucy” Aris kissed his daughter, and then Lucy, as they got into the car. He then turned and sped back to the hall.

  Chapter 49

  She had plied Isla with as many bloody Marys as she could. Literally, blood mixed with vodka and Worcestershire sauce. Isla was calming, but Lucy was still strung out, replaying the events in her mind. She couldn’t stop shaking, her hands were damp, and she needed to be active and do something. She needed Aris to get back, her stupid dragon was pacing in her mind, fretting and anxious at his absence. She could blame her dragon for the stressing, but the animal was an extension of herself, when she called her stupid she was basically calling herself. Blaming things on dragon was just a way to divert attention from her human self, god she was messed up. She was distracted by the need to help Isla, but as soon as she had nothing to do, it was back to stressing and pacing.

  “He will be ok, Lucy, my Dad is strong, he could have restrained my Grandfather, he just didn’t out of respect. He was never in any danger you know, please relax” Isla said to her, and Lucy felt awful she was reassuring her, when Lucy should be reassuring Isla.

  “I’m sorry Isla, I think this past week is catching up with me. Can I get you anything else? I should go get you some pjs, yes I’ll get you some” Lucy sped off to the bedroom to get some pjs for Isla, but realised that Isla was slightly bigger than her, so her Pjs wouldn’t fit. When she returned with her largest pair, Isla was answering the door to her boyfriend Peter, who was holding two overnight bags.

  “Oh, of course, of course you would bring her stuff. I’m sorry, Isla I’m not thinking right. I’m glad you have pjs now though” Lucy apologised and huffed a laugh.

  “It’s fine, Lucy, you’ve been great, I’m so pleased my Dad has you now. You’re perfect for him” Isla hugged her again, and Lucy felt the glow of her healing energy and didn’t want to let go.

  “Can we get you anything Lucy? Why don’t you take a bath or have some wine or hot chocolate or something? You need to relax too” She smiled, and then again, Lucy felt awful for her taki
ng care of her, when she should be the one looking after her. But then, Peter was there, so maybe she wanted some time with him. She couldn’t think straight.

  “Honestly, for a turned vampire my Dad is mega strong, he is easily as strong as a born vampire. He probably didn’t tell you that, but his maker was legendary, one of the...…” Isla was cut off by a cough from Peter. She was obviously about to say something she shouldn’t.

  “Sure, that’s a great idea, I’ll do that” with a smiled, Lucy took herself off for a bath, but rejected the idea of wine or hot chocolate, her stomach was still churning. She filled her bath, and wondered where Susana was, and if Althea was ok, and how angry Toni was. She sent texts to all three, reassuring she was fine, asking if they were ok. She honestly had no energy for conversation, she was a shitty friend, she needed to try more, they were always there for her and she was never there for them. When she lowered herself into the red-hot bath, she tried switching her mind off, but trying to think of nothing was much harder than it sounded. After giving herself a thorough clean, she lay back in the water, thinking. If she was honest with herself, she had to accept that she loved Aris, despite the brief time she had known him. They had clicked on a deeper level straight away, but was there a future for them?

  Her dragon nodded emphatically in her mind, and she asked her if she could imagine having children with Aris? She wanted children, could be honest about it. She didn’t have a desperation for them yet, but she wanted some eventually. Aris was adamant with Isobel he wouldn’t have another child. So, if he was against it, was there any point in continuing? A child was something she wanted eventually, what if Aris was just as repelled by having a baby with her? Their children would be half dragon half human, since Aris was a turned vampire. Turned vampires still produced human babies, only pure vampire lines produced vampire babies. She knew this, so her child would be a dragon or tiger shifter. Shifter genes were more dominant than human genes in that regard a half human half shifter would always inherit shifter abilities, usually the same as the shifter parent. So, their babies would likely be dragons. Not just dragons, Delarossa Dragons, her clan would grow again, would she make it strong again? She would love half a dozen babies if she were honest. How would he feel about that? Why was this even an issue right now?


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