Delarossa (The Hadley Caro Series Book 1)

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Delarossa (The Hadley Caro Series Book 1) Page 23

by R M Taylor

  She supposed it was because she felt so insecure right now, so much had happened, and she felt vulnerable, she only felt safe with Aris. This was bad, she would never rely on a man for anything, and she was shocked at herself for getting in this deep. She was a strong female and being in love felt like being vulnerable and weak. It was sad, strong women were meant to be hard and unyielding. Valkyrie-like warriors that didn’t need a man, and that might, if a guy is lucky, she might lower herself to have some fun with a guy. But said woman would be the one who kicked the guy out into the night feigning work early in the morning, or left early herself, because who needed the awkwardness of the morning after? Why should she feel bad about letting someone in? Being strong was one thing, being an island unto yourself was another. Everyone needed their people, their tribe, their family whether by blood or by choice.

  She had just swapped obsessive thinking of one thing for another. She needed to get a grip. Who thought about babies and relationships at a time like this? She just saw a violent murder earlier, and so much violence over the last week. She should be terrified of the idea of bringing children into the world. She doubted she would feel safe on her own ever again after all this. She was so messed up, she would bet good money that her therapist would charge triple time and danger pay if she had one. She dried off and got some pjs on, checked her phone and replied to her friends again. After all of this she would spend time with them all, she would, it couldn’t be too late to salvage things. She would make herself be open and honest, they would see she wasn’t hard and unyielding. That she needed them, and she could be a good friend. She lay down for a minute, her head hurt, and she was crying by this point, again, and emotionally tapped out. Again. Quickly comfortable, before she knew it, she was asleep.

  Chapter 50

  She looked so small lying curled up on his huge bed, wrapped in his expensive thick duvet. It was then he realised that he couldn’t go back to sleeping in that bed alone. He needed to be where she was, she felt like the centre of his universe now. Fuck the cushy bed, if she wasn’t in it, it may as well be the floor as far as he was concerned. She and Isla were everything. Isla and Peter had flaked out all curled up on his sofa, he decided to let them sleep so he threw a spare duvet on them, they could all talk in the morning. He got into pj bottoms and slid under the duvet, he curled around her, pulling the duvet up around them. She was so lovely, her dark lashes fanned out on her light pink cheeks, her breathing slow. He ran his hand gently down her cheek and kissed her forehead lightly. She was his, and whether they lived here or at her house, he had to be where she was from now on. He wanted her to live here, where his friends lived, where Isla lived. This was his home, and everyone here liked her so much, surely, she would say yes to living here? Will and Susana had clicked, Susana was staying with Will now, she had chosen to stay here for now, maybe that would convince Lucy to stay here, if her friend was here too?

  He was thinking of reasons to make her stay, incentives to live with him rather than go back to her life without him. He couldn’t make her stay, but he really wished he could. She didn’t have to work, he didn’t either, they could do anything in theory. What would she want to do? What if she wanted to get married and have children? Would that be ok with him? He never really imagined being married, but then, it was always Isobel asking. Same with more babies, he never thought he would want any more. The idea of being tied to yet more crazy women killed any incentive for him. But that was before Lucy, she changed everything. He would literally do anything for her. She wouldn’t settle for just willingness though, he knew her well enough to know she would sense his reluctance if he wasn’t truly on board with the whole happy ever after scenario. Her senses were so strong now, it was scary. He felt like she saw into his soul, there was nowhere to hide so no point in trying to lie. He didn’t want to. He fell asleep after mulling through dozens of questions. His sleep was filled with her, his Lucy, his future.

  He woke to her wrapping her arm around him. Her head leaned on his chest, and he felt happy. Everything was ok, she was still here.

  “Morning” She said sleepily as she stretched “I had a lovely dream, we were living here, we were married, and we had two children. It was so nice, your coven loved them so much. They looked like you, all dark curly hair and big brown eyes” Lucy said, sitting up to look at him with a smile on her face. She seemed a little nervous waiting for him to respond.

  “Sounds perfect” he said and raised her hand to his lips, kissing her inner wrist.

  “Really? Are you crazy? You don’t feel like running for the hills? I’ve known you only weeks here. Marriage, kids, most guys would freak and run. I’m tempted to run at the suggestion myself. Must be my dragon getting all ready to settle” she laughed to lighten her words, but he knew this was a test of sorts.

  “It’s early, yes, but we’re not in a mega rush. Plus, when something is right, it’s right. Supernaturals are different from humans, our relationships are different, more intense. We have intuition that humans don’t have. Our senses tell us what time tells humans. Time shows them that they are a right match through experience. Our senses tell us that on a deeper level, supernaturally as well as all the normal relationship stuff. You’re my future. Plus, if we go on to have kids, Isla will be ecstatic, she asked for siblings hundreds of times growing up, she would be first to babysit” he chuckled.

  “I think that is way off in the future, but I love that you’re open to it. I think I needed reassurance that this meant something. This isn’t just a fling, or something casual. I need permanent, a future. I just didn’t want to scare you off by saying it feels deeper than it should at this stage. I guess I was never around supernaturals to learn this was normal. My family weren’t exactly forthcoming about the details” Lucy’s face was red, being open like this was still unfamiliar. His smile was wide, she was so freaking cute when she was embarrassed.

  “This is it for me, you are it for me, I don’t think I would survive losing you” He linked his hand with hers and smiled.

  “So, Lucrezia Delarossa, will you be mine, will you live with me here and promise that one day we will get our shit together, get married and have babies and all that grown-up stuff? FYI if you say no I will full on have a tantrum” he couldn’t get through the whole sentence without laughing, and she leaned in and kissed him.

  “I would pay good money to see you have a tantrum Aris Landon. But I do want that future with you. Yes, I promise I will live here with you, and that one day eventually we will do the grown-up baby stuff when we’re both ready. Eventually” she smiled, and her dragon began purring in her chest, the soft rumbling that surprised them both.

  “Dragon says yes too” she smiled.

  “Then we all agree” He said, and kissed her deeply again, their promises to each other more meaningful than public declarations or pieces of paper. That would come in time, if they wanted to. For now, their promise signified their first major step, and the future was a path to discover together.




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