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Pack Balance

Page 5

by Crissy Smith

  “Cooper,” she whispered.

  He glanced up to see her eyes open and on him. “Good morning.”

  “One of the best in a very long time,” she replied.

  He lifted an eyebrow.

  She laughed. “Yeah, that was corny.”

  “I don’t mind,” he said. “Are you on shift tonight?”

  “Yes, night shift all this week.”

  “Me too. So I better get busy,” he said.

  Before she could respond, he gripped her thighs and spread her. He lowered his mouth to her wet folds and licked. She shuddered, so he continued lapping at her before he added a finger to open her up. Her flavor was stronger, but just as enticing, at her center.

  “Don’t tease,” she begged.

  He added a second digit while he clamped onto her clit. He pumped his fingers in and out until she was panting and shaking.

  “Please, Cooper. I want you inside me,” she cried.

  Cooper lifted his mouth and peered up at her. Her face was flushed as she reached for him. He climbed up the bed until his mouth was inches from hers. She pushed herself up until her lips met his. As they kissed, she ran her hands down his back. Each touch felt like fire on his skin. Like she was branding him with her stroke. He gripped his cock to position himself at the entrance of her cunt.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  He pushed inside, filling her with one long thrust. Her inner muscles clamped around him. He groaned as he withdrew then plunged back inside. The link with his wolf opened as the animal pushed at him to mark Julie as their own. He drove himself deep, while dropping his mouth to her shoulder and sucking. Julie lifted her hips to meet each frenzied push until the only sounds in the room were her cries and the sound of their bodies slapping against each other. He lifted his head and stared into her eyes as he grew closer to release.

  “Let go,” he whispered. “Give yourself to me.”

  Julie screamed as she climaxed, the grip her body had on his pulling him along with her.

  Spent, he collapsed on top of her. She brought her arms around his neck and held him close. “Perfect,” she said quietly.

  Cooper couldn’t agree more. He carefully pulled out and sat back. A shower, breakfast and maybe another round before they both had to go into work sounded like heaven to him.

  His cell phone rang loudly in the quiet room. He groaned but scrambled to find the annoying device. His jeans were in the doorway. He yanked out his phone, noting Josiah’s name.

  “What’s up?” he greeted.

  “I just got a call from one of our boys. I don’t know how they did it, but Jordan and Kade made bail. They’ll be out in an hour.”


  “That was my reaction,” Josiah said. “They shouldn’t have even been arraigned yet. Somehow they got in front of a judge first thing this morning and the bail was set low. Something’s off there, but it’s already done. What do you want to do?”

  “We need to follow them. They’ll be trying to cover their tracks today,” Cooper told him.

  “I’ll pick you up in half an hour,” Josiah stated.

  Cooper looked back toward the bed where Julie was standing and stretching. “Make that forty-five minutes.”

  Julie smiled as he hung up with Josiah. “I take it our morning is getting cut off early?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I have to go in early but I need a shower first. Join me?”

  “Of course.” She accepted the hand he held out to her.

  “Make me one promise first?” he requested.

  “What’s that?”

  “Come here after your shift,” he said. “Hell, never leave here again. Stay with me.”

  “Are you asking me to move in with you?” she asked, her eyebrows drawing together. “Cooper, I love you, but I’ve been gone a year. Don’t you think we might be rushing this?”

  He shook his head. “Has anything changed? Are your feelings for me different now? We both know this is where we were heading when you left.”


  “Think about it. But for now, after work, come here,” he pleaded.

  She moved closer to him and cupped his face. “I will be here tonight. We’ll talk more about the future later.”

  Cooper would take that. “Then let’s shower.”

  She laughed and allowed herself to be dragged into the adjoining bathroom. Cooper released her to turn the knobs on and start the water. He tested the temperature, making sure it was hot enough for them. He motioned her in, never taking his eyes off her gorgeous body.

  She stepped into the tiled stall, dunking herself under the two large showerheads. He followed behind, slipping his hands over her wet skin. When he’d first remodeled this area, he’d done so for the sole purpose of having a nice, comfortable and soothing place to wash away his worries after a hard day. After he’d begun dating Julie, he’d learned that he’d also made it possible to have combined showers with his lover. There was nothing like watching Julie with water cascading down her plump breasts to between her legs. Cooper grabbed a washcloth and soaped it up before running the cloth over her body. He washed her thoroughly, making sure to pay close attention to all her sensitive areas, like the soft skin below her belly button above her trimmed pubic hair.

  He lowered down to one knee so he could suck up a mark while rubbing the washcloth against her pussy. Julie gasped as she gripped his shoulders. Cooper dropped the cloth and used his fingers to penetrate her. Julie rocked into his palm while shuddering in ecstasy. Since he knew he didn’t have a lot of time Cooper had to get her off quickly. He added his mouth to his digits, dragging her climax from her with skill. He knew just how to touch her to make Julie fall over the edge.

  Julie panted above him, and he waited until her legs had stopped shaking to stand up. He’d barely gotten his feet planted before she gripped his erection and started to pump. Each pull from her hand had him growing harder and desperate until his cock was once again ready to shoot. She used the exact amount of pressure and twist of her wrist to have him biting down on his lip as he came.

  Fuck, that feels good. He wrapped his arm over her shoulder and positioned them both back under the water. Once they were clean he turned off the taps. Julie reached for the towels on the rack outside the stall, handing him one before wrapping the other around her body.

  He wished he could take her back to bed and stay there the rest of the day—hell, or the entire week—but he did have to get to work. Now that everything was okay with Julie, he needed to give his attention to his case and saving all the other shifters. In truth, he should have already given all his concentration to the drug hitting the streets. Instead he’d been selfish and his mind had been divided. He watched Julie as she dried off. He didn’t regret his actions, but he could now make up for his distraction and do his job.

  “Why don’t I make you some coffee?” she offered.

  “That would be great,” he said.

  She smiled before she went to his dresser and pulled out a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. He hated her covering up that beautiful body but if he spent any more time staring at her, he wouldn’t be dressed when his partner arrived. Josiah would love that. As she passed him to go out of the door, he caught her hand.

  “If you hadn’t come to me, I would have been at your door first chance I got. I just thought you should know,” he told her.

  Her smile lit up her bright hazel eyes. “I’m glad it was me that came for you. I want to prove to you that I want you just the way you are.”

  He cupped her face. “All is forgiven.”

  “No,” she whispered. “But if I have to spend the rest of my life making up for hurting you, I will.” She placed her palms against his chest. “I might have to get imaginative.”

  His body came alive. Those words had him instantly hard. She laughed then slipped from his grasp to continue out and down the hall. He turned his attention to dressing himself. He chose a dark pair of jeans and a short sleeve white T-shirt. He pul
led them on before sitting on his bed to add his boots and socks. Once ready, he strolled into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. Everything complete, he hurried to the kitchen so he could spend the few minutes he had left with Julie.

  She was right where he expected her to be, staring into a full cup of coffee. Julie had never been a morning person, which was why she’d always liked the late shift, working three in the afternoon to three in the morning, four days a week. Since his own hours were hard to determine, their schedules had never been an issue.

  He stepped up beside her, accepting the mug she handed him. He placed a gentle kiss on her lips in appreciation.

  “I talked to my brother last night. I asked him to come visit me,” she said.

  He leaned on the counter across from her. “A warning?”

  She shook her head. “No, although he does want to meet you. My parents went on and on about you and I think he was jealous.”

  “I’d love to meet him as well.”

  “I’m going to try to talk him into moving here,” she said. “I wanted to let you know.”

  “That would be great, having him here for you. I’d welcome him.”

  “Thank you.”

  The sound of a horn interrupted them.

  “I have to go,” he told her. “I’ll see you tonight, though, right?”

  “Yes,” she confirmed.

  “Okay.” He set his coffee down before he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. He kissed her with all the passion inside him. When he released her, they were both breathing heavily. “Bye.”

  “See you later,” she murmured.

  He grinned the entire time it took him to collect his weapon from the locked drawer in his entry table. He pulled the door open and hurried out before he could change his mind and go back and ravish Julie.

  He jogged to Josiah’s truck. As he opened the passenger side, he couldn’t help but notice his partner’s wicked smile.

  “What?” he asked as he sat.

  “Whose car is that?” Josiah nodded toward Julie’s vehicle.

  “You know damn well.”

  Josiah laughed. “So she’s back for good?”

  “Yes,” he confirmed.

  “Good, maybe now you won’t be such a prick all the time,” Josiah said with a slap to his leg.

  “Ha ha,” Cooper replied.

  Josiah put the truck in gear and started to drive away. “Seriously, I am so glad she’s back. I couldn’t be happier for you.”

  “Thanks,” Cooper replied. “Also I wanted tell you how much it means to me that you were here for me this last year.”

  “Getting old. You’re turning sentimental,” Josiah noted.

  “And you’re still a jackass,” Cooper threw back.

  Josiah laughed, and Cooper joined him. They were all right. Cooper relaxed back into his seat. “So where we headed?”

  “I figured we’d just follow them from the station,” Josiah said. “I have the officer in booking watching for their releases. As soon as they are on the way out, he will give me a call.” Josiah’s phone started to ring. “Ah, there he is. Hello?”

  As Josiah spoke to the officer, Cooper reached into the glovebox and pulled out one of the notebooks that Josiah kept there. He took a pen from the dash and began to make notes. He’d need to note every location they visited today. Hopefully Cooper and Josiah would witness something to tip them off on what Jordan and Kade were up to.

  Josiah hung up and glanced at him. “Good news,” he said. “One of Jordan’s cousins is there to pick the boys up.”


  “Lexis,” Josiah told him with a grin.

  “He’s back?” Cooper asked.

  Lexis Bradley was the worst of the entire family. The last time Cooper had heard his name had been when Lexis was arrested for murder. If Cooper remembered correctly, Lexis had been accused of killing an eighteen-year-old street kid who owed him money.

  Since he didn’t work homicide, Cooper hadn’t been involved in the case, but because the Bradleys were so deep into drug running, Cooper always got a heads-up when they were involved in anything illegal.

  “They couldn’t make the case stick,” Josiah said. “Their witnesses kept ending up dead.”

  “Damn it. Weren’t they protected?” Cooper couldn’t believe the district attorney would be stupid enough not to hide anyone attempting to rat out Lexis.

  “They were in safe houses,” Josiah corrected. “They just weren’t safe.”

  “Fuck! We have got to get something on them.”

  “That’s why we’re doing this,” Josiah agreed. “And there they are.”

  Cooper glanced through the passenger window as Josiah pulled up across from the police station. A black SUV with dark windows was idling at the front steps. Jordan and Kade strolled out of the front door, appearing not to have a care in the world. Fury raced through his blood. Those two kids were as evil as they came. It didn’t matter who was hurt, as long as they made money.

  Jordan slapped Kade on the back before he yanked open the door of the SUV. Cooper wanted to shift, run to the vehicle and tear all the three men apart.

  “Calm yourself.” Josiah’s hand landed on his shoulder.

  Cooper hadn’t realized he was growling until Josiah broke him from his anger. “They’re taking off.”

  “I’m following,” Josiah said. He did indeed put the truck into Drive and began to follow.

  Cooper used the time to regain his control. It wasn’t always easy being a shifter in his line of work, but he’d spent years learning how to contain his wolf when he needed to.

  They followed the SUV down the main streets of Clear Creek, heading north. Cooper wasn’t surprised when the first stop was to a run-down apartment complex where the Bradleys dropped off Kade. While Jordan and Lexis lived in a nice house in the central part of town, Kade didn’t get the same treatment. He was only a foot soldier. Cooper still believed he would be the key to bringing down the Bradleys.

  “Should we go talk to him?” Josiah questioned.

  “No, stay with Jordan. I’ll call Grant and have him watch Kade’s place.”

  “That’ll work,” Josiah agreed.

  Cooper made the phone call, relieved that the young officer was available and not out on another assignment. While Cooper was busy making arrangements, Josiah kept up the surveillance. Instead of heading home, the Bradleys continued south in the same neighborhood. “Where are they going?” he murmured.

  “There’s an old store the Bradleys used to own that is boarded up. It’s only two blocks from here,” Josiah told him.

  “I remember,” Cooper replied. “It used to be an old bar.”

  “It closed down about two years ago. I’ve had one of the street informants watching the place,” Josiah said.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Cooper asked.

  “Nothing to report yet,” Josiah responded.

  Cooper shook his head. “You still should have told me.”

  His partner chuckled. “We’ve always used our own contacts. Why is this any different?”

  He couldn’t really answer that. The entire case hit him as weird, and he knew he was missing something big. He hoped now that he had his act together, he would be able to figure out what was bothering him so much. Sure, he hated to see his shifter brethren dying, but something in the back of his mind was trying to break to the surface.

  Josiah was right. The SUV pulled to the side of the building. Josiah parked on the other side of the street, a couple of spaces down from the building.

  “If they haven’t been using this place, why are they here now?” Cooper asked.

  “The reason I started watching this place is because while the Bradleys never entered, they have been keeping an eye on the place. Some of my informants saw them hanging around and thought I should know. I grew suspicious,” Josiah informed him.

  “You’ve been busy,” Cooper said. He didn’t know how he’d missed what Josiah had been up t
o. “You going to tell me what’s really going on?”

  Josiah sighed while he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “You remember the first victim? The eighteen year old?”

  “Ricky something…” Cooper supplied.

  “Ricky Norris. We interviewed his entire family, hoping one of them could tell us who he’d been hanging around with.”

  Cooper had an idea of what Josiah was going to say. “His sister—a pretty little thing… There was a spark between the two of you.”

  Josiah nodded. “Cammi. She came to see me a few weeks after that. We went out for coffee and talked for hours.”

  “She asked you to find out who was responsible for her brother’s death,” Cooper guessed.

  “No,” Josiah said quickly. “We talked about Ricky and still do. But she never asked me to do anything. I decided to use some favors I have out on the street to put pressure on finding who is responsible. We have to close this case. It’s killing Cammi and the rest of her family. They won’t be able to put him to rest until this is over.”

  Cooper turned to study his partner. “Just tell me if you did anything that you shouldn’t have. We’ll fix it, but I need to know.” He didn’t think Josiah would do anything illegal, but Cooper also knew what love could do to a person.

  “No, never,” Josiah told him.

  Cooper breathed in deeply. He brought his partner’s scent through his nose. Josiah was telling him the truth. He sagged with relief. “I’m here for you.”

  Josiah smiled. “Thanks. I know I should have told you, but you were still mourning your relationship with Julie. I didn’t want to hurt you any further.”

  “Jo!” He gripped his partner’s shoulder. “I will always have your back. No matter what.”

  “And I’ll have yours.” Josiah met his gaze, his sincerity shining through his eyes.

  After a few minutes, Cooper released Josiah’s shoulder and chuckled. “We really are turning into big old softies.”

  “Ah, I’m going to blame the power of love,” Josiah said.

  Cooper nodded before turning back to watch the building and their suspects. “So tell me about your girl,” he demanded playfully.


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