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The Eve of Forever

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by S J Batsford

  The Eve of Forever

  A Loving Lily Novella


  S.J. Batsford

  First Published – 24/12/2019

  This edition published – by Batsford Publishing

  Cover design by S.J. Batsford

  Ebook ISBN: 978-0-9954944-9-7

  Copyright © by S.J. Batsford

  License Statement.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior permission of the publisher.

  Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  Please keep this book in its original state with exception of quotes used in reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are products of the Author’s imagination and used fictionally.

  The Eve of Forever (A Loving Lily Novella #2.5) is a New Adult Romance, intended for mature viewers of 18+. Strong language and sexual situations throughout.


  This book is dedicated to my best friend, Nikki. Without you, I wouldn’t have written this book, so thank you babe, love you.

  I also want to dedicate it to my best friend from across the pond, Tisha. Without your love and support I wouldn’t have kept writing; I love you lady.

  P.s, thanks for the recliner scene.


  First as always, I want to thank my two beautiful boys for their love and support, you are always my inspiration in life, I love you both with all my heart.

  Also, to my husband, thanks for supporting me while I continue to chase my dream and love of writing.

  Next, I want to say thank you to my fans, thank you for always believing in me and sticking around when life got in the way for me and I wasn’t around. Thank you for loving my characters and reading my books, I hope I always bring a smile to your faces with my words.

  A massive thank you to all the bloggers that have helped share this book.

  And last but not least my beta readers, Tisha Embry, Mr, Batsford, Janet Harrall, Nikki Bentley, MilVa Chin, Kim O'Connell, Janine Marr, Jen Wootton and Stacy Taylor.

  Table of contents.

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter One

  “So, you have your dress and accessories. Do you have a colour scheme yet?” Mom asks Amy a pen poised over her notebook.

  “No, I want something different, something fitting with the season but different than the run of the mill red and white.” Amy sighs, clicking away on her phone.

  “Well, at least we have something to work with. What about venue, suits, decorations? Who will walk you down the aisle?”

  “Erm, we haven’t been able to find a venue as of yet, Ethan is still trying to get these fools together to go shopping for their suits… Decorations, I want it to be traditional, cosy and magical.” She replies, avoiding the last question. Shifting uncomfortably, she looks over at me and I wink at her.

  “You don’t have to have anyone walk you down the aisle Amy, it’s an outdated tradition.” Ava says, obviously picking up on Amy’s avoidance. “If I ever get married, I won’t be having anybody walk me,” she huffs getting up. “Do you guys want a hot chocolate?” She asks, avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room. The kids jump up excitedly and they leave without a single reply.

  I meet mom’s worried gaze and shrug not knowing what to do or say, I’ve tried to talk to her, I think we all have. She’s been so quiet and reserved about her feelings toward her dad. I know she was devastated when she heard about what he did to me, but other than that it’s been silent anger.

  Mason breaks the uneasy silence, leaning over the couch beside me. “I still think you were nuts for agreeing to this, you know they’re going to have a field day, right?” He asks as I watch my fiancée and mom go back to talking and planning. Ava, Evie and Bailey come back in ladened with steaming mugs of hot chocolate, after handing everyone a cup they go back to pouring over plans and lists excited, all uneasiness forgotten.

  “I know,” I reply absently still staring at Amy, she’s breath-taking sitting there smiling and laughing along with the others. She must feel my gaze and looks up at me, I’ve never been happier than I am with Amy. Her face is glowing with happiness, I can see her love for me shining in her beautiful eyes, she still leaves me speechless with her beauty, but it’s her big, kind heart that draws people to her. Everyone who spends time around her can’t help but love her, which is why I want to claim her in every way, which means giving her my name as soon as humanly possible. She’s my light in the dark, my everything. I wake up every day with a huge smile on my face because I have her beside me, she brought so much love into my life I sit around thinking sappy shit like this and couldn’t be more content.

  Since the accident, we’ve had so much shit come at us. From Ashley passing, a devastated child who wouldn’t accept Amy and Bailey, to the whole ‘who’s the daddy’ episode, it’s been tough to get to where we are now. Not only physically but mentally and emotionally too. I can’t believe how blessed I am, I’m so grateful that I was given a second chance and with such an unbelievably amazing woman like Amy… Thankfully my brothers can’t hear my thoughts, or I’d never hear the end of it.

  “You sure man? It’s stressful as hell as it is without adding this shit to it.” Mace asks breaking me from my thoughts.

  “Yeah, it took us ages to pin down a date with my recovery. I know it’s nuts with it being the holidays an all, but as long as she’s happy.” I shrug, feeling content even with the stress of the timescale. Instead of saying anything Mayo jumps over the back of the couch, planting himself between me and Niles, almost landing on top Niles, who is busy texting away on his phone.

  “For Christ sake, Mace.” Niles snaps, coming out of his phone and scowling at Mace.

  “What, no love?” Mace laughs moving over.

  “Not while you’re sitting on my goddamn lap, I’m trying to have a conversation,” he glares, not finding it the least bit funny.

  “Hey, chill out man.”

  “Stop acting like a five-year-old for once and maybe I’ll chill out,” he snaps back and storms out of the room. I watch him leave, confused, that was a total overreaction and not like Niles at all. He’s usually the first to laugh at Mace’s behaviour, he encourages it even.

  “What’s up his ass?” Mace asks gobsmacked.

  I look back at Mace and shake my head, I’ve been increasingly worried about Niles over the past few months his mood has slowly gotten worse. I look over at my family on the floor and see they’re engrossed in planning, I shuffle to the edge of the couch, grab the arm of my chair and heave my butt into it. I find Niles at the kitchen table, leaning over with his head in his hands.

  “Hey, everything okay?” I ask pushing myself over.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry about that. Is Mace okay? I didn’t mean for that to happen,” he says looking at me for the first time in a while, he lets me see how tired and worn down he is.

  “Yeah, he’s just worried about you like we all are. Whatever is going on you know you can talk to me.”

  “I know, it’s just a messed-up situation, I’m not ready to talk about it yet,” he runs his hand through his hair, letting out a frustrated breath.

  “Whenever you’re ready.”

  “Anyway, do you guys have a venue i
n mind for the big day yet?” He asks effectively ending any further discussion about his ‘messed-up’ situation.

  “No, we’re still looking, but whatever Amy wants I’m happy with as long as she shows up,” I say and we both laugh.

  “Yeah, I have no idea why she even agreed to marry you. Obviously picked the wrong brother,” he smirks, his eyes lighting with laughter.

  I’ll take teasing happily seeing him joking around. “Oh, obviously… Or she just couldn’t resist my ruggedly handsome face and hot body,” I grin as he bursts out laughing, doubling over the table.

  “Oh yeah, so hot,” he laughs.

  “You know it’s the truth, you even copied me.”

  “No, our genes just happened to match,” he smiles warmly.

  “Yeah, lucky you.”

  “Who’s lucky?” Amy asks coming to sit on my lap. “Other than you for having a wonderful woman like me agree to marry your moody ass,” she adds, making Niles laugh again. I wrap my arms around her tightly, securing her to me and grin captivated by her.

  “Can’t argue with that,” I wink at her and pinch her butt. “But to answer your question, Niles is lucky to have gotten my good looks and sexiness.” I smirk looking over at my brother, who is watching, smiling happily.

  “Well, there is that. Plus, he’s got the mysterious sexy thing going on too, quiet brooding is in these days.” She winks at Niles making him turn slightly pink in the cheeks, I’m speechless.

  “Err, thanks,” he coughs looking away embarrassed.

  “Aww, your shyness helps too,” she adds getting up and wrapping her arms around his neck from behind and kisses him on the cheek.

  “If I wasn’t sure you were deliriously happy and satisfied with me, I’d think you were using me to get to my brother,” I deadpan, making her laugh and sit in his lap instead of mine, I scowl playfully as he grins and wraps his arm around her shoulders.

  “Who says I’m not?” She asks sticking her tongue out at me, “Look at him,” she blows out a breath fanning herself. Niles grins at me shaking his head at her.

  “You’re gonna get yourself into trouble,” I warn glaring playfully at her, she sits there smirking at me and folds her arms around Niles’ neck.

  “Being bad is so much more fun,” she says, I stare at her running through all the ways to punish her for this little show later.

  Niles laughs loudly, scoots her off his lap and stands, “I think I’ll leave you two to it,” he smiles and lays a hand on my shoulder on his way out.

  “Looks like we’re alone,” I say trying to keep my voice even as my dick hardens at the defiant spark in her eyes.

  “It does, I guess I should get back to the others.” She grins and turns away slowly.

  I flick my brakes off and push forward, quickly pulling her into my arms and lap. Moving her hair to the side, I bring my face close to her ear and breath slowly, deliberately making her gasp and shiver in anticipation. “When everyone leaves and the kids are asleep, you’ll pay for that statement sweetheart. This delicious ass of yours will remember why you shouldn’t goad me,” I whisper huskily and squeeze her ass with one hand, her answering moan makes me smile, my woman loves a good spanking. “Now, run along and plan the day you’ll become mine,” I say and kiss her behind the ear.

  “I’ve been yours since the moment you opened your eyes and looked at me as if I were the only woman in the world, even if you did think I was Lily,” she replies, turning around and smiles softly at me. Guilt assaults me as I remember that exact moment, I was doped up on morphine.

  “When I opened my eyes there was this angel hovering over me, trying to talk to me, but I didn’t hear a word. All I saw was you, it was as if you had a halo, but it was your gorgeous hair. Stunning eyes look down at me with worry and concern. I’d never been so captivated before, not even by Lily. You were and are my everything Amy, you saved me in more ways than one. You brought happiness back into my life, you gave me another beautiful little girl, I couldn’t and wouldn’t want to live life without you.” I say the words spilling from my lips. I stare into her eyes, seeing them shimmer with tears, I pull her into a soft kiss.

  “God Ethan, you’re too much sometimes.” She says shakily pressing her forehead to mine.

  “I’ve been told that by a few people,” I chuckle as she giggles, shaking her head.

  “I love you so much and for the record, I don’t want anyone but you, for the rest of my life.”

  I take her face in my hands and open my eyes, looking up at the woman who made me whole again. “I love you more than I have ever loved any other woman in my life. I’m so glad I don’t have to wait much longer to make you Mrs, Barker. Christmas can’t come fast enough for me.”

  “We’d better get back in there and start planning then or we won’t be having a wedding.” She smiles trying to wiggle out of my arms.

  I hold her tightly and bring her lips back to mine, I need just one more taste to get me through until I can get her naked and beneath me.

  A few breathless minutes later I release her, smiling as she stands shakily looking dazed. “Now we can go and plan our wedding,” I say smugly and wait for her to lead the way.

  We enter the living room to everyone standing together staring and grinning at us. Well, except Bailey and Evie, they’re holding hands bouncing up and down in excitement. What the hell is that about? They can’t be that excited by our return surely.

  “Can we?” Bailey practically squeals, looking back at my mom who smiles lovingly and nods her head in return.

  Amy’s hand lands on my shoulder in anticipation, I place my hand on hers, rubbing my thumb across her soft skin to expel my anxiety.

  “We found the perfect venue,” Bailey shouts, beaming at us.

  “Yes, we did it.” Evie sings throwing her arms in the air spinning around yanking Bailey with her making everyone laugh.

  I grin at my girls, my heart bursting with love for them, I can’t believe the change in Evie and Bailey’s relationship. Sometimes we find Evie in Bailey’s room fast asleep cuddled into her chest.

  “Wait, what do you mean you’ve found the venue? We haven’t even decided what sort of venue we want yet.” I ask confused and look up at Amy who looks just as baffled. It’s the one thing we have had an issue deciding on.

  “Well, I have a possible venue, if you want it.” Mom says stepping forward and hands me her phone.

  I take the phone from her, looking down at the screen I see snow, lots and lots of snow and mountains set behind a beautiful old town. My heart picks up speed as I take in all the details, the wreaths on the storefront doors, garlands flowing from one side of the street to the other.

  “Swipe right to see the actual place.” Mom tells me, she sounds so pleased with herself.

  I swipe and blink stunned at the beautiful old stone house in front of my eyes, house seems like the wrong word as it’s huge, palatial. It has a cosy, homey feel to it, complete with wooden stone footed pillars that frame the old oak front door and wrap around porch. The warm light coming from the many windows set the feel of the photo, it’s warm, inviting and perfect. I feel Amy lean down to look closer, I hear her indrawn breath and turn to her, she’s kneeling beside me with her mouth hanging open.

  “What do you think?” I ask handing her the phone.

  “It’s beautiful, look at all the snow! The kids would have so much fun, we could build snowmen, have snowball fights, bake cookies and build a huge gingerbread house. Oh, Ethan, look,” she gushes shoving the phone under my nose. Laughing I lower the phone a little so I can actually see it. She points to a set of matching rocking chairs on the porch.

  “Oh, look it has one of those swings too,” Bailey points out coming to stand at the other side of me.

  “You guys realise we’d be going to have a wedding and not just a Christmas holiday?” I ask laughing at them.

  “Well, yeah, but we can still enjoy a family Christmas. Could it fit everyone?” Amy asks mom, biting her lip.
  “I think so, you could always ask the owner, but I think it’s plenty big enough depending on how many you invite.”

  “We don’t have a guest list yet, but I don’t think I want a big wedding anyway,” Amy says absently still looking at the phone. “What do you think babe?” She turns to me and I can see the excitement in her eyes.

  “I don’t want a big wedding either, just the family will be perfect for me.” I shrug, smiling happily, I find myself smiling all the time these days.

  “I agree,” she squeals jumping up and down before throwing herself onto my lap smothering my face in kisses.

  “We don’t even know the cost yet babe,” I laugh teasing her, I’d pay any price as long as she’s happy.

  “Oh,” she pulls back frowning and looks up at my mom expectantly.

  “Don’t worry about cost, he’s a friend so I’ve got this.” Mom says vaguely and goes back to the floor where all the plans are.

  “He? Please tell me it’s not Alex, because if it is, he can stick it…” I blurt scowling angrily, I can’t believe she would even think I’d want anything from him aside from his silence and distance.

  “No. No, it’s not Alex. I haven’t even spoken to your father,” she says softly, looking away upset. I feel like shit for even thinking it let alone saying it out loud. Mason scowls at me and goes to sit beside mom, comforting her.

  “I’m sorry Mom. I didn’t even think before speaking. Could you speak to whoever owns the house and arrange a meeting or something?” I ask pushing myself over to her, trying to distract her from thoughts of that bastard.

  “Yeah, I’ll call him later and let you know what he says.” She nods not acknowledging my apology or mention of Alex .

  “Oh, thank you so much for this, I’m so excited!” Amy gushes, jumping up and hugging mom tightly, “there’s so much to do, we need a colour scheme, flowers, cake, decorations…” She goes on and grabs the laptop and another notepad, sitting on the floor beside mom who beams at her and moves closer pulling Evie and Bailey along with her as they clamber onto her lap in excitement.


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