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The Eve of Forever

Page 4

by S J Batsford

  “Later,” she giggles and blows me a kiss before going back into the kitchen leaving me there grinning, thinking how lucky I am to have an insatiable woman like her.

  Chapter Four

  I end up being a little early for my appointment with Luke, he’s with another patient right now. I’m sitting in an empty sterile waiting room; I feel my anxiety creeping in slowly the longer I sit there so I pull out my phone and answer emails from work. I stop when I come across the name I’ve been waiting to see drop in my email, I smile happily when I open it and read what he has to say.

  “Thank God,” I whisper, grinning in excitement. I can’t wait to announce this, I can’t wait for this Christmas.

  “Now what would have you grinning like a besotted fool I wonder.” Luke’s voice pulls me from my musings, I slip my phone into my pocket and turn to see him leaning against the wall watching me with a genuine smile on his face.

  “Just life,” I reply pushing myself forward. “Ready for me?” I ask changing the subject.

  “Yeah, let’s get you nice and sweaty for Amy,” he jokes holding the door open for me to enter ahead of him.

  “How have you been man?” I ask, making conversation as I remove my jacket and strip down to my tank and shorts. Throwing my jeans and tee over the back of the chair closest to me, I retie my trainers and move over to the weight chair getting myself comfortable.

  “Good for the most part, life sucks sometimes but what can you do,” he shrugs, choosing warm up weights from the rack beside the mirrored wall and bringing them over.

  “Not always, when you’re with the right person, all the other stuff fades into the background and even the bad stuff doesn’t seem so bad,” I shrug and take the weights from him.

  “Twenty each to warm up,” he says standing beside me. “I’m glad it’s all working out for you E, you and Amy both. You both deserve it after all you guys have been through.” He squats spotting me and correcting when he thinks I need it. When I get to ten, my muscles start to warm, and my skin starts to get a slight sheen of perspiration.

  “Thanks, I feel like the luckiest guy on the planet right now, I have an amazing fiancée, four unbelievable kids and I’m getting married in a few weeks. It couldn’t get any better,” I huff out as I finish my reps. We move over to the bench and Luke ups the weight as I get myself comfortable on the bench.

  “Have you had any appointments at the hospital recently?” He asks, his gaze on my legs.

  “Yeah, they did some tests at the end of last month,” I huff, pushing the bar up again feeling the burn in my arms and chest.

  “We’ll do some checks today and see what we’re working with, okay?”

  “Sure, whatever you think is best. Just remember I want to walk down that aisle, I need to be even if I’m in the chair for the rest of the day.” I insist, that’s been the goal since I proposed to Amy.

  “I know, we’ll get you there, man. You’ve been working your ass off and it’s showing.” He nods lifting the bar from my hands.

  “Okay, take a drink and come over here, we’ll see where you’re at. I don’t want to wear your arms out before we get up on your feet.”

  Nodding, I manoeuvre into my chair situate my legs and push myself over to the examination bed on the other side of the room. With Luke’s help, I get myself up on the high bed leaving my legs dangling over the side.

  “Okay, how much feeling do you have now?”

  “Pretty much all of it, I have times of numbness, but the doctor said that can happen but it’s becoming less the more I work my legs.”

  “Good, that’s good it means you have good circulation. Can you move your toes and ankles?”

  I nod, wiggling my toes and roll my ankles one at a time. “The doctor said I’d probably always need an aid to walk, when the time comes.” I say, feeling only a sting of disappointment saying that out loud.

  “Yeah, you’re incredibly lucky. I’ve seen people come off a lot worse in accidents less severe than yours.”

  “I know, whoever is watching over me has been working overtime.” I nod smiling, truly grateful that I’m alive and on my way to recovery.

  “Can you push on my arm?” Luke asks putting pressure on my leg with his arm. I concentrate on pushing him back and only manage to move a little, but it’s a little more than I did beforehand so I’ll take it.

  “That’s good, how about we go over to the bars?”

  I look over at the bars and feel my anxiety rising slowly, they seem to get bigger. I have put everything on walking down the aisle to marry Amy, I made a promise to myself and her that I would. What if I can’t do it? What if I have feeling but I can’t walk again?

  Pausing, I take a deep breath to calm my nerves, it’s only a couple of metal bars for Christ sakes. Closing my eyes, I focus on the task at hand and push all the negative thoughts away. You can do this. You regained feeling, now we just need to take those steps to getting back on track. Blowing out a huge breath, I open my eyes and apply my brakes beside the dreaded bars.

  “Okay, let’s get you on your feet. I’ll be here the whole time; I won’t let you fall so don’t worry.” He holds onto my waist.

  “Don’t let go Jack,” I joke to break the tension, laughing he tightens his arms around me.

  “One step at a time, let me know when you’re ready,” he coaches, his voice changing becoming encouraging, soothing almost.

  Gripping the bars, I nod, letting him know I’m ready. The muscles in my arms bunch as Luke lets some of my weight go. My legs feel strange, like lead weights but I know that’s just my mind. Looking at my feet, I concentrate hard and go to lift my leg and take a step… Nothing happens, they stay where they are, unmoving and lifeless. I start to sweat and my muscles in my arms, back, neck and chest burn. Growling I try again, to move my legs, feeling frustrated at my lack of achievement.

  “Deep breath and try again.” Luke encourages, “if you need me to take some of your weight just give me a nod, okay?”

  “Okay,” I grate, feeling strained. I try again and again to no avail. With the last of my energy I can muster I try one more time, my left leg twitches, I feel my thigh muscles bunch and watch in awe as my leg lifts and moves. It’s as if I’m watching from far away as my leg moves and amazingly it takes my weight, I blow out an exhausted but happy breath and shuffle my hands forward. When I try to move my right leg, it obeys easier than the left. I watch with tears in my eyes as my legs do what I wasn’t sure they’d ever do again, the emotion welling up inside me as I take my first steps is overwhelming, a sob catches in my chest. I nod and Luke takes my weight, helping me back into my chair.

  I bury my face in my hands and let my emotions free, I don’t feel silly for crying in front of Luke, he knows what it means to each and every patient to be able to get to where I am. To not be sure if you’ll ever feel the floor beneath your feet again, it’s unreal. Feeling every muscle it takes to even take a step, before I didn’t realise like everyone else you take this stuff for granted, but when you have that simple act taken away and have to work to maybe have the chance to earn it back.

  “Here E,” Luke crouches in front of me holding a bottle of water, his eyes kind and understanding. “You did amazing.” He adds, opening the bottle for me and holds it out for me to take.

  “I didn’t think I’d be able to. I was terrified, they wouldn’t work.” I whisper my fear, scared to say it too loud.

  “That’s normal, but you did amazingly. You kept trying even when I could see you were tiring and disappointed. You should be proud of the progress you made today, that was huge.” He nods at the bars. “You walked E,” he adds, his voice lightening with excitement, he grins at me.

  “I don’t know that’s it’s sunk in yet.”

  “It will. How about I drive you home? I bet your arms and legs are shaky?” He asks standing and grabbing my clothes from the chair.

  “Yeah, I don’t think it’d be a good idea for me to drive and I definitely don’t want t
o get into another accident.”

  “Nope, Amy would kill you,” he laughs. “Do you need help,” he nods at my clothes. I think about changing for a few seconds, but I don’t feel like having Luke change me.

  “Nah, I’ll change after I shower at home,” I grin thinking of Amy’s promise.

  “Ha, I bet you will. Come on, let’s get out of here, you’re my last appointment this morning.”

  We chat on the way back to my place, laughing as we pass a guy doing one of those freestyle dance things for a YouTube video. The shit people do these days, I shake my head grinning, I haven’t stopped grinning since taking my first steps.

  Pulling onto the drive, I wait for Luke to get out and get my chair from the trunk before opening the door and turning.

  “You need a hand?” Luke asks securing the brakes.

  I test my arms wincing at how much they ache already I know from experience how dangerous it can be to let pride get the best of me.

  “Yeah, I think I need help,” I say quietly, it still pains me to have to ask for help, but I push it aside and gratefully accept his help.

  When I’m in, he wordlessly locks the van and pushes me into the house. I barely get my jacket off when Amy is rushing out of the living room, looking me over anxiously.

  “Are you okay? You look tired, are you in pain? Do you need to lie down?” She rushes out, coming to kneel beside me, taking my face in her hands her eyes asking the question she doesn’t want to for fear of disappointment.

  “I’m fine, a little tired nothing a bath won’t cure,” I wink and lean over to kiss her soft lips, bringing my mouth close to her ear I whisper, “I did it,” quietly. Pulling back in time to see it connect and her eyes fill with tears, forgetting my aching muscles I pull her into my lap as the first happy sob leaves her.

  “Ethan,” she sighs in to my neck, her body shaking as she cries silently.

  “Stop crying sweetheart, even seeing you shed happy tears tear my heart out.” I whisper stroking her back, blinking away my own tears at her reaction, I hadn’t realised she was so worried until now.

  “I-I can’t h-help it, you walked. I didn’t, I mean I knew you’d give it your all, but I didn’t know if you would, could do it. Sorry I’m babbling,” she laughs kissing my face all over. I laugh too, letting her get out her emotions and just hold her close.

  I lean my forehead against hers, breathing her in feeling emotions well up inside me again. “I don’t think I would have gotten this far without you and the kids, but you especially. You’ve been my rock, my light through the darkest times I’ve ever been through. You’re my everything Amy, without you in my life I don’t think I’d have ever made those steps today.” I watch her absorb my words, seeing the play of emotions roll over her, first shock, happiness, love, sadness, happiness again, then finally settling on love again. The smile she blesses me with makes my heart stutter in my chest before bursting with my love for her.

  “I love you so much,” I blurt unable to contain the words.

  “I love you too, so much. I don’t know what to say to that, I can’t come up with words to say what you mean to me, what you’ve done for me and Bailey. I can’t imagine my life without you in it, you’re the most incredible man I’ve ever met. I can’t wait for you to be my husband, for you to take me as your wife.” She kisses me as if she’s starved of the taste of me and if we didn’t have company, I’d strip her where we are and have her here and now.

  “Baby, we have company,” I whisper against her lips. “But later we’ll pick this up right here and I won’t be stopping until you’re spent and boneless from coming,” I promise grinning when she shivers and moans quietly against my lips.

  Dragging herself away from me she stands and straightens her appearance, running shaky hands through her hair. Seeing her undone makes me smile proudly.

  “So did you make any progress on our wedding?” I ask to distract myself from the throbbing in my shorts. Luckily, I have my jeans and tee over my lap still, so it’s covered somewhat.

  “Yeah, your mom spoke to her friend and let him know we would like to use the house, so we made some calls up there and got a few appointments. Looks like we’ll need to go up a little earlier to make plans up there.” She tells me as we enter the living room.

  Scarlett and Luke are practically breathing each other’s air, they jump apart, and silence descends over the room. We all stand there, Amy and I looking from Luke to Scarlett, Luke trying to act normal sits on the couch, while Scarlett is bright red and fumbling with her hands and words.

  “We ah, we were just talking about the wedding?” She says, but it sounds more like a question than a statement. Interesting.

  “Really, well, I forgot to ask but it seems Scarlett beat me to it. Would you like to attend our wedding Luke?” I ask with a tinge of teasing in my voice, Scarlett’s eyes widen, her face turning even more red at being caught out.

  Luke tries to hide his smirk and clears his throat. “Yeah, thanks man. I’d love to be there, where is it and when? I’ll have to ask for time off at work,” he asks, further proving Scarlett and Luke weren’t talking about the wedding.

  Laughing I push myself into the room and settle beside the lone chair, which Amy takes leaving Scarlett to sit beside Luke. Sneaky woman my fiancée is.

  “Telluride Colorado on Christmas day, but my beautiful, bride to be, just informed me that we’ll need to go a little earlier to do some planning and organising. So, I’ll need my trainer with me and of course you’ll need your maid of honour, right sweetheart?” I ask looking over at Amy whose eyes are sparkling with laughter.

  “Definitely you’ll have to come up the same as the rest of the guests, it can be a big family holiday. I’d ask for at least two weeks off,” Amy adds innocently.

  “You’re asking everyone to go early? Lily, Jax, Mason, the kids and Niles?” Scarlett askes shocked, looking from me to Amy.

  “Yeah, I want to have everyone we love surrounding us,” Amy sings bouncing in her seat. I’m not sure but I think I hear Scarlett curse under her breath, her eyes drifting to Luke who now looks totally relaxed. “Oh, we didn’t even think to ask if it was okay to be away from your family for Christmas,” Amy gasps looking at Luke.

  “It’s fine, I’m usually working anyway,” he says avoiding the topic.

  “That’s fantastic news,” Amy gushes clapping her hands. “Well, not that you’re usually working but that you can come, we love you like family now and the kids love when you visit,” she babbles, making me grin.

  Luke smiles, looking a little shocked at her words. They’re all true though, he’s become more than my trainer, he’s a friend, family.

  “Okay, so what am I expected to wear? Just a shirt and trousers?” He asks, looking between us, I look at Amy and nod, she squeals and launches into informing him he will be a groomsman and what he needs. We arrange for me, him and Sebastian to go and pick their suits this weekend as all the others have been ordered.

  “I’m so excited,” Amy blurts in excitement.

  “Erm, Aim,” Scarlett interrupts. “What about Christmas presents?”

  “Oh shit,” Amy squeaks, looking horrified. “I forgot all about it being Christmas too,” she covers her mouth, looking at me anxiously.

  “How about we get little bits to open on the day before and leave the rest here?” I suggest, worrying over space in the van.

  “That’s a good idea, but I still have to actually go shopping and I haven’t even started. Fuck, this is a nightmare, I have so much to do. We need decorations for the house when we get there…”

  “Hey, hey, breathe sweetheart, you’re going to hyperventilate. How about you grab a notebook and we’ll make lists?” I ask, holding her hands and staring into her eyes until she calms enough. Nodding she grabs the book and pen.

  “Okay, we need decorations, presents, stocking fillers and warm clothes, I hear snows cold,” I joke making Luke laugh, “and food. Then we need to sort a cake, vicar licence an
d flowers. You girls are getting the remaining dresses and accessories this weekend, while Luke, Seb and I get suits. We’ll get the rest of the guys so we can sort shoes, haircuts and anything else you want.” I roll off as she writes it all down in her book nodding.

  “We also need music for the day and our first dance. Oh, and rings,” I add.

  “Nope, we need a ring. I have yours,” she smiles as I scowl.

  “I thought we were going together to pick?” I ask confused.

  “We were but when I saw it, I knew it was the one,” she replies chewing her cheek nervously.

  “Well shit, I guess I need to find yours this weekend.”

  “Okay, I think that’s everything.” She rereads her list nodding.

  “Okay, Scarlett and I will take over decorations, so don’t stress yourself out over that.” Luke says, sitting forward with his phone in his hand. “What colours and type?” He asks, looking from me to Amy as Scarlett glares at him open-mouthed.

  “We’re going for traditional, cosy, but magical. The colours are green, red and white. Think old Christmas and you’ll be on the right track. Scarlett knows what we want anyway.”

  Nodding Luke taps away at his phone, typing everything Amy says.

  “Oh, and a real Christmas tree too, but we’ll get that when we get there.”

  “Maybe you should ask Isabella to see if her friend already has some of this, saves us taking it all up there?” Scarlett suggests.

  “Hmm, what do you think babe?” Amy asks me.

  “It’d be easier,” I agree, smiling.

  “Wow, this doesn’t look so big now,” she murmurs looking relieved.

  “I think if we ask for help, it’ll be a lot easier,” I say kissing her hand.

  “Well, we’d better get on this,” Luke says standing holding out a hand for Scarlett who glares at his hand and stands on her own. “Could you ask your mom about the decorations and get back to us, so we know what to get?” He asks grinning as Scarlett huffs and storms out of the room.


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