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Murder At The Knife's Edge: A Mystic Pines Mystery

Page 12

by T. G. Hanson

  Just as she reached for the supply closet door, two things happened. One, it registered that a light was on in her office and two, she was shoved forward and something hit her hard on the back of her head. The light went out as she slumped to the floor.

  Chewy began barking for all her little heart was worth.


  Lynn woke with a start. Glancing at the clock on the kitchen bar she saw it was almost four in the morning. Wow, I must have been very tired to not hear Meg come back in. Getting up and walking to the restroom, she noticed that the small reading lamp was still on in Meg’s room. Walking in to turn off the light she discovered the bed was empty and looked as though it hadn’t been slept in at all. Well that’s strange. Surely if she was in the kitchen I would have seen her when I got up from the couch. The place isn’t that big.

  Walking back to the living room she looked out the window and noticed that her car wasn’t in the drive. It was at that moment she realized Chewy wasn’t in the house either and that something must have kept Meg from returning home.

  Grabbing her cell phone, she quickly dialed the number to the bookstore. No answer. Her next call was to Wade. “Wade, it’s Lynn. You need to get up and head over to the bookstore to check on Meg right now.”

  Wade could hear the concern in Lynn’s voice but couldn’t figure out what in the world Meg would be doing at the bookstore at four in the morning.

  “Lynn calm down, why is Meg at the bookstore at this hour?”

  “She took my car around two to get Chewy, who we accidentally forgot and left at the store, and she hasn’t come back home. I stayed at her house last night and I’m still here now.”

  “Alright, just calm down. I’ll go check it out right now. You want me to come get you first?”

  “No Wade, just go straight there and hurry, I’m really worried something is wrong. She didn’t answer the phone at the store and her cell phone is here at the house. She would have called me if she wasn’t coming right back home.”

  “Okay Lynn, just sit tight. I’m walking out the door now. Call you when I get there.”

  “Good. Thanks, Wade and hurry please.”

  Hanging up the phone, Lynn began to get dressed. It was only a couple of blocks to the store and she could just walk on over there. No way could she just sit here when her friend might be in trouble.

  Grabbing her cell phone, she ran out the door and headed down the street.


  Meg woke up on the floor of the bookstore with some type of cloth tied around her mouth. Trying to sit up she realized besides the gag on her mouth, both her hands and feet were bound as well. The small lamp on her desk was still on, but it sounded like she was alone.

  Hearing Chewy in the supply closet whimpering and scratching at the door, she tried to tell the little dog she was there, but all that came out was garbled noise. It must have been enough because Chewy stopped whining and barked.

  Her head hurt and she realized someone had been in the store when she came in. They must have hit me over the head, then left me tied up like this. Great, how in the heck am I going to get out of this one? To top it off, she had been in such a hurry when she left the house that she’d forgotten her cell phone.

  Unsure what to do, she looked around the room seeing the phone on her desk. If I can scoot over there, I can maybe get hold of the phone cord and pull it off the desk. She just hoped she could dial 911 behind her back, and then mumble loud enough that they would send someone to help her. She had no idea what time it was, or how long she’d been here, but maybe, with any luck, Lynn would wonder where she was and come looking for her.

  She was in the process of scooting towards her desk, when she heard the glass in the back door of the diner break, and the door being thrown open. Moving as quickly as she could, Meg tried to lay down and roll under the desk, but she wouldn’t fit. Laying there, her heart beating so fast she thought it would pop out of her chest, she stared at the doorway with fear in her eyes.

  The beam of a flashlight reflected off the back wall and the next thing she saw was Wade looking at her from the doorway. “Meg oh my gosh honey, stay calm and nod your head. Is anyone else in here that you know of?” he whispered. Meg nodded no and started mumbling.

  Wade bent down and pulled the gag off her mouth. Removing the tape from her hands and legs he sat her up on the floor, checking for broken bones. She appeared to be unharmed except for the large bump on the back of her head. “Man, someone hit you hard didn’t they?”

  “They came up from behind me and the next thing I knew I woke up on the floor all tied up.”

  Looking around the room Wade sighed. “Looks to me like you interrupted a burglary. The place is messed up. Did you see who did this?”

  “No idea whatsoever.”

  With Wades help, Meg stood up and looked around the room. Her office was trashed; books and papers were all over the place in the bookstore. How had she not noticed the mess when she came in last night or did it happen after she was knocked out? “Is the diner a mess as well?”

  “No, just the bookstore and your office, it appears. Any idea what they might have been after?”

  “None, not at all, but it’s hard to tell right now if anything is missing or not.”

  About that time, they heard Lynn banging on the front door to the bookstore and yelling for Wade.

  “Sit down and I’ll go get her” Wade ordered. Meg noticed that he didn’t seem too happy with either her or the situation. “You need to be still till we can get Doc over here to check you out.”

  Great, now I will have to deal with all this and Wade and the Doc. And most likely lots of questions from the Sheriff. In one short day, my life has become a wreck.

  Lynn rushed into the office and threw her arms around Meg. “Oh honey, you scared the willy out of me! Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, honest. Just a little bump on the head and I’m guessing very soon a good-sized headache. But would you please let Chewy out. Poor thing is trapped in the supply closet.”

  “Sure hon, right away.” Looking in the closet, Lynn found the little dog turning circles and bouncing around.

  Released from the closet, Chewy ran straight for Meg, jumped up in her lap, and began licking her face like crazy.

  Wade was picking up the phone to call the Doc when Meg asked, begged really, for him to not make the call. “Please Wade, just let me go home and put some ice on it. Lynn will be with me and I promise tomorrow I’ll go into Doc’s office and get it checked out. Right now, I just want to go home and lay down.”

  Seeing the desperation in Meg’s face, Lynn took the phone from Wade and set it down on the table. “I think she’ll be fine Wade and I’ll stay with her as long as I’m needed. Let’s just let her get home so she can rest. I’ll even take her to Doc’s tomorrow, myself.”

  No way could Wade refuse two such lovely and pleading faces. “Alright you two, it’s against my better judgement, but I can’t fight you both. Come on, I’ll follow you to Meg's in my own car. I at least need to be sure you two make it home safe.”

  While the girls headed out to Lynn’s car he stayed behind making sure the small lights were left on and the back door was secured with some cardboard and tape he found in the supply closet. He followed the girls to Meg’s house and went inside first, making sure it was safe. “You two call me if you need anything. I’m headed back to the station and will be there the rest of the night. I’m wide awake and won’t get any sleep now anyway.”

  Meg gave him a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. “We will Wade and thanks for everything.”

  Reminding them to go to Doc’s later today and making sure they locked the door behind him, he stumbled off the porch and back to his car. Wow, a hug and a kiss. Things are looking up!

  His next thought was, Man, the sheriff is going to hand me my hind end over not calling him tonight and letting those girls go home. But, the hug and kiss, those were definitely worth getting my rear chewed on tomorrow.

  Meg awoke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon. She climbed out of bed and walked just inside the living room to see Lynn working away in the kitchen. “Oh, that smells like heaven. Did I die?”

  Laughing, Lynn set the cup of coffee, and plate of food on the bar counter. “Get on over here and eat while I clean up the kitchen,” Lynn ordered. She set two aspirin on the counter and turned back around to do the dishes. “I’ve already taken Chewy out for a walk and she’s done her business. Plus, I put food and water out for her. I’ve also called Randy and given him the day off. I told him because of what happened, the diner and bookstore wouldn’t be opening today. Working for the sheriff does have its advantages don’t you think?”

  Meg looked around to see Chewy curled up asleep at the end of the couch, only her tiny black nose sticking out from under the blanket Lynn had been using. “Thanks and this looks delicious. I’m starved.”

  “So how is your head this morning and what time do you want to go to Doc’s?” Lynn knew perfectly well that Meg did not want to see the doctor, but she was going to try anyway.

  “Honestly Lynn, I don’t see the need. My head is a bit sore where the bump is but it’s gone way down and the headache is gone.”

  Lynn sighed “All right but you will be the one explaining to Wade why you didn’t go see Doc. I’m not taking the blame for that one. First you scared the heck out of the guy and then, that hug and kiss you gave him just about sent him over the edge. Thought he might fall off the front porch when he left last night. The guy has it bad for you Meg.”

  Meg smiled. “Oh I know he does, doesn’t he? And he is one of the good ones. It’s just that right now, I come with way too many secrets and baggage to get to involved.”

  “I get it Meg, I do. But till you are ready, try to take it easy around him. You’re right, he is one of the good ones and we want to keep him that way. I don’t think he is too happy about everything that has happened, and I wonder if he is reconsidering what he may have gotten himself into with you. You know what I mean?”

  The two continued to chat while they ate. When she was finished, Meg rinsed off her dishes and set them in the drainer to dry. “I get it, I truly do and wouldn’t blame him a bit for walking away from whatever this is, we might have.” Sighing to herself she added, “It would be better for him in the long run I think.”

  Gathering up her things Lynn looked over at Meg, “So here’s the plan. I’m going to run home long enough to shower and get dressed. You shower and dress while I’m gone and then when I return we’ll head on over to the diner and check out the damage. Sound good to you?”

  “Yup, sounds great but won’t they need you at the station today?”

  “No, I talked to Wade this morning and he called in Myra Dinks to watch the office and dispatch today. She fills in for me when needed and he doesn’t want you out of my sight today” she replied grinning.

  “Oh stop would you! I’m guessing Wade will be showing up at the diner as well? And maybe the Sheriff?”

  “You guessed right, so you had better start thinking about what you will say to them. They are going to ask you questions about what happened last night at the diner, as well as what happened to you when you went back to the bookstore.”

  “Oh my, I hadn’t thought about it yet but you're right.”

  “I’m not sure what you should tell them, but maybe, it’s time you realized that you can’t hide forever, no matter where you are. You have people here that care about you and would be more than happy to help.”

  Lynn picked up her purse and heading out the door, told Meg she would return in about thirty minutes for her.

  Walking back to the bedroom, Meg realized Lynn was right. This was a difficult situation and she had no idea what she was going to do, or say. She herself wasn’t even sure what was going on. But then, she thought, that just might be the ace up my sleeve.

  Plus, she realized that she was going to have to do something about Wade. She’d let him get to close and that could put him in danger as well. If I can’t confide in him, I might just need to keep my distance for now, she decided.


  Wade heard the front door open and close. He guessed it was Myra coming in to watch the office for the day. He had called her to help this morning so Lynn could stay with Meg.

  Myra set her things on the desk and walked into Wade’s office. The station had only the front office, a powder room, a small cell and one larger room. The larger room was split in the middle by one of those fabric partitions you could pick up and move around. One half of the room was used by the Sheriff while the other half was used by Wade.

  “So, how’s it going this morning Wade? Want me to put on a fresh pot of coffee?”

  “Hey Myra. Yes, please, and thanks for coming in. Lynn sends her thanks as well.”

  “No problem. I never have much planned for the day and I enjoy the change. Besides, I can read while I watch the front desk. You want it black or with creamer,” asked Myra.

  “Black as you can get it Myra. Been here all night and I need to wake up. Add a lid if you don’t mind.”

  A few minutes later Myra walked back into the office setting the cup of steaming coffee on Wade’s desk. “Guess you’re headed out to the diner this morning.”

  “Yup, just waiting for the Sheriff to get in and then we will both head on over there.”

  “Y’all find out any more about the guy, or what might have happened?”

  “Not much, but we had another incident last night as well.” Wade then explained what had happened to Myra, in as little detail as he could.

  “Wow, when it rains it pours huh. I’ll go fix a cup of coffee for the Sheriff then Y’all can leave when he gets here.”

  “Thanks Myra. I’d marry you tomorrow you know” teased Wade.

  “Oh stop it. Go flirt with Meg if you’re gonna flirt with anyone. I’m way too old for you!”

  Wade smiled and wondered how Meg was doing right about now. I don’t like the fact that the bookstore was broken into on the same night of the murder. And to forget Chewy that way, what was that about? She dotes on that dog. Something must have happened that I don’t know about to make her leave and forget the dog.

  He reached in his pocket and pulled out the envelope he’d found on her bike, the night of the murder. There was something Meg was hiding but he had no idea what it might be. He was though, going to find out, and he was going to do so on his own.

  He had made up his mind to not say anything about the contents of the envelope until he knew more, and perhaps had talked to Meg about it. He didn’t like this feeling, the feeling that he might could lose Meg. Thinking about his life at the academy, and what had happened to his fiancée Kim, he wasn’t sure he could go through that situation again. He wasn’t sure he would survive losing two women he cared about in similar ways.

  Hearing the front door open he stood, picked up his coffee, then walked out of the room. Sheriff Briggs had just arrived and was talking to Myra.

  John looked up at Wade. “You ready to head over to the diner?”

  “Actually, John, we might need to have a little chat before we head that way,” Wade replied.

  Frowning, John followed Wade into the office and shut the door behind him. “So what’s up Wade?”

  “Well, I got a call around four this morning from Lynn.” He then proceeded to tell the Sheriff what all had transpired, adding that the two girls would meet them at the diner this morning, to go over what had happened.

  “You’re kidding me. All that happened and you didn’t call me and let me know? There might have been evidence we needed to look at and Meg needed to be questioned. I swear boy, that girl makes you do stupid things sometimes” he yelled.

  “Calm down John. You know I take my job seriously. I made sure the place was secure and Meg, trust me, she was in no condition to talk to anyone. I sent Lynn home with her and made sure they would call when they got to the diner this mor

  As if on cue, Wade’s phone started ringing. “Hello. Good just stay outside. Be there in a sec. We’re leaving the station now.” Hanging up Wade looked over at John, “The girls are at the diner now, should we head out?”

  John, realizing he just couldn’t stay mad at Wade, picked up his coffee and shaking his head, walked out of the office. “Myra, we’re headed over to the diner now. Call Wade’s cell if you need us.” Both men walked out the door heading down the sidewalk towards the diner.

  Myra waited till the men had passed the corner of the building, counted to ten, then picked up the phone, and called Nyla. Boy, is she gonna flip about this one.


  Nyla had just finished breakfast and was busy picking up her house when she heard the mail drop through the slot in the door. Kevin always rapped his knuckles on the door twice, as he walked away, signaling the mail had been dropped off. Nice young man. Can’t see what he sees in that Daisy though. She’s kind of sneaky that one. She picked up the mail and dropped it on the little side table while sitting down to give Helen a call, when the phone rang.

  “Hello” answered Nyla.

  “Nyla, it’s Myra, you’ll never guess what I found out this morning!”

  Picking some lint off her jeans she replied, “No, not sure I could Myra, seeing as how you are at your house and I’m at mine.”

  “No Nyla, I’m at the Sheriff’s office. I came in to help out and cover the office today because Lynn is with Meg.”

  “So what’s up then, and why did Lynn need to watch over Meg? Was she that upset about the murder?”

  “That’s not it, well, might be part of it, but I overheard the Sheriff and Wade talking this morning and it seems like someone broke into the bookstore last night. Everyone had left and I guess Meg forgot her dog there. So, she went back to get her and someone knocked her over the head and tore the place apart!”


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