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Murder At The Knife's Edge: A Mystic Pines Mystery

Page 15

by T. G. Hanson

  Deciding there was nothing else he could do but wait for Danny to call, he went to bed. Laying there he decided that if he didn’t hear from him soon he would have to figure out what to do. Maybe he would need to find someone to go look for Danny, he guessed.

  She is going to pay for all of this. He’d see to that!


  The Sheriff’s office had been busier than normal this morning with many of the townsfolk coming in for questioning about the murder. Lynn, noticing it was well after lunchtime, walked towards the office and stopped in the doorway. “Either of you two want me to go pick something up at the Piggly Wiggly for lunch? They have some decent boxed lunch things I think, and with the diner closed, that’s about your only choice.”

  “I didn’t even realize how late it had gotten,” Wade replied.

  “Sure thing Lynn, grab some petty cash and just pick out whatever for me” John told her.

  Cash in hand, Lynn headed to the door calling, “All right you two, on my way, be back in a few.” As she reached the door she heard both men yell, “Go by the diner and beg Meg for a big jug of Sweet Tea! This coffee is killing us.”

  “I’ll give it a shot” she called out. Knowing Meg was at the bookstore today still organizing things, she wanted to pop in and check on her. This way she thought, I have an excuse.

  Looking around she noticed how quiet the town seemed. With both the bookstore and the diner closed, there weren’t as many people out and about. Wonder if Meg has ever realized how much life her two places bring to the town?

  Lynn had been going over the events that had happened to Meg since last night. She knew that Wade was worried about Meg. She could see it in his face every time her name was mentioned. She had also discovered the Sheriff doing online background checks on Meg and figured it was about time to put her sleuth’s hat on. She needed to find a way to help her friend without giving her secrets away.


  Reaching the bookstore, she walked in and called out, “Meg where are you?”

  “Back here in the supply closet. Is that you Lynn?”

  “It’s me. I’m off to grab some of those boxed lunches they have at the Piggly for the guys. Thought I’d see if you wanted anything while I’m there?”

  Poking her head out of the closet Meg looked up at her friend and frowned. “No way! You can’t feed them that junk. Let’s go into the diner. I think there is some cold fried chicken and salads still left from the other night.”

  “The guys will be thrilled, you sure it’s not any trouble?”

  “Not at all and I’ve got some tea made as well.”

  Meg walked out of the closet and shut the door. “Come on, let’s go look.”

  The two talked about their mornings on the way back to the kitchen. Meg grabbed enough chicken to feed a small army and threw it into the warmers. Picking up some take-out containers she threw in some veggies, put those in the microwave to heat up, then found a washed-out milk jug and filled it with sweet tea. While the chicken was warming, they sat at the large prep counter and talked.

  “So how long do you think I’m going to have to keep the place locked up here, Lynn?”

  “I think I heard John telling Wade to stop by later and let you know that you could open back up tomorrow. But you didn’t hear that from me, I wouldn’t want to spoil Wade’s reason for stopping by” she said, grinning at Meg.

  “Oh stop it will ya” smiled Meg. “By the way, I keep forgetting to ask you this but, did you happen to see that woman, Sherry, I think is her name, at the Mystery Dinner the other night? She was here once before and was asking me all kind of questions.”

  “Hmm not sure I remember her what did she look like?”

  Meg thought for a few moments then described the woman to Lynn. “She would be hard to miss I think, simply because of the way she was dressed. A bit too nice for someone from around here - designer jeans and all.”

  Meg had been thinking about the woman and why she had been in town. Both times, that she knew of, she had attended the Mystery Dinners.

  “I was trying to remember what she said her last name was. “Winds or Win, something like that I think.”

  “Let me have your phone for a second” Lynn said. She grabbed the phone, went online with it and searched for something. Finding what she wanted she turned the phone to Meg and asked, “That look like her?”

  Meg leaned over the counter to look at the image on her phone, “Oh my gosh, you’re a genius, that’s her! How on earth did you know, and who is she?”

  With a worried look on her face Lynn sat the phone down on the counter. “Meg, that’s Sherry Winslow and she’s a reporter for the Houston Chronicle. She does mostly fluff pieces and human interest stories, but has her own column as well.”

  “Oh my gosh, you’re kidding me, right? Please say you are.” cried Meg.

  “Sorry Hun but no. I used to read them all the time online when I lived in Houston.” Lynn didn’t say anything else, but she had a feeling she was thinking the same thing as Meg was right now.

  Meg stood up quickly telling Lynn to stay seated. “I’ll be right back,” then took off towards the bookstore. A few minutes later she was back and showing Lynn the photo she had found in the wallet.

  “What do you think, could she have taken this photo while she was here at one of the Mystery Dinners?” Meg asked.

  Lynn looked at the photo and the little bit of background that was showing in the image. The top left corner was missing, and it was mostly a head shot, but you could still see something of the background. Getting up and walking behind the counter Lynn held the photo up to about Megs height and began looking at the wall.

  “I think you might be right Meg. I think the photo might have been taken when you were giving your presentation for the murder scene. Look here at the top right corner.”

  Meg looked, “I don't get it, what is it that you see?”

  “Here, see that, it looks like the corner of that metal box you have on the shelf over there.” Lynn was pointing to the bread box on the shelf behind the counter.

  Looking again Meg had to agree. “Sure does and it's placed far enough behind me that I would have been standing in front of the counter when the picture was taken.”

  Lynn frowned. “This could be the way someone found you. If she did an article on the place or you, this photo might have been in the paper with the article.”

  They stood looking at the photo and thinking for a moment, then turned to each other saying “We have to get a look at some old Houston Chronicle papers and find out!”

  “All right, here’s what we’ll do. I’m going to get this food back to the guys. You continue whatever it was you were doing here, and keep those doors locked! The Sheriff has more interviews today so I won’t be able to leave till later this evening. When I get off I’ll give you a call and head on over here. We can walk home together and do some research at your house.”

  “You are such a good friend Lynn and I’m so happy I confided in you.”

  Meg gathered up the food for the guys then reaching in the little mini fridge under the counter, pulled out a whole apple pie. “Here take this with you too. It's a day old, but it should still be good after you heat it up a bit.”


  After eating, Wade and the Sheriff called Meg thanking her profusely for saving them from the toxic Piggly foods. The Sheriff blew Wade’s chance of going by the diner, telling Meg she could go ahead and open both places tomorrow. He got a bit of scolding from Lynn over that one.

  “So have you guys managed to find anyone so far who saw or knows anything more about the murder?” Lynn asked.

  “Not so far,” answered Wade.

  John looked over at Lynn, “Say Lynn, you and Meg are good friends. Does she ever talk about where she used to live? Any family or friends from the past?”

  “Not really John. We mostly just talk about girl stuff, our days and books. You still don’t think she had anything to do with all thi
s, do you?”

  The Sheriff watched Lynn while she was talking, but didn’t see any signs that she wasn’t being truthful with him. “No, I really don’t but on the other hand it seems like whoever did this, is trying to point the finger at her and I’m not sure why.”

  Lynn quickly picked up her paper plate and headed to the trash can - “John, you know Meg, I can’t imagine anyone would want to harm her in any way, she’s sweet to everyone” - and promptly went back to the front desk.

  There it is! John thought. There’s the sign, and she knows something she isn’t telling. Well I’ll be hanged.”

  He sat in thought for a few minutes then turned to face Wade. “Wade my son, I think it’s time you started taking the night watch. Those two little ladies are up to something. I want you to start watching them and find out what it is. Don’t approach them about it or let them see you if possible, but keep an eye on them as best you can. Something is indeed rotten in Denmark, if you get my meaning.”

  “Well if you say so John. I’ll start tonight.” What Wade was really thinking was, dang, he just gave me permission to spy on them and what better way for me to start finding out, what is going on with Megs.


  John hollered out the door to Lynn, “See if you can get Helen Bells, Daisy Wilkes, and Henry Means on the phone. Those three were supposed to come in this morning to be interviewed.”

  Picking up the phone Lynn yelled back, “Sure John.”

  A few minutes later Lynn walked into the office with a strange look on her face. “So John, I tried but I wouldn’t count on any of the three coming in today.”

  Normally a quiet, easy going fella, John was beginning to turn a little red in the face with frustration. “What the heck, what do you mean?”

  “Well, Helen said she was sick and couldn’t leave the house, Henry said he had too many things to do today and promptly hung up on me, and Daisy, she just yelled a word I'd rather not repeat and then hung up on me as well.”

  Both Lynn and Wade watched as the Sheriff’s face turned bright red looking as if he was going to explode. When it came to the law, and his job, he took it serious and didn’t abide by folks trying to pull things past him, or not cooperating.

  “Wade, get in your car and get on over there to Daisy’s folks house. You tell her to sit down and do an interview with you right then and there!”

  “Sure John but what if she refuses to talk to me, what do you want me to do then?”

  “Then you tell her she is obstructing the investigation and you’re taking her hind end to jail! And you better say it like you mean it. Put the fear of God into her, you hear me!”

  Wade picked up his hat, “On my way John” and headed out the door as fast as he could.

  He decided to stop at the diner on his way and check on Meg. He could always use the excuse of asking for a glass of sweet tea to go. Sure, the diner was closed, but knowing the owner was bound to have its advantages.

  Meg was sitting on the floor of the bookstore trying to repair a snag in the carpet when she heard the diner front door open. “Sorry we’re closed for the day, but we'll be open normal hours tomorrow.”

  “Does that apply to an officer of the law?” asked Wade.

  “Hmm well now, that depends I guess, on just what it might be, said officer might want.”

  “Gosh little lady, he’s just looking for something cold and sweet to drink and has heard this here diner has the best sweet tea in the south,” Wade teased.

  Meg looked up and told Wade to get on over here and help her off the floor. Once upright she grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the diner motioning for him to have a seat at the counter.

  “Flattery will get you as much sweet tea as you can drink sir.” Walking into the kitchen, she was back in a few minutes with the largest of the to-go cups, full to the brim with tea, setting it in front of Wade. “Would said officer have time for a slice of pie to go with that tea?”

  “Pie, did someone say Pie? Just give me a fork and I’ll be in heaven.”

  Laughing, Meg cut a slice of the chocolate pie she had made earlier for tomorrow’s meal. Shaking the can, she made sure to add extra whipped cream to the top, along with some chocolate shavings. Sliding the plate over to Wade she handed him a fork, “Go to town Sir.”

  Back at the station, John was shouting at Lynn, “Get Helen Means on the phone and let her know I’m coming to her house, and I’m on my way now!”

  “I’m on it. Do you want me to stay here till you get back?”

  John thought for a few minutes. “No Hun, you can lock up and go for the day. I’m sure Meg can still use some help over at the bookstore.”

  Lynn smiled at the Sheriff, “Thanks John, I’ll see you Monday morning, if not sooner at the diner. And John, take it easy on Helen, she’s such a sweet thing.”

  “Sure thing Lynn. Sorry about losing my temper with you and being so gruff. I guess my patience has just about run out today. See you Monday.” With a frown on his face, John walked out the door.

  Closing the office, Lynn noticed the Sheriff’s computer had been left on. Perfect she thought, and walking into the office, sat down at his desk. Moving the mouse to wake up the computer, she drew in her breath as she saw what came up on the screen. The Sheriff had been doing extensive background searches on Meg and most likely was wondering, why he couldn’t find anything on her before she arrived in Mystic Pines!

  Meg watched Wade as he gulped down the slice of pie. She filled a glass full of cold water and set it in front of him, laughing. “My goodness, doesn’t the Sheriff ever feed you?”

  With his mouth full of pie Wade could only mumble which made Meg laugh and Wade almost choke. Finishing up the pie and taking a long drink, he looked over at Meg. She seemed so happy, as if she hadn’t a care in the world. He wondered how anyone could be so calm with all this stuff going on around them. A strong woman he thought, definitely a keeper.

  Lynn picked up the phone and called Helen’s house but this time there was no answer. No problem she thought, Helen will find out soon enough that the Sheriff is coming her way. Grabbing her things, she locked up the office and headed down the street.

  Wade, having finished his slice of pie, stood up to leave. “Would you like a slice to go for later?” asked Meg.

  “Tempting, but I have to watch my waistline, you know. But thanks, it was delicious and the tea will hold me till I get home and then some.”

  Wade began to fish some money out of his wallet. Meg put her hand on top of his, “No Wade, not from you, never from you. Yours is always on the house.”

  Wade just couldn’t stand it any longer. They had been doing the just friends thing for six months now. It was time he made a move and saw what happened.

  Reaching across the counter, he grabbed Megs chin and planted a big old kiss on her lips. To his surprise, she didn’t pull away and smack him, but instead, kissed him back.

  They were still in mid-kiss when they heard the diner door thrown open and someone clear their throat rather loudly. Turning to face the door they saw Lynn standing there with hands folded across her chest. Her foot was tapping the floor and she was trying her best to keep from smiling.

  “Well now Officer Hooper, you getting a little pie on the side here?” Then she burst out laughing. “Honestly, you two look like two teenagers caught in the back seat of a car, out on Massacre Pond!”

  A bit on the red-faced side, Wade picked up his hat and his tea, then smiled at Meg. “I should probably go, but, I’ll be seeing you very soon.”

  Giggling like a school girl, Meg smiled, “Anytime officer.”

  Wade walked past Lynn, frowned at her, and kept walking out the door to his car. If nobody had been around he probably would have done a high five for himself.

  Lynn laughed a little and turned back to face Meg. “All right pie lady, grab your stuff and let’s get out of here. I thought we might stop at the Piggly and grab something yummy to make for supper tonight. Veggie burgers sou
nd good?”

  Still smiling Meg grabbed her purse, shut off the lights and walked past Lynn right out the door. “Oh what’s burgers when you’ve had pie,” and burst out laughing.


  Daisy was inside with her laptop open when she heard a car pull up outside. Looking through the front window she grimaced when she saw who it was. Kevin had called her and told her all about the murder that had happened at the diner and she had been expecting either Wade or the Sheriff to show up soon.

  Not today. I’m not in the mood to play who-dun-it with Mr. Detective Wade! Maybe that law, the one about being a minor, from that crime show I saw last night will work, and he’ll leave quickly?

  Wade parked his car on the street and walked up to the front door of Daisy’s house. The Wilkes lived in one of the larger homes, on the nicest street in town. The family had money, but he thought they spent it all traveling, as Daisy was left alone a lot, it seemed. He was always hearing about the Wilkes going here or there on vacation. Poor girl, no wonder she’s a wild one.

  Well this will be fun, not, he thought, knocking and waiting for someone to answer. When nobody answered, he knocked again louder. “Daisy I know you’re in there. I can see the TV on, so you may as well open the door. I’m not leaving here till I talk with you, and I can wait all night long if I need to.”

  A few minutes later Daisy answered the door with a towel wrapped around her head, and another around her body. “Geeze, can’t a girl take a shower without being interrupted around here?” she griped.

  Wade turned his back to her while telling her to please go put on some clothes. “I’m here to interview you about the murder at the diner. I assume by now that you’ve heard all about it?”

  “Hey I know my rights; you can’t talk to me without my folks being here.”

  “Daisy, I’m afraid you are wrong on that one. You’re eighteen so that means I can interview you with or without your folks being here. Why are you giving me such a hard time about this?”


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