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Murder At The Knife's Edge: A Mystic Pines Mystery

Page 17

by T. G. Hanson

  “Fantastic! Thanks so much Myra. I’ll see you shortly.”

  They hung up and Myra hurried to get her things and drive over to the diner. Goodness, two days in a row I get to do something other than watch this stupid television. How exciting! Quickly she rushed over to the hall mirror and checked her hair and make-up. Running a brush through her thick silver hair, she grabbed her car keys and headed out the door.

  Myra grew up in Mystic Pines and married her husband Pete, later in life. Pete had owned the Nail & Coffin Hardware store till he retired and sold it. They had done well, and managed to stash away most of their income from the store, looking forward to a long retirement. Unfortunately, Pete had gotten Cancer not long after he retired and was gone within the year.

  Myra discovered soon after that life alone was difficult for her. She had her book club friends, but missed having something to do during the days. She was still in good health at sixty-five, and longed for a job or something to do with herself. Unfortunately, not too many folks wanted to hire someone of her age. She was happy to help at the police station but that was only here and there.

  Meg was wiping down the tables in the bookstore when she saw Myra’s car pull into the parking lot. Setting the rag down, she walked to the door and waved for Myra to come on inside.

  “Hey Myra, it’s so nice of you to help out. I hope you didn’t have anything special planned for the day.”

  “Oh no dear, just watching the idiot box was all. I’m thrilled to get another day with something different to do. Thanks so much for thinking of me! People don’t realize how bored a retired person can get and it’s not like there’s a huge calling for sixty-something ladies in jobs these days,” she laughed.

  Meg took a few minutes and explained what she needed Myra to do. “The ladies will mill around the bookstore for about an hour buying books and then go over to the diner and have their lunch. They all have the same meal so we don’t have to take orders, just wheel the plates out on the food carts is all. Then check for tea refills now and then.”

  “Sounds like something I can handle. However, I don’t know anything about running a register, or about the new books,” she stammered.

  “Well, that won’t be a problem. I always pick a few new books and lay them out on the table for them to look over. Extra copies are here at the register. If they have a special request they will most likely just come ask me, but you’ve been in here enough that I suspect you could help them out as well. If you get stuck on something just yell for me, okay?”

  “Once they’re all set down in the diner, I’ll pull out my favorite from the selections I’ve shown them and read a few chapters while they’re eating.”

  “Oh, that will be exciting,” replied Myra, as she looked over the new book selections. “I’ve only read a few of these, which one will you be reading today?”

  “I’ve chosen 15th Affair by James Patterson. It’s from his Women’s Murder Club series. I think your own book club has been reading those, haven’t they?”

  “We sure have and they are one of my very favorite series.”

  “After we get them all settled down to eat, you’re more than welcome to grab a lunch plate for yourself and join them.”

  Myra placed her hand to the side of her face in shock. “Oh no, I’m here to help you today. I should be working not enjoying myself.”

  Meg smiled at the sweet woman while reaching out, and touching her on the arm. “Sweetie, lunch is part of your pay for the day. You get a lunch hour for working a full day, that is if you want to stay till closing. Otherwise, if you need to leave, I’ll be fine after lunch and you can go on home.”

  “I . . . get paid,” she stammered. “Wasn’t expecting pay for just helping you out of a jam. I’ve got nothing else to do today so if you don’t mind, I’ll stay, have some lunch, and help till closing,” she replied excitedly.

  Smiling Meg noticed the happy glint in Myra’s eyes. “Sounds perfect to me. Now, I’ve got to run and check that Randy has the food all ready to go, but the group should arrive soon. If you’ll just hang out by the front door and hand these little pamphlets out to the ladies as they walk in, that will be your first duty.”

  Myra grabbed the pamphlets and all but ran to stand by the door, smoothing her hair and dress down as she went. Well I’ll be, thought Meg. She never knew that asking someone to help would have made their day, but it sure appeared it had Myra’s.

  The rest of the day went off without a hitch. Myra helped more of the ladies than even she or Meg thought she would be able to. Her sweet nature and willingness to help made the ladies feel welcome and catered to.

  Lunch was perfect, thanks to Randy’s gourmet spicy chicken salad on lettuce with watermelon slices and pickled cucumbers. Everyone loved the meal, as well as the few chapters of the book Meg had read, with several of the women purchasing copies of the book on their way out to the bus.

  Myra stood up and began to help clear away the dishes. “That was so much fun Meg! I never knew you did these kinds of things here. Just thought the Mystery Dinner was the only thing. But then I don’t think I’ve been in here except with Nyla and the group.”

  “Well, running a bookstore can be tricky sometimes and it’s these little events that bring in enough to pay the bills. I wish I could do more, but I’m busy enough as it is.”

  “Yes I suppose you are. Well, please do keep me in mind if you ever need help again. I’ve had such a lovely time today.”

  Meg looked at the woman who appeared as if she were about to burst and asked her to sit down for a moment.

  “Oh my, did I do something wrong dear?”

  “Not at all Myra, in fact I was pleasantly surprised. You handled the ladies with respect and kindness and several remarked that they like my new helper as they were leaving.”

  Myra smiled shyly, “I surprised myself. Wasn't sure I was up to the task, but I had a great time talking to all those women and helping them find things.”

  “So Myra, what would you say if I were to offer you a job, maybe two or three days a week around here, more if you’d like. It wouldn’t always be just in the bookstore, but that would be your main duties. And you could set your own hours if you like. You could work only a few hours or a full day, unless I needed you for something like today. What do you say?”

  Myra’s hand flew up to her neck and she stood up, “Are you serious Meg?”

  “Why yes Myra, I think you would be an asset to the store after seeing how you did today and I’d love to have you.”

  Myra flew around the desk and hugged Meg so hard she thought she would break in two. “Um, I guess that’s a yes?” Meg said laughing.

  “Oh yes, yes, and can I work three days, full days, a week and maybe on the days when you have this ladies group come in?”

  “Sounds perfect Myra and yes, I’d especially like you to work on the ladies’ group days if you don’t mind.”

  Myra looked like she was going to cry. Meg hugged the woman back letting her know that she could start on Monday. They carried the dishes back to the kitchen and wiped down all the tables then walked back into the bookstore. Meg walked Myra around the store showing her things here and there and before they realized, it was time for the supper crowd to start coming in.


  Wade got up from his desk and walked around the partition so he could talk with the Sheriff. “Say John, I’m wondering, since you have me on night watch, as you call it, does that mean I’m taking the weekend?” he asked.

  Since there were only the two of them, the Sheriff and Wade took turns watching the phone and going out on any calls that might come up over the weekend. They had come up with the idea some time ago, and it seemed to work well for each of them.

  “Afraid so Wade. With all this mess, I think maybe we might have to work a bit longer in the evenings than we are used to. I’ve got some things I’m still checking on and I need to talk with Doc as well, so if you don’t mind.”

  “No problem at
all John. I’ll be fine.” He could get used to this night shift, more time to be at the diner and around Meg. “You eating at the diner tonight John, or headed home?”

  “Wife’s got a nice supper planned and for once I’m getting out of here on time. But, I’m sure you should stop by there, just to check on Meg and all.” John grinned at Wade and winked.

  “Sure thing Sheriff, sure beats the heck out of a pb&j or Hungry Man dinners. I’m headed there now.”

  “Sounds good Wade. Have a nice supper and I’ll be talking to you tomorrow my son.”

  Wade picked up his Stetson hat, then headed out the door and down the street humming to himself the entire way.

  With Trixie showing Myra how to run the diner register, Lynn and Meg were sitting back in the bookstore having a glass of tea while Meg took a break.

  “I’m telling you Lynn, I thought Myra was gonna pee herself she was so excited”

  “How funny, but I’m so glad you called and asked her to help. Sounds to me like she has just been waiting for something like this. I know she was always ready and willing to help out at the station if we called.”

  “It felt really good to see her smile so much, and she was fantastic with the ladies group. Much nicer than Daisy has ever been, that’s for sure.”

  “Speaking of Daisy, you ever get hold of her?”

  Taking a sip of her tea Meg frowned. “Nope, she never called, showed up, or answered her phone, but to be honest, once I saw how great Myra was, I was sort of happy Daisy didn’t show up. I must say that it does have me a bit worried though. Normally she’s very reliable.”

  Pushing some specks of dust off the desk Lynn was looking thoughtful. “She’s young, you think this murder thing has gotten to her and she’s afraid to be here?”

  “Well, not sure.” Meg gave it some thought. “Come to think of it, I haven’t seen her since right after the murder happened. Didn’t Wade go by to talk to her last night though?”

  Lynn was about to answer when they heard Wade in the bookstore hollering “Ladies, oh where for art thou ladies?”

  Giggling they both replied “We are here fair Romeo, back here.”

  Wade appeared and leaned against the door frame. Meg sighed to herself. That man is too hot for his own good, thought Meg blushing.

  “You off the clock?” Lynn asked.

  “Nope, still on, but the slave driver did give me an hour for supper. So, what’s on the menu tonight Megs?”

  “I believe that would be Manhattans, you know, open faced sandwiches with mashed potatoes and sliced beef on top then smothered in Randy’s special recipe gravy. Steamed green beans, grilled baby ears of corn and Pecan Pie for dessert.”

  Wade had begun to slide down the door frame, hand over his heart, as Meg quoted the menu and was now on the floor fanning his face. “Oh how I love to hear a pretty girl read off a menu.”

  Meg picked up a towel from her desk and threw it at him. “Oh stop.”

  Lynn stood up to leave, “Okay you two, this is getting way too silly for me. I’m headed home for the night.” She made Meg promise to call when she got home, hugged her and took off.

  “So what were you two doing hiding back here, and where is Daisy?” asked Wade.

  Meg explained that Daisy had not shown up for work and how Myra had agreed to help. She also told him about hiring Myra and how happy the woman was about it all.

  “Did you ever hear from Daisy?” he asked a bit worried.

  “No nothing, she never did answer her phone. You think maybe you should check up on her?”

  “Oh you know how Daisy is. I’m sure she’s fine, just being Daisy. Besides I’d much rather spend my evening checking up on you.”

  He moved closer to Meg and wrapped an arm around her. He could hear her heart pounding and smiled. Leaning down he kissed her softly, “Meg, you know I’m crazy about you, don’t you?”

  Meg kissed him back then pulled away. “Yes, I think I do, but my life, it’s, well, it’s sort of complicated right now. I’m not saying stay away, but can we just take whatever this is between us and go slow with it.”

  “Not a problem at all. You just set the speed limit and I’ll abide by it.”

  “Thanks Wade, you truly are a nice guy.”

  Putting his hand over his heart and hanging his head, he began to walk out of the room “Oh the curse of being the nice guy.”

  Meg picked up the towel off the floor and smacked him in the behind with it. “Come on nice guy, let’s get you something to eat.”

  They walked into the diner smiling at each other, arm in arm, not caring that half the room was watching them and smiling as well.


  With Myra’s help, Meg closed the diner, made sure all the doors were locked, and met Wade in the parking lot.

  “Your chariot awaits Madam.”

  Meg thanked him for sticking around and giving her a ride home. These days she was a bit worried about walking home after dark. It’s such a shame she thought, not being able to walk home in this sleepy little town.

  Wade noticed the sad look on her face. “Don’t worry sweets, all this will be over soon and things will be back too normal again.”

  “I hope so Wade, I truly hope so.”

  As soon as Meg had walked Chewy and was safely locked inside, Wade left. He planned to drive over to Daisy’s house and see if she was okay then circle back around and watch Megs house for the night.

  Meg fixed a glass of wine and walked back towards the bathroom. Filling the tub with bubbles then lighting some candles she lowered herself into the warm tub. She had brought her cell with her so she could give Lynn a call. Just wait till she hears about the evening, she thought.

  After chatting with Lynn for half an hour she announced that her toes and fingers were beginning to shrivel up. Saying goodnight to her friend, she hung up the phone and climbed out of the tub. Humming to herself, she put on her favorite baggy pajama pants and a tank top.

  With Myra’s help closing the diner, and Wade giving her a ride home, it was early enough that she could climb in bed and read for a few hours. Padding into the kitchen she filled her wine glass again and was headed back to her bedroom when she heard a soft knock on her door.

  Opening the door, she found Wade standing there with a small group of wildflowers in his hand. “Oh my, whatever will the Sheriff say when he finds out his prized deputy is stealing the local’s flowers?” she asked.

  “I won’t tell if you won’t,” smiled Wade.

  “So what are you doing here silly, you only left a little while ago.”

  “Just thought I’d pop back in to say how much I enjoyed our first date. Oh, and give you these,” handing her the flowers while leaning forward and planting a quick kiss on her lips. With that he turned, hopped off the porch and said “Have a good night sweets,” and was gone, leaving her standing there like a teenager with a school girl crush.

  Meg ran to the bedroom, grabbed her cell and called Lynn.

  “Lynn answered on the third ring, what, what’s wrong?” she asked excitedly.

  “Oh sorry, I’m fine, nothing wrong here. Just wanted to tell you that Wade just came by, again.”

  “Again, I thought he left already?”

  “Well he did, but then he came back, brought me flowers that he most likely stole from someone’s yard, kissed me and said he enjoyed our first date!”

  Lynn laughed, “I told ya, the guys got it bad for ya.”

  “What am I doing Lynn? I have so many secrets and starting something with secrets in the way is never a good idea.”

  “If you want my advice Meg, I think maybe you should consider telling Wade everything you told me. I know he would understand and want to be there to help in whatever way he could.”

  “Maybe, but I’ll have to think about it. It took a lot just to tell you.”

  The two talked for a few more minutes and then deciding to have lunch together tomorrow hung up for the night. Meg forgot about reading, crawled into b
ed and fell fast asleep with a smile on her face.

  Wade waited down the street for another hour after Meg’s lights had gone out. With nothing happening, he drove off in the direction of Daisy’s house. When he’d gone by earlier he had knocked, but nobody had answered. He figured with her parents out of town, she was probably staying over at Kevin’s house a lot. Probably better than being by herself he thought.

  A few minutes later he parked in front of her house and seeing there were lights on downstairs, walked up to the front door. He realized it was late, but thought he’d check on her anyway. He knocked and stepped back from the door waiting. Within a few minutes the porch light came on and Daisy opened the door looking like she’d been asleep.

  “Wade, what in the heck are you doing here this time of night? You woke me up.”

  “Sorry Daisy, but when you didn’t show up at work and didn’t answer your phone, Meg was a bit worried and asked me to check up on you. What happened today?”

  “Well dang it all, I got my days mixed up I guess, cuz I thought I was supposed to be off today. Sorry if I worried anyone. I didn’t feel so hot today so I’ve been asleep for most the day.”

  “You didn’t hear your phone ringing?”

  “Nope, I sleep with headphones on. Can’t hear a thing. What is this anyway, the third degree or something? Can’t a person feel bad and miss a day of work around here without being questioned?”

  “Daisy, look, I’m sorry if I’m bothering you, but please give Meg a call in the morning if you aren't going to make it to work. You kind of left her hanging today.”

  “Sure, fine, night Wade”

  As Wade was saying goodnight Daisy shut the door in his face. A few minutes later the downstairs lights went off and a small light came on upstairs. Not seconds later that light also went out.

  “Well then,” Wade said out loud, “Now that everyone else is all tucked in, think it’s time this old man tucked his own self in for the night.”

  He climbed back in the car and headed home. What a day he thought.


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