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Murder At The Knife's Edge: A Mystic Pines Mystery

Page 20

by T. G. Hanson

“Seriously, you trying to be funny Danny, you’ve know my number for . . .” then John heard a click and the phone went dead. Dang, guy figured it out. John hung up the phone and walked back over to his car where Bill was still standing.

  “Well that was an odd thing to do John, you thinking you might have known who was calling or something?”

  “Yup Bill, something like that. Thanks for your help today and until I tell you differently, please call me if anymore strangers check in the motel. Stick close to Sally and you do the checking in for a while.”

  Nodding, Bill began to scratch the back of his head. “Sure John anything you say. You think we might be in danger or something?”

  “Not sure Bill, just be a bit cautious will ya and stay in touch.”

  John said goodbye to Bill and climbed back in his car. He sat for a moment thinking about who might have money in Mystic Pines and why would someone be looking for it. Only person he could come up with was Meg.

  He put the car in gear and headed back to the office. Henry should be there in half an hour and he needed some coffee and time to think.


  The man who had called the pay phone was fuming and a bit worried. He’d just realized that the voice on the other end of the line wasn’t Danny. Now someone, and he had no idea who, knew that Danny was there looking for money.

  Since he hadn’t heard from him in several days, he had to assume that something had gone wrong and Danny had either left the town, or couldn’t leave for some reason.

  Now what was he going to do?


  Lynn saw John pull up in front of the office and quickly placed the stack of papers on his desk. Walking over to the coffee pot, she fixed a cup and handed it to John as he walked in the door. From the frown on his face she guessed he wasn’t in such a good mood.

  Taking the coffee from her he asked, “You hear anything from Henry yet?”

  “Nope, not a word but he probably won’t call, and will just show up a bit after ten. You know how he is, never gets in a hurry that one.”

  Frowning he simply remarked, “Okay I’ll be in my office,” and walked off.

  Standing and staring at the office door she realized John indeed wasn’t his cheerful self this morning. Fixing her own self, a cup of coffee, Lynn sat down and picked up her book.

  John glanced down at the papers on his desk wondering if Lynn had read them or not. Grabbing a folder from his desk drawer, he put the papers inside and set the folder off to the side of his desk. He knew that Lynn wanted to be more a part of the team and do some investigating as well. He just wasn’t sure she had what it took yet. However, she certainly was curious enough. Problem with that, at least in this case, she was too close to Meg who appeared to be a suspect.

  Hearing the door open he looked up thinking it was Henry, but saw Wade coming through the door instead.

  “Hey Lynn, hey John, what’s up this morning?”

  Wade caught John looking in his direction just as he replied, “It look like morning to you son?”

  Quickly he grabbed a cup of coffee and walked into the office, sitting on the corner of John’s desk.

  “That look like a chair to you my son?”

  Great, Sheriff’s in a bad mood this morning, he thought. “Umm nope guess not, sorry. So, what’s on the menu for today Sheriff?”

  John stood up and closed the door to the office. Lynn pretended not to notice and kept reading her book. He picked up the folder with the papers inside and handed them to Wade. “What do you think of these?”

  Wade looked over the papers and took a few minutes to digest the information. “Well, looks like to me we might have someone in town who has a bit of a gambling problem, but I’ve got no idea who that might be. Do you know, are these two still hanging around town? I haven’t noticed anything on my nightly rounds.”

  “Not sure Wade. Looks like they checked in at the motel but never used the room. I was over there this morning talking with Bill and we went through the room the two men used, and the room our victim had been using. I did however, find something interesting in the two goons room.”

  He pulled out the piece of crumpled paper and showed it to Wade. “I’d think that Henry might be our gambler, but the old coot hardly leaves his house, much less town. Closest place I can think of to gamble would be Houston. Too far to walk though, and he doesn’t own a car.”

  Wade looked at the Sheriff and chuckled.

  John scowled at Wade. “What the heck you laughing about son.”

  Walking over to John’s computer, Wade typed “online gambling” into the search bar, tapped the screen with his finger, then sat back down. “Take a look John, he wouldn’t have to go any place, now would he?”

  “So you think Henry might have the internet and maybe is using this online gambling site?”

  “Would explain a few things wouldn’t it. If he was, and he kept losing, he could have borrowed money from this shark to keep playing. Maybe trying to win back what he’d lost. My guess, he kept on losing and owes the shark a good bit of money he can’t pay back. If that’s the case, Henry could be some pretty big trouble.”

  Lynn stood up and knocked on the Sheriff’s door, “John it’s half past ten, I called Henry’s house but nobody is answering. You want me to keep trying?”

  John and Wade stood up at the same time, looked at each other then grabbed their hats and just about knocked Lynn over as they rushed out the door.

  “Geeze you guys, someone standing here!” she shouted at them.

  “Lynn, get Doc on the phone and tell him to meet us over at Henry’s and fast!”

  The guys ran out the door and Lynn, puzzled, began calling Doc. What in the heck is going on? she wondered.

  She had just hung up the phone when her cell rang. Seeing it was Meg she picked up. “Hey Meg, what going on. It’s been crazy around here this afternoon.”

  “Why what happened.”

  Lynn proceeded to fill Meg in on the mornings activities while walking into the Sheriff’s office, to see if she could find out anything else.

  Seeing the computer search on the two goons, then the slip of paper with Henry’s address on it, she put two and two together and figured the guys thought Henry might be in some trouble. “Hmm, looks like to me those two goons might have something to do with Henry. He was supposed to show up here this morning, but never came in and didn’t answer when I called. I’m guessing that’s why the guys took off so quickly. They are probably headed to his house.”

  “Well I hope everything is alright. I just called to see if you were still coming by tonight. I’ve got something I want to talk over with you.”

  “Sure am, but no idea what time that might be. I’ll call you when I’m headed that way.”

  “Sounds good, talk to you later then.”

  Lynn hung up the phone and went back to reading. Wasn’t much else she could do right now but wait.


  Henry woke up not feeling so hot. He tried to move but found himself tied up to a chair, unable to move at all. He looked around and saw he was in a small dingy room, with not much light, and nothing else but him and the chair. This is not good, not good at all.

  A few minutes later he heard a door open behind him and braced himself for what was possibly coming next. Right about now he was wishing he had gone to church more.


  Nyla and Helen, hearing the Sheriff’s car squeal to a stop in front of Henry’s house, then Docs car right after, had both walked out of their houses to see what was going on. Helen rushed over to Nyla’s where they sat down on the top step of the front porch. She put her arm through Nyla’s and Nyla noticed she was shaking.

  “Helen dear, what on earth is wrong with you.”

  “Oh Nyla, late last night I saw two strangers go inside Henry’s house. They were gone this morning when I woke up. At least the car they were in was. You don’t think they did something to Henry, do you?”

  “Why I don't’ know
dear, but let’s just sit and watch and maybe we will find out.”

  The Sheriff, having knocked on Henry’s door several times and not getting an answer, had started to call out Henry’s name. “Go around back Wade and see if you can see anything. If not, go on inside if you can.”

  Wade walked around the back of the house and peered through the back-door window. He didn’t see anything out of order, so he tried the doorknob and finding it unlocked, walked in slowly. He called Henry’s name but there was no answer.

  Seeing John looking through the front window he walked over and unlocked the front door. “He’s not here, I don't’ think, John.”

  Continuing to search and call Henry’s name, Wade opened the closet, started to shut it, then spied the hefty bag. “Hey John, look at this.”

  John walked over to the closet, now convinced Henry wasn’t in the house. Sticking out of the top of the Hefty bag was the huge fly-swatter that belonged to Helen Means.

  “What in the heck is that doing here?” Reaching inside the closet, he removed the bag with the swatter inside

  Wade stood looking at the bag and scratching his head. “Maybe we need to ask Helen about that you think?”

  Doc had followed John into the house and was now standing in the middle of the living room, calling the Sheriff and Wade to come look at something. Walking over to the Doc and looking down to where he was pointing, they saw blood on the carpet. Taking a closer look around the room they found an old baseball bat with blood specks on it, in the corner of the room.

  Wade spoke up first; “Well, looks our Henry here might have finally met up with the two black sedan guys. If that’s the case, it’s not going to be good for Henry I don’t think.”

  John fished out a Hefty bag from under the kitchen sink and instructed Wade to put the baseball bat inside. “Grab both those bags Wade and put them in my car. If we’re lucky, Houston can pick up some fingerprints off the bat.”

  Looking at John Wade pointed over at Henry’s computer, which was on, and at an online gambling site. Sitting beside the computer was a piece of paper with a rather large dollar amount and the loan sharks name written on it.

  John picked up the piece of paper then looked at Wade and the Doctor. “Looks like old Henry has racked up a nice little debt with this guy and unable to pay it back, these two were here to collect.”

  “Looks that way doesn’t it.” agreed Wade.

  Walking out the front door, John told the Doc he may as well head on home. The Doc made it to his car then turned around and came back. “John, I was coming over to your office this afternoon anyway and just remembered why. The Coroner called me earlier to let me know that our victim died from a blow to the head, but there was some bruising on his chest as well. Said to come on by if you wanted a look or he could fax photos to you if you like.”

  “All right Doc thanks. Would you mind just letting him know to fax them to me please. Not sure I’m going to have time to drive over there with all this going on.”

  “Okay John. See you later.”

  The Sheriff stood thinking for a few minutes then turned to Wade. “Let’s go out and talk to Nyla and Helen. See if either of them saw anything. I’m afraid if this guy took Henry, it might not turn out to well for him in the end. Oh, and Wade, try to keep those bags out of sight from our little ladies next door.”

  They stepped outside and turned in the direction of Nyla’s house when they saw the two ladies sitting on Nyla’s front porch. Walking over to them the Sheriff spoke first. “Afternoon ladies.”

  Both women answered in unison, “Afternoon Sheriff.”

  Nyla stood up and walked Helen over to the Sheriff. “Before you start asking questions, I didn’t see a thing but Helen here did, so you should talk to her.”

  “Okay Helen, spit it out, don’t keep us waiting. Henry might be in some bad trouble.”

  Helen then told him her story about seeing the two men walk into Henry’s house late last night, and how she had written down the license plate number.

  Nyla jumped into the story telling John, “She didn’t see them leave, or have any idea when they left, but the car was gone this morning when she looked out the window.”

  “Helen, have you noticed anything else funny about Henry lately? Has he been acting stranger than usual?” asked John.

  “Henry is strange, but no more than usual I guess.”

  John turned towards Nyla, “How about you Nyla?”

  “Can’t say that I have Sheriff. He seems to be keeping later hours than he used to but other than that business about the tin, nothing else I’ve noticed.”

  “Thank you ladies for the information. We’ve got to run now but you two should probably think about staying together for a few days, till we sort this all out. Keep your doors locked and call us immediately if you see anything.”

  “We will Sheriff, don’t worry.”

  John was almost to his car when he turned around and looked right at Nyla. “And Nyla, that means for you to stay out of this. This isn’t one of your little mystery books. You could get hurt if you don’t behave, understand.”

  For once Nyla looked like she had been scolded and not saying a word shook her head that she understood.


  The man pulled up a chair and sat down in front of Henry. His eye was swollen shut and his jaw hurt, not to mention the back of his head. He wasn’t sure but he thought he could feel something running down his neck. Something warm and thick. He also felt like maybe a rib was cracked. He had no idea where he was or how long he’d been there, but it must have been some time as he needed to go to the bathroom and his stomach was growling.

  “Okay Mr. Henry. This has all gone on long enough. You understand that don’t you.”

  Henry shook his head slowly.

  “So tell me, just how are we going to settle this. Seems to me you don’t have any money, but you need to explain to me how you’re going to pay your debt.”

  Henry could think of only one way that was going to happen, so he started talking.

  “Well now Henry, seems we are finally getting someplace. It sounds like a reasonable plan, and I’ll give you one more chance to make all this right and go away.”

  “I will, I’ll make it right. I just need a little more time is all,” begged Henry.

  The man looked at the other two standing behind Henry and motioned for them to pick him up out of the chair.

  “My friends are going to take you back home now Henry. But you have one week, one week only, to pay your debt. You know how to get hold of me and if I don’t hear from you by then, my friends here will be paying you another visit.”

  “I understand,” Henry mumbled.

  As the men were carrying Henry out the door he heard the man say, “And Henry, if my friends pay you another visit, it will be the last one and you won’t be going home again.”

  Hours later, after dark, Henry was back in Mystic Pines. Stopping the car along the side of the road just outside of town, the men sat him down on the curb. One of them punched him hard in the face. Hearing a loud crack in his head, the last thing Henry saw before he blacked out was the black sedan driving off.


  Back at the Sheriff’s office, Wade asked Lynn to watch for something coming through on the fax machine while John picked up the phone to call the police station in Houston. He gave them the plate number of the black sedan as well as the name of the loan shark. There wasn’t much else they could do right now but wait, and hope they found Henry in time.

  Lynn walked back to the fax machine when she heard the beep go off. Picking up the papers she walked into the office and slammed the papers down on John’s desk. With hands on her hips, and her voice a bit louder than usual, she half yelled at both men.

  “So what gives, both of you? I happen to work in this office and consider myself part of the team. One of you two better start talking and explain to me what the cat hair is going on here!”

  Both men looked up at Lynn t
hen at each other with shocked faces.

  Wade scooted his chair back, a bit further away from Lyn, and looked over at John. “I believe John, that we were just told off. Would you like to explain, or should I?”

  John had leaned back in his chair at Lynn’s outburst. “I’m too tired so you go right ahead Wade.”

  Wade explained what they had found out about Henry and that they had turned it all over to Houston. He also explained what the Sheriff had found at the motel and all about the pay phone ringing at the motel.

  “For now, all we can do is to wait and hope Henry will be alright.”

  Lynn plopped down in the only other chair in the room and looked at them both. “Oh my, poor Henry. Who would have ever thought the old guy would get himself in this kind of a mess.”

  “Yup I know. Kind of sad, isn’t it?” replied Wade “But on the other hand, think about it, Henry has never acted like he fit in around here. He hasn’t spoken much to anyone since Frank died, and everyone pretty much ignores him.”

  Both Lynn and John looked at Wade and agreed. They both felt a little sad for Henry at that moment.

  John spoke up first. “If all goes well and we get Henry back, maybe we could figure out a way to help him out.”

  “I bet we could think of something,” remarked Lynn. “Say John, what did the fax you got have to do with Henry?”

  “Oh that, nothing. The coroner just noticed something else on the body and sent me photos, so I didn’t have to drive out there.”

  “Can I look please?” asked Lynn.

  John handed the sheets of paper to Lynn and watched her as she looked them over. Maybe I have a budding detective on my hands here after all. Just maybe, I should start letting her know more about what goes on around here, and stop treating her like an office girl.

  Looking over the images, Lynn suddenly stood up and placed the papers on John’s desk. “Look at this one John, what do the markings look like to you?”

  John and Wade both stared down at the paper as Lynn traced the pattern on the image with her finger. Wade stood up to get a better look as did John. At the same time, they both said “I’ll be hanged?”


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