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Murder At The Knife's Edge: A Mystic Pines Mystery

Page 22

by T. G. Hanson

  Walking around to the other side of the counter she took a seat by Wade. “So Wade, what do you think about this business of Helen, the swatter, and Henry?”

  “To tell you the truth, I’m not sure what to think just yet. I sort of have to let it all sink in, sift around in my head, and then maybe something will come out of it.”

  “I know what you mean. Little Helen Means? I just can’t wrap my head around it you know. And Henry, that poor man. What he must be going through right now.”

  Wade was silent for a moment then he began to snicker and finally laughed out loud. Lynn looked over at him, as did the other customers. “What on earth do you suddenly find so funny?”

  Trying his best not to laugh he whispered to Lynn, “Can’t you just see little Helen Means smacking that guy in the face with that huge over-sized fly-swatter. You know how the woman can get. She’s very emotional that one.”

  An image of the scene Wade had just described popped into Lynn’s mind and she too began to laugh. Then Wade began to laugh as well. “Oh stop Wade, please stop it. We are going to cause a scene!”

  By the time Meg had checked out the last customer, the two had contained themselves. However, as soon as Meg shut and locked the door, they both laughed out loud for a good ten minutes more.

  Meg walked up to the counter and scolded them both. “All right you two, what gives? You trying to run off my customers or what?”

  Wade apologized for the two of them. “Sorry Megs, it was just something from the office. It’s funny, but it isn’t - and we can’t really talk about it.”

  “Well, nothing cryptic about that, but I guess I’ll let it slide this time. I assume you are both here because you missed dinner and are starving?” About that time someone’s stomach let out a large growl. “I swear, you both would starve if it weren’t for me. Sit there and drink your tea and I’ll be back in a few with nourishment.”

  The two sat and chatted while Meg was in the kitchen. After fifteen minutes of hearing pots and pans banging around, she came back into the diner with some roast beef slices, pinto beans, cornbread and a bowl of thick brown gravy.

  Moving over to a table, the three sat and ate while discussing their day. Finishing before the others, Lynn ran back to the kitchen then came running back with a container of chocolate chip ice cream and three large spoons.

  Seeing Megs face, Lynn stuck her tongue out at her friend. “Stop frowning Meg, there is only about three good size helpings left in here.” With her mouth full of ice cream, Lynn tried to say, “You’ll never miss it.”

  Meg looked to Wade for support but he quickly stuck a large scoop of ice cream in his mouth then put up his hands in a surrender motion.

  Meg sighed. “You two are just like little rotten kids. Whatever will I do with you two!” then grabbing the other spoon helped herself to a big scoop.

  Wade leaned back and stretched while trying not to fall off the bench seat. “That was just what the doctor ordered, I’m stuffed.”

  Meg pretended to sniff, “Y'all only like me for my food, isn’t that right? Be honest now.”

  Wade nodded in agreement. “You know what they say, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” and ducking, he barely missed being hit on the head by both girls. “I hate to break up this little party, but it’s been a long day, and I need to get some shut eye. Have to be up bright and early tomorrow.”

  Making sure Meg had a ride home with Lynn, Wade tipped his hat to both, threw some bills in the tip jar and bowing, backed out of the door. “Take care now and sleep well.”

  Wade, walking back to the station to get his car, made it just to the front door, when he noticed the shadow of a man hunched over the large stone flower pot, near the side of the building. Cautiously, he walked towards the figure, “Who’s there, and what are you doing hanging around the station?”

  Hearing a moan and seeing the man collapse he ran to the figure and turned him over. It was Henry Means and he didn’t look well at all.


  Wade quickly pulled out his cell phone and called the Sheriff. “Hey Wade what’s up? Dinner didn’t go well?”

  “John, I was just getting back to my car to head home and I’ve found Henry here at the station. He collapsed just as I got to him and he’s hurt bad John. Better call Doc and an ambulance.”

  “I’m on it and I’ll be there in five. Just stay put and try not to move him anymore than you have to.”

  “Okay, but hurry, please hurry.”

  The girls were just locking the front door to the diner when they saw the ambulance pull up in front of the Sheriff’s station, with the Sheriff and Doc’s cars right behind.

  Running up to the station they stood and watched as the Doc looked over Henry. “Oh my gosh, is he. . .?” but Meg couldn’t finish her sentence.

  Wade rushed over to them and pulled them back just a bit. “He’s alive, but just barely I think. Someone has worked him over good. Lots of bruises and both eyes are swollen shut. Looks like his nose has been broken as well. I’m sure Doc will have him transported up to Mercy Hospital.”

  About that time John walked up to the group and informed them that Henry was indeed going to the hospital and that Doc thought he might be going into a comma. “At least he’s alive. We can all be thankful for that.”

  “You want me to go in and give Houston a call John? Let them know he’s been found and where they are taking him?”

  “Yup, think you’d better Wade, thanks.”

  “You two better head home now. Nothing you can do for him this minute. Can you two stay together for the night?”

  Lynn promised they would go right home and that they would both be at Megs in case he needed her.

  “Lock the car doors and the house up good when you get there. Lynn, you go inside first and enter like I’ve shown you. Be careful.”

  “Okay John. See you in the morning.”

  The two headed back to Lynn’s car and drove on to Meg’s house.

  Wade walked back outside to see the Doc walking over to John as the ambulance took off with Henry inside.

  “Need to use your phone Sheriff if you don’t mind. I should call the hospital and let them know what’s going on. Got a friend up there at Mercy and I want to see if he’ll take Henry’s case as a favor to me.”

  “Sure thing Doc, go right on in and make yourself at home.”

  Wade watched Doc go inside the station then turned to John. “So John, what do they think? Will Henry be alright?”

  “Not sure son. He’s had a hard beating and it looks like he was wondering around outside for at least a day. I’m thinking those two goons got a little heavier handed than they intended to. In any case, we won’t know much till tomorrow I suspect.”

  “Glad they have the guys in custody. At least we don’t have to worry about them showing up back here.”

  Doc walked back out of the office to stand by the two men. “My friend’s going to take Henry’s case and not charge him. He’s a good doctor and good man.”

  John smiled at Doc. “You’re a good man too, Doc. You think Henry will be okay?”

  “Yup, eventually but he’s got a good little road ahead of him and a lot will depend on if he slips into a comma or not. I’ll head up there tomorrow though and let you know more, soon as I can.”

  “Thanks again Doc. Now go on home and get some sleep.”

  Wade and John watched the doctor get in his car and drive off. “Sure hope the Doc is right John. Hope Henry is well taken care of.”

  “Me too my son. We need him to ID the guys as soon as he can or Houston will release them.”

  Both men said goodnight to each other, got into their cars, and drove off. The Sheriff went on home to his wife while Wade drove by Megs before going home. Seeing Lynn’s car in the drive, and the house lit up like a Christmas tree, he figured they were fine and drove on home to get some sleep.

  He sighed, longing for the town to get back to the way it was. Nights like tonight wer
e exactly why he didn’t want to live in the big city.


  Lynn checked everything out, room by room. She walked through the rooms with a tire iron from her car, and Meg right behind, with that huge bat of hers, Stella, as Meg called it. After finding everything as it was, they turned on the rest of the lights in the house and made sure it was locked up tight. Meg switched both the front and back porch lights on as well. So, what if it bothers the neighbors, let them deal with it, she thought.

  Lynn was the first to speak. “Poor Henry, I hope he will be okay. I can’t imagine having that done to me.”

  “Me either. I feel so bad for him Lynn.”

  “I do too, but maybe he will learn a hard lesson from this and change his ways.”

  “So how do you think he got to the station? I can’t see those guys just dropping him off there and bringing attention to him like that.”

  “Me either. My guess would be they dropped him near the main road and he drug himself to the station. He was probably afraid they might come back, and was just trying to get someplace safe.”

  After a few minutes of silence, the two decided to get ready for bed and have a glass of wine to unwind. Meg flipped the TV on with the volume down low while Lynn went to have a quick shower. She poured them both a glass of wine and when Lynn was finished, took a shower herself. All ready for bed the two curled up on the couch with Chewy snuggled down between them.

  Lynn reached down by her side and pulled out an envelope that she laid in Megs lap. “Don’t get upset okay, just read it, and then I’ll explain.

  Meg opened the envelope, read it, and with a horrified look on her face, asked Lynn where she got it.

  “First, it’s from the victim so don’t let it alarm you thinking it’s someone else. Secondly, it was left on your bike the night of the murder, obviously for you to find.”

  “But why Lynn and how did you get it?”

  “I think it was meant to frighten you into revealing where the money is, or to give up the money. Lastly, I got it from Wade earlier tonight. He gave it to me on our way over to the diner.”

  Lynn sat quietly letting the fact that Wade had given her the envelope sink in. Meg just stared at Lynn without saying a word. After a long silence Meg spoke. “Does the Sheriff know about this and how much does Wade know?”

  “The Sheriff doesn’t know anything and I intend on keeping it that way, at least for now. So does Wade. That’s why he gave it to me.”

  “Why would he do such a thing Lynn? That’s withholding evidence! He could get into so much trouble.”

  Lynn was amazed that her friend couldn’t see what was right in front of her face. “Because honey, he is in love with you. Can’t you see that?”

  Meg didn’t know what to say. “I’ve known that he cares for me, for some time now, but I’ve never dreamed it was anything more. At least not at this point.”

  Lynn smiled. “It’s been there for a long time on his part. He’s just been biding his time till he thought you might be receptive to the idea. He didn’t want to push or rush you. Wade’s a very perceptive guy. He’s known for a long time that something wasn’t right but he’s not one to pry. He’s been hoping that you would eventually open up and talk to him.”

  “But finding this, it must have made him wonder. Why didn’t he bring it to me himself Lynn?”

  “Because, he didn’t want to be the one to ask tough questions. He wants you to come to him, on your own time, and terms.”

  Meg sat thinking for a bit. Getting up she walked into the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of wine bringing it back to the couch. “So now what do I do? I don’t think I’m ready to open up just yet, and now I’m going to feel awkward knowing he suspects something.”

  Lynn hugged her friend. “Just be yourself and try not to think of it that way. He’s not judging you. He just wants me to figure this all out, and for you to be safe and happy.”

  “I’ll give it some thought, but I can’t promise that I’ll be able to talk to him. At least not yet.”

  “That’s all I’m asking Meg. Just give it some thought will you.”

  “But, now that’s settled. I’ve got some questions for you too. Some that you might not like.”

  “You on the other hand, I will talk to, so ask away.”

  Lynn smiled and began by telling Meg what the Sheriff was thinking and how he had asked Lynn to talk to Meg.

  “So let’s say that our victim was sent here to find you, and that we know who sent him. What does he think he will find? How much money are we talking about Meg, and where is it all? I don’t like asking, but I have to find a way to do my job and keep your secret as well, and I can’t do that if I don’t know the entire story.”

  It was well into the night by the time Meg had explained her entire story and had answered all of Lynn’s questions. With a better picture of everything, Lynn thought she could see a way to do both, protect her friend and stay within the law. She felt a lot better about the situation by the time they decided to call it a night.


  Daisy had not been able to reach Kevin for days now. It seemed to her that he’d just given up on them, and no longer wanted anything to do with her. As each day passed she became more frustrated with him, along with the rest of the world.

  Her plan had been such a simple and good one, or so she had thought. Where did it all go so wrong she wondered.

  She couldn’t bring herself to sleep or eat, and she wouldn’t allow herself to think about Danny. What a stupid jerk. He got what was coming to him as far as I’m concerned. She just couldn’t figure out who had killed him. I wonder if someone else is going to show up for the same reason he was in town. If so, maybe I can work out some sort of deal with them.

  And that stupid tin! What in the heck had Meg done with it? The last time she remembered seeing it, was the day Nyla had brought it into the store. It was right there in front of her till Meg picked it up and carried it off to the diner with her.

  Daisy had searched and searched but had not found it anyplace. Now she couldn’t go back to the bookstore, because Meg would be mad at her for just disappearing like that.

  Maybe I should call Meg tomorrow and apologize, she wondered. Maybe I can tell her that Kevin and I broke up, and I’ve just been too upset to talk to anyone? At least it might be worth a try.

  She figured if she could get her job back she would be able to keep searching for the tin. Once she found the tin all her worries would be over and she could get out of town for good.

  Unable to think any more she gave up and went upstairs to go to bed. She’d figure out what to do tomorrow.


  Doc Manford picked up Henry’s chart just as his Doctor walked into the room. “Hey Doc, you checking up on our patient here?” Doc glanced up from the chart and shook hands with his friend.

  “Thanks so much for doing this Ralph. Our Henry here may have gotten himself into a big mess with the wrong kind of folk, but he’s a decent sort ya know.”

  “I figured he must be or you wouldn’t have called me Doc.”

  “Has he woken up or said anything yet?”

  “He woke up briefly in the middle of the night, but not a word. The swelling in his eyes should go down in a day or two, and his tests should be back soon. In my opinion he’ll be fine but it’s going to take some time and physical therapy before he’s a hundred percent again. His head and legs took a pretty good beating. Maybe a few months or so, would be my guess. Want me to call you when he’s able to see and talk again?”

  “Yes if you don’t mind Ralph, that would be great. I’ll give you a call tomorrow and see how he’s doing if that’s okay?”

  “Sure thing Doc. Call anytime. Oh by the way, couple of cops from Houston PD showed up here last night. Wanted to know how soon they could talk to Henry. I explained it would be a few days but we did discuss the burn marks on his wrists and ankles. They didn’t seem too sure it be enough to keep those three suspects under loc
k and key, but they were going to try.”

  “That’s good news and maybe with some luck, Henry will wake up and be able to talk by then. Hopefully he can ID the men and they will stay locked up.”

  “Hope you’re right Doc.”

  The other doctor turned as he heard his name being paged over the hospital speaker. “Gotta run Doc, talk to you later.”

  “Thanks again Ralph and take care.”

  Doc sat the chart back down on the tray table and left to head back to Mystic Pines. Walking down the hospital hallway he said a little prayer for Henry.


  Lynn pulled into the parking lot of the Houston Chronicle. She wasn’t entirely sure this was going to work, but she had to try for Meg’s sake. She had called earlier making an appointment with Sherry, on the pretense of a possible job offer. The woman seemed more than happy to talk with Lynn, suggesting they meet in the parking lot, then walk across the street for a long lunch.

  By the time Lynn had put her keys and phone in her purse and locked up the car, Sherry was by her side.

  “Lynn Foster, I presume?”

  “That would be me,” Lynn replied, putting her hand out to Sherry.

  “Nice to meet you. Let’s walk, shall we?”

  The two walked across the street to a little diner and chose a booth in the corner. The waitress came by and took their order quickly, patted Sherry on the arm, and let them know she’d be back in a few minutes with their drinks.

  Situating herself in the booth, Lynn tried to size Sherry up, but the woman seemed to be a contradiction. She had a similar California look to her, like Lynn. With nice expensive clothes, bag, and shoes, she looked very polished. On the other hand, the way she talked to the waitress and moved was very different. She sensed a down home type person under all that glam.

  Taking a sip of water and setting the glass back down on the table, Sherry turned to Lynn. “So, you wanted to talk to me about a job? May I ask what the job is, and where it might be?”


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