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Crisis? What Crisis?

Page 45

by Alwyn Turner

Dublin, ref 1

  Dudley, ref 1

  Dunwoody, Gwyneth, ref 1

  Durham, ref 1

  During Barty’s Party (Nigel Kneale), ref 1

  Dustbinmen, The, ref 1

  Duxbury, Leslie, ref 1

  Dylan, Bob, ref 1, ref 2

  East Anglia, ref 1

  Eastwood, Clint, ref 1

  Eccles, Viscount, ref 1

  ecology, ref 1, ref 2

  Ecology Party, ref 1

  Eddington, Paul, ref 1

  Edgar Broughton Band, ref 1

  Edinburgh, Duke of, ref 1

  Edmunds, Dave, ref 1

  Edwardes, Michael, ref 1

  EEC, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Egypt, ref 1

  Election (William Hogarth), ref 1

  Elizabeth II, Queen, ref 1, ref 2

  Elliott, Denham, ref 1

  Elliott, Marianne (Poly Styrene), ref 1

  Ellis, Nesta Wyn, ref 1

  Elms, Robert, ref 1, ref 2

  Empire Road, ref 1

  England football team, ref 1

  Equals, ref 1

  Equity, ref 1, ref 2

  Eshley, Norman, ref 1

  Esmonde, John, ref 1

  Etheridge, Dick, ref 1

  European Cup, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  European Economic Community – see EEC

  Eusebio, ref 1

  Euston Films, ref 1

  Evans, Alan, ref 1

  Evans, John, ref 1

  Evans, Harold, ref 1

  Evening News, ref 1

  Evening Standard, ref 1

  Evershed, Patrick, ref 1

  Exeter, Bishop of, ref 1

  Exile on Main Street (Rolling Stones), ref 1, ref 2

  Exorcist, The (William Peter Blatty), ref 1

  Experiment at Proto (Philip Oakes), ref 1

  Extremists, The (Peter Leslie), ref 1

  Eysenck, Professor Hans, ref 1

  Fairbairn, Nicholas, ref 1, ref 2

  Fairlie, Henry, ref 1

  Faith, Adam, ref 1

  Falkland Islands, ref 1

  Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, The, ref 1, ref 2

  Fältskog, Agnetha, ref 1

  Farewell to the Greys (Royal Scots Dragoon Guards), ref 1

  Faulds, Andrew, ref 1

  Faulkner, Brian, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Fawlty Towers, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  Feather, Vic, ref 1, ref 2

  Female Eunuch, The (Germaine Greer), ref 1

  feminism, ref 1

  Ferreri, Marco, ref 1

  Ferry, Bryan, ref 1, ref 2

  Feyenoord, ref 1

  Fifth Horseman, The (Walter Harris), ref 1

  Film Viewing Board, ref 1

  Film Viewing Committee, ref 1

  Finch, Peter, ref 1

  Finlay, Frank, ref 1

  Fire Brigades Union, ref 1

  Fitt, Gerry, ref 1

  Fitzgibbon, Constantine, ref 1

  Flanagan and Allen, ref 1

  Flanders, Michael, ref 1

  Flook, ref 1

  Flying Squad, ref 1, ref 2

  Foot, Michael

  on Benn, ref 1, ref 2

  EEC and, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  a great speech, ref 1

  leadership credentials, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Militant and, ref 1

  1979 election, ref 1

  record of achievement, ref 1

  Scottish Nationalism, ref 1, ref 2

  football, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7

  Ford motors, ref 1, ref 2

  Foreign Office, ref 1

  Forster, E.M., ref 1

  Forsyte Saga, The, ref 1

  Forsyth, Bruce, ref 1, ref 2

  Forsyth, Frederick, ref 1, ref 2

  Forum, ref 1

  Foster, Brendan, ref 1

  Foundations, ref 1

  Four from Eight (Real Thing), ref 1

  Four Seasons, ref 1

  Fourth International, ref 1

  Fourth Republic, ref 1

  France, ref 1, ref 2

  Francis, Clive, ref 1

  Francis of Assisi, St, ref 1

  Frankenstein, ref 1

  Franklyn-Robbins, John, ref 1

  Fraser, Bill, ref 1

  Freeborn, Brian, ref 1

  Freeland, Lieutenant General Sir Ian, ref 1

  Freeman, Alan, ref 1

  Freeman, Gillian, ref 1, ref 2

  Frightmare (Pete Walker), ref 1

  Frogson, Keith, ref 1

  Future of Socialism, The (Anthony Crosland), ref 1, ref 2

  Gabriel, Peter, ref 1

  Gandhi, Mahatma, ref 1

  Gang of Four, ref 1

  Gangsters, ref 1

  Gardner, Llew, ref 1

  Garrick, David, ref 1

  Gay News, ref 1

  Geller, Uri, ref 1

  General and Municipal Workers’ Union, ref 1

  General Strike, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Generation Game, The, ref 1

  George, Charlie, ref 1

  George, Susan, ref 1

  George and Mildred, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Get Carter (Mike Hodges), ref 1, ref 2

  Gielgud, John, ref 1

  Gilbert & George, ref 1, ref 2

  Gilmour, Ian, ref 1, ref 2

  Giro Bank, ref 1

  ‘Glad to Be Gay’ (Tom Robinson Band), ref 1, ref 2

  Glaister, Gerald, ref 1

  Glasgow, ref 1, ref 2

  ‘GLC’ (Menace), ref 1

  Glittering Prizes, The (Frederic Raphael), ref 1

  ‘God Save the Queen’ (Sex Pistols), ref 1

  Golden Jubilee, ref 1

  Good Beer Guide, ref 1

  Good Life, The, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  Good Luck Mister Cain (Brian Freeborn), ref 1

  Good Old Days, The, ref 1

  Goodies, The, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Goon Show, The, ref 1

  Gordon, Noele, ref 1

  Gormley, Joe, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  Grande Bouffe, La (Marco Ferreri), ref 1

  Grant, Eddy, ref 1

  Grant, Ted, ref 1, ref 2

  Graves, Robert, ref 1

  Grayson, Larry, ref 1

  ‘Great British Mistake, The’ (Adverts), ref 1

  Great Rock ’n’ Roll Swindle, ref 1

  Greater London Council (GLC), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Greatorex, Wilfred, ref 1

  Green, Benny, ref 1

  Green, Hughie, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Green, Thomas, ref 1

  Green Goddess fire engines, ref 1

  Green party, ref 1

  Greene, Graham, ref 1

  Greenwood, Joan, ref 1

  Greenwood, Ron, ref 1

  Greer, Germaine, ref 1, ref 2

  Grenadier Guards, ref 1

  Grey, Sir Edward, ref 1

  Griffiths, Leon, ref 1

  Griffiths, Trevor, ref 1, ref 2

  Grimond, Jo, ref 1

  Grocer, The, ref 1

  Grosvenor Square, ref 1

  Grunwick, ref 1

  Guadeloupe, ref 1

  Guardian, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Guildford, ref 1, ref 2

  Guilty Thing Surprised, A (Ruth Rendell), ref 1

  Guinness, Alec, ref 1

  Guinness Book of Hit Singles, ref 1

  Guthrie, Woody, ref 1

  Guyana, ref 1

  Guyler, Deryck, ref 1

  Hain, Peter, ref 1

  Haines, Joe, ref 1, ref 2

  Hall, Peter

  Grunwick, ref 1

  moderation needed, ref 1

  on national mood, ref 1

  National Theatre, ref 1, ref 2

  on power cuts, ref 1

  on society, ref 1

  top rates of tax, ref 1

  Hall, Terry, ref 1

  Hamilton, Willie, ref 1

p; Hammer Films, ref 1

  Hammond, Geoffrey, ref 1

  Hancock, Stephen, ref 1

  Hancock, Tony, ref 1, ref 2

  Handsworth, ref 1

  Hardaker, Alan, ref 1

  Hardcore, ref 1

  Hardy, Jeremy, ref 1

  Hardy, Robert, ref 1

  Hare, David, ref 1

  Harris, Bridget, ref 1

  Harris, Ralph, ref 1

  Harris, Walter, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Harrison, George, ref 1

  Hattersley, Roy, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Hay, Will, ref 1

  Hayles, Brian, ref 1

  Hayward, Lawrence, ref 1

  Hazell (P.B. Yuill), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Head, Murray, ref 1

  Healey, Denis

  communism, ref 1

  first Callaghan budget, ref 1

  IMF loan, ref 1

  Kinnock criticises, ref 1

  leadership contests, ref 1, ref 2

  redistribution of wealth, ref 1

  trades unions, ref 1

  Healy, Gerry, ref 1

  Heath, Edward

  background, ref 1

  Benn, ref 1

  Bernard Manning joke, ref 1

  Daily Mirror, ref 1

  EEC, ref 1

  environment, ref 1

  French accent of, ref 1

  impersonations of, ref 1

  Joseph upsets, ref 1

  lack of image, ref 1

  local government re-structuring, ref 1

  Lonrho, ref 1

  1970 election, ref 1, ref 2

  1974 election (February), ref 1, ref 2

  Northern Ireland, ref 1, ref 2

  petrol rationing, ref 1

  policies, ref 1

  post 1974, ref 1

  Powell and, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9, ref 10

  power cuts, ref 1, ref 2

  race issues, ref 1

  Scottish nationalism, ref 1

  seeks coalitions, ref 1

  Selsdon Man, ref 1

  Skinner attacks, ref 1

  states of emergency, ref 1, ref 2

  strikes, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Thatcher challenges, ref 1

  Till Death Us Do Part, ref 1

  time to go, ref 1

  trades unions, ref 1, ref 2 – see also above strikes

  Wilson and, ref 1, ref 2

  winter of discontent, ref 1

  Heaton Park School, ref 1

  Heffer, Eric, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Heinz beans, ref 1

  Henry, Lenny, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Hepton, Bernard, ref 1

  Herbert, James, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Herriot, James, ref 1

  Hewitt, Patricia, ref 1, ref 2

  Heysel stadium, ref 1

  Higgins, Alex ‘Hurricane’, ref 1

  Hildreth, Jan, ref 1

  Hindley, Myra, ref 1

  Hinsley, Harvey, ref 1

  History Man, The (Malcolm Bradbury), ref 1, ref 2

  Hitler, Adolf, ref 1, ref 2

  Hitler: The Last Ten Days (Ennio DeConcini), ref 1

  Hockney, David, ref 1

  Hoffman, Dustin, ref 1

  Hogarth, William, ref 1

  Hogg, Quintin, ref 1

  Holden, Edith, ref 1

  Holder, Noddy, ref 1

  Holland, ref 1, ref 2

  Hollow Target (Paul Bryers), ref 1, ref 2

  Holloway, Stanley, ref 1

  Holocaust, ref 1

  homosexuality, ref 1, ref 2

  Honest to God (John Robinson), ref 1

  Honeycombe, Gordon, ref 1

  Hooson, Emlyn, ref 1

  Hordern, Michael, ref 1

  Hornung, E.W., ref 1

  Hot Chocolate, ref 1

  House of Whipcord (Pete Walker), ref 1

  Housing Finance Act 1972, ref 1

  Howarth, Jack, ref 1

  Howe, Geoffrey, ref 1

  Huddersfield Town FC, ref 1

  Hulanicki, Barbara, ref 1

  Humphreys, James, ref 1

  Hungary, ref 1, ref 2

  Huntingdonshire, ref 1

  Hurd, Douglas, ref 1, ref 2

  Hurt, John, ref 1, ref 2

  Huxley, Sir Andrew, ref 1

  Hyde Park, ref 1, ref 2

  hypermarkets, ref 1

  ‘I Can Do It’ (Rubettes), ref 1

  I Claudius, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  ICA, ref 1

  Ice Age, The (Margaret Drabble), ref 1

  ‘If the Kids Are United’ (Sham 69), ref 1

  I’m All Right Jack (John Boulting), ref 1

  immigration, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Imperial Tobacco, ref 1

  ‘In Place of Strife’ (Labour Party), ref 1

  In the Office of Constable (Robert Mark), ref 1

  Independent Broadcasting Authority, ref 1

  Industrial Relations Act, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Industrial Relations Court, ref 1

  inflation, ref 1

  Ingram, Father Michael, ref 1

  Inman, John, ref 1

  Inner London Education Authority, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Institute of Economic Affairs, ref 1

  International Monetary Fund (IMF), ref 1

  internment, ref 1

  IRA, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Ireton, Henry, ref 1

  Isaacs, Jeremy, ref 1

  Islam, ref 1, ref 2

  Israel, ref 1

  It Ain’t Half Hot Mum, ref 1, ref 2

  ITMA, ref 1

  It’s A Knockout, ref 1

  ITV, ref 1

  Jack’s Return Home (Ted Lewis), ref 1

  Jackson, Glenda, ref 1

  Jake’s Thing (Kingsley Amis), ref 1

  Jam, ref 1, ref 2

  James, Clive, ref 1

  James, P.D., ref 1, ref 2

  James of England, ref 1

  Jane (Dee Wells), ref 1

  Janus, ref 1

  Jarman, Derek, ref 1, ref 2

  ‘Jarrow Song, The ’ (Alan Price), ref 1

  Jason King, ref 1

  Jay, Douglas, ref 1

  Jeffrey, Peter, ref 1

  Jellicoe, Earl, ref 1

  Jenkin, Patrick, ref 1

  Jenkins, David, ref 1

  Jenkins, Roy

  advice to Wilson, ref 1

  on Benn, ref 1, ref 2

  coalition hopes, ref 1

  on Crosland, ref 1

  distrust of in Labour Party, ref 1, ref 2

  EEC and, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  leadership contender, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  liberalising tendencies, ref 1

  resignation, ref 1

  SDP, ref 1

  Skinner on, ref 1

  Sun supports, ref 1

  winter of discontent, ref 1

  Jesus Christ Superstar, ref 1

  Jeux Sans Frontières, ref 1

  Jewel, Jimmy, ref 1

  Joe Coral bookmakers, ref 1

  John, Elton, ref 1

  John Gabriel Borkman (Henrik Ibsen), ref 1

  Johnson, Paul, ref 1

  Joint Stock Company, ref 1

  Jones, Clifford, ref 1

  Jones, Jack

  EEC, ref 1

  election of, ref 1

  Labour MPs and, ref 1

  Ramsey MacDonald’s legacy, ref 1

  retirement, ref 1

  second homes, ref 1

  Union Travel Club, ref 1

  ‘year of the beaver’, ref 1

  Jones, Peter, ref 1

  Jones, Steve, ref 1

  Jonestown, ref 1

  Joseph, Sir Keith, ref 1, ref 2

  Benn’s attack on Powell, ref 1

  ‘human stock’, ref 1

  on the Great Depression, ref 1

  on Mary Whitehouse, ref 1

  Planet cigarettes, ref 1, ref 2

  Journalists, The (Arnold Wesker),
ref 1

  Jowell, Tessa, ref 1

  Joyce, Yootha, ref 1

  Jubilee (Derek Jarman), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Jubilee Line, ref 1

  Judge Dread, ref 1

  Junior Choice, ref 1

  Kael, Pauline, ref 1

  Kampala Hill, ref 1

  Karlin, Miriam, ref 1

  Keith, Penelope, ref 1

  Keith, Sheila, ref 1

  Kellett, Bob, ref 1

  Kelly, Mary, ref 1

  Kendall, Felicity, ref 1

  Kennedy, John F., ref 1

  Kennet, Lord, ref 1

  Kenny, ref 1

  Kenya, ref 1

  Kesp, ref 1

  Kettle, Pamela, ref 1

  Keynes, John Maynard, ref 1

  Khalil, Ahmed, ref 1

  ‘Killer Queen’ (Queen), ref 1

  ‘Killing of Georgie, The’ (Rod Stewart), ref 1

  King, Cecil, ref 1

  King, Martin Luther, ref 1

  King-Hamilton, Alan, ref 1

  Kingsley committee, ref 1

  Kinnock, Neil

  Anti-Nazi League, ref 1

  Blair and, ref 1

  denounces nationalism, ref 1

  on income tax, ref 1

  as left winger, ref 1, ref 2

  ‘Part of the Union’, ref 1

  Kirkup, James, ref 1

  Kissinger, Henry, ref 1

  Kitchen, Michael, ref 1

  Klinger, Michael, ref 1

  Kneale, Nigel, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Knight, Jill, ref 1

  Kosygin, Alexey, ref 1

  Kraftwerk, ref 1

  Kray twins, ref 1

  Kubrick, Stanley, ref 1, ref 2

  Kurier, ref 1

  La Frenais, Ian, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Labour Party

  Boyson on, ref 1

  commercial radio, ref 1

  corporal punishment, ref 1

  devolution, ref 1

  disillusion, ref 1

  education, ref 1

  EEC, ref 1

  entryism, ref 1

  environmentalism, ref 1, ref 2

  Foot and, ref 1

  Great Depression and, ref 1

  internal democracy, ref 1

  ‘Labour isn’t working’, ref 1

  leadership elections, ref 1, 277

  Lib-Lab pact, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  miners’ strike, ref 1

  1970 election, ref 1, ref 2

  1974 election (February), ref 1

  1974 election (October), ref 1

  Participation 1972, ref 1

  Powell and, ref 1, ref 2

  right wing of, ref 1

  strikes at their highest level, ref 1

  Sun, ref 1

  trades unions, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  Wilson’s legacy, ref 1

  winter of discontent, ref 1

  Lady Chatterley’s Lover (D.H. Lawrence), ref 1

  Lamb, Larry, ref 1

  Lancashire, ref 1

  Lancaster, Terence, ref 1

  Larbey, Bob, ref 1


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