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Four Princes: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (The Rothhaven Trilogy Book 1)

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by C. J. Pinard

  Four Princes

  (Rothhaven Trilogy, Book 1)

  A Reverse Harem Fantasy Novel


  USA Today Bestselling Authors

  Cassie Alexandra & C.J. Pinard

  Copyright © 2018 Pinard House Publishing, LLC

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writers’ imaginations or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors.

  Copyediting by Amabel Daniels

  Cover art and design by Emma Ryder @ Moonstruck Cover Design & Photography


  This novel was originally published under the title “Four Corners” by Cassie Alexandra, but has since been unpublished. This version has been re-edited and has had additional content added to enhance the story. So... if the synopsis sounds familiar, that's why. We hope you enjoy the new and improved version, and the trilogy in general. ~Cassie & C.J.


  “Angelique, you’re wanted in the king’s solar,” Catherine said bitterly, walking briskly past her in the hallway with a mop and bucket.

  Heat seared through her as she imagined the many ways he’d prove just how much she was wanted once she arrived. As King Edward’s appetite for sex was voracious, she knew what awaited her, and was lit up with a tingling anticipation.

  “He’s back from the hunting trip?” she asked casually, sliding a red curl behind her ear.

  “Yes.” The older woman looked back at her with a scowl and snarked, “I’m surprised you didn’t know.”

  “No, I did not.” Angelique was fully aware that the other servants knew about their secret relationship, especially with their cold attitudes of late. She didn’t care, though. She and Edward loved each other. He’d even admitted it to her. It had been in the deep throes of their animalistic lovemaking, but she knew those feelings he had for her were as real as hers were for him. Her stomach turned over with butterflies as she recalled the way he’d looked at her during his confession.

  As Angelique met the older woman’s stare, Catherine looked as if she was about to say something, but then changed her mind and walked away, shaking her head.

  Judgey bitch.

  Relieved the old biddy was done hassling her, she headed toward the king’s chambers, bubbling with excitement to see him. She wondered if he’d greet her like he had last time—naked in all of his glory, nothing but his gold, glittering crown covering her favorite part of him, and a cocky smirk on his perfect lips.

  Smiling, she imagined his broad shoulders and muscular arms flexing as he stared at her with those piercing blue eyes, pleasuring her in ways that made her scream out his name. And that was before he even entered her.

  Trembling in anticipation, she walked faster until she reached the solar and knocked.

  “Come in,” came his deep, sexy voice.

  Barely hiding her smile, Angelique stepped inside. Her smile quickly fell as she halted dead in her tracks. Edward was not only fully dressed and wearing a stoic expression on his handsome face, he wasn’t alone. Beside him was Gaylen, his wizard and head advisor. They were seated at the long table which sat in front of the room’s fireplace, which was quiet, cold, and rivaled the air in the room.

  “Sit down, Angelique,” the king said, his face dark and unhappy.

  She looked from Edward to Gaylen, and back. Both were looking at her coldly. “What’s wrong?”

  “Sit down,” Edward ordered again, gesturing to the other side of the table.

  Angelique’s stomach knotted up. She nodded and quickly sat down across from the king and the wizard, awaiting anxiously to find out what was happening.

  “We have something of yours,” Edward said, shoving a book toward her. Across the table.

  Confused, she looked down at the cover. There was some strange symbol on it and words she didn’t recognize. “What do you mean? I’ve never seen this before in my life.”

  The two men looked at each other with matching smirks.

  “Edward, what’s going on?” Angelique asked, frightened. She felt like they both were suddenly ganging up on her, and she had no idea why.

  “Address the king properly,” Gaylen snapped loudly.

  “Your Highness, please… what’s going on?” Angelique asked, her eyes filling with tears.

  He opened up the book and pointed at a page with writing on it. “Why don’t you tell us, Angelique?” Edward said angrily.

  She leaned forward. “I don’t understand. I have no idea whose this is, because it certainly isn’t mine.”

  “Liar. This was found in your home—under the floorboards. It’s filled with Black Magic and notes related to love-spells and other evil curses!” the king hollered, making her flinch, as she’d never heard or seen him angry—ever.

  “What?” Angelique swallowed hard, now panicking. She shot to her feet. “Black Magic? Why would I have a book like that? I’m not witch. Please, there’s been some sort of mistake. This isn’t mine.”

  “See? I told you she would deny everything,” Gaylen said, sighing in irritation, yet, that annoyance didn’t quite reach his eyes, which seemed to be mocking her. He slid his gaze to the king. “And yet, we found these items in her home.”

  She ignored the wizard. “Please, Edward… my king… you have to believe me. This is not mine,” she said, openly sobbing now and swiping at the traitorous tears with the back of her hand. “I would never be involved with anything like this. You know me…”

  “That’s just it. I apparently don’t know you at all, Angelique,” Edward said coldly as he stood and walked around the table. “But what I do know is we found that book and what’s written inside makes you guilty.”

  She tried grabbing his arm. “No! Wait, please—”

  Edward pulled away. “Get the guards,” he told Gaylen, his face stormy. “Now! Before she tries corrupting me further with her love spells, fake tears, and hideous lies.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” he replied triumphantly as he rushed out of the solar.

  She looked up at that man she loved. “Please, my love. Why are you doing this?” she whimpered, her heart breaking.

  How could a man who’d just told her he loved her act so horrible? He wasn’t even giving her a chance to prove her innocence. “Edward?”

  His blue eyes burned with disgust. “That’s King Edward to you, and as king, I hereby order that you be arrested and charged with Witchery.”

  Angelique gasped, her eyes wide and shiny. She knew what happened to women charged with Witchery. Every one of them had been burned alive.

  Before she could say anything else, the guards came for her.

  “Take her to the dungeon,” King Edward seethed. “Until the trial.”

  “There will be a trial?” she asked, struggling against the guards who held her tight.

  Gaylen smiled cruelly. “It’s just a formality, peasant girl. You’re guilty. We’ve already proven it.”

  The only thing she was guilty of was loving a man who refused to believe in her.

  Helpless, heartbroken, and devastated, she gave up the fight, and with her head down and tears unstopping, let the
guards take her away.

  Chapter 1

  Twenty years later

  When ten-year-old Mariselle arrived home, she rushed inside and excitedly handed her mother, Katrina, the message from her father. The young girl bounced from foot to foot, her auburn ringlets springing off her shoulders, as she proceeded to tell her mother what was inside the telegram before Katrina could remove the seal.

  “Mother! Prince Alexander said that he saw a woman turn into a dragon. They think it might be the sorceress, Angelique!” the child blurted quickly.

  Hearing the news, Katrina’s blood turned to ice as she halted opening the message. She looked at her young daughter. “Who said that? Your father?”

  She nodded vehemently. “Yes, and the king. They’re going to try to find a wizard to help,” Mariselle added and bit her lower lip. “But I forgot his name.”

  “Gaylen?” Katrina asked, her eyes quickly scanning the message.

  “Yes. That’s it.” Mariselle frowned. “Papa always told me that Angelique was nothing more than a fairytale. Why did he lie?” she asked, feeling frustrated and scared at her mother’s reaction to the message. The child set the basket of kittens she’d been holding down on the floor. Mariselle opened up the lid and the tiny creatures instantly began crawling all over each other to try and get out.

  “He didn’t want you to be frightened.” Katrina looked down at the kittens and frowned. The little cats were racing across the floor to investigate their new surroundings. “Why are there four? You were only supposed to pick out one.”

  “I know, but they need each other, Mama. Anyway, Papa said it was okay,” Mariselle said, picking up the black kitten before he could scamper away. She tried snuggling him against her neck, but the kitten was far too excited about exploring and put up a struggle.

  “I’m sure he did after a little persuasion from you,” Katrina said, placing the message on the large wooden table inside the kitchen of their modest home.

  Mariselle set the antsy kitten down. “King Edward said that Angelique might be back for revenge. Did she really get banished from the kingdom?”

  “Yes. I believe so,” Katrina answered, her mind swirling with her own questions and fear.

  “Why, Mama?”

  Katrina walked over to the pot of bean pottage she had bubbling over the fire. She picked up the ladle and began stirring it. “For disobeying the king and breaking the laws of the land.”

  “Was it true that she practiced dark magic?”

  “From what I hear, yes.”

  “Is she going to try and kill the king?” The very idea was too terrifying for Mariselle to imagine. If he was murdered, what would happen to the royal family or… the kingdom for that matter?

  Katrina threw her hands up in frustration. “Gah, all of these questions. Don’t worry about Angelique. They’ll find Gaylen and he’ll take care of her.”

  She knew her mother was frustrated, but Mariselle still felt like something bad was about to happen. “Is he more powerful than Angelique?”

  “Gaylen is the one who made her disappear in the first place. Now, enough. Remember when I said that it’s rude to pester people with too many questions? That goes for your mother as well,” she said with a sigh as she reached up and smoothed back a stray piece of dark brown hair that had escaped her bun.

  “I’m sorry, Mama,” Mariselle replied, lowering her green eyes.

  “I’m sure your father will be able to explain more about what’s going on when he comes home. Now, you’re going to need to do something with those kittens. Bring them out to the barn before it gets too dark outside.”

  Mariselle began to protest and whine. “But—”

  “Mariselle,” Katrina scolded. “They’ll be fine out there.”

  “What if a wolf gets to them or some other wild animal? They’re so little and helpless.”

  “The chickens and the ducks haven’t had any problems. I’m sure they’ll be okay. Show them to their new home and then come back inside for supper.”

  Mariselle sighed and then gathered up the kittens, who were still exploring the kitchen. She brought them out to the barn and let them out of the basket. As she watched them wander away, Mariselle made a decision.

  If Mama won’t allow the kittens in the house, I will sneak out and sleep in the barn with them.

  Feeling better, she carried each of them over to where the water trough was and then ran back into their cottage.

  “How did they like their new home?” Katrina asked as she set a bowl of stew in front of Mariselle.

  “They were frightened to death of being out there,” she said with wide, concerned eyes.

  Katrina bit back a smile. “Oh, they told you that, did they?”

  “No, but I could tell from their expressions.”

  Shaking her head in amusement, Katrina sat down. “You’re going to be a good mother someday, Mariselle. I can tell already.”

  She smiled. “I’m a mother already. To my kittens.”

  Katrina nodded. “Indeed, you are.”

  They held hands, said grace, and then ate supper.

  Chapter 3

  Angelique waited until nightfall before returning to Castle Rothhaven, this time as a raven. Revenge had compelled her to return to the place where her dreams had been shattered and her heart broken by a man. One who’d once promised her the world, but instead had shattered hers. If only she’d known how quickly he would turn on her after Gaylen had filled his head with those horrible lies, accusing Angelique of performing black magic. Instead of giving her the benefit of the doubt, or even hearing her out, he’d believed the wizard’s accusations, banishing her from the kingdom and everything she cared about.

  But now, she was back to make sure Gaylen would get what was coming to him. As for the man who’d broken her heart, King Edward, she’d vowed long ago to strike back at him, too. She just wasn’t sure if she’d have the willpower to do it now that she’d actually returned. Part of her still loved him… and always would. That being said, even if he fell down to his knees and begged her for forgiveness, she wouldn’t give it to him. Her pride wouldn’t allow it; couldn’t allow it.

  Angelique landed on young Griffin’s balcony. He was a handsome lad who would no doubt be a heartbreaker, just like his father. The other three princes were also attractive, as was the princess, with her lily-white skin and jet-black hair. In fact, Princess Eva looked a lot like her father, although she had her mother’s eyes. Angelique wanted to hate them all, and was admittedly jealous of Queen Lizbeth, but she mostly felt sadness and regret. If things had gone differently, she would have not only been the mother of his children, but the queen of all of Syracuse.

  Finding the prince’s chamber empty, she transformed from raven to mouse and went in search of the king. She was curious as to whether Prince Alexander had mentioned seeing her in the courtyard the night before, and what his reaction had been. Of course, Angelique had made sure to turn into something terrifying to really cause a stir: a black dragon. She had to admit, seeing the shocked look on the boy’s face had been quite amusing.

  Angelique wandered through the dimly lit corridors of the castle, preparing herself mentally for what would come very soon—the confrontation between herself and Gaylen. As before, his arrogance would make him believe that he still had the upper hand. This time, however, things would end much differently. Especially now that she had the Wand of Aberdeen. She’d been gifted the magical item by the goddess of witchcraft herself, Hecate, after serving her for the last twenty years. It happened after the newly appointed king, her beloved Edward, had banished Angelique from Syracuse. She could still remember that fateful night; Hecate had taken her under her wing after finding her sobbing in the Forest of Ezernon and learning of Gaylen’s treachery.

  “It does not surprise me that he’s up to his old tricks,” Hecate had said, a disgusted look on her face. “My question is: why does he hate you so much?”

  “I don’t think he wants Edward to marry me.

  “You’re not a noble. The king would never marry you, and even Gaylen must realize that.”

  The bluntness of her words had cut Angelique deeply. Of course, Hecate had been just stating the facts. Both she and her mother, Beverly, had been mere peasants, working in the castle. Beverly, a cook, and Angelique, a chambermaid. Still, Edward had once claimed that he’d loved her before being crowned King of Syracuse, and there hadn’t been any talk of him being betrothed to another. If anything, she’d been invited into his chamber more often than not after he had taken his rightful place on the throne, after the death of his father.

  “Still, Gaylen must feel threatened by you, somehow. You’re very beautiful,” the goddess said, eyeing her curiously. “Did you ever refuse any advances from him?”


  Gaylen had never even given her so much as a glance, let alone tried to woo her. And if he had, she would have never let him touch her. The wizard gave her the creeps. Not only was he quite homely, with his freakish white hair, long, pointy nose, beady black eyes, and oversized chin, but there was an evilness about him that always gave her the chills.

  “And what of your mother?” Hecate had asked.

  “She died last year. The plague.”

  “I’m sorry. You were close?

  “Yes.” Angelique tried to fight back the tears of pain that threatened to fall just speaking of her.

  Although they had drifted apart once her mother learned of Edward and Angelique’s secret relationship. Beverly hadn’t approved of her daughter warming the king’s bed, and they’d argued about it frequently. But, he ruled the land, and even if she hadn’t wanted to be his lover, Angelique might not have had a choice in the matter.

  Hecate continued. “I can see you are truly heartbroken and have been wronged by Gaylen, who I don’t particularly care for. As much as I’d like to help, I cannot, as he is a demigod. If you serve me, however, I promise that one day… you will stand before him as a suitable opponent. One who will have the tools to destroy him, if that’s what you want.”


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