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Four Princes: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (The Rothhaven Trilogy Book 1)

Page 4

by C. J. Pinard

  Mariselle nodded.

  Winking, Angelique waved her wand and disappeared.


  Angelique transported herself to a cave in West Syracuse, where she’d been staying. As soon as she materialized, her senses screamed that someone else had been there recently. Her gut told her it was Gaylen.

  Frustrated, she grabbed her satchel and quickly gathered the few belongings she had, including the first wand Hecate had given her when she’d made her an apprentice. Although its power wasn’t nearly as potent as her new one, it had definitely served her well and she couldn’t seem to part with it. She shoved it into the bag and looked around one last time. Satisfied that she’d grabbed everything, Angelique raised her wand. Before she could leave, however, the hateful mage himself appeared before her.

  “You just can’t let go of anything, can you?” he asked with a smirk. “It will get you killed one day.”

  She dropped her bag and pointed her wand in his direction. “Maybe, but not this day, wizard.”

  “Relax. I’m not here to fight, Angelique,” he said with a sigh. “I’ve come to talk.”

  She stared at him uneasily, not lowering her wand. “About what?”

  “I would like to call a truce.”

  Angelique snorted. “Let me get this straight… you lied, which in turn caused me to get banished from Syracuse. You made the man I loved despise me. You took everything away from me—everything that was important—and now you want to call a truce?” She laughed bitterly. “Why in the hell would I ever agree to a truce? What would I gain?”

  “Your life, for one. And… a seat on the throne, for another,” he replied with a small smile.

  Her eyes narrowed. What kind of lies was he spinning now? “What are you talking about?”

  With his hands behind his back, Gaylen began to casually stroll around the cave. “I guess I may as well just get right down to the point. I would like you to help me destroy the entire Rothhaven family. In turn, I will take over the throne and make you my queen.”

  Angelique stared at him in shock. As much as this wicked plot of his shouldn’t have surprised her, it did. She had so many questions and barely knew where to start. “I thought you were indebted to the family?”

  She’d heard from Hecate of how King Edward’s great, great grandfather had helped to free Gaylen after being imprisoned by Segomo, the god of war. After his release, Gaylen had sworn his loyalty to the royal family.

  “Exactly, which is why I need you to help me end it. I pledged my allegiance to them, and can’t break it. But, if they’re gone…” he grinned slyly, “I’ll be set free and will be able to rule the kingdom.”

  Angelique was flabbergasted. “Are you mad? Do you honestly believe anyone would allow something like that to happen? Good goddess, even if you were able to kill everyone in the family, you wouldn’t be made king. You’d be hung.”

  In the blink of an eye, Gaylen turned himself into Edward’s eldest son, Griffin. “Alas,” he said in Griffin’s voice, “there would be one survivor, dear Angelique. Well…” he chuckled, “so everyone would believe, at least.”

  “You’d live and rule as Griffin? She blinked incredulously at him.

  “Yes. I would become the new king of Syracuse and you… you’d be at my side as queen.”

  “There’s quite an age difference,” she said dryly. “I doubt anyone would believe that young Griffin would take me as his queen. Plus, I’ve been banished, remember?”

  “Yes but you’d be unbanished, after ‘saving’ Griffin’s life.”

  Her eyebrow rose. His underhandedness seemed to have no bounds. The wizard was wicked to the core.

  He walked over to her. “He’s almost eighteen, and you are still a very beautiful woman,” the wizard said, giving her an appraising look. “I think he would very much enjoy having you warm his bed. Correction, I would very much enjoy it.”

  His words made her skin crawl. She loathed him more than ever. It was bad enough Gaylen had ruined her life, but now he wanted to take the lives of Edward’s children? As furious as she was with the king, Angelique didn’t have it in her heart to be part of such a wicked and diabolical plan. She was about to firmly object when she realized that she might be able to use this scheme of his to her advantage.

  She regarded him carefully, her mind spinning as a plan formed. “I don’t know,” she replied, sounding deliberately apprehensive. Angelique knew that jumping onboard too quickly would look suspicious to a crafty wizard like Gaylen. Especially after their turbulent history together.

  “Do you still love Edward?” he asked, morphing into the image of the king himself. “I could be whomever you wanted me to be, you know. We could easily arrange for him to be the only survivor instead.” Edward’s mischievous grin that Angelique loved so much twisted up on his mouth. His blue eyes twinkled with lust.

  Angelique’s heart ached as she stared at Edward’s image. As much as he’d let her down, she knew in her heart of hearts that she would never, ever stop loving the man.

  “No,” she lied. “You deceived me once. Why should I trust you now?”

  He changed back into his real form and pulled something out from his robes. He opened his hand to reveal a small stone.

  “What’s that?” she asked, taking a tentative step forward and staring at it warily.

  Gaylen handed it to her. “It’s a Truth Stone. It’s spelled so whomever holds it cannot tell a lie.”

  She studied the rock, turning it over in her hand. It was black, smooth, and cool to the touch. It looked pretty unimpressive, as far as she was concerned.

  “Try lying to me. Go ahead,” he said with a challenging smirk. “Tell me how handsome I am and how you’d love to have me in your bed.”

  Angelique made a face. “You already know the truth to that.”

  Gaylen sighed. “Maybe, but try telling me otherwise. Go ahead,” he urged, nodding toward the stone.

  “Fine.” She took a deep breath. “Gaylen, I…” Angelique’s tongue stopped moving.

  The wizard smiled and his eyes began to dance in delight.

  She tried again, but just couldn’t seem to get the words out. “I think you are…”

  “Try relaxing,” he urged, looking more and more amused by the minute.

  “I think you are a repulsive, nasty pig. You make my skin crawl. I would rather die than allow you to ever touch me,” she blurted out, unable to stop herself.

  “So, you’re saying we won’t be consummating our marriage?” Gaylen asked dryly, his arms folded across his chest.

  “Not in your wildest dreams,” Angelique replied, feeling like a huge weight had been lifted by admitting the truth out loud. The rock seemed to actually compel a person to say what was really on one’s mind, whether they wanted to or not.

  His beady eyes regarded her coldly. “Fine. What of Edward? How do you really feel about your king?”

  “I will always want him,” she said truthfully. “But, he broke my heart. I will never forget that.”

  He stepped closer to her. “Nor, should you.”

  Angelique handed him the stone back. “You deceived me the most, however,” she said, backing away from him. “What makes you think I would ever agree to help you in this crusade? You ruined my life.”

  “What if I told you that at one point, I actually saved it?” he said, flicking the stone between his fingers as if he were going to perform a magic trick.

  Her eyes narrowed. “How is that?”

  “Edward sent me here to kill you. Just like he did twenty years ago, when you were in the Forest of Ezernon.”

  Her breath caught in her throat and she put a hand on her hip. “What?”

  “After you were banished, Edward sent me to look for you. He wanted you dead. Luckily for you, Hecate found you first.”

  “I don’t believe you. If that were the case, why didn’t he order my execution instead of simply banishing me?” she asked, the blood rushing to her head. He was holding the stone
firmly in his hand now. The words couldn’t have been lies.

  “Because Edward wants to look like a fair and just king. You think you know him, but… the truth is you don’t. You never did.”

  She stared at him, her eyes filling with tears. “Why would he want me dead?” It was so hard to believe that Edward, the man who’d once held her in his arms and professed his love to her, would order her execution.

  “Because of Lizbeth. The plans were already in the works for their wedding, which wasn’t based out of love, but necessity. As are most royal marriages.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard it all before,” Angelique spat. “He could only marry someone of his stature.”

  “That, and he also needed the backing of Lizbeth’s family’s troops. You obviously don’t recall the conflict between the Rothhavens and King Beauport during that time?”

  The last she’d heard was that King Beauport still ruled Darylsyle which was across the sea. Many had referred to him as the ‘King of Chaos’ because of his reckless madness. It was her understanding that he ruled with an iron fist and had tried to take over Syracuse more than once.

  “Yes, I’d heard of it,” she replied. The problem was, she hadn’t given the conflict much thought. Wars were common, especially back then.

  “Edward was worried that if Lizbeth found out about you, she’d become upset and tell her father, who wouldn’t have been pleased. He needed their alliance and couldn’t take any chances. You had to disappear.”

  “Why not just send me away from the castle to begin with? It seems a little extreme to banish me and wish me dead,” she replied, getting angrier by the minute.

  “He didn’t want to take any chances. Now that you’ve returned to Syracuse, he is even more determined to have you killed.”

  She gave him a doubtful look.

  “The stone never lies,” Gaylen said, his palm open, the stone lying flat on it.

  Angelique felt like crying, but she refused do it in front of him.

  “I know you’re bitter, but you should channel your feelings into something more productive. Be angry. Be furious. You certainly have every right.”

  That was one thing she definitely agreed upon.

  “So, what do you say?” he asked. “Join me? Together, we can make sure the Rothhavens’ reign ends. They certainly don’t deserve to rule Syracuse.”

  “Why do you even wish to be king?” she asked.

  “My dear,” he replied with a cold smile. “Make no mistake, I already am the ruler. I have Edward wrapped around my finger, whether he knows it or not.”

  “Then why do you need to sit on the throne?”

  “Because I’m tired of being in the shadows.”

  So, it was really about his vanity.

  He went on. “I’ve won wars for their family. I’ve cast away monsters and dragons and every possible horror you can imagine. I have never gotten the respect and honor I deserve. As king—”

  “As king? If you’re ruling as Griffin. How can you accomplish that?”

  “Because Griffin will build a shrine honoring Gaylen, who will have fallen along with the rest of his family.”

  “So, you’re faking your death?” she asked, her eyebrow raised.


  The lengths he was willing to go to astounded Angelique. “And how will you die?”

  He smirked. “Baldour.”

  Legend was Baldour was a black dragon Gaylen had destroyed over a century ago. It was said that the terrifying beast had been the largest and most intelligent of its kind.

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Didn’t he die? And by your hand?”

  “Yes, of course. But, I will tell the king that Segomo has brought him back to destroy me and the king’s family.”

  Angelique shuddered. Even after everything Gaylen had admitted, she wouldn’t forgive or trust him. Not ever. He was as insane as he was evil, and should never be allowed to sit on the throne. But if what he said was true about Edward, he didn’t really deserve it either. Nor did his sons or any of their descendants. Something needed to change and she vowed to be part of it. Just not in the way Gaylen wanted.

  “So, what do you say?” he asked, trying to read her expression.

  Angelique couldn’t take part in killing the Rothhavens, but she vowed to end their family’s reign over Syracuse and somehow get rid of Gaylen in the process.

  “Very well. I’ll help you. Just tell me what you need me to do,” she said, thankful the despicable wizard couldn’t read what was really on her mind.

  Chapter 8

  Mariselle’s parents were both upset about what had happened in the barn.

  “Why would Angelique even show up here, Marcus?” Katrina asked tearfully when the three were back inside the cottage.

  Pacing back and forth, he shrugged. “I don’t know.” He paused and looked at Katrina. “I think we need to move you and Mariselle to the castle temporarily, though. If King Edward will allow it.”

  “But, isn’t it even more dangerous at the castle?” Katrina asked, her eyes wide.

  “No, on the contrary. I certainly can’t leave you alone here. The soldiers will protect you if you’re at the castle. As will Gaylen.”

  “But… Angelique would never hurt me, Papa,” said Mariselle, who was seated at the table. “And, she’s not as mean as everyone makes her out to be.”

  Marcus grunted. “She certainly has you hoodwinked,” he said, looking displeased. “Which is why I need to make sure Angelique can’t get anywhere near you again. For all we know, she could have been planning on using you for some kind of sacrifice.”

  “Marcus,” gasped Katrina, putting her hand to her chest. “Don’t scare the child like that.”

  “We need to put the fear of God in her, Katrina. She’s already defending the evil woman,” he replied angrily.

  Katrina sighed.

  “She’s not evil,” protested Mariselle.

  Marcus groaned in frustration. “Enough, Mariselle. She was banished from the kingdom because of her wicked ways. Plus, you saw her wand. Graylen said she received it from Hecate. She’s obviously a very powerful witch now—and who knows what she’s capable of?”

  “Gaylen uses a wand, too. Wouldn’t that make him evil, too?” Mariselle said stubbornly.

  “Gaylen is a wizard. He has protected this kingdom for centuries and doesn’t use black magic to do it,” said Marcus.

  Mariselle frowned. “How do you know he doesn’t?”

  “Because it’s forbidden. Now, I don’t want to hear any more about this. You’re going to the castle, where it’s safe.” Marcus looked at Katrina. “Both of you.”

  “Can I bring my kittens?” Mariselle asked, afraid he’d say no.

  He nodded. “Yes, of course.”

  She sighed in relief.


  A couple hours later, Mariselle stood in front of King Edward and told him about her experience with Angelique. He listened intently, and when she was finished, he questioned her.

  “Do you know where she was heading to?” he asked, staring down at her from his chair.

  “No, Your Majesty,” she said shyly. Although she adored the king, he was very intimidating, especially when he looked angry. And right now, he very much did.

  He tapped his fingers steadily on the throne. “Did she mention me at all?”

  “No, Your Majesty.”

  The king asked her a few more questions and then turned to Marcus. “It’s good you brought your family here. I believe she might have been toying with Mariselle to try and get to me, somehow. Your family is welcome to stay here in the castle until she’s taken care of.”

  Marcus sighed in relief and dipped his head. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

  King Edward turned his attention back to Mariselle. “If you run into her again, remember that she’s very deceptive. Those who practice dark magic have an alliance with the Devil. They are all evil. You cannot trust anything that comes from her lips, no matter how nice or beautiful she
may seem.”

  Mariselle could see out of the corner of her eye that Queen Lizbeth was no longer smiling. She looked at her fully and saw that the queen looked very upset and wondered if it had to do with King Edward calling Angelique “beautiful.” She wanted to tell the queen that she was also beautiful, but couldn’t seem to get the words out.

  “Pay attention!” the king scolded.

  Jumping, Mariselle’s eyes went back to him. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty,” she squeaked, her heart beating a mile a minute. She’d never seen the king look so angry.

  His face suddenly relaxed. “I am sorry for raising my voice, lass,” he said, running a hand across his face. “This matter is just very upsetting. Do you understand how important it is that you not fall under her charms?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” Mariselle replied, curtseying.

  “I hope so,” he waved his hand. “Now, why don’t you run along while your parents and I discuss this matter further?”

  Mariselle curtsied again and then ran out of the throne room to find Princess Eva.


  A short time later, Mariselle found herself in Princess Eva’s bedchamber getting questioned about Angelique again.

  “You must have been so terrified,” the princess said wide-eyed. Both girls were lying on the giant bed across from each other.

  “Actually, I wasn’t. She was very nice to me,” Mariselle said shyly, hoping that the princess wouldn’t get angry at her for admitting it.

  “You’re lucky then, because I’m fairly certain she wanted to kill us. Certainly Gaylen.”

  Mariselle’s eyes widened. “What did she do?”

  Princess Eva told her what had happened when Angelique had appeared the night before in the castle.

  “So, she only tried attacking Gaylen?” Mariselle asked, still having a hard time believing that Angelique was as horrible as everyone said.

  “Yes. Of course, he didn’t give her a chance to hurt any of us, though.” She sighed. “I’m sure she would have done something horrible if he hadn’t set her on fire.”

  Mariselle’s mouth fell open. “He set her on fire?”


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