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Safe in His Embrace

Page 3

by Candice Poarch

  Once seated at a table with Kathryn and Iris, she noticed a handsome man at the table with Rick. He was new in town. Apprehension skittered along her spine.

  “Ms. Novak.” Joseph, a retired fisherman who made runs with Danya when he wanted to make extra money, jerked her attention away from the newcomer. Joe’s plate was heaping with enough food to feed three people. He appeared to be in his eighties and his cologne was so strong Senetra’s eyes watered as she stifled a cough. He’d even added a bow tie to his chambray shirt. “May I have the first dance?”

  “This is a breakfast, Joe, not a dance,” Iris said. “What in heaven’s name did you douse yourself with?” She fanned as if she could wave the scent away.

  “I got all dressed up and used my favorite cologne,” he said.

  “I’m deeply touched,” Senetra said. “Thank you for helping me celebrate my birthday.”

  “What a shame we can’t dance,” he said, and went in search of a table.

  Senetra forgot the newcomer as she began to socialize with others at her table.

  After breakfast everyone scattered except Kathryn and her boyfriend, Rick, a high school science teacher, and the man Senetra spotted earlier. He said something to Rick before he left.

  “Well, time to pack an overnight bag,” Kathryn said, looking sheepish. “Shouldn’t take but a few minutes. You did do laundry last night, didn’t you?”

  Senetra tensed and frowned. “Where am I going?” she asked suspiciously.

  “It’s a surprise, but pack warm and comfortable clothing. We’ll return late tomorrow,” Kathryn said. “We thought about sending you alone, but I know you’d never go if we didn’t drag you kicking and screaming. You’re the only one I’ve met who won’t go sightseeing and there’re so many places to explore here.”

  Senetra’s gut tightened. “Now I’m really curious.”

  “It’s a surprise,” Rick repeated, glancing at his watch, clearly impatient to be on his way.

  “Relax,” Kathryn scolded, smoothing her tense hands. “We aren’t going far. Listen, everyone chipped in. They want to give you a special gift for your birthday.”

  “You traitor,” Senetra said without heat. “I thought I asked you not to tell anyone.”

  “I couldn’t do that. Your neighbors love you. So do your students. They would have felt betrayed if I’d kept silent.” She smiled. “Don’t forget to pack your bikini.”

  “Bikini?” Senetra teased. “Sounds like Hawaii.”

  “Wish we could be so lucky,” she said. “No planes. Just a short ferry ride.”

  Senetra recalled the smiling faces of the people who’d just filed out. The ones who’d gotten up early on Saturday morning to wish her a cheerful, special day.

  She hugged Kathryn. “Thank you.”

  So much for her trip to the kennel to look over cute little huskies, she thought, but relaxed somewhat.

  Rick loved the out-of-doors and, knowing him, he’d have them stashed away in some remote fishing cabin where they were the only inhabitants for forty miles. She hoped they had running water and a flushing toilet, at least. Still, she hated when she wasn’t in control, hated being any place where she hadn’t mapped out an escape route. She was fortunate to have escaped Timothy the last time and she knew if he found her again, she wasn’t going to be so lucky.

  She sighed. Fear wasn’t going to ruin her birthday celebration.

  Alex stood by himself on the ferry, waiting for Rick.

  “I’m telling you, the teacher’s a looker,” Bob Taylor, the ferry captain, declared. “She teaches my sister’s boy and the kid’s fallen head over heels in love with her.”

  Alex already knew that. Lots of students were present at the breakfast. “This isn’t a date, Bob.” Rick had told him they were going to some remote place overnight. He hadn’t mentioned setting him up with anyone.

  “You could make it into one, all tucked up and cozy at the B and B. Good for a man to have a woman on his arm when bitter winter settles in. Better than a bottle of Jack Daniel’s any day.” He elbowed Alex and winked. “Oyster’s their specialty.”

  Alex couldn’t help grinning at the man’s foolishness. “Spring’s right around the corner,” he said. “How many women have you tried to set me up with? I just got here yesterday.” Alex often rode Bob’s ferry whenever he visited Homer. And every trip the older man tried to fix him up with a date.

  “Not that many single ones around,” Bob murmured. “You better get her before someone snatches her up. I’m surprised she’s still unattached. You’re gonna have your work cut out for you.”

  Laughing, Alex tossed his duffel bag on the floor and fished out his wallet to pay for his ticket. The first thing he saw was a ragged-edged photo of Jessica and him. He slipped it back in. When he returned from his trip, he was going to pack it away. He had no business dreaming about her.

  At this very moment, he imagined her giddy and happy, surrounded by family and friends celebrating her good news.

  Alex shook his head. He couldn’t go on like this. Bob believed it wasn’t good for men to be alone, but right now he needed to be alone. Despite what he’d told his father, he had a long way to go before he completely got over Jessica.

  Senetra sat in the backseat. Rick drove the couple of blocks to the Spit as if driving for NASCAR. After all the wheedling and cajoling, Senetra still didn’t know their destination.

  “I hope you don’t get seasick,” Rick said. She could hear the eagerness in his voice.

  “A fine time to ask her,” Kathryn muttered, turning around in the seat. “You don’t get seasick, do you? I brought something along just in case.”

  “I have a cast-iron stomach.” Just a small exaggeration since at that very moment her insides were fluttering like Jell-O.

  Rick drove onto the ferry and slid his SUV into a tight space. They all climbed out. The ferry was going south, making many stops along the way. They could be debarking anywhere between Homer and Kodiak.

  Kathryn waved to someone. “There’s Alex. We have a few minutes to spare.”

  Senetra finally spotted a man talking to the captain—the stranger at the party. Thick, black eyelashes, handsome face, medium brown complexion. Hair slightly curly. He wore a thick sheepskin jacket over jeans. God, he was handsome. Her insides quivered with awareness. Even his smile was sexy. She was amazed at her attraction to him. She thought Timothy had killed that part of her for at least a decade. His gaze touched hers briefly.

  “He’s not going with us, is he?” she whispered to Kathryn.

  “Of course he is.”

  “I’m going to kill you,” Senetra gritted between clenched teeth.

  “Relax. He’s Rick’s friend and he doesn’t take vacations often, so when he told Rick he was coming to town, Rick invited him along. What else could he do? You can’t deny the guy a vacation, can you?”

  “How convenient.”

  Kathryn humored her with a huge grin. This was a setup she couldn’t get out of. Senetra quietly studied the very handsome man with skin tone just a little darker than her own.

  “Hello,” Alex called out, and a cold chill raced up Senetra’s spine. Strangers made her uncomfortable. This was one of the reasons she hadn’t visited the heavily touristy sites.

  Even so, she knew all too well the world was very small. But it was just a weekend, not the rest of her life. That’s what she’d told herself eight months ago when she’d gone home to sign the divorce papers. She’d disguised herself, but it didn’t work.

  Senetra closed her eyes briefly. Don’t let Timothy spoil your birthday. He’s already spoiled enough in your life. This man knows nothing about Timothy or the old Senetra. As far as he knew, she was Regina Novak, the new teacher in town.

  “Let me store your bag in the car,” Rick said.

  “Sure,” Alex murmured, but his eyes caressed Senetra and she was shocked at how a sparkle of desire flashed through her, caressing her skin with hot licks of flame. She hadn’t felt desire l
ike this for years and she felt fear of another kind entirely.

  “Alex, meet Regina Novak. This is Alex Wilson, a friend of mine. He’s on a week’s vacation from Valdez,” Rick said as if this were a blind date. “And he’s ready for a good time.”

  Senetra wasn’t anybody’s good time, but she politely extended her hand to accept his handshake. “Hello, Alex.” His touch was firm, and she kept her expression neutral. She didn’t want him getting any ideas that she was going to be his weekend R & R.

  Alex’s smile was cautious. “A pleasure to meet you.”

  Senetra read his “not interested” signal loud and clear and that was fine by her. But there was something familiar about him, and her apprehension came back full force. She didn’t recognize his name. As a teacher, and having to know all the right people for Timothy’s political career, she remembered names and faces, but couldn’t recall ever being introduced to Alex. So why did his face seem so familiar?

  Senetra shook her head. This wasn’t the first time she’d wondered if a face was familiar. Through Timothy’s political connections, she’d met thousands of people, but knew few of them.

  Senetra walked to the railing with Kathryn. Moments later Alex and Rick joined them and surreptitiously she glanced at Alex again. She didn’t know him and he didn’t know her. She renewed her promise to be aware, but to enjoy her birthday weekend.

  Alex’s stomach clenched in recognition and the same desire that stole his breath. He knew her, not as Regina Novak, but as Senetra Blain—Mrs. Timothy Blain. It was three years ago at a fund-raiser when he first spotted her standing alone across the room. His cousin had an argument with his girlfriend and had an extra ticket, and since he was in town, invited Alex to go.

  Senetra wore a stunning gown that fit her voluptuous figure to perfection. A figure she displayed with tasteful abandon. With a desire unlike anything he’d experienced before, Alex had wanted to run his hands slowly all over her delectable body.

  Her hair was fashioned in a sophisticated style that exposed her neck. He’d wanted to release the pins and rake his hand through the silky strands while he kissed every inch of her neck. That was before he saw that she dripped with diamonds.

  Even knowing she was way out of his league, he couldn’t help himself. As if mesmerized, he’d started across the room for an introduction. But when he was three yards away, he’d stopped. A man joined her and Alex spotted her diamond-studded wedding band and the huge three-or-four-carat diamond engagement ring with it and backed up a step.

  The man linked her hand in the crook of his arm and the couple strolled away. Alex made his way to the open bar, where he caught up with his cousin.

  “Tell me about Mrs. Blain,” he said.

  “There’s very little talk, only that she’s Timothy Blain’s wife and he’s very possessive. She teaches at some high school, but he’s not too thrilled about that.”

  Alex shook his head. His heart pounded. His mouth went dry. She was no more than five-five or six. She licked her full lips, drawing his gaze. Her high cheekbones reddened as the wind whipped against her skin. Even without the glitter she was stunning. But the M-R-S definitely put her on the unavailable list.

  He wondered again why Mrs. Timothy Blain was in Alaska without all her glitter—without the rings. He stood a few feet from her, allowing himself one quick glimpse. Even without the makeup and shortened hair, she was damn sexy.

  And his body responded to her every bit as explosively as it had three years ago. This was going to be one hell of a weekend.

  “Didn’t I say she was a beauty?” Rick whispered.

  “And didn’t I say I wasn’t looking?”

  “Hell, man, you’re always looking, whether you admit it or not. Besides, you can’t moon over Jessica for the rest of your life.”

  “Since we’re getting personal, why don’t you ask Kathryn to marry you?”

  “This is about you and Regina. Not me.”

  Great, his friend was trying to hook him up with a married woman when he was trying to get over another married woman. He didn’t need this crap.

  Timothy Blain worked hard at his job. He was well respected in Milwaukee and the brains behind the mayor’s election.

  Mrs. Blain was a hothouse flower. He could imagine Timothy not having enough time to entertain her. Did she leave to teach him a lesson for ignoring her the way Jessica had taught him a lesson for leaving her? Senetra was at least ten years younger than her husband. Women did devious things to grab attention.

  Back home she had everything—money, prestige. Why was she hiding? No doubt, she’d eventually go back to the glamour of her life in Milwaukee. He couldn’t imagine her being satisfied here for very long.

  After this weekend he was never going to see her again.

  He glanced at her again and caught her watching him. He felt drawn again, damn it. Then as now, he wanted to approach her, touch her soft skin. He shook his head. How could a chance moment have such a lasting effect? Their gazes met for several seconds before he tore his attention away to appreciate the beauty of the area. But although nature’s beauty intrigued and soothed him, he was deeply disturbed by the woman who stood much too close.

  They zipped across the bay, enjoying the backdrop of the magnificent Kenai Mountains, which protected the town from the worst of winter weather, but hid the sun most of the winter.

  “We’re staying in a quaint B and B near Kenai National Park,” Kathryn said. “You’re going to love it.”

  “I know Rick will,” Senetra said, lifting her face to the breeze.

  Kathryn laughed. “You’d think it was his birthday the way he’s carrying on. He could barely wait for breakfast to be over. You saw the fishing rods in back, didn’t you?”

  “Are we really going fishing before daybreak?” Senetra asked with trepidation. The last thing she wanted to do was stand out in the early morning cold holding a fishing pole. When her gaze had collided with Alex’s, he’d completely unnerved her.

  “I know I’m not. If you want to, feel free to do so while I jump in the hot tub and read a book.”

  “The hot tub sounds heavenly, but unfortunately I forgot to pack a book.”

  “I bought extra,” Kathryn assured her. “In case you’re interested, Rick and Alex were roommates in college.”

  “Who said I’m interested?” she asked, although she was pleased Kathryn offered the information. She didn’t ask questions about others because she was unwilling to divulge her history.

  “Oh, God. There it is. Have you ever seen anything so spectacular?” Kathryn said in awe.

  Senetra gazed below at blue crystal ice fields that seemed to sprout up from the water. Ninety percent of it was beneath the water’s surface, but the part above was breathtaking enough. What beauty.

  “We’re going to walk on the glacier. You’ll love it.”

  Senetra glanced around apprehensively. “Will many people be at the B and B?”

  “Not this time of year. We’ll practically have the place to ourselves.”

  Senetra relaxed somewhat, but she couldn’t wipe out the sense of familiarity she felt about Alex. She shook her head.

  A lot of special people had gone to expense and trouble to plan a wonderful birthday celebration for her, and she was worried about Timothy.

  She stopped mentally beating herself. She couldn’t forget the object of this game was to stay alive. And to do that she had to be aware. Awareness was the operative word, not paranoia.

  She forced herself to relax and enjoy the view.

  His friends had done a fine job, Alex thought. His room was not only next door to Senetra’s; it had an attached door they had only to open on both sides if they chose. Rick and Kathryn shared a room across the hall.

  He set his duffel bag on the chair and unpacked his gear. They were meeting in a few minutes.

  Alex shook his head. Rick and Kathryn couldn’t have been more blatant about their matchmaking attempts. He made his way to the lobby. They we
re heading to the glacier.

  Truth be told, Senetra didn’t exactly offer herself as if she was in the market. He’d better get used to her being called Regina before he slipped up.

  Chapter 4

  The sun shone brightly as they walked on the glacier, ice crunching beneath their feet. Of necessity Alex and Senetra walked side by side, while Rick led the way with Kathryn. As much as Alex wanted to feel nothing for Senetra, he was very aware of her presence. He enjoyed her awestruck expression as she was taken to another world by the craggy surface of the glacier.

  “First time?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said with a smile, and he wondered why she hadn’t ventured out more. It was a short water taxi ride from her home.

  “Have you been here before?” she asked.

  “A couple of times. I’ve seen other glaciers and ice fields.”

  “Was it anything like this?” There was something refreshing in observing a person encountering something new in nature.

  He nodded. “But there’s nothing like your first experience.”

  “No,” she said softly. Their eyes met and touched and for a moment they were in accord. He saw the gorgeous woman whom he wanted to know better and who pulled him across the space of a room.

  Up ahead, Rick scouted out places to slide. Kathryn was certain he was going to slide right off the glacier and into the frigid bay and get lost forever in the shards of broken ice.

  He merely glided right past her, laughing as he did, then feigned a slip that became very real when he fell on his backside and slid a few feet.

  “Will you listen to me now?” Kathryn exploded, her face red with concern and the cold.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” Rick asked, grinning as he got to his feet and dusted off his backside. Kathryn huffed out a long, frustrated breath.

  “Being Rick’s roommate must have been interesting,” Senetra said around a chuckle.


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