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Safe in His Embrace

Page 9

by Candice Poarch

  “Just fine. My father has been hassling me about coming home for Easter. I finally gave in.”

  “Good,” she said with a wistfulness that let him know she longed for home, too.

  “Are you going home for the break?” he asked since he wasn’t supposed to know who she was.

  Senetra looked down and sadness sapped the gaiety of the moment. “No.”

  Alex wished he’d kept his mouth shut.

  Alex knew he had to ease his way into Senetra’s life with simple measures. Do small things with a big impact to make memorable impressions.

  Alex took Senetra home around twelve. They sat in front of the fire and talked for a couple of hours over steaming cups of hot chocolate.

  “Have you ever gone clamming?” he asked.

  She laughed. “No. I buy mine from the dock. As a matter of fact, I’m going to buy some tomorrow for clam chowder.”

  “Let’s go clamming instead. Rick has everything we need. We’ll go around eight. The ground should be soft enough, and it shouldn’t take long. You’re in Alaska, woman. You may as well experience all of it.”

  Senetra laughed, and it sounded like sweet music to Alex’s soul. “You really want to go clamming?” she asked skeptically.

  As long as it’s with you, Alex thought, although he’d much prefer spending his morning in bed with her. But this was a good way to work his way there. He still couldn’t get the night of the hot tub out of his mind. How soft she felt. He had dreams about her. But he merely nodded. Clambering around in the mud would certainly take his mind off sex.

  “Okay,” she said uncertainly. Her expression was just as dubious as his. But what else were they going to do? Alex wondered. He couldn’t take much more of this chaste stuff or sitting in her cozy apartment making small talk. He needed to do something to expend energy, especially if he couldn’t get her into bed.

  “Guess I should be going,” he said.

  It was two in the morning and Senetra was surprised that she didn’t want him to go. She almost regretted that she told him he couldn’t spend the night. Before she could complete the thought, Alex weaved his hand through her hair, pulled her closer to him and lowered his lips to hers. He tasted sweet from the cocoa and whipped cream. She moaned. She wouldn’t think of the things one could do with whipped cream. His first kiss was gentle. His tongue traced the soft fullness of her lips.

  Like the beginning of the kiss the night under the stars, the sweetness of it set her aflame. Now, like then, he gently sucked on her bottom lip and then thrust his tongue into her mouth, caressing the roof, dueling with her tongue, enjoying the mating dance. Her breasts tingled. And the butterflies in her stomach were doing a pas de deux. Her heartbeat quickened as new spirals of ecstasy exploded through her.

  She wanted, needed more. She felt his arm move slowly down her arm, his touch lighting a deeper fire until he touched her breasts. She gasped with a need so intense she nearly cried out. The hot sensation flashing through her had her digging her fingers in his strong shoulders. She was not surprised by her own sharp response to his touch.

  This kissing and nothing else was driving Alex slowly insane. Alex couldn’t stand it. He had to get out or he’d be in agony for the rest of the night. He already was in agony. Courting Senetra slowly was killing him.

  He pressed his fingers through the silky strands of hair and pulled away from her. His heartbeat thundered in his chest. He inhaled deeply. “I’ve got to go, baby.”

  Without fanfare, Alex stood and blew out a long frustrated breath. She looked wide-eyed at him as if she wanted him as much as he desired her. Alex briefly closed his eyes, willing his hands not to reach for her again. He ran a shaky hand across his forehead and looked at her again.

  “I haven’t gone this slowly since high school. You must be good for me, even if you’re not good to me. But we’ll take things at your speed. Only, don’t take too long, baby. Or I’m going to go completely out of my mind.”

  Senetra laughed. “Not fair. I’m good to you.”

  He moaned, his body still fighting his desire. He wouldn’t even dignify that with a response. He headed to her closet for his coat and shrugged into it, although the heat coming from him was enough to keep him warm.

  “I’ll pick you up at five of eight.”


  He tapped her on the nose. “Dress warmly.”

  “I will.”

  Senetra closed the door after him, and leaning against the surface, she recalled her conversation with Kathryn.

  Her body was humming with need. She moaned. She was torturing both of them, but what she said was true. She didn’t really know Alex and she didn’t want to rush into anything. Oh, crap. Maybe she was just too cautious. Maybe she should just throw her inhibitions to the wind and enjoy herself.

  If she’d done that, she’d be in bed with Alex right this moment instead of going to bed with this driving hunger.

  She wanted this relationship to be different from what she’d had with Timothy. And Alex was different. Everything was different. They weren’t rushing into everything. They didn’t fall in love at first sight.

  Okay, things had gotten out of hand the very first day. That wasn’t using caution at all. But she was making up for that. Or was she overcompensating?

  After a day of fishing, Alex didn’t exactly want to go wading in the mud digging for clams on his last day with Senetra, but it was exactly what he did with boots reaching his knees and buckled up in Rick’s oldest coat. No, he’d much rather spend the day in bed with Senetra. But that wasn’t going to happen. No sense in getting his hopes up.

  Alex gave Senetra his share of the salmon filets before they left.

  “So, where are the best places to dig?” Alex asked.

  Senetra glanced at him. “I thought you knew.”

  “You live here.”

  “But I don’t go clamming. I buy them from the store like most people.”

  Alex looked skyward. “Nobody in Alaska stays shut up in the house when there’s so much to do.”

  “I do.”

  “Right.” He gave her a long look. He didn’t want her to close up on him. “That’s going to change.” He was optimistic when she didn’t show fear or tell him to mind his own business. He picked up her hand and kissed the back, then drove a short distance by the water to one of the many clam beds at the shore. A few people were already out there, their children and dogs romping in the mud, dogs barking and running around like crazy.

  The air was so cold the vapor from their breaths clouded as they spoke.

  “Whose idea was this?” Alex drawled with self-mockery.

  “Definitely your idea,” Senetra mumbled with a shiver. “I wouldn’t have suggested anything so crazy on a Sunday morning.”

  “A great substitution for sex.” It was the first time he’d come out and said it, and Senetra blushed.

  “The cold should cool your ardor in no time.”

  Senetra’s boots hiked up to her thighs. It seemed to become even colder as they slushed about in the mudflats with shovel, rubber gloves and a bucket.

  “It’s not working. I’m still thinking about sex,” Alex said.

  Senetra laughed. “Typical male.”

  “What do you expect? I’ve already felt you,” he said with a wicked gleam in his eye. “And it was great.”

  “Think clams and church.”

  His eyebrow quirked. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “I’ve just discovered you have a one-track mind.”

  “I work with a bunch of guys. I can’t help it.”

  “Think clams.”

  As if that was going to work. Alex sighed. It took no time to find their first dimple.

  “Can you tell the difference between the dimples that indicate worms from the ones that signal clams?” Senetra asked.

  “Of course. One is right here,” he said with authority, burrowing the shovel in and digging deep. Falling to his knees, Alex slipped his hand in and pulled
the first one up. “Ta-da. Beginner’s luck.”

  “We’ll have clam chowder for lunch after all,” Senetra said, holding out the bucket. “And what’s this about beginners? I thought you were an old hand.”

  “A few times with Rick.”

  She stood there, holding the bucket while he dug a few holes.

  “You don’t get to just hold the bucket and look pretty,” Alex muttered. “You’re going to get down and dirty, too. No sense in me having all the fun.”

  Senetra rolled her eyes skyward, but she was game. “Oh, so you love to share. I’m learning something new about you every day.”

  “I’m good at sharing,” he said, tapping her on the nose with a muddy finger.

  A couple of hours later, they had enough clams to fry and for several batches of soup. By then more dogs and kids were romping on the beach while their parents did some serious digging. Some of the kids pitched in, too. It was just another game to the younger ones.

  Alex had put newspaper on the floor of the car to keep it from getting too dirty with their mud-caked boots.

  Senetra held her hands up. “Bet you don’t want to kiss my hands now,” she said.

  Alex came close, slowly leaned into her, giving her plenty of opportunity to move away if she wanted to. She didn’t want to. And he kissed her, driving his tongue into her warm mouth, a stark contrast to her cold lips.

  “I’ve enjoyed this weekend,” she said softly when their lips parted.

  “It’s not over yet,” Alex murmured with a definite wicked look, and opened the door to put the clam bucket in the back.

  Senetra grabbed a breath to calm herself as Alex got into the car. The feelings exploding through her were confusing and wonderful.

  When they got back to the apartment, they heated water and cleaned the clams, exposing the perfectly white filets.

  Senetra prepared a big pot of soup and went to take a shower. “I’m going to send half of this soup with you, if you can take food back?”

  “I’ve got a woman who can cook. And this soup is so good. I’ll take as much as you can give me.”

  “You guys make such a big deal over that.”

  “Doggone right. Women today don’t cook the way they used to.”

  “With careers being what they are, it’s no wonder.”

  Alex went to Rick’s apartment to shower and change, leaving some of the clams for him.

  Later, while Senetra coated some clams with an egg mixture and cracker meal before frying them, Alex made a fire in the fireplace. They ate their meal of chowder and fried clams in front of the blazing flames.

  “I’ve died and gone to heaven, even if I did cook it. I love the fresh seafood in this place,” she said.

  “Yeah, me, too.”

  She pushed her plate aside. “So tell me, how did a guy from Wisconsin make it to the wilds of Alaska? I realize you’re an engineer, but I’d think you’d want to settle closer to home, be near family.”

  “I did. But my father was in a terrible farming accident a couple of years ago and had let his health insurance lapse. He needed extensive surgery,” Alex said, stretching out his legs. “He would have had to sell the farm to get any help. I was able to make enough money here to pay for everything. I made the last payment a couple months ago.”

  “Alex. That was so selfless of you.”

  “He’s my dad. My parents have always done their best by us. But my siblings and I had a huge fight before I left. My dad insisted on selling a few acres of the family land to pay for the expenses. When I found out that he was selling for substantially less than the land was worth, I renegotiated the deal. My siblings resented the fact that I let him sell it at all. But he insisted. There was nothing I could do but keep him from selling more. They resented the fact that I took matters in my own hands.” Alex glared up at the ceiling. “But they’re all married. Most of them have children, a couple in college. I had the least to lose, so I did what I thought I should do.”

  “They should be thankful.”

  “We’ve barely spoken in two years.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Alex shrugged.

  “So now that you’ve paid off your father’s debt, are you going home soon?”

  “Not for at least another two years. I’m under contract and would like to fulfill my obligation. Also, my dad is sixty-five now and has Medicare, as well as insurance, so at least that’s taken care of.

  “So how do you like it here? What brought you here?” He chuckled. “Especially since you don’t like the out-of-doors.”

  “I like the small-community feel of this place. It’s a slower pace than most cities and it has modern conveniences—hospitals, cultural activities.”

  “How long do you plan to stay?”

  “It’s my home. I’m not leaving.”

  There was sadness in her voice as if her stay wasn’t a choice. Alex wondered if she missed Timothy. Even though it was obvious her husband had been abusive, did she long to go back to recapture the love of their relationship?

  Even knowing this might not be the right move, that she might not be ready to move on, he was going to test the waters. He leaned close and pressed his lips to hers. If she didn’t want his advances, she could easily push him away and he’d back off. But he longed to be close to her.

  And then her tongue dueled with his, sucking the very breath out of him. His arms closed completely around her, pulling her close into him. He forgot about the past, hers and his. All he wanted at this very moment was to drive himself completely inside her. But he took their lovemaking slowly. He smoothed kisses over her cheek, neck, collarbone, shifting her sweater aside to taste the sweet, sweet texture of her soft breasts.

  She tasted like ambrosia.

  “Regina, I want to make love with you, but I don’t want to rush you if you aren’t ready.”

  If he’d been more demanding, Senetra would have declined immediately. But he’d been thoughtful. Gentle. He’d followed her lead, but the desire she saw in his eyes matched her own need. Biting her lip, Senetra whispered, “I want you, too.”

  Alex leaned back. “Do you mean that? I’m not rushing you?”

  Senetra bit her bottom lip and gazed directly at him. “Yes and no. I mean it and I’m ready for you, too,” she said softly.

  She did not have to explain or repeat herself. He lifted her from the sofa and headed in the only direction that could lead to her bedroom. He took a cursory glance around the spacious area and placed her in the center of a white comforter topped with a thousand colorful pillows, brushing them aside with his arm. Many candles were on top of the dresser.

  Very feminine, he thought as he caught a light whiff of flowers and a fireplace that looked as if she used it often.

  “We should have started a fire in here,” he said. “But I can’t go another moment without you.”

  “You’ve already lit a fire in me,” Senetra said, and Alex grabbed for breath, for calm when he wanted to unleash all the pent-up desire that had raged for Senetra for two long weeks. From the first moment he’d touched her, he’d constructed all kinds of fantasies around her. But he wanted this to be great for her, and memorable.

  So he started out slowly, kissed her until he knew the texture of her face, the taste of her mouth, the silky delicious taste of her skin.

  One by one, he peeled clothes from her heated body and rewarded each area with sweet kisses.

  But Senetra wasn’t idle. She tugged at Alex’s clothes, pulling them off until his entire magnificent body was revealed to her. She took a moment to look at him. When she’d thought of him during the last two weeks, she thought her imagination was adding to what was there, but now she knew he was even better.

  “You’re beautiful,” she whispered, tracing her fingers down the length of his chest.

  His chuckle was deep. “I’ve never been described quite that way before.” He nipped her thigh and then soothed it with his tongue.

  She moaned, pressing her fingers int
o his shoulders.

  He stroked her breasts with his tongue, then tugged gently on one nipple and then the other, shooting sparks of pleasure to her center. The pleasure was so intense she screamed out loud.

  “You like that, baby?” he asked, his face tense with desire and need.

  “Yes,” exploded from her.

  While she touched places that drove him nearly out of his mind, his tongue wove a path between her breasts, down her ribs to her stomach.

  Whether his touch was more defined or lightly teasing, he found every pleasure point. When she could stand it no more, he paused to kiss her, whispering his love for every part of her body.

  He grabbed his pants, dug into his pocket for a condom, dropping it on her. She ripped the package open and slid it on him, stoking him while he groaned his pleasure.

  And then he entered her, stretching her wide and filling her completely.

  They both released moans of delight.

  Love flowed in Senetra like warm honey.

  Their bodies moved in exquisite harmony, drawing her to new heights of pleasure she’d never experienced before.

  He moved his hand under her bottom, sinking deeper into her. The pleasure increased to higher levels of ecstasy until her world was filled with him.

  Senetra had expected to fake an orgasm, but bliss arced through her until her thoughts fragmented as she went over the edge. She screamed her fulfillment and savored the feeling of satisfaction he left her with.

  Later, they lay together spoon fashion, gazing out the window, with Senetra in front of him. It was snowing. She turned to face him.

  “That’s never happened before,” she said.


  “An orgasm while making love,” she said shyly.

  He brushed her hair from her face. “I wouldn’t have come before you. Your pleasure means everything, Regina. It’s not fair and real if both of us don’t receive pleasure from our lovemaking.”

  She walked her fingers up his chest. “Trust me,” she said, kissing his amazing chest. “I was quite pleased. But I’m curious,” she murmured.

  “What about?”

  “The night in the hot tub. You dropped me like a hot potato as if you hated the fact that you’d touched me.”


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