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The Elementalist : Battle of the Mind: The Kothian Chronicles

Page 2

by Andrew Wood

  The few surviving soldiers of the Bosarian force fled, scattering away in several directions, as the brief battle was over. It was clear Maxim had no intention of stopping, and Zack quickly teleported forward. The power had control of Maxim, and he almost appeared to be enjoying sending the fire upwards. What had started-out as small balls of fire had now almost become a steady stream of white-hot flame. Noticing his friend's eyes were red, Zack placed a hand on his shoulder, and spoke softly, "It is okay Max, relax, it is over now." He felt the tension in his friend's body ease, as the fire abruptly stopped. Darion looked over to Zack, and gave a nod of the head to say well done. Maxim felt the calmness resume to his body and mind, as he puffed out his cheeks, and gave a warm smile to his friend beside him.

  Zack introduced his friends to his uncle, the king. Maxim bowed his head a little awkwardly, still feeling a little weary from his exploits and not quite sure whether he was doing it right. The young royal was not quite sure how Darion would react or behave in front of Oran, and his fears soon came to fruition, when the old man told them they should stop chatting and be preparing to leave instead. Oran however did not seem to take any offence, and offered both Maxim and Darion his thanks.

  To allow Maxim chance to rest, Darion reluctantly agreed to have a short break. Oran ordered drinks and the old man's mood did brighten up when he was handed some brandy, something that was in very short supply considering their predicament. Whilst they rested, Zack tried to explain to his uncle what they had been sent to do. However, the king was being insistent that it was not to be him, that was transported back to Pitford, but his children first. This of course only appeared to irritate Darion further, and it came as no surprise when the next outburst came.

  Zack attempted a plea to his uncle, but it would appear the king was not budging. Darion had heard enough, "Right leave him here then," he snapped losing his patience, "Come on you two, let's be off, he added pointing to Zack and Maxim. We travel halfway across the bloody country, kill his enemies and he is to bloody stubborn to do as he's asked," Darion yelled, gesturing for Maxim and Zack to link with him.

  "I am not leaving him Darion," Zack said.

  "Fine! Stay here then sissy boy. I can go with or without you," Darion grumbled leaning forward into his face.

  "But you won't get far without me Darion," Maxim added to the conversation. There was no way he was going to leave his best friend, even if that did mean upsetting the only man capable of tutoring him.

  Zack gave the old man a smug grin, "Fine...should have known you'd betray me ginger boy," Darion said turning his gaze to Maxim.

  "Darion stop being such a miserable old git," Zack snapped finally having enough of the remarks. Although the young royal was clearly trying to sound imposing, his demeanour and voice just did not carry any weight.

  After a few moments of staring and glaring, Darion finally waved his arm in defeat, "Fine...just get me another brandy...and make it a larger one than last time."

  "Is he always so polite?" Oran whispered to his nephew.

  "This is him being nice. You should hear him when he's really upset," Zack replied, chuckling at his own witty remark. He then turned to his friend now stood beside him, "Thank you Max...for siding with me against Darion," he said quietly. Maxim merely shrugged his shoulders as if to say it was no problem, before returning a smile.

  Despite Darion being awkward, it was still imperative Zack persuaded his uncle to go back with them. "If you come back with us this time, I promise we will come back for Frena, Anden and Tiana. But we can only take back one at a time, and with Maxim having to fight, I'm not sure he will manage more than one trip today." His uncle listened further to Zack's explanations, although he was not sure how much he actually understood about linking, and using Maxim as a kind of mobile power source, but he endeavoured to explain nonetheless.

  Tiana emerged from the wagon with her two children holding her hands. The young Princess Frena was clearly frightened, and ensured her body was as close to her mother as possible, Anden was a little braver but still clasped his mother's hand. The young prince looked over to where the tendrils of smoke drifted up from the blackened corpses a few hundred yards away, before being told to look away by his mother. On noticing them, Zack cast them a smile and gave them a little wave, before Oran gestured them nearer to where he and Zack were stood.

  "They have come to take me," the king said as his wife approached their position. "I have told them to take the children first, but they will not," he added looking saddened he would have to leave his family behind. His wife gave him a knowing smile, "You know you are the important one my dear," she replied in a soft voice, hoping her husband could see the sense in the matter. After Zack had briefly introduced Darion and Maxim to his Aunt and cousins, he promised them they would be back to collect them next.

  After a brief farewell hug with his wife and children, Oran prepared himself to leave; this time Zack would have to carry his uncle along with him. "Please don't rush me Darion," he said looking at the man stood the other side of Maxim. The old man just grumbled, clearly not pleased with the two youngsters for siding against him. After reiterating to his uncle the importance of not letting go, they disappeared with a flicker of light, leaving those looking on far behind them.

  Darion did do as was asked, pausing slightly before making the next jump forward. Crossing hills and valleys with the blink of an eye, the group travelled miles as if they were no more than a few feet. As long as they could see where they needed to go, they could teleport there.

  Oran barely had chance to get his bearings, when he was whisked further away from his family with each jump forward. Despite him being king he did not recognise the area they were in, and only when Pitford eventually came into view, did he know just how far they had travelled. What would have taken him at least several days ride, had in fact taken little more than an hour or so. As they made the last jump right up to the gates of the outer wall, he could see dozens of soldiers running about.

  "I'm afraid we have to walk the last bit," Zack said looking over to his uncle. The youngster was then about to ask his friend if he felt up for another trip, but he thought better of it, as he could see Maxim wobble on his legs. He was quite obviously nearing the point of exhaustion, and strangely, it was actually Darion, who showed an unusual tenderness towards the youngster. "Come on lad," he said helping him walk the few steps forward. "I have a tonic that will help you regain your strength," he added, showing a kindness neither Zack nor Maxim had even known existed.

  Zack explained to his uncle that Maxim would not be able to return until rested, Oran nodded, accepting what was beyond anybody's control. The group had only just made it through the arched gateway, and into the town, when they noticed a crowd already congregating. News that the king had arrived in Pitford had certainly travelled very fast, as further soldiers were making their way from the inner wall to form a cordon around their special guest. Ramon was stood at the gateway to the inner wall, and as the king approached, he and the other teachers and students all bowed their heads.

  Ramon stepped forward, and Oran held out his hand in greeting. "It is good to see a friendly face," the king said.

  "We got you back safely, that is the main thing your Majesty," Ramon replied. "Come on let us get you into the warm," he added gesturing for those gathering behind to make way.

  "Don't bloody bother thanking us," Darion grumbled as everyone's attention was clearly on the king. Zack for once agreed with the old man, yet no one appeared to be giving them but a moment's notice, that was until he heard a familiar voice off to his left. He turned to see Mikel, with shadow at his side, stood with Melia. On seeing they had been spotted, they ran over to greet them, and both immediately asked about Maxim's welfare. "The lad will be fine when we get him inside. We just need people to get out of the bloody way," Darion said, quickly returning to his usual brashness.

  Once inside, Darion suggested they help Maxim to his room, whilst he went to go and fetch
the tonic he had explained about. Shadow followed dutifully behind them as usual, glancing left and right as he walked, just keeping a watchful eye for any potential threat. Inside the room, they lay Maxim down upon his bed, before Melia ran her hand across his forehead, brushing the hair from his eyes, "How do you feel?" she asked softly.

  Maxim looked up from his position to see everybody was looking down at him, waiting for him to answer. "I'm fine," he said, "Just a little weak," he added.

  "Darion has gone to fetch you that tonic," Zack said.

  Maxim gave his friend a tired looking smile, just as Shadow placed a paw up on to the bed.

  "Oh hello Shadow," Maxim added, ruffling the huge dire wolf's fur.

  Chapter 3.

  In Berxsley, the ruling government were shocked one of their own had been found murdered. It was naturally assumed supporters of the king had struck against the man as a revenge attack. The very man, who had been at the head of bringing the king down, had been found with his throat slit, and his body left lying in the street. Naturally, the other governors were concerned about their own safety, and after an emergency meeting, they had decided to create a larger personal guard from the soldiers that had sided with them. As a result, that left them with little more than a hundred soldiers to keep guard of the capital.

  With the king gone, and the majority of the people still displeased at the way he had been treated, there had been several incidents within the city. Aside from the murder of one of the lead governors, there had also been several skirmishes. Fortunately, no one had been seriously harmed in them, but the very fact they were happening was a concern for those in power.

  In Pitford, Kurtis was stood outside peering skywards; his attention was fixed on the strange looking creature circling overhead. He often ventured outside between his lessons, enjoying the peace and quiet that the small keep garden afforded. The area was not overly large, and consisted of little more than a small lawn section, a few trees and a few rows of flowerbeds. Being as it was winter, these were empty, and the trees bereft of their leaves, although he thought, even this had its own kind of beauty.

  The strange flying creature seemed to drop lower, and Kurtis realised it was like no bird he had ever seen. It was larger than any eagle, and he was becoming unsure as to whether it was a bird at all. He was a little startled as the beast swooped down, causing him to duck, before soaring off high into the sky. His attention soon moved away from the creature, and was diverted to the object that it had dropped whilst swooping down at him. He stared at the grass beside his feet where there was a sparkling bejewelled ring, before leaning down to pick it up, and examining it more closely. He wondered what the flying creature could have been, moreover, why had it been carrying a ring?

  After turning the object in his fingers, he thought about handing it in to Ramon. He also knew he should probably report the strange creature that had dropped the ring, but something impelled him not to. Instead, he gently slipped the ring over his finger. Smiling, pleased with his lucky find, he held his hand out and admired the piece of jewellery.

  Maxim had awoken feeling fully revitalised; whatever Darion had given him the night before had certainly worked wonders. As a result, the same trio as the day before were once more preparing to depart. This time though, all being well, they would have to make three trips to bring the remaining royals back to Pitford. Providing Darion did not rush Zack, the young royal hoped he could make the trips without burdening the others, and Maxim, seemingly refreshed, was keen and eager to get underway.

  Oran watched as his rescuing party disappeared off into the distance, and then with a flicker of light out of sight completely. The King's arrival at Pitford had caused quite a stir, although much to Mikel's annoyance certain areas were now out of bounds. The non-magical people living between the inner and outer walls felt a certain pride that the king had chosen Pitford as his new home. Although, they knew it was only likely to be on a temporary basis.

  Despite taking the short pauses asked for by Zack, the three magicians made good progress. They spotted the camp a few miles off, before making the final teleport right into the heart of it, where they found Commander Denny Porter awaiting them. The man's first concern was that of asking whether the king had made the journey to Pitford safely. Zack assured him all had gone well, and the king was settling in.

  "Quit your jabbering, who we taking next?" Darion interrupted them.

  The commander looked at the old man with a stern glare. Talking to a member of the royal family in such away was not taken lightly.

  "Please excuse Darion," Zack said trying to placate matters, "He has a certain way with words that not everybody understands," he added, making light of the situation.

  The commander left it at that and gave a signal to one of the soldiers stood outside the wagon. After another minute or two, Queen Tiana emerged from the within, looking very tired and troubled. On either side of her, were here two children, Anden, the young prince appeared to be holding up best of all, the young princess Frena, least so.

  It was quickly apparent to everyone that Frena was not easily going to be coerced from her mother's side, and knowing how impatient Darion was, and the fact they would be coming back later anyway, Zack thought it best to take Anden first. In the meantime, he hoped his aunt would be able to persuade his young cousin to leave her mother's grasp just for a little while.

  As they prepared to head back to Pitford, the young Prince Anden, heir to the throne of Kothia, glanced anxiously back at his mother as she gave a weary looking smile and a wave of her hand. "Don't worry, we'll be back for them before you know it," Zack whispered down to him, just as Darion had them shooting off into the distance.

  In Pitford, Kurtis held his hands up to his head; his dreams had been most peculiar that night. Since sighting the unusual flying creature, and placing the ring on his finger that it had dropped, he had felt strange. The need to go and tell one of the senior members of what he had seen or found, did not seem important. More perplexing to him, was the reasoning to go to any lessons; in fact, if truth were told, he was unsure as to why he was even at Pitford.

  Mikel walked out into the garden area. Whilst his friends were once more away transporting the royal family, he had thought it best to seek out his animal trainer. He found her as usual stood beside a tree, talking quietly to a bird sat upon the bare branch. The elderly lady, who Mikel thought must have been at least seventy years old, did not turn to see who approached.

  "Morning Mikel," she said in her high-pitched voice.

  "Hello Katria," he replied feeling at little low and sorry for himself.

  The old grey haired woman turned to face him. He thought she had probably been fair looking in her day; he just was not quite sure which day that would have been. She was quite small and petite with the strangest eyes Mikel had ever seen. They were almost colourless, and when he had first met her, he had first thought her blind. He quickly learned she was not, and just how nimble she was for one so aged.

  Shadow walked boldly up to her, and nuzzled her hand and Mikel knew that in itself was something special, his wolf was very particular about people. Katria greeted the creature with a small treat, which she appeared to manifest from thin air. "As you are back for another lesson, am I to assume that you wish to continue with what we tried yesterday?" She asked finally diverting her attention to him. Mikel nodded, and waited for Shadow to return to his side.

  Katria had explained to him previously that being linked to animal offered so much. Not only could you feel and sense as the other did, but also in time, he would learn how to become one with Shadow. At the moment Mikel appeared to know how shadow was feeling, when he needed a walk or when he was hungry. He could also command the wolf with his mind, and the creature in return could sense similar feelings in Mikel.

  In time, the link could offer other benefits. Most intriguing was the idea he might be able to become the wolf. If his body were at rest, and his mind calm he would be able run as the wolf, se
e as the wolf and all but in physical form be the wolf. However, Katria had already told him that he was yet some way off, and there were still many things that he needed to learn. She had described Mikel and Shadow's relation like that of a new mother and cub. Instinctively one was looking out for the other, although Mikel was ultimately the domineering one.

  Katria had already explained that now they were linked, they would be so for life. If Mikel died, so would Shadow, although the same did not apply if the wolf were to die. However, should Shadow die, Mikel would feel as if part of him had been taken. The longer the link lasted between the two, the harder it would be for the Master, as she referred to him as.

  She did inform him that linking with another animal would help ease the loss. "It is why I like linking with birds," she said. "Their lives are short, yet they show me the world from their perspective," she added with a warm smile. Mikel smiled back, considering many thought the old lady a little strange, mainly because she spoke to animals, he found her quite likeable. She was always calm and patient, and explained things thoroughly. If Mikel could not do something, she merely encouraged him to try again later.

  The previous lesson had seen him practising what Katria referred to as Imaging. This was apparently viewing flashes of what Shadow could see in his own mind, and vice versa whilst still fully awake. This was far different from being as one with the linked animal, but did allow them to see what the other could. She told Mikel it would likely happen all of a sudden, and once he had achieved it once, he would be able to do so at his leisure. Now he knew what was required, and as the bond with Shadow grew day by day, the easier it would become.


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