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The Elementalist : Battle of the Mind: The Kothian Chronicles

Page 10

by Andrew Wood

  With another burden on his mind, Ramon climbed the steps of the keep to where the king had taken up office. It was as if he did not have enough hours in the day anymore; so much to do and so little time to do it. After the guards outside the office of the king allowed him entrance, he walked into the small room. Oran was sat at his desk with a mountain of paper in front of him, and Ramon at least was thankful he did not have to deal with that as well.

  On seeing him enter, Oran gestured for him to help himself to a drink and take a seat. Ramon duly took up the offer, and poured himself a large brandy before sitting. It was the king who spoke first, commenting on how tired Ramon looked, "You are over doing it my friend. I need you with a clear mind, I'll see about getting you a little help." Ramon nodded, "I am not sure I am able to run the town and oversee all the magicians," he sighed almost apologetically. Oran did not think badly of him, after all Ramon had done so much for him.

  Ramon informed him the king's staff and soldiers had, or very nearly arrived, and Oran was clearly relieved they had made it. "Now they are here, I can have my staff look after the day to day running of Pitford if you wish," he said. Ramon smiled, "Please... With the young lad being taken, I need to work out how to get him back." There was a short pause, before Oran spoke again, "He is really that important?" he asked clearly not having taken Ramon's previous discussion to seriously. Ramon nodded, "If they manage to control Maxim's mind, they will have a weapon capable of wiping us all from existence, with but a wave of his hand."

  Oran tapped his finger, "Perhaps it is best we have the boy..." He did not finish the sentence, and Ramon knew he was going to say 'killed'. If truth were told, Ramon had first had the same thought. Such a powerful magician on either side could only lead to destruction on a massive scale. Perhaps magicians like Maxim were just not meant to be, although he quickly came to his senses; Maxim was a human being like any other. "No your Majesty, I cannot do that. The boy is powerful, that is true, but he is still just a boy. Moreover, one to whom your nephew has become very attached."

  After spending the past few days in Sandale, Davan, the man given the task by Gorius of taking the Kothian capital Berxsley, made final preparations to his plans. The capture of the capital was still some way off, and Davan was knowledgeable enough to know that despite the Kothians being in disarray, he had to be methodical in his approach. Making a mad hastily ill-planned attack for Berxsley, could and probably would leave him open to attack from the rear. As a result, he had decided to act cautiously in his plans, by taking each major Kothian town that contained a garrison, one at a time. This way he would eliminate any potential threat as he went.

  He had just received word from his king that they had indeed captured the elementalist from the Kothians. Once the mind of the prisoner was controlled by Gorius, Davan knew victory for Bosaria was all but guaranteed. He leant back in his chair, stretching out the aching joints in his arms, thinking just what an opportunity Kothia had missed in not using the elementalist to his full abilities. Properly trained and used it would have been the Kothians doing the conquering and not the other way round.

  In Berxsley, the ruling Kothian government officials were sat around a large table. The debate had already gone on for over an hour, and still no progress had been made. The voices were often raised and irate and the head official was having problems keeping order. News that their borders had been invaded and the fact they had already lost the garrison town of Sandale, had thrown them all as to how to react. Naturally, they had all started blaming each other, many stating that had they not rushed into removing the king from power, they would not be in this state of affairs.

  "Perhaps we should sue for peace with the invaders?" One rather large tubby man suggested. He was duly shouted down for even suggesting such a thing.

  "Perhaps we should try and liaise with the king...bring our forces back together," another suggested. That was of course a good idea; however, many of them knew that for that to happen would ultimately see a large number of them charged for treason for removing him in the first place. As a result of all the arguing, Kothia had no coherent leadership, and the only thing they could agree on was to prepare the capital for an attack.

  In the town of Dewston, situated in the west of Kothia, Zack's father Rylan was also making preparations for the same. A year or so younger than Oran, he had however been married longer and ultimately had older children; the eldest of whom was studying magic at Pitford. Knowing his sibling had been pushed from power by the government, Rylan had patiently been building up his own forces to aide him.

  The west of Kothia was mainly farmland and forests, meaning the populated areas were small and well spaced out. Dewston served as the main hub for them, and from where Rylan governed the area on his brother's behalf. As a prince of Kothia and with the role as warden for the area, he ultimately served his brother Oran. Dewston had a good-sized defensive wall around the perimeter, and a large cobbled market square where traders from the local community sold their wares twice a week. At the direct centre was a large stone, fortified house with its own surrounding wall where Rylan and his family resided.

  Rylan was a hands on type of leader, and rather than sit in a warm study staring at plans and maps, he would often be out with his men. This ultimately meant he was a well-respected and liked man, often on first name terms with a number of people in the town. He had spent the morning repairing the towns gates, which until recently had been left open for years. He presumed the last time they were closed was during the last war; as a result, the hinges had all but rusted. With Rylan's help, and that of a couple of the towns blacksmiths they had made and fitted new ones.

  Including those based at the small garrison in Dewston, and his personal guard, Prince Rylan barely had fifty soldiers under his command. What he did have to swell the numbers considerably, were several hundred farmers. Although these may not have been as skilled as a standard man at arms, they were however strong and willing to fight for their lands. Since knowing that Oran had been deposed, his younger sibling had taken to recruiting all these able-bodied men, and giving them training. Although now with two potential enemies at his door, his own government and the invading Bosarians, how long he could hold out, he was unsure. One thing he knew for certain, and that if he did fail, it would not be through the lack of trying.

  He had sent several messages south to Pitford, via birds, to his brother to keep him updated as to what was going on. As of yet he had only just received one reply, and that was to tell him Oran had arrived safely, and that Rylan's son Zack was well. He thought that at least was some good news, and he knew it was partly due to Oran having created this safe haven for magicians like Zack, that he had been challenged for leadership. As a result, he would endeavour to do everything in his power to aid his brother, and return him to his rightful place.

  Despite the cold weather, Rylan had a sweat on his brow, which he duly wiped on his sleeve. He looked up with a smile, as he saw a beautiful young girl walking towards him carrying a tray of hot drinks.

  "Mother said you might need a break Father," said the girl.

  "Thank you Deana," Rylan said taking a cup from the tray his daughter was carrying. "Help yourselves," he added to the men working with him. This was one of the reasons Rylan was liked so much; he treated the people as if equals. Deana dutifully held the tray as the other workers helped themselves to the hot drinks being offered, before taking the last cup for herself.

  Deana sat down beside her father, "Have we heard anymore from Zack yet?" she said a little glumly.

  Rylan placed a hand around his daughter and smiled, "We all miss him," he said. "But he is safe where he is. I promise one day when things are a little better we will go visit him," he added. Zack having to leave the family home due to him having magic had been rather unsettling for his sisters and Mother. Rylan knew it was for the best, and that his son would be from harm's way with others like him. Having a magician in the family had initially come as a shock, but when they
had been given time to think about it, they thought how exciting it was.

  With their short break over, the workers returned their empty cups to the tray, for the young Deana to take back to the main house. Rylan watched, as his daughter appeared to have a renewed spring her step as she went, before returning his attention to the job in hand. Fixings the hinges to the large wooden gates was simple enough, lifting them back into place was the far more testing task at hand.

  Once he had finished here, Rylan was due to help with a training session. As they endured the winter months, there was little the farmers and labourers could do as regards crops. In a way that was proving advantageous as it gave them plenty of spare time to practice their skills with a sword or bow. Rylan, as one of the more experienced was only glad to share his knowledge with them.

  Chapter 12.

  Maxim's eyes flickered open, as his hand lifted up to rub his sore head. He groaned loudly trying to comprehend what was happening, and tried to sit up. Once his eyes had slowly adjusted to the dimly lit room, he looked around. Nothing here was familiar to him, the furniture; even the pictures on the walls looked foreign to him. "Where am I?" he mumbled to himself. He then recalled a man's voice, but not one he recognised...and then being hit. He rubbed the side of his face, as the faint memory of that strike came back to him.

  He gingerly got to his feet, still rubbing at his head. Strange thoughts and images filled his mind, none of which he could make sense of. He heard the door open at the far end of the room, and a finely dressed man appeared in the doorway. "Ah, I see you are awake properly this time," came a deep voice. He was certain it was the same one as had spoken to him earlier, but could not be completely sure.

  A second figure appeared behind the first, and both entered the room, and closed the door behind them. Maxim squinted a little, the second person was much smaller, a woman he thought, still trying to comprehend what was going on. Before he could think about moving, the man walked right up to him, and placed a cold hand upon his forehead. The questions as to why and where in Maxim's mind seemed to disappear, and thought sitting on the bed as he was, was the right thing to be doing.

  Gorius turned to Shonna chuckling to himself, "See how easy the mind's of the young are to take," he boasted. Shonna nodded but remained quiet, deciding instead to examine the young lad before them a little closer. Having spent a few hours flying him to the Bosarian capital this was the first time she had seen him awake. She glared into his bright blue eyes, and the theory she had had about him coming from a far off land seemed to be confirmed.

  Shonna had spent the last hour or so reading up on what little information was known about those very lands. Apparently, it was an island nation known as Icenia, where the reddish ginger hair colouring and blue eyes were commonplace. She had seen one or two similar looking before, but that had been many years ago, before the previous war. If the words in the book she had been reading were true, the Icenian people embraced magic, encouraging their young to embrace their skills. The small nation was supposedly a very long way from Bosaria, which Shonna thought, would at least explain the rarity of seeing its people.

  It had been whilst she was reading that she discovered a small fact about the people she thought Gorius should know. The Icenians, due to their magical nature were allegedly near impossible to have their minds tampered. However, that being said, it was obvious to her that the boy in front of her did at least appear to be under the control of her king. Perhaps it was due to the fact the boy had grown up not even knowing his own magical abilities, that would explain the current state of affairs at least. Shonna decided she would just keep an eye on their prize captive, at least until she was sure he was under complete control. She had heard about the destructive power of elementalists, and the idea of letting one loose around her king's palace was not a comforting thought.

  Gorius clicked his fingers and Maxim stood, "Go wash and tidy yourself up," he ordered. "Then after breakfast you can show us all your skills," he added, clearly excited at the prospect. Shonna could see that, and thought better of telling Gorius about what she had found in her readings. After all the books she had read, were very old, and perhaps the information they contained was not as accurate as it made out.

  Maxim stood, feeling a little unsteady on his legs he heard and took note of the words spoken to him, and feeling he needed to do as asked, he walked over to the washstand in the room. He poured water from the white ceramic jug into the large bowl, before splashing the lukewarm liquid on his face. He could not put his finger on it, but something here was not right. It was not only the location that appeared strange, but the people in the room with him also. Despite feeling he needed to do as was asked, he was not sure who they were, or why they wanted him to do such things.

  After using a warm fluffy towel to dry his hands and face, he ran a brush through his rather scraggly looking ginger hair, before standing next to the man, waiting for him to tell him what to do next. "Come with us," the man ordered him. Maxim duly followed, although the old woman with them seemed intent on walking a pace behind.

  In Pitford, Ramon awoke from a pitiful night's sleep, the events of late still playing heavy on his mind. After breakfast, he had decided to set plans in motion. Maxim would need to be bought back or dealt with, and the rescue party needed sorting. Of late, he had taken to having his meals in his room, not having the time to venture down to the dining hall with the others in the keep. He had barely dressed when a knock came at the door, and after a wave of his hand, it opened, allowing an elderly lady with a tray to enter. "Your breakfast Ramon," she said cheerfully, placing his food down on the table. Ramon afforded a smile before thanking her, as he watched her shut the door on her way back out.

  After wolfing down his food, and hurriedly getting ready, Ramon quickly walked down the corridor towards the boy's rooms, barely acknowledging the greetings he received as walk by some of his students. He entered to see the others all there waiting for him. Danton, Darion, Zack and Mikel were all stood silently, as he apologised for his tardiness.

  "Morning Ramon," Zack said politely, quickly followed by Danton and Mikel. Darion managed a grumbled welcome as an afterthought, but it was clear Ramon was not overly bothered with pleasantries.

  Zack quickly followed his greeting, "Do we know where Maxim is? Is he okay?" Ramon raised a hand, cutting the young royal off before he could fire any more questions his direction. He nodded his head, "Thanks to Katria and one of her birds, we believe he is unharmed and currently at the palace in Bosaria," Ramon said answering both of Zack's questions at the same time.

  "It is as we feared then," Danton added, "They plan to use Maxim as a weapon."

  "It would seem that would be the most likely reason," Ramon replied, clearly concerned.

  "Can't let them be using the lad like that," Darion uttered.

  Zack looked at the three men before him, "Maxim would not do such a thing. He would not intentionally hurt anybody unless forced to do know that," he said almost pleading his case. He felt Danton place a comforting hand on his shoulder, and turned his gaze slightly to him. "Zack, we know that King Gorius has the ability to control minds, Kurtis is already an example of that. Maxim may well be under his spell, and if that is the case..." he left the sentence hanging, as he could see Zack trying to come to terms with what he had just said.

  "We cannot let Gorius use Maxim as a weapon Zack, and if his mind is not his own, well..." Ramon said not sure how to put the next bit.

  Zack had already guessed what he was going to say, "You mean we may have to kill Max...Is that what you are saying?"

  There was a short silence, before Danton answered, "It may come to that Zack," he said clearly not keen on the idea himself.

  Zack could feel his emotions getting the better of him, and turned his head away so as the others could not see his tears building. Mikel however knew just how his friend was feeling, the very thought of doing something like that tore at him as well. "What if we kill this Gorius
fellow...Would that not release Maxim?" He asked quickly thinking it a good idea.

  He looked expectantly at those before him, before Ramon answered, "I just don't know Mikel is the honest answer. Mind control is a kind of magic of which I am not overly knowledgeable. Although from my recent studies, I think it is similar to my type of power." He stopped when he realised he was waffling.

  Zack turned back to the others, the tears visibly rolling down his cheeks, "So are you telling me we are rescuing Maxim...or going to kill him, just to stop him being used as a weapon?" It was clear the three adults in the room felt uncomfortable and not quite certain what to say in response. Even Darion, one who normally had an answer to everything appeared at a loss. It was left to Mikel to answer, "We are going to find Maxim, and we are bringing him back," he said defiantly. Danton echoed that thought, in an attempt at lifting the atmosphere.

  The door burst open, and they all turned to see the intruder. Melia stood there, with a bag, fully packed in her hand, "I'm coming too," she announced.

  "You are bloody well not," Darion snapped, quickly reverting back to his usual self.


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