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Constant Lovers rn-3

Page 22

by Chris Nickson

  ‘You’ve ranted and threatened, but you still haven’t said why we’re supposed to have killed Sarah,’ Lady Gibton said icily. ‘Tell me, Constable, why would we kill our flesh and blood?’

  ‘Money, plain and simple,’ he replied. ‘If she’d run off with Will Jackson, Godlove would have cut you off. All this would have gone.’ He gestured to take in the house. ‘You’d been waiting all these years until Sarah had grown up and you could arrange a marriage for her that would leave you well off. Now she was going to take everything away from you, and all for something as trivial as love. So you killed her.’

  ‘Do you really think anyone will believe that?’ she said.

  ‘I know they will,’ he answered confidently. ‘We have proof of Sarah’s visits to Will Jackson every week. He was selling his business. You’d be surprised what we’ve discovered.’

  ‘Facts you’ve twisted,’ she sneered.

  ‘You know, you should have encouraged her with Will,’ he told them. ‘He went on to do very well indeed. And he’s the one she wanted.’

  ‘Her husband loved her,’ Gibton said.

  ‘Yes, he did,’ Nottingham agreed sadly. ‘He was besotted with her. It’s just a pity she could never return that. She was a lucky girl in a way, having the love of two men. But there was only one for her.’

  ‘She was better off with Godlove,’ Lady Gibton said firmly. ‘I told her so.’

  ‘No, you were better off when she was with Godlove,’ the Constable corrected. ‘She wouldn’t deny her heart, though, would she? She couldn’t give Will up.’ He paused. ‘You know, I should have concluded all this earlier. But I simply couldn’t believe that parents could cold-bloodedly kill their child for money. I refused to think it was possible. I should have known better.’

  Gibton pushed himself away from the wall and walked towards the Constable so that both husband and wife now stood close to him.

  ‘And do you honestly think you’ll obtain a conviction in court?’ he asked disdainfully. ‘You’d do well to remember who sits on the bench. It’s not the likes of you, Constable — ’ he spat out the title ‘- in your rag bag of clothes. It’s the kind of people who’d dine here, people who send us invitations, people who understand what life is like for us.’

  He didn’t need to say more; Nottingham understood. Money could build thick walls against justice. A title could make them impregnable. But he wasn’t going to be cowed now.

  ‘My guess is that it was Lady Gibton who wielded the knife,’ he said. ‘Let’s be generous and say she was still in her madness, and perhaps she didn’t know what she was doing.’ Her eyes gave nothing away, her stare flinty. ‘You still had to kill Anne and get them away from here to finish the job. That was calculated. I don’t know what you wanted people to think when you left Sarah at Kirkstall Abbey. I can’t even guess at that. If you’d dumped her the way you did Annie I’d never have suspected a thing. Just two young women killed by robbers.’ He inclined his head in the direction of Roundhay. ‘You know, I can leave here and ride into the village. The Taylors are desperate to know who killed their daughter and why. I can tell them who was responsible and why. If I do that do you really believe you’ll last until the end of the day?’

  He gave them time to consider that. He might not be able to put them on the gibbet but there were other kinds of justice.

  ‘I’m giving you until Friday to decide what you’re going to do,’ he told them. ‘That’s when I tell Annie’s parents and Mr Godlove what happened. You will let me know what you plan to do before then. And if you believe my threats are all bluster, then I suggest you wait and do nothing. I’ll warn you now, though, that I’m not a man to say things idly.’

  Gibton reached out to take his wife’s hand. As his fingers began to curl around hers she pulled away sharply. ‘You won’t do it,’ she said.

  Nottingham raised an eyebrow. ‘Won’t I?’

  She smiled coldly. ‘You’re a little man. All you can do is bluff.’

  ‘You’d better wait and see, hadn’t you? Even we little men can keep our word.’

  He left them standing in the room and walked out into the sunlight. It felt bright and clean on his skin.

  ‘I thought you were going to arrest them after I gave you the nod,’ Sedgwick said as they rode back down the long hill towards Leeds.

  The Constable let out a long, deep breath. ‘I was,’ he began. He was glad to be away from the house. ‘Then Gibton reminded me that all the magistrates are from his class. They’d never let him or his wife swing. They can read, so they’d be able to plead benefit of clergy, if nothing else; they wouldn’t even receive a real sentence.’

  ‘Aye, I suppose so,’ the deputy agreed reluctantly. ‘So what did you do?’

  ‘I’ve told them they have until Friday.’

  ‘To do what?’

  ‘To decide what they’re going to do to make amends.’ He looked at the deputy. ‘They’re going to punish themselves,’ he explained. ‘Christ, killing your own daughter to keep on receiving money for her. Who could do something like that?’

  ‘And if they haven’t done anything by Friday?’

  ‘Then I tell Godlove, and Annie’s parents.’

  ‘They’d kill them.’

  ‘I know,’ he answered flatly. ‘I’m not sure they believed me when I said I’d do it, though.’

  ‘They have a few days to stew on that. Which one do you think did it?’

  ‘Her,’ Nottingham replied without any hesitation. ‘He told me about her. She really does have bouts of madness. She was in the middle of a very bad spell when Sarah arrived. My guess is Sarah had only come to tell them she was leaving with Will. The mother saw everything collapsing and lashed out with a knife.’

  ‘Then why did they take her out to the abbey?’

  ‘I don’t know. They just didn’t want her anywhere near Roundhay. Maybe they weren’t thinking straight. Or they decided that if Sarah was found over there, it would look like she’d never been here. I can’t even pretend to grasp it, John. I’m not sure I want to. Who can understand how they think?’

  ‘There’s something wrong with folk like that.’

  ‘True,’ the Constable agreed with a sad shake of his head. ‘One thing about this job is that you find some people who aren’t normal. But I’m not sure I’ve ever come across a pair like these before.’

  ‘You should have just told Annie’s parents and left it at that.’

  ‘I thought about it,’ he admitted. ‘But then we’d have more mess to clean up. And those people wouldn’t have judges for friends.’

  ‘Aye, that makes sense, I suppose.’

  They rode on quietly, passing through Harehills, a few cottages and a tavern huddled close round a crossroads.

  ‘I’ve been thinking. Can you wait until September for more money?’ Nottingham asked.

  Sedgwick looked at him quizzically.

  ‘We’ll have a new mayor then. I’ve met him a few times. He started small, he was apprenticed to a draper. I think he’d give us more to spend.’

  ‘If he hasn’t gone all high and mighty.’

  ‘He doesn’t seem to have. Don’t worry, I’ll find you something.’

  ‘Thanks, boss.’

  ‘I have to look after you,’ he said with a grin. ‘After all, you’ll have my job one day.’

  From what the Constable had said, Lister had expected a quiet day. He didn’t know enough about the job to do much, just to sit, look through papers, and have his thoughts return to the boss’s daughter. She was a pretty girl, with real warmth and joy in her eyes.

  It was stupid, he knew that. He shouldn’t be thinking about her. He’d barely even caught a glimpse of her face. But that didn’t stop his mind drifting back to her every few minutes. It would pass, he told himself. He’d take a walk, see another lass with a pretty smile and then she’d be in his head instead.

  An hour grated past and he wished he was with the Constable and Sedgwick. They’d said little ab
out why they were going out to Roundhay, but there seemed to be a sense of finality about it, as if they were preparing to settle things.

  He was casting about for something, anything to fill the time when the door flew open and the men walked in. There were three of them, all tall and bulky, all of them armed with swords. One turned the key, locking them in, another drew his weapon and gestured Lister to a chair. No one said a word. Rob sat down, watching the blade that was straight and unwavering, the point held close to his chest.

  He gazed up at the man’s face for a moment. He was in his twenties, eyes showing nothing, his mouth just a straight line. His clothes were old, the nap of the jacket worn, seams fraying, collar worn smooth, the elbow of his sword arm threadbare.

  Rob watched helplessly as the other two took the cell keys from the hook and disappeared down the corridor. He heard the rattle of iron while the third man kept the sword pointing at him. He waited, breathing slowly, trying to memorize everything he saw. If they’d wanted to kill him, he reasoned, they’d have done it immediately. As long as he stayed still and quiet he was probably safe. The man facing him appeared completely calm, his concentration easy and absolute. He was a professional, unafraid.

  Had they come to kill Hughes or to free him, he wondered? That was the only question. There was no noise from the cell. He listened carefully for a voice, then caught the scrape of boots.

  They came back, the two invaders and Hughes, grinning broadly. He paused, pushing the man’s sword arm away, then hawked and spat in Lister’s face before laughing.

  As silently as they came, the men unlocked the door and left.

  He sat for a full five minutes before moving. His heart was thumping and sweat trickled cold down his spine. He couldn’t have done anything, he told himself over and over, hoping against hope that the Constable would believe him when he returned.

  He walked down the corridor, a prickle of fear on his neck. The keys were still in the lock, the door to the cell gaping open.

  It seemed impossible that anyone would have dared do this, to walk into the jail and free one of the prisoners. He sat in the chair again, each moment sharp and fixed in his mind. Only now, as it all played through again in his head, did the terror really begin to rise.

  The boss wouldn’t keep him on after this. He’d think that he’d helped them take Hughes, that he couldn’t be trusted. But if he’d tried to stop them, he’d have died; he knew that. They’d have killed him without a second thought. He looked down at his hands and saw they were shaking violently. The tremor began to move through his body, beyond his control, unstoppable.

  It had only just passed by the time the Constable and Sedgwick came in. He’d drunk a mug of ale, spilling part of it on the desk, and was beginning to feel a little calmer.

  ‘By God, you look pale, lad,’ the deputy said jokingly. ‘That blow the other night must have been worse than I thought.’

  ‘Hughes,’ Lister began, then hung his head. He could feel shameful tears beginning to form in his eyes and he tried to blink them away.

  ‘Rob?’ Nottingham asked with concern. ‘What’s happened?’

  Sedgwick dashed down the corridor, and he looked up to see him return, shaking his head.

  Slowly he recounted it all, every detail, feeling ashamed, the image of the big, cold man with the sword growing larger in his mind and Hughes’s spittle still burning on his cheek so that he tried to paw it away.

  ‘I couldn’t stop them, boss,’ he explained desperately.

  ‘You did exactly the right thing,’ the Constable assured him. ‘There’s a difference between bravery and stupidity. John?’

  ‘Yes, boss?’

  ‘Go and get as many of the men as you can find and bring them back here. Make sure they’re armed.’

  After the deputy had left, Nottingham put a hand on Lister’s shoulder.

  ‘I meant it, Rob. They were going to take him either way, and you’re a lot more use to me alive than dead. If you want some revenge, you’ll have it in a little while.’ He pulled a pistol from the drawer, checked, loaded and primed the piece before sliding it into his coat pocket. ‘Have you ever used a weapon?’

  ‘I had a fencing master for a few months when I was younger.’

  The Constable raised his eyebrows.

  ‘I wasn’t very good,’ Rob admitted wryly. ‘My father decided it wasn’t worth the cost.’

  Nottingham chuckled. ‘That’s a real Yorkshireman for you, always after value for money. Never mind, at least you know how to handle one of these.’ He brought an old sword and scabbard from the cupboard. ‘Just a word of advice. With this lot you won’t gain anything by just wounding them. You understand?’

  ‘Yes, boss.’

  He strapped the blade on to his belt, its weight and shape awkward against his body, and saw Nottingham use a whetstone to hone the blade of his knife. He felt strangely serene; all the dread that had left him quaking just a few minutes before had passed. He brought his hand down to rest on the hilt of the sword, wrapping his fingers around the grip.

  ‘You remember what he looked like?’

  ‘Yes.’ He was certain he’d never forget the man’s face.

  ‘Watch out for him. Don’t get your blood up and go looking for him. He sounds like he knows what he’s doing.’ Nottingham primed another pistol and sharpened a second dagger, leaving them lying on the desktop.

  They had a few minutes to wait before Sedgwick came back, a clamour of voices behind him outside the door. The Constable gestured at the weapons and the deputy took them.

  The men spilled into the road on Kirkgate, looking to him for instructions. He heard the deputy and Lister follow him out and the sound of the door closing. The afternoon sun was high and hot, making him squint awkwardly. He thought how ridiculous it was to have to do this on a summer’s day when everything should have been peaceful and placid.

  But he had no choice. Hughes believed he could flout the law in Leeds, and Nottingham had to show him he was wrong. Hughes had challenged; the Constable’s reply would be swift and absolute. He glanced at the men. Some of them had bright eyes, eager for the fight. Others kept their faces blank, hands dug into their coat pockets. He waited until they were all quiet and expectant.

  ‘Right,’ he shouted. ‘This is what we’re going to do. Half of you will go with Mr Sedgwick. You’ll be at the back of the house. The rest of you are coming with me to the front. When I give the signal we’ll go in. Smash the windows and the doors. Create confusion. I don’t know how many there are there, probably seven or eight. They’ll be expecting us, so it’s going to be nasty.’

  ‘What’s the signal?’ someone asked, and Nottingham gave a shrill, two-note whistle.

  ‘Any questions?’

  ‘Do we get extra pay for this?’ another man yelled from the back, accompanied by laughter that grew louder when the Constable answered.

  ‘We’ll pay for your funeral if they kill you. How about that?’

  They marched down Briggate and turned on to the Calls, a loose, ragtag group of men, looking dangerous enough for folk to keep out of their way. A couple of the men laughed and joked, but Nottingham remained quiet and alert. He was certain that Hughes would have someone looking out for them, giving him warning.

  Why had they broken the man out of jail? It was a reckless, pointless thing to do. They’d invited this. The Constable rarely picked a fight, only when there was no other way, but when he did, it was always to win.

  Sedgwick took five of the men and vanished into one of the courts. He’d need a few minutes to find the house and set everyone in position. Nottingham looked around his men, all of them silent and tense now. Lister rubbed nervously at his chin with the back of his hand.

  Nottingham felt the dampness of sweat under his arms and down his spine. The knife was in one hand, the pistol in the other. Finally he raised a hand and nodded. The men gathered around the front of the house, clustered behind him. He gave the whistle and his boot crashed hard a
gainst the door. The wood splintered but the lock just held.

  The Constable quickly brought his foot quickly down a second time, then a third, and the door finally gave, flying back against the wall in the hallway.

  ‘In there,’ he yelled, gesturing at the parlour. ‘Rob, with me.’ He started to climb the stairs, glancing upwards. Hughes would be there, he thought, where he’d be safer.

  The man guarding the door at the top had no chance. Nottingham pulled the trigger, the sound of the gun deafening with the walls so close, the smoke dense and choking. The body fell with a short cry.

  Nottingham kicked the door open, held back for a moment, then dashed in. There was one room, with a pallet in the corner. Hughes and two of his men stood together in the middle of the room, all of them with swords drawn.

  He heard Rob behind him, the sliding metallic scrape as he drew his weapon.

  ‘Think you can take me?’ Hughes asked. The Constable said nothing, his gaze flickering between three sets of eyes, trying to anticipate how they might move. ‘Think you’re better than me?’

  Lister circled to his left, alert, watching. The man closest to him made a feint and he drew back slightly. The other guard slashed at Nottingham. The Constable moved aside, slicing his blade down swiftly on the back of the man’s hand, cutting deep across the skin. He dropped the sword with a scream. Nottingham moved in quickly, his boot connecting with the man’s balls, already looking at Hughes as the bodyguard fell.

  Lister and the other man were exchanging blows, the sound ringing through the room. The lad seemed to be holding his own, from what the Constable could judge. In front of him, Hughes held his blade in both hands like an amateur. His eyes were manic, a wide rictus grin on his face.


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