Book Read Free

Falling Stars

Page 9

by Tanya Stowe


  Jackson sat in his dressing room trailer. He’d had a busy morning working with his five candidates, coaching and demonstrating. One of the candidates tripped and injured her ankle. Nothing serious, but the director called a halt to the day’s work. Jackson was glad. After several weeks of daily rehearsals and tapings, plus evenings in the studio, he was tired. His voice needed a break.

  Still, he couldn’t get one tune out of his head. He sat down on the trailer’s couch and pulled his guitar into his lap. Closing his eyes, he pictured Sunny walking into the studio this morning. A jolt of pleasure shot through him, like a flash of golden sunshine. Even the memory made him smile. He’d been trying to capture that feeling in a tune. He’d come up with a couple of riffs but nothing that resonated. The real tune, a solid song, eluded him…much like the woman herself.

  Their first few weeks together had been perfect. If he’d written the song then, he’d probably have it down on paper. But something had changed in Sunny. When they were alone, she was her normal, warm self. But when others were around…

  He suspected folks had begun to talk. Despite their attempts to keep it low key, it would have been hard for the crew not to notice the dynamics between them. Jackson couldn’t be in the same room with Sunny without wanting to be next to her. He had nothing to hide, and didn’t mind if people gossiped.

  But apparently Sunny did. Or, at least, she had something to prove. She had big plans. Great ones, as far as he could tell, and he sure didn’t want to get in her way. He’d like nothing more than to help her along. If he could just get her away from here…

  A knock on his door jolted him. “Come on in. The door’s open.”

  Sunny entered and pure pleasure blasted away his frustration. “Hey, I was just thinking about you.” Setting the guitar aside, he patted the couch next to him.

  “I hope it was good thoughts.”

  “Yep. Thoughts about how we need to get away from here. I have the afternoon off. How about you?”

  She tilted her head. “I really…”

  “Wait!“ He held up a hand. “Before you turn me down again, I have something I want to show you.”

  He walked to the closet at the back of the trailer and pulled out the three round boxes he’d had delivered from costumes just this morning. He placed them on the couch beside Sunny.

  “What are these?”

  “Open them and find out.”

  She lifted the first lid and pulled out a pristine white cowboy hat. She giggled. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No, ma’am. I heard there’s a riding stable just down the street on the edge of the Hollywood Hills. You’ve taught me all about L.A. I thought it was time to give you a little taste of Tennessee.” He shrugged. “’Course you can’t go riding without a hat.”

  She lifted it out of the box and slid it on, almost down to her eyebrows. Her bright laughter filled the trailer.

  “That’s why I asked the folks over at costumes to send me several sizes. I didn’t know which one would fit.” He lifted the smallest of the three out of the bottom box. It set perfectly on her blond locks, but he tilted the brim up so he could see her eyes. He loved her emerald gaze.

  “What do you say? Want to go horseback riding with me?”

  “I’ve only been riding once, when I was a little girl.”

  “Then it’s high time you went again.” He tugged her to her feet.

  “You do realize I have no idea how to handle a horse, right?”

  Wrapping his hands around the curves of her hips he pulled her closer. “No problem. I’m a very good teacher.” Tilting his head, he ducked beneath the brim of her hat and kissed her. She hesitated for a moment before her arms looped around his neck. Her body pressed against his. A rush of pleasure washed through him with the force of a flash flood. He kissed the corners of her mouth, her chin, and trailed his lips down her neck to bury his face in the curve. His lips parted, tasting her skin, inhaling the citrus zest that floated from her hair. Then he kissed her lips again, just to make sure they were as perfect as he remembered. At last, he released her, their mouths so close, he could feel her soft breath when she spoke in a murmur.

  “Yes, you are very good.”

  He smiled. Did she even know what she’d said? Ducking beneath the hat once more, he placed his lips close to her ear. “And just think what I could teach you about horses.”

  She gave a slight shake of her head and stepped back. “You are dangerous. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Honey, that’s not danger. That’s one hundred percent pure attraction. And it’s only dangerous when it’s one sided. You have nothing to fear there.” He pushed her hat back down over her brow. “Now, tell me you want to go riding with me.”

  She tilted her head up so he could see beneath the brim. The honesty in her green-eyed gaze took his breath away. “Good or bad, I want to go with you.”

  “Then let’s not waste another minute.” He lifted her chin with his knuckle. “Get your things, and we’ll meet at my car.”

  “No…I think it’s best I take my own car. I’ll meet you at the stables in thirty minutes.”

  She spun so fast her hair whipped over his outstretched hand. She was out the door and gone so quick, Jackson paused. Was she escaping so she could figure out a way to back out? Guitar case in hand, he headed to his car, expecting a texted excuse at any minute.

  But a message never came. True to her word and right on time, Sunny pulled into the parking lot of the stables. She’d changed into a loose-fitting T-shirt that did little to hide the curves Jackson had enjoyed moments ago. Her heels had been replaced with running shoes, and her hat was firmly in place.

  “That was a quick change.” He met her halfway, more than a little relieved.

  “I keep some casual clothes at the office. All I’m missing are my boots.”

  Jackson chuckled. “Believe me, you aren’t missing a thing.”

  She ducked her head but not before he caught the pleased smile slipping over her lips. No matter how hard she fought it, she obviously felt the same pull of attraction he did. But he needed to keep reminding her. Grasping her hand, he led the way to the stable office.

  He’d already picked out their horses. A big, black stallion named Charger was tall enough to fit his long legs. A smaller sorrel called Rusty seemed gentle and docile enough for a beginner like Sunny.

  They signed some release forms and headed out to where a stable hand held the horses. The older rancher moved as if to help them mount, but Jackson took the reins, thanked him, and sent him on his way.

  Sunny wasn’t climbing up without getting familiar with her animal.

  He tied Charger’s reins to a nearby post then approached Rusty. First, he checked the saddle’s cinch. Then he stroked the horse’s long nose. “Hello there, fella.” The animal lifted its head as if in greeting. “Yes, sir. I’m pleased to meet you, too. Now I’m gonna introduce you to a young lady you’re gonna like a lot. She’s light as a feather, sweet tempered, and smells like a little piece of heaven.”

  Behind him, Sunny giggled. “Actually, my perfume is called Sunny. I wear it because it has my name. But I doubt Rusty cares.”

  He kept his gaze on the horse. “It’s heaven, I’m telling you. Come on over here, Sunny, so he can smell for himself.” Jackson opened his stance a little, making just enough room for Sunny to stand between him and the animal.

  Rusty nickered slightly.

  Sunny stepped back at the nervous gesture, straight into Jackson’s open arms. He sensed her tensing up, so he wasn’t surprised when she remarked on the size of the animal’s hooves.

  “They could do some serious damage if a foot got caught underneath them.”

  Jackson kept his tone low. “That’s why you don’t put your feet where his go. Come on. Give his a nose a stroke. He can sense you’re scared.”

  “I’m not scared.” She declared a little too forcefully.

  Jackson chuckled. “Oh, I’m sure.
But I’m not the one you have to convince. Tell him.”

  She held out a tentative hand to touch the horse’s nose.

  Jackson let his free hand drop to the curve of her waist. Her warm body and sweet scent teased him, made him yearn for more. But he held himself in check as she stroked the animal’s nose over and over again.

  “His eyes are so beautiful. So…”


  She nodded. “That’s it. Wise. As if he’s seen it all and understands.” She leaned forward and placed her cheek against the horse’s rusty colored nose.

  Everything inside of Jackson eased. All the tension and stress he’d felt for weeks drained right out of him into a pool at her feet. The sun was warm. Her body so close and soft. Everything about her, even her kind heart, felt right. He was exactly where he was supposed to be. How could she doubt God’s plan for them? Jackson was convinced she was the woman he’d been waiting for all of his life.


  The air was brisk as they rode up and down the hills. The morning drizzle had brought up a fresh scent of sage and green. Puddles filled the dirt path in the low spots and the horses splattered mud along their legs and Sunny’s jeans.

  Her favorite work jeans were coated and she didn’t care. She felt tension unwinding, floating away on the cool breeze. Every breath she took pulled in more peace. She needed this…the feel of the sturdy strong body, plodding along, moving in tune with her every movement.

  A twig snapped behind them, startling Rusty and Sunny. He skittered ahead a few steps then flicked his ears and settled back down. He was such a gentle thing. She bent over his neck and gave him a pat. “Sweet boy.”

  He flicked his head as if acknowledging her compliment.

  Sunny laughed.

  Jackson brought his horse up beside her. “I’d say you’re enjoying yourself.”

  She lifted her head, letting the April sun hit her full. “I think I needed this.”

  Riding easy in the saddle, with hand resting casually on his thigh, the other with the reins looped over his fingers, Jackson looked as if he’d been born in the saddle. He’d thrown off his white dress shirt in favor of a white T-shirt that clung to his chest and his long, lean waist.

  She remembered how those taut muscles had felt beneath her fingers and swallowed hard. That kind of thinking would only make things more difficult. She needed to stick to her purpose. She’d agreed to come with him for one reason—to try to explain what she had to do. But somehow her good intentions got caught up in the fresh air, the bright sun, a beautiful animal, and a man who was even more so.

  Now was the time to tell him they had to see less of each other. She caught her breath, tried to find the words, but none came. “If this is what it’s like on your family’s ranch, I can understand why they all go there to recuperate.” Coward. She rolled her eyes in frustration.

  “It’s the horses. I’m telling you, there’s something about these creatures.” He patted Charger. “They’re the best companions. They seem to whisk away your troubles.”

  They rode in silence for a while longer.

  Jackson unwittingly broke the ice for her. “I kind of had the suspicion you were feeling some pressure. You haven’t been yourself the last couple of weeks.”

  “Things have gotten complicated, Jackson.”

  He nodded. “Because people are talking?”

  “Yes. Some of the other judges are concerned about favoritism and the head office has heard the rumblings. Jody’s baby is due after our season ends, but Mariana and I offered to do a baby shower for her. We haven’t even started the plans for it. Once the final judging starts there won’t be time. I think…maybe we need to see a little less of each other.”

  He kept his gaze straight ahead. “OK.” The path narrowed and he gave Charger a little kick so he scooted ahead.

  The trail wound around the hill back toward the stables.

  She wasn’t able to return to his side until they’d almost reached the stables. When she was finally close enough to watch his expression, she said, “I have to do this, Jackson. It doesn’t mean I’m happy about it.”

  He turned his head slightly. A little frown placed a crease between his eyebrows that made his eyes narrow and piercing. Those dark eyes seemed even darker beneath the brim of his hat. But he said nothing. Just turned back to watch the path ahead of them.

  She couldn’t say more because they’d reached the stables.

  An employee waited near the barn doors.

  Jackson pulled Charger’s reins to a stop.

  Sunny did the same and waited.

  Jackson dismounted and stepped to Charger’s head. Stroking the horse’s nose, he said, “Thanks, fella. I’ll be seeing you again soon.” He tipped the stable hand. “Take good care of him. He earned it.”

  Sunny raised a leg over Rusty’s back and tried to step down. It was further than she thought, and she stumbled back. But Jackson was there, his strong capable hands coming to rest on her waist, steady and secure. He took Rusty’s reins and held them out for the stable hand who clicked his tongue and led the horses away.

  “Thank you.” Sunny wished she could say “see you later” to Rusty, as Jackson had to Charger. She’d totally enjoyed this outing and wanted to do it again. But she doubted it would happen…especially if Jackson would be here often. She’d need to steer clear of the stables. She heaved a sigh.

  Still silent, he grasped her hand and led her toward their parked cars. Holding her hand was a good sign, right? A sign that he wasn’t too angry or disappointed.

  When they reached her car, she pulled out her keys and clicked it unlocked. Jackson opened her door and held it. She stepped up to slide inside, but Jackson didn’t move. Suddenly she felt pinned, trapped. She turned quickly around.

  He pushed his hat back. That little frown was still there between his brows. She was beginning to understand it was an indicator that Jackson wasn’t happy. “You promised you’d give us a chance.”

  She didn’t expect that. It took her a moment to gather her thoughts. But just a moment. “I also said we needed to take this slow. Nothing about us has been slow.”

  “That’s because we enjoy each other. We want more. Where’s the harm in that?”

  She looked around in frustration. “It’s causing friction on the set. I’m at a crucial point in my career. If I get the reputation for letting my personal life interfere with my work, everything I’ve worked toward will be lost.”

  He tilted his head. “Am I?”

  “Are you what?”

  “Interfering with your work? I thought we’d been going pretty easy.”

  “Of course you’re interfering. I think about you all the time. I find things to do with you rather than doing the extra things I need to do to move forward.”

  He cocked his head and a small smile tilted one side of his mouth. “Good. For a minute, I thought maybe you were just trying to get rid of me.”

  “It’s my job to make everyone feel welcome. I’ve always done things to make our set a great experience.”

  “Like the baby shower?”

  “Yes, and other things. I want people to talk about how great they feel on my productions. I want them to be uplifting experiences. I try to be positive, to move forward.”

  The frown returned and his gaze seemed to shoot right through her. “Are you telling me everything?”

  “Of course. Why would you ask that?”

  He caught her hand midair and held it by the wrist. “Because you do this when you’re nervous.”

  She hadn’t even known she was twisting one long lock around her finger until he mentioned it.

  He unwound the long length and pushed it behind her shoulder.

  Only a few months, and he knew her so well. That thought made her uncomfortable. When he stepped closer, she spun, flipped the hat off and tossed it onto the driver’s seat. No way are you getting close and making me lose my train of thought again.

  But giving him her back didn’t s
top him. His fingertips brushed her hair and swept it all to one side. His arms went around her waist and he buried his lips into the curve of her neck.

  Shivers tripped up her spine. As she felt his hot breath on that tender spot, the shivers turned to tingles and the tingles to sparks. When he ran his lips up to her jawline, the sparks exploded. She spun and pressed her mouth to his in a kiss that was wild and dangerous.

  He finally paused for a breath. “I think you’re just afraid of this.”

  She kissed him again. Hard. Breathless, she whispered against his mouth. “I am. This terrifies me. I made a promise to God to stay pure. This…you…make me forget that promise.”

  He paused and stepped back a little. “Forever?”

  The puzzled look on his face matched her feelings. “No…yes. I guess I never really thought beyond my goal to stay on track. I didn’t really have to. This has never happened to me before.”

  “That’s my point.” He ran his thumb over her damp lips. “This tells me you’re the one. I don’t feel like this with everyone I’ve kissed. This is special.”

  Cold washed through her. Wasn’t this just another on-set infatuation? Maybe a little more than an infatuation but still…what made him think this was special…more than special? “Are you saying you’re falling in love with me?”

  He tilted his head. “Yes, Sunny Bates. I believe we’re falling in love.”

  Love. Was there even such a thing as real love? Did it really exist?

  “I…I don’t know what that means. My parents thought they were in love and look what happened to them.”

  Oh that frown. Jackson never had to say a word. The little furrow between his brows made his gaze glint like silver blades and told anyone within eyeshot exactly how he felt.

  “You and I are not your parents.”

  She shook her head. “How do you know? How can you be so sure?”

  He released his breath in a heavy sigh and stepped back, out of her embrace. Her arms were empty without him, a little useless.

  Shaking his head, he looked into the distance. “If you don’t know the answer to that, Sunny, that’s all the answer you or I need. I must have been mistaken.”


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