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Love At Last (Lily's Story, Book 3)

Page 10

by Kersey, Christine

  “Yes, I remember.”

  “Bring your binoculars and I’ll bring mine.”

  My face lit up. “Maybe we’ll see more whales.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping.” He walked toward the door. “I’ll see you in a while, Lily.”

  “Bye.” After he left, I changed and fed Natalie, snuggling her close while she nursed. I gazed at her sweet face, my heart filling with love for her. I thought about Cameron and how he’d interacted with her. He’d probably had very little experience with babies, so I was delighted with his willingness to try to get to know Natalie.

  Forty-five minutes later I pushed the stroller out of our room and to the glass elevator. We rode up to the Lido deck and I headed toward the meeting place. I wasn’t sure I remembered exactly where Cameron was talking about, but I went to the general area and smiled when I saw Cameron sitting next to the window, looking out over the water through his binoculars.

  I slid into the seat across from him. “Hey,” I said, and he turned to me with a smile. “See any whales?”

  “Not yet. But I’ve seen a few chunks of ice float by.”

  We watched out the window, with Natalie on my lap, and enjoyed the gorgeous view. “Look at the waterfall,” I said, pointing to the stream of water rushing down the side of the mountain.

  “Oh yeah. All that snow higher on the mountain is melting.”

  “I’m starting to get hungry,” I said after a while. “What about you?”

  “Yeah.” He looked nervously at Natalie. “Do you want me to hold her while you get something to eat?”

  I smiled. “Are you sure you want to?”

  He smiled and shook his head, but said, “Yeah.”

  I laughed at the contradiction. “It will just take a few minutes to get some food.” I placed her on his lap so that she was facing away from him. “Just let her face all the activity in the room and I’m sure she’ll be fine.”


  I walked toward the buffet lines, smiling to myself, and picked up a tray. After I got my food, I went to the dessert buffet and grabbed a slice of chocolate cake, then filled a plastic cup with lemonade. As I walked back to the table, I hoped Natalie wasn’t giving Cameron a hard time. As I approached the table where we’d been sitting, I felt a moment of confusion.

  Is this the right table? I didn’t see Cameron or Natalie anywhere. Or the stroller or binoculars, for that matter. Feeling certain that I was in the right place, alarm began growing inside me. Where are they? Trying to quell the alarm that crawled up my throat, I set my tray on the table and slowly turned in circles, my gaze darting from one table to the next.

  Chapter Thirteen

  They couldn’t have gone far, I reminded myself. We are on a ship, after all. “Natalie,” I called out, ignoring the diners who looked at me with curiosity. A feeling of deja vu crept up my spine, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. This is not like Trevor, this is not like Trevor, this is not like Trevor. Though I chanted the words to myself, they didn’t do much to calm me.

  “Natalie!” I called out again as tears filled my eyes.

  “Over here, Lily,” I heard Cameron call out a moment later.

  My head jerked in the direction of his voice, but I couldn’t see him through the curtain of tears. Blinking rapidly, I wiped my eyes, and once my vision cleared, I saw him sitting at a table with Alyssa’s parents, Natalie happily playing with a necklace as she sat on Barbara’s lap. A mix of anger and embarrassment rushed through me. I’d been panicked for no reason, except that I had a very good reason—my baby wasn’t where I’d left her.

  I turned away, took a few deep breaths, picked up my tray, and calmly walked to the table. I set the tray on the table and sat in the empty seat next to Cameron. “I didn’t know where you’d gone.” My voice shook as I spoke, betraying the feelings I was trying to hide.

  “Sorry. I saw Paul and Barbara and thought it would be fun to join them.” He looked at me more closely. “Are you okay?”

  Feeling a little foolish for my momentary alarm, I smiled and nodded. “I’m fine.”

  “I was telling them how we saw that whale earlier,” he said.

  Trying to push my worry aside, I focused on Alyssa’s parents. “It was really exciting.”

  “I’ll bet,” Barbara said. “Hopefully there are more out there for us to see.”

  “I’m going to grab some food,” Cameron announced, then he stood and walked away.

  “Do you want me to take Natalie so you can get some food?” I asked Barbara.


  She handed her back and I held my baby close, relishing the warmth of her small body in my arms. I felt tears threatening, but blinked slowly a few times to keep them at bay.

  “We’ll be back in a few minutes,” she said, then she and Paul left.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay,” I murmured in Natalie’s ear. She giggled as my breath tickled her ear, then she reached out and grabbed my nose. I smiled at her, then kissed her soft cheek.

  A few moments later Cameron set his tray on the table and sat down. I glanced at him, and decided to let him know how I felt—not to scold him, but because I was sure he had no clue the terror his actions had given me. “Cameron, I need to talk to you.”

  He turned to me, a questioning look on his face. “What’s up?”

  “Earlier, when I got back to the table and you and Natalie weren’t there, I was . . . well, I was scared.”

  His brow creased. “I don’t understand.”

  I bit the inside of my lip, wondering how much to tell him. “I’m not sure how much Ty told you about what happened to me, but there was an . . . incident . . . where Natalie . . . well, she was taken from me.”

  His eyes widened. “I didn’t know about that.” He glanced at my baby, who sat contentedly on my lap, then looked at me. “I’m sorry I moved to another table without telling you.”

  I just nodded, not sure what to say.

  We ate our meal with Paul and Barbara, then moved to the window so we could see the beauty of the fjord as the ship cruised toward the glacier. After a while, Paul and Barbara left. “I’m fine on my own, Cameron, if you want to spend some time with your friends.”

  He was quiet for a moment. “Okay. Maybe I’ll go see what they’re doing.” He paused. “Do you want to come?”

  I didn’t know if he meant it or if he was just being nice. “No, I’m fine here with Natalie.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I smiled. “I’m not a big social person, so I’m perfectly happy on my own.”


  “Natalie takes an afternoon nap, so if you want to stop by my room later, we can sit on the balcony again.”

  He smiled. “I’d really like that.”

  “Great. I’ll see you later then.”

  I watched him walk away, then I turned back to the window.

  That afternoon after I put Natalie down for her afternoon nap, I settled in to read, not certain if Cameron would actually come, but half an hour later he did.

  He held up two small bowls, each filled with chocolate soft-serve ice cream. “I thought you might like this.”

  I took one of them and smiled. “Chocolate’s always a sure bet with me.”

  He laughed quietly. “That’s what I thought.”

  We went out to the balcony and sat in the chairs. He took his binoculars from around his neck and set them on the small table next to mine. We ate our ice cream in silence as we watched the scenery pass by.

  “Did you notice how the color of the water changed?” he said.

  I went to the railing and looked at the water. “Oh yeah, you’re right. Before it was kind of a murky gray, and now it’s a beautiful emerald color.” I turned to him and smiled. “I suppose you know why.”

  “Actually no, I don’t.”

  My eyebrows shot up. “Really? I’m surprised.”

  He laughed. “I don’t know everything.”


  His face turned serious. “For example, apparently I don’t know that much about what happened to you.”

  I gazed at him a moment. “Are you sure you want to know?”

  He looked thoughtful. “If I’d known, I never would have taken Natalie somewhere without asking you first.”

  I nodded. “That’s probably true.”

  “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

  I thought about it for a minute. Did I want to share my sad tale with him? So far, we seemed to be hitting it off. Would my story scare him away or make him pity me? I didn’t want either of those outcomes, but if I wanted to prevent another incident like today’s, it would be helpful if he knew what had happened to me in the past. I decided to give him the condensed version of events. “No, it’s okay.”

  I sat in the chair next to his. “The short version is, I married Natalie’s father and he turned out to be different than I’d thought. I left him, basically going into hiding, but he tracked me down while I was still pregnant. After Natalie was born, I let him spend some time with her, but after I’d made it clear I wasn’t interested in getting back together, he took her away from me.”

  “Oh wow. That’s awful.”

  The events of that day ran vividly through my mind, and for a moment the emotions I’d felt when I’d woken after Trevor had knocked me out, and then discovered that he’d taken Natalie, came rushing back. I closed my eyes. “It was awful.” I opened them to see Cameron watching me. “That was the worst day of my life.”

  “How did you get her back?”

  “I had something he wanted. Some money. I met him at a park to make a trade—Natalie for the money. But when I got there and he’d made sure I’d brought the money, he told me he had no intention of giving her back to me.” As I thought about that confrontation, I felt adrenaline pulse through me. “When he tried to attack me, I fought back and I was able to get Natalie.”

  His eyes were wide as he listened, but he didn’t speak.

  “I went back to my house to get my purse, thinking he wouldn’t be able to follow me—I’d taken his car with Natalie in the back seat. But I’d forgotten that I’d left my keys in the trunk of my car, so he showed up at my house right after I did.” I paused. “At the end, he tried to strangle me, but my dog was able to get out of the backyard and she took him down. She saved me.”

  “So where is he now? Is he in jail?”

  I smiled sadly. “No. He’s dead. My dog crushed his windpipe.”

  Cameron gasped.

  “If it wasn’t for her, I’d be dead. Trevor was on top of me and I was blacking out.”

  “I am so, so sorry, Lily. Not only for what you went through, but for the scare I gave you today. Now I can see why you were upset. I would have been too.”

  I shook my head. “You didn’t know.”

  He stared at me for a moment. “You are a strong woman.”

  I smiled, thrilled he hadn’t run, or shown pity. “Thanks.”

  The naturalist’s voice came over the ship-wide speakers, announcing that a sea lion was lounging on an iceberg floating by. Cameron and I went to the railing to see if we could see it.

  “There it is.” I pointed to the dark creature lying in the sun on top of the iceberg. He was nearly too big for it, but he didn’t seem to mind.

  Cameron grabbed our binoculars and handed mine to me, then we gazed at the sea lion as we passed.

  “There’s a lot of ice floating by,” I said.

  “We must be getting close to the glacier,” Cameron said.

  “Look at that waterfall.” I pointed it out, but he didn’t say anything, and I turned to him. He was staring at me. “What?”

  He slowly shook his head. “I’m just digesting what you told me.” He gazed at me a moment. “You’re an incredible woman.”

  I held his gaze and felt electricity flow between us. Only a few inches of space separated us, and as we focused on each other, he leaned toward me. Excitement coursed through me and I lifted my chin to show that I wanted this too. He reached out and placed his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me closer. The air around us became charged with energy as his lips descended toward mine.

  I closed my eyes in sweet anticipation, and a moment later his warm mouth pressed against mine, and I felt an explosion of feeling race through me. His other arm slid around my waist, and my arms wrapped around his neck. I relished the strength and warmth that his body exuded and I melted into him, the loneliness I’d been feeling making my kiss more passionate than I would have expected.

  After a moment, he released my mouth and we were both breathless. He gazed at me, his blue eyes sparkling. A slow smile spread across my face, and his expression matched mine. His arm was still around my waist, and his other arm moved from my neck to my waist, so that his arms encircled me. My arms were still around his neck, but after a moment we disentangled ourselves, and smiling, turned back to the railing to look out over the water.

  My thoughts were in a whirl, and I wondered if his were too. The kiss we’d shared had been amazing, and I’d thoroughly enjoyed it. Unbidden, Marcus’s face flashed into my mind, and for a moment I wished it had been him kissing me like that, not Cameron. But as fast as that thought came to mind, I pushed it down, knowing that wasn’t going to happen. Marcus had made his feelings clear—friends only—so I had to put up a mental no crossing sign in the middle of the road that led to a future with him.

  On the other hand, the possibilities with Cameron were wide open, as if that road had been freshly paved, ready for traffic. I smiled at the image, then felt Cameron’s arm snake around my waist. He gently pulled me closer, so we were standing hip to hip at the railing, then he leaned down and murmured in my ear, “I like you, Lily.”

  A smile blossomed on my lips and I turned my face so that we were only inches apart. “I like you, too.”

  His dimple deepened as his smile grew, then his lips pressed against my cheek.

  Badly wanting to turn my head so that our lips would meet, I let him lead the way, then rested my head on his shoulder, loving the physical contact I’d been so desperately missing. His arm tightened around my waist, making me feel warm, safe, and cared about.

  The ship started to turn, and the edge of the glacier came into view. As the ship continued turning, the view of the glacier widened and we were able to see the whole thing.

  “Oh wow. Look at that,” he said.

  I gazed at the massive sheet of ice that looked like it was flowing into the water, and shook my head in wonder. “Don’t you think it’s fascinating to think that so much of the earth was covered with these glaciers at one time?”

  He glanced at me and nodded. “Yeah. And it’s cool to see how vast this one glacier is.”

  We stayed on the balcony, watching the view of the glacier until the ship turned in the other direction, allowing people on the other side to view it. Finally, the ship had turned completely around and we began heading back down the fjord, back the way we had come.

  “I’m getting cold,” I said. “Let’s go back inside.”

  “Yeah, it is a little chilly.”

  A few minutes after we came inside, Alyssa stopped by. When she came in the room I could tell she was a little surprised to see Cameron there.

  “Hi, Cameron.”

  “Hey, Alyssa.” He looked at me. “I’m going to go see what Ty’s up to.”

  I nodded, disappointed he was leaving, but happy to be able to spend some time with Alyssa. After he left, Alyssa plopped down on the bed, a grin on her face. “What’s going on here?”

  I laughed. “Not much. What’s up with you?”

  She wagged her finger at me. “Uh uh. Tell me about you and Cameron.”

  Now I grinned. “He kissed me.”

  Her eyes widened. “Ooooh. Do tell.”

  “There’s not a lot to tell, except that he told me he likes me.”


  “Uh huh.”


  Natalie began stirring in her crib.

  Alyssa frowned. “Did I wake her up?”

  “It’s okay. She’s been asleep long enough.” I picked her up and held her close, letting her wake up more completely.

  “So? About you and Cameron?”

  I smiled. “I told him I like him too.”

  “Wow. I’d hoped you guys would hit it off.”

  I narrowed my eyes in mock indignation. “Oh. So this was in your plans all along?”

  “Of course. You know how I like to play matchmaker.”

  “Yes. I do.”

  She laughed. “And it seems to be working.”

  “We’ll see. I only met the guy two days ago.”

  “Haven’t you ever heard of love at first sight?”

  I tilted my head to one side. “Of course, but that doesn’t mean I believe it. Anyway, after the bad choices I’ve made in the past, believe me when I say I’m not going to rush into something with someone I’ve just met.”

  “That’s good, Lily.” She paused. “The reason I came by was to let you know that a bunch of us are going to try doing some karaoke. Do you want to come make a fool of yourself with the rest of us?”

  “Sure. That sounds like fun. I’ll meet you there in a little while.”

  “Awesome. See you in a bit.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  When Natalie and I arrived in the karaoke lounge, Ty was standing in front of the microphone, singing his heart out. My gaze quickly swept the room and I saw Cameron sitting with his friends. He didn’t see me, so I slipped in the back and found an empty seat not far from Alyssa, parked the stroller, and held Natalie on my lap. She bounced to the beat of the music, which made me smile—she was having as much fun as I was.

  Everyone clapped and shouted when Ty finished. Ty walked over to Cameron and slapped him on the back. “Your turn, buddy.”

  Cameron laughed. “I’ll pass.”

  “You have to,” someone said. “You’re the best man.”

  “Yeah, come on,” a few other people said.

  He seemed reluctant, but Cameron got up and told the cruise ship worker what song he wanted to sing, then he stood in front of the microphone. The music started, and though he seemed hesitant at first, after a few lyrics, he seemed to get more comfortable.


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