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Page 17

by Greene, Brook

  I hear the door swing open and then the bed dip, ‘hey babe.” He leans in and kisses the back of my head, ‘how ya feeling this morning?”

  “Awesome.” I roll over to see his wonderful smile, ‘morning mansome.”

  His wonderful laugh fills the room, ‘there is that word again.”

  “Hell yeah and you proved my point again last night.” I take my finger and caress his bare chest. It is glistening with sweat, ‘what have you been up too this morning?”

  “Working out.” He stands and pushes down his grey gym shorts taking his boxers with them. I lean back and take in the view. His lean body is muscled but not bulky, the tattoos only add to the beauty. I cock my eyebrow up at him, ‘what, you think I look like this naturally?” He holds his hand out to either side of his body.

  “I don’t care I just like the view.” I giggle and slam my face down into the pillow.

  He leans in and begins to tickle me, ‘did I embarrass you baby?” He continues to assault me with his fingers.

  “No! Stop!,’ I beg as I roll and laugh so hard I am crying. He stops and slumps down beside me breathing as hard as I am. I catch my breath and jump up to straddle him, ‘gotcha ya now.” I begin to try and tickle him but I must have lost my touch because it doesn’t seem to be working.

  He takes me by both wrists, ‘not ticklish babe.”

  I slam my body back down beside him, ‘shit.”

  He slaps my bare ass, ‘I got to take a shower,’ he stops at the door holding out his hand, ‘you coming?” I jump to my feet and follow him into the bathroom to do just that, twice.


  After our shower that lasted a little longer than normal, I follow Leo down the hall. As we enter the empty bar he turns to me, ‘Beeker is going to take you back to the house today and I will see you around nine okay?” He leans in and kisses me on the lips.

  “Why so late?”

  “Got shit I have to do Avery.” His clipped tone is in complete contrast of his mood from earlier.

  “So are we uh,’ I kick the floor with my bare toe, ‘living together now or do I get to go back to my house, ever?” I look up at him through my lashes.

  He takes a deep breath and blows it out, ‘for now we are.” Hot and cold, night and day, black and white and any other bad adage you could think of to describe his moods.

  After Leo goes to the shop I duck back into the bedroom to get the rest of my things. When I reemerge Beeker is waiting for me in the bar, ‘ready?”

  “I guess, can you take me by the grocery store on the way?”

  “Dinner plans? Shouldn’t be a problem.”


  I finish putting up the groceries I had purchased and decide I have to get a job soon my savings is taking a big hit with doctor bills and credit card statements. I slump down on the sofa and flip on the TV.

  I get bored flipping through bad weekday TV so I leave it on, something for noise to fill this big empty house. I roll on the couch and look out the window and watch the clouds blow through the blue sky. If this is how most woman that are dating the president of a mc spend their time I can see why Leo is alone.

  Beeker comes through the front door, I jump to my feet, ‘hey I thought you had left.”

  “No uh Leo wanted me to wash his cars.” He crosses over to the kitchen and then pauses, ‘do you mind if I get a beer?”

  “Hell no, Beek help yourself why would you even ask?” I get up and follow him into the kitchen.

  He had ducked into the fridge reappearing with two bottles, ‘cause it’s yours and Leo’s house and his is my president, manners.”

  “This isn’t my house Beeker, I have a perfectly good one in town.” I climb up on a stool at the bar across from him as he stands leaned up against the counter.

  “I’m sorry about what happen to you.” He sheepishly glimpses over at me.

  “Oh it was just a knock on the head Beek, no big deal.” I fumble with the label on the bottle.

  “No what happen, I am sorry, that fucker should have his dick cut off and feed to him.” His shifts as his rant has startled me, ‘I’m sorry Avery I crossed a line I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  I clear my throat, ‘no Beeker, it is okay and thank you I appreciate it.” We stand quietly for awhile, ‘does everyone know about all of it?”

  He takes a pull from his bottle, ‘no I was staying in the room beside you guys and heard the whole thing,’ he gives a meek smile, ‘the walls are really thin.”

  Oh my fucking god!

  “Yeah me, but it is valuable information to have for the future, thanks Beek.” I drink from my bottle, snaps up to him for not letting on until now.

  I shift uncomfortably wanting to change the subject, ‘so you said cars as in plural, like more than his Camaro?”

  “Hell yeah you wanna go and see?” He stands and the light in his eyes at the mention of getting to show me Leo’s car collection is amusing.

  “Sure lead the way.” I stand and follow him out the door of the kitchen into a garage almost the same size as the house. I am greeted with a site that would make a Car and Driver writer spunk in his shorts.

  Along side of the black Camaro is a large black SUV, and then a few other bikes that look expensive. Then as Beeker says Leo’s baby, a 1966 flat black Chevelle 396.

  I cross over passing his black powder coated Ducati and stop in front of the massive machine. My eyes caress it from bumper to bumper from the scoop on the hood to the perfectly detailed lines sliding down the doors ending at the bumper. I can only describe it as pure unadulterated testosterone.

  Beeker walks up beside me, ‘it took him two years to get this baby together, we all worked on it but mostly Leo and me.” He falls silent as he resists the urge to touch it.

  “This was your public service.” I turn to him and see the memories of him and Leo and the late nights they had spent fixing his life as they fixed Leo’s car slipping across his face.

  “Yeah it is.” I am overcome by emotion and throw my arms around the boy who thinks the sun rises and sets on Leo, and the moment I see a glimpse of Leo’s kindness to others.

  “Uh Avery, Leo would kick my ass right now if he came in and saw this shit.” He pushes me away and swipes at his eyes.

  “Sorry it was such a great story Beek, I got all gushy.” I elbow him.

  I turn to head back in, ‘I am going back in.” When I am met with silence I turn to see Beeker has his hands shoved down into his pockets and is just staring at the car. I decided to leave him alone with his memories and gently close the door behind me.

  I rush to my purse and take out my phone dialing Leo.

  “Hey babe.” He greets me but the noise in the back is loud and overbearing. The discernible beats of a rhythm are playing with other instruments laced in with it.

  “Hey where are you?” I look at my phone and turn up the volume.

  “Working, is anything wrong?” He is now shouting.

  “No Beek and I-“



  Fuck, ‘Avery baby can I call you back?” I can’t hear a word she is saying so I hang the phone up. I turn to Cowboy and raise my eyebrows, ‘Avery is so going to kick my ass when I get home.” Home, it is a great thought knowing she will be there waiting when I get back.

  “Roman just ordered another round of shots, you up for it old man?” Cowboy slaps me on the shoulder in jest.

  “Fuck you little man bring it on,” I let my eyes drift through the sea of flesh and let them land on Zach, our target for the evening, ‘he still taken by the brunette I see.” The dumbass was around six foot, jet black hair he kept in a high and tight. The little petite brunette he had writhing around on his lap reminded me a smaller, not as pretty version of Avery.

  “Yeah, I don’t think he is going to go anywhere for a little while,’ Cowboy pulls from his beer, ‘Avery okay?”

  “She is with Beek.” I would never trust her with anyone more loyal than him, he has been sweet on Ave
ry from the first time she walked into the garage and I know he would never let anything ever happen to her, ‘So tell me about Emily.”

  Cowboy chokes on the drink he just tossed into his mouth, ‘what?”

  “Emily, the girl from high school, you still have a hard on for her?” I give him a grin. Emily was three years younger than us in school and I always knew Cal had a thing for her. She was one torqued up piece of ass wearing oversized sweatshirt hitting right at the top of her sweet round ass. Her wire rimmed glasses only hid the sexy geek we all knew she was. She and Piper had hung around a little. Cowboy’s Dad had worked her parent’s farm since before any of us were born and now Cowboy took up the slack since his Dad’s health had taken a nose dive.

  “She came in at Christmas, haven’t heard from her since.” His far off look let me know he was done with this conversation. He went off the radar for several days when Emily had come back from New York, ‘I think we have shots needing our attention.” After letting the hot liquid slide down my throat I take a smoke from my pocket and light up, this stake out is going to either give me cirrhosis of the liver or lung cancer.

  “So she is the bosses’ daughter?” Cowboy shrugs to our private waitress signaling for another drink.

  “Yeah, what are the fucking odds?” I dead pan.

  “And you didn’t fucking know?” He laughs at all of our ignorance.

  “No fuchtard I didn’t, did you know boss had a daughter?” I sit up and take the new glass of whiskey left by our waitress.

  He holds up his tumbler, ‘no but if I did-“

  “You had best shut the fuck up right now is all I’ve got to say brother, or you will get an ass beating like I threw down on Roman and Dalton the other night.” Taking and thanking our waitress for the new round of drinks.

  “Really, cause the way they tell it, they are the ones who went easy on your candy pussy whooped ass.” And then I did what I should have never done, you know the saying sometimes I am my own worst enemy? Standing I go and take the bottle of Jack from the bar, the tender offers me a glass, I shake my head and go back to my spot on the couch. I am determined to get good and shitfaced once again.

  “Are you going to break things off with her like boss wants?” Cowboy takes his Stetson off and runs his hands through is thick blonde hair.

  “Part of me says I should but the other part screams fuck no you dumbass.” I raise my eyebrows up to him, ‘I guess I will take it day by day, I just hate lying to her all the time ya know.” I concentrate on the low level of amber liquid filling the bottom. Kent had once again told me I needed to break things off with her, giving me an ultimatum this time. Quit her or be kicked off the case, years of hard work thrown away. This situation isn’t right and no man should be put into it.

  I make up my mind and this time I intend to stick to my decision, send her away and keep her safe, unfortunately they go together.

  “Don’t envy you one bit brother, I don’t think I could ever send Emily away,” he snorts finishing his drink, ‘hell I would at least like to get the chance, she never hangs around long enough for me to do anything. Fuck me and leave me stupid, woman suck.” He flips his hat trying to get it to float and hang on the complimentary empty coat rack behind the door.

  Slumping down into the leather sofa I give Cowboy one more salute with the bottle, ‘I will take care of things man, I will.” I am not sure if I was reassuring myself or Cowboy but I said it all the same.

  The door for our private suite swings open and two very tall, very naked blonde women walk in, ‘we heard you boys were all alone up here.” I lean back as one of them slides up my legs and bottoms out against my hips rubbing her overly large boobs in my laid back willing face. I let her take me places and then the liquor brings me back for more.



  Around seven I insist Beeker take a nap in the guest room, I don’t believe I have ever seen the boy sleep, ‘Leo will kick my ass if I leave you.” he pleads against my insistence.

  “Beeker I will kick your ass if you don’t listen, I will get you up around eight thirty, just rest and don’t worry. I will scream if I need you, okay.” I urge him on as I close the door behind him. I finally convince Beeker to lie down and rest, he needs it.

  Taking the stairs slowly I reach the landing with muddle thoughts of my feelings for Leo. One moment he is Cosmo’s perfect boyfriend and then the other he is a walking nightmare. I throw myself once again onto the leather sofa and cover my face with my arm.

  I wake to the irritating sounds of the ticking clock over the mantel, blinking my eyes the room is awash in darkness. I turn and put my feet on the floor trying to get my bearings. Yawning I stretch my arms over my head and stand working out the kinks from the events of the last few days.

  It is almost ten thirty and Leo isn’t home I try his cell and it goes to voice mail, ‘hey babe I was just wondering if everything was okay your late, give me a call when you get this.” I disconnect and climb the stairs, check in on Beeker who is passed out cold. I smile, I knew he was tired.

  I enter Leo’s room and stand and look at the huge bed. I change into my Mayhem tee and sans the underwear per Leo’s demands. Climbing into bed alone I sigh and wonder how my life had come to this point, living alone under house arrest with a boy as a protector from an unknown threat. Jobless and almost penniless soon to be homeless if I don’t find a job that pays the rent.

  The sounds of breaking glass shatters my sleep, shaking my head to clear the fog I hear a string of mumbled curses. The commotion is coming from downstairs. I jump pulling on a pair of shorts and run to the hall where Beeker is standing, ‘should I do something?” Sheer panic crosses his face at the thought of having to go and confront Leo.

  “No Beeker, I will take care of it, go back to bed.” I stroke his arm as I pass.

  “At least let me walk down with you.”

  “No Beeker, I don’t think it would be a great idea especially if he is drunk, seeing the two of us come down from the bedrooms together, I will be fine.”

  “Okay.” He reluctantly steps back into his room but he never closes the door, ‘I am here if you need me.”

  I take a deep breath and jump as the shattering of glass fills the air again. I slowly descend the steps and quietly walk through the living room into the edge of the kitchen. The lights are still off and the silhouette of a large man fills the kitchen.

  “Leo?” I whisper not wanting to provoke him.

  He doesn’t turn as the full view of his strong back is to me, ‘what?” He sways as he leans back to drain a glass.

  “Are you okay?” I take another step forward.

  “Never been fuckin better baby.” He drops the glass into the sink as he places both hands on either side of the sink to steady himself, ‘did you want something Avery?”

  “You should come to bed and sleep it off.” I take another step to him only to be thrown up against the refrigerator pinned by my shoulders.

  “Don’t fucking tell me what to do.” His eyes are drenched with evil and his breath smells of heavy whiskey.

  “I wasn’t.” I paw at his hands, as his grip is leaving indentions in my skin, ‘not this again Leo.” I fight the tears, this man is such a yo-yo, one minute he can’t get enough of me and then the next he hates me.

  “You are all the same.” He doesn’t release me, ‘thinking because I stick my dick in you it gives you some sort of fuckin’ hold over me.”

  I try pushing him away but to no avail, ‘Leo I have never thought anything of the sort.” His grip is increasing by the second, ‘Leo you are hurting me.”

  “All your fuckin’ drama, Avery Grace.” I cringe at the use of my middle name.

  “I didn’t have fucking drama till I met you.” Go ahead Avery prod the bull.

  “Mouth Avery.” He chastises me.

  “You are the one who brought the fucking drama to me.” Keep it up chick, you are so smart.

  He takes my cheeks in his fingers pi
nching up my mouth, ‘watch your language, Avery I told you about that.”

  Slapping at his hand, ‘ya you told me a lot of things Leo.”

  We stand dead locked staring at each other, he has yet to let my face go when movement from the side catches my eye, ‘let her go Leo.” Beeker is fully dressed and standing at the island.

  We both cut our eyes to him, ‘oh look, what up Beek man come to save the damsel in distress.”

  “No I have come down here to save Avery and you and from something you will regret in the morning.”

  Leo throws my face to the side, ‘here she is save her.” He steps his large frame around me putting himself between me and Beeker.

  I duck my head around Leo’s arm, “Beeker don’t.” I try to step around Leo but he steps with me and pushes me back behind him.

  “Come on big man show me what you got.” Leo taunts as he staggers on his unsteady feet.

  Beeker flings his head in the direction of Leo’s bedroom, ‘Avery go get your things I called Dalton, he and Piper are waiting for you at his place.”

  Leo takes me by the arm and flings me at Beeker, I stumble a few times but thankfully he catches me, ‘go the fuck on, get the hell out of here and away from me.” He turns back and starts to chug what whiskey was left in the bottle.

  Beeker leans into me, ‘hurry while he is occupied Avery, I will stay down here.”

  I scurry up the stairs tripping as I go, I run till I get to the end of the hall. I throw what stuff I had unpacked into the duffle Piper had brought me. I rush back down the stairs to find Beeker and Leo in much the same situation I left them.

  As we walk out the door Leo interjects one last comment, ‘she is a sweet piece of ass Beeker enjoy it man, I did.”

  Beeker shuts the door behind us and hurries me to the waiting vehicle. On the ride to Daltons nothing is said, there is nothing to say. When we pull through the gates I see Piper and Dalton waiting for us at the bottom of a set of steps.


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