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Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7)

Page 17

by Luke Young

  Sitting in a comfortable chair, Kathleen Morgan, looked up from her script and smiled. “Jillian.”


  “I recognized you from your book covers. Oh my God I’m so excited to meet you.” Kathleen stood and took a few steps toward the famous writer. “I loved the movie. Oh and your books. I read the entire series in a week I think.”

  “Really, well that’s nice to hear.” Jillian’s guarded expression gave way to a smile.

  Kathleen held her script up. “And these scenes are killing me. I love the changes. So funny. I’m just so happy to have this opportunity.”

  “Well, we’re glad you could be available on such short notice.”

  “Short notice?” Kathleen looked stunned. “I found out two months ago.”

  “Two months!” Jillian appeared as though she’d taken a blow to the stomach.

  “Yeah, well, maybe it was only about six or seven weeks.” Kathleen clicked her teeth, frowning. “I take it that you found out a bit more recently?”

  “Like five minutes ago.” Jillian exhaled sharply. “But nothing shocks me any more in this business.”

  “Tell me about it,” Kathleen replied and the two women shared a knowing look. “I actually witnessed the producers on my last job sorting pictures of actresses into three piles. Ones they would have sex with, ones they’d let blow them and ones who had no chance to either be in the show or you know…”

  “Jesus.” Jillian let out a tired sigh, rolling her eyes. “Men.”

  “Most are disgusting.”

  “How did you overhear all this?”

  “It was late. I was just about to walk out the door when I spotted the producers on one of the sets. They actually put each actresses’ pictures up on a board and voted.” Kathleen wore a sickened expression.

  “Thank God I’m married,” Jillian began. “And I think I found a good one.”

  “I read an article on you two.” Kathleen clutched the script to her chest, smiling. “You are lucky. He seems like a great guy.”

  “He really is,” Jillian said. “Are you married?”

  “No, but I was exclusive with someone last year and we were doing the whole long distance thing.”

  “What happened?”

  “Well, I thought we were exclusive anyway. It was going well until he started fucking all these other women.”

  Jillian’s mouth fell open. “Wow. Really.”

  “I walked in on him with two.” She held up two fingers then closed her eyes slowly. “Two.”

  “Oh my God.”

  “Yeah, I wanted to surprise him,” Kathleen began then she covered her mouth suddenly overcome with emotion. “But, um, he… well, I was the one who got the surprise. There are some things you can’t un-see.”

  “Oh, sorry.” Jillian placed a supportive hand on her arm. “If this is too painful for you then—”

  “No, it’s okay.” She pressed her lips together then took a deep breath. “I haven’t told anyone and, I don’t know, I just, uh, I feel like getting it off my chest.” After sighing, Kathleen plopped down in a chair while Jillian sat in the chair opposite her. “Um, well, do you know what ‘tossing your salad’ is?

  “Tossing your salad?” Jillian scrunched her face up. “Like, you mean, with dressing, like a salad salad?”

  “No.” Kathleen proceeded timidly. “It’s when you, shove your tongue up, um, someone’s backside.”

  “Oh my God.” Jillian wore a disgusted frown. “That’s what they call it?”

  “That’s what I heard.” Kathleen mimicked her expression.

  “I thought they called that ‘rimming.’”

  “Rimming!” Kathleen began with a chuckle. “Hell no, even I can rim after a couple glasses of wine.”

  Jillian laughed.

  Kathleen cocked her head. “Well, let me clarify, I can pretend to rim with some hot breath blown to just the right spot and a well-placed moistened finger.”

  “Yeah me too,” Jillian chortled. “I mean, who really wants to go to town back there on a guy. I mean, come on, it’s a freaking guy. Have you seen what and how much they eat?”

  “Exactly,” Kathleen replied with a face that screamed she was right there with her.

  “Okay, so now I know what my husband has been trying to do to me all these years.” Jillian giggled. “Now, I know what it’s called.”

  “I don’t get the male fascination with all that.” Kathleen shrugged. “But what the hell it isn’t necessarily unpleasant.”

  “No, it isn’t.” Jillian frowned slightly. “But there is another area just a short distance away from that, which pretty much provides better pleasures for the receiver and none of the, let’s call them, potential hazards for the giver.”

  “I know, right?” Kathleen nodded. “It’s probably just the forbidden nature of the whole thing.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” Jillian gave her a supportive smile. “So what you saw was not a rimming?”

  “No, she was wearing his ass like a snorkel.” Scrunching her shoulders together tightly, Kathleen shuddered. “Like she was suffocating and his—”

  “Okay, I think I get the picture.” Jillian looked away, shaking her head.

  “Sorry, sometimes I don’t know when to stop.”

  Jillian returned to her, cracking a smile and after they shared a laugh she said, “Wow, I’m sorry you had to find out that way.”

  “Yep, I walked in to the bedroom. He was standing and one woman was behind him, you know…” Kathleen made quote marks with her fingers while wearing a sickened expression. “… tossing, while the other was deep throating him. I mean, her face was pressed all the way to his, you know, body.”

  “Okay…” Jillian made a face. “So we’re still sharing more details.”

  “Sorry, I can stop.” Kathleen put her hand up.

  “No, we’ve come this far.” Jillian smiled, motioning with her hand to keep ‘em coming. “Wow, so he’s a happy guy. Tossing and deep throating.”

  “Yeah.” Nodding, Kathleen widened her eyes. “And he’s no slouch in the pants. I’ll tell you that.”

  “Oh,” Jillian gave her a knowing nod. “Gotcha.”

  Kathleen motioned with her hands apart about a whole freaking foot.

  “Jesus.” Jillian tapped her finger on her chin. “You poor thing.”

  Kathleen scowled. “Evidently he required women who had two skills that I just didn’t and he needed both those skills simultaneously.”

  Jillian broke into a chuckle. “You are one funny lady. I think this part might suit you well. It seems you’ll have no trouble with the content.”

  “Nope, no problem there and thank you for the compliment.”

  After a moment of silence, Jillian asked hesitantly, “Well, any more to that story?”

  “No that’s plenty isn’t it?”

  “I’ll say.” Jillian agreed and the two women shared another laugh.

  Jillian added, “Well, anything you need. You just let me know.”

  “Oh, I’m fine. I’m just glad to be out of California. He was in San Diego and I was in LA, but it’s good to be three thousand miles away from all of that. I really need this job to work to keep my mind off of it, you know?”

  “I hear you.”

  After a few moments of silence, Kathleen shrugged. “You know, maybe with the right guy I could go there.”

  “What the, uh, tossing thing?” Jillian asked with a grin.

  “Yeah.” Kathleen nodded. “I might be persuaded, but the guy would have to be incredibly sexy.”

  “Oh, definitely.” Jillian sat back in her chair, pausing a moment to shake her head. “I caught my husband with another woman too.”

  “Oh, sorry to hear that.”

  “Well, I wrote about it in my book.”

  “You mean the pool oral sex thing. You caught him head buried and all.”

  “That I did.” Jillian nodded, grimacing.

  “Again, sorry.”

  “Don’t be, h
e was an ass.” Jillian held back a smile as she continued, “But I can tell you he wasn’t long and no one in their right mind would be tossing his salad.”

  The two women burst into laughter.


  The goal of season two of The Leg Thing was to break some new ground in cable television by showing more male nudity, actual masturbation and eventually real oral sex between the actors. They didn’t want to make porn, but instead something tasteful yet titillating. They believed with the proper story lines, camera angles and lighting they could accomplish it all.

  They wanted to pick up where HBO’s series, Tell Me You Love Me, left off which featured a ton of nudity and sex. In the first episode of that show the wife masturbates her husband to orgasm, with the entire act and the erection plainly visible. That series was nearly a decade old and while the penis and hand job were both fake they looked incredibly real. The producers here were ready to take the next step and make it actually real.

  The oral sex was slated for season three if the series survived that long. The network would say they were doing it all to further advance the notion that sex was normal and not to be hidden away, but the truth was that it was all about money and the success of the show. It’s always about the money.

  Jillian returned to Kathleen Morgan’s dressing room to hand her fresh pages for the afternoon’s shoot. Only one page of dialog was to be filmed, but the scene featured nudity, explicit touching and mutual masturbation. They were filming the scene from the end of book one where Victoria and her neighbor John have their first date.

  They shot the opening sequences of the actors’ date night conversation using a full crew. Jillian was blown away by Kathleen’s performance, chemistry with the other actor and her generally pleasant demeanor. Kathleen was anything but a diva. A beautiful, down to earth actress with talent oozing from her pores. After a short break the set was closed to only essential personnel for the filming of the explicit continuation of the scene. The director, two producers, camera, lighting and sound technicians and Jillian were on the set staged as Victoria’s living room.

  Peter, the ruggedly handsome, middle-aged actor sat across from the stunning actress, her hair looking perfect, her make-up flawless and her date outfit featuring a short, black skirt and half-buttoned white sleeveless shirt. It was certainly sexy and revealing.

  Jillian stood off to the side along with the other producers as the director sat behind the monitor getting a final ‘ready’ verdict from all the technicians.

  “Roll film,” the director said and the two cameramen, one on Kathleen and one focused on Peter began rolling.

  Moments later the director called out, “and action.”

  Kathleen delivered her line with convincing perfection, “I promise I can control myself. I won’t touch you or break any of the rules.”

  Peter replied, “I can control myself, as long as you stay over there.”

  “Mm-hmm,” Kathleen moaned in the sexiest, male orgasm-inducing way ever and after spreading her legs, brought a hand to her knee, touching it seductively.

  Peter exhaled deeply as he squeezed his cock through his pants. “So are we just going to do it? I mean, I should just, uh…”

  Kathleen nodded and after closing her eyes, slowly released the remaining buttons of her shirt before expertly opening the front clasp of her bra, exposing her celebrated breasts.

  Peter exclaimed, “You are so fucking hot.”

  Opening her eyes, Kathleen focused in on the bulge in his pants and sighed.

  Jillian’s gaze remained glued to Kathleen’s breasts and she shimmied her hips from side to side, ever so slightly, that no one could possibly notice. She had to admit that Kathleen’s breasts looked even better in person than in her famously viral music video. She suddenly felt faint and a little more than turned on by the scene.

  Glancing to the co-producers on either side of her, she found the men equally enthralled with the shoot. Jillian then returned her attention to Kathleen.

  After slumping lower in her seat, Kathleen lifted the skirt up and folded it to her waist. Peter’s eyes locked on her thighs. Jillian could not see from her angle, but she wasn’t wearing panties. The camera caught it all, but from a distance.

  Peter pulled at his cock in his pants, grinning. “You were planning on taking it slow, but you didn’t wear underwear.”

  “I had them on, but I got so wet during dinner that I took them off.”

  “Oh.” Exhaling deeply, he quickly unbuttoned his pants, unzipped them, and fought to pull his mostly-hard penis out.

  Kathleen began running her finger slowly over the slick lips of her pussy as she eyed his cock hungrily. “You’re so big.”

  “Are you really wet?” he asked, breathlessly.

  “And cut,” the director called out.

  The two actors were suddenly yanked from their performances with flushed faces. It was obvious that it was just a little more than pretend for both of them.

  The director said, “That was good. Let’s set up and run it again.”

  Jillian fanned her face with her hand and looked around the room for the refreshments. Suddenly disoriented, she’d forgotten that it was just a few steps behind her. After taking a deep breath, she turned and headed toward the table desperate to replenish her fluids.

  All of them.

  For the next two hours the team filmed the scene over and over again until the director was satisfied. Jillian was convinced Kathleen had given herself at least two genuine orgasms after faking more than five during the scene’s exciting climax. Even though Peter’s erection was large, impressive and not at all unpleasant to look at, Jillian found herself focusing on her new friend Kathleen— her acting skills, her demeanor, her sensuality, her smile and those fabulously famous breasts.

  Jillian returned to Kathleen’s dressing room after the shoot. She was drawn to this woman and she wasn’t sure exactly why. The two spent another hour talking about everything including the direction of the show, past relationships, Jillian’s son and her set of twins and finally Kathleen’s desire to have a baby.

  When she left the studio, Jillian plopped down into the hot leather seats of her car and quickly turned on the air conditioning. The sweltering Miami heat had brought the interior to what must have been over one hundred ten degrees. Sweat pooled on her forehead and she could feel the dampness on her lower back. She grabbed the steering wheel then quickly pulled her hands away from its searing heat. She glanced to her thighs in her skirt, which had now ridden most of the way up her shapely legs. She could not tear her eyes away. Not that she was full of herself. It just looked sort of sexy. She could appreciate a nice set of legs, male or female and, hell, even her own.

  The air conditioning was finally doing its job and she directed a vent toward her face in a desperate attempt to break the sweat her body was now pumping through her pores. She closed her eyes and her hand slipped down to her inner thigh. An image of the scene— Kathleen’s scene— flashed in her mind. It was as if she were standing there again watching the actress touch herself. The scene was undeniably hot and as Jillian continued slowly running her own fingertips dangerously close to her own entrance, her heart hammered.

  The air from the vent was now super-cold and blowing directly onto her face. Her hair flopped around wildly as she sat there, eyes closed, gently brushing her fingertips over her panty-covered pussy. She gasped and her shoulders sunk lower as her mouth fell open.

  Suddenly a knock at the window startled her. Her eyes flew open wide and she turned to the left spotting Michael standing outside her car window with a look of concern on his face. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded and smiled then rolled down the window a bit. “Just trying to cool off, you know.”

  “Well it is a hot one.” He smiled. “Drive safely.”

  “You too.”

  He headed off and disappeared from her view.

  Her face now flushed from embarrassment, she chuckled and rolled her eyes wonder
ing if Michael saw what she had been up to sitting in the car, slumped down evidently poised to touch herself. If only he could read her thoughts. She’d be in trouble.

  After testing the temperature of the steering wheel and finding it slightly more acceptable now, she put the car in drive and headed slowly out of the lot.

  Her mind went to Brian. Even though that scene they just shot was one of her favorites from the series, she had never experienced mutual masturbation with him. She smiled shaking her head and wondering why they had never tried it. Maybe it was because she probably couldn’t watch him touch himself. If she saw him naked, she’d have to be the one doing the touching. She couldn’t resist.

  She was drawn to him.

  Every part of him.

  And he to her.

  Could he have the patience to watch her pleasure herself? Could he resist participating in her pleasure. Maybe they would both learn something new in the process.

  Maybe she would tell him all about Kathleen and the day’s shoot and maybe they would try it.

  Maybe soon.


  Sitting alone in her bedroom wearing only a silky short robe, Jillian sighed as she slumped back in her chair, waiting. Brian was in charge of putting the boys down for the night and he’d been gone a little over twenty-five minutes. Not an outrageous amount of time, but she was starting to be a little concerned. Was he having trouble with one or both boys? Should she check on him? She feared she might interrupt, rile up a twin or two then he would be back to square one. She didn’t want to undo all of his good work. Maybe he was close. Maybe he would be sitting across from her soon.

  The task he assigned her was to relax and unwind in the bathtub with a glass of wine. Mission accomplished, but thoughts of the shoot with Kathleen, her touching herself, her watching it all unfold were on her mind. The desire to experience that same thing with the love of her life was making her heart race again. This was anything but relaxing.

  Grabbing her cell phone from the table, she sent him a text.

  ‘Where r u?’

  ‘Watching TV’

  She exhaled then typed, ‘What the hell?’

  ‘Do you need me?’


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