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Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7)

Page 19

by Luke Young

  “What?” Victoria narrowed her eyes.

  Carrie pulled out her phone and typed away.

  “Never mind.” Flicking that question away with the wave of his hand, Steve returned to her. “We would pay for everything. A full kitchen remodel. When we’re done it’ll look fabulous.”

  Carrie took more notes on her phone.

  “Wow, that’s amazing,” Victoria said with her head spinning.

  “But only if you want it,” Steve said in a comforting tone as he placed his hand on her arm. “We want to make you happy.”

  “Okay. Great.”

  Darrius asked, “Your home office is here too, right?”

  Victoria pointed through the kitchen. “Yes, it’s part of the guesthouse.”

  “How about we take a quick tour then sit down and talk numbers,” Steve began. “I’ve got three networks interested.”

  Victoria smiled. “Three.”

  Victoria took the group on a tour of her home office in the expanded guesthouse next to the pool. They were impressed with the size, ceiling height and sex therapy observation space, which were all perfect for Steve’s vision of the show. Steve mentioned that some minor lighting, cooling and electrical improvements would need to be made to both the main and guesthouses in order to support the production, but he assured her that she would barely notice or be inconvenienced by the changes.

  Sitting at the kitchen table, the group enjoyed a cup of coffee as Steve put on his best smile. He motioned to Carrie, she pulled a thick stack of papers out of her briefcase and handed them to her boss.

  He placed it down on the table. “Look, this is all pretty standard. Have your lawyer look it over. If you don’t have an entertainment attorney, then I recommend you get one. You know, don’t just go to the guy who did your will.”

  “Okay.” Victoria took a sip of coffee.

  “Basically, it would be a one-year deal with an option for two more.” He motioned around the room. “We’d be willing to spend up to one hundred thousand dollars on the remodel. Our production staff would work with your designer or ours and we’d come up with something gorgeous that you’ll love, but that also meets with the needs of the production.”

  “Great.” Victoria nodded then she gave him a hesitant look. “I would imagine there’s also some sort of salary…”

  “Definitely. We would guarantee six episodes at thirty thousand dollars per. If the network picks up the remaining fourteen episodes, that jumps up to forty thousand per episode.”


  Darrius added, “So that’s just under three quarters of a million dollars for the first season not including the improvements to the house.”

  “Okay.” Victoria nodded.

  Steve slid the contract to her. “If we’re a hit, there would be a substantial increase for season two.”

  “All right, this is all happening so fast. I need to discuss it with my husband.”

  “Sure.” Steve nodded. “We would need him to appear on the show and sign a release, of course.”

  “Of course.” Victoria replied calmly as if she knew all about this. In reality this sent her into a mild panic. She closed her eyes for a moment and her heart raced. How would Jim react? Probably not well at all.

  “Depending on his involvement in the show we could pay him anywhere from five to ten thousand dollars per episode,” Steve added.

  “He’ll like the sound of that.”

  “Do you have any questions for us?” Steve took a sip from his mug.

  After glancing down at the half-inch stack of paperwork, Victoria shook her head. “I don’t think so. Not right now.”

  “Take some time to digest all of this. My number’s right there.” Steve pointed to his business card attached at the top of the stack. “If you or your lawyer come up with any questions, feel free to contact me. Take the next week to review everything and if I haven’t heard from you, I’ll reach out then.”



  Jillian sat behind a desk in her office at the studio reviewing the latest script changes to come out of the writers’ room. She was just about to jot down a note when a knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts.

  Kathleen opened the door and appeared wearing an apologetic smile. “Hey, am I interrupting?”

  “No, come in.” Jillian motioned to the chair on the other side of her desk. “Have a seat.”

  Kathleen plopped down in the chair and wore a frown.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m a little worried about the scenes we shot yesterday.”

  “What, are you worried about the nudity and explicitness of what we’re doing?”

  Kathleen shook her head. “No, that’s not it at all. Do you think I’m convincing enough? I mean, do I have what it takes to pull off this role?”

  “Oh my God, yes.” Jillian beamed. “You were perfect. You’ve captured her brilliantly.”

  “Really?” You think so?”

  “I do.”

  “Good, I was so worried that I would come across as, I don’t know, too straight laced and nerdy or just unconvincing.”

  “You’re perfect. I would just keep doing exactly what you’re doing. In fact, I watched the dailies with the whole team and everyone feels the same way. You are Victoria!”

  “Thank God. Because if I have to return to L.A…” Kathleen exhaled deeply. “I don’t know what I’d do. He called last night.”


  “You know, Mr. Toss-my-salad.”

  “Oh, sorry. Duh…” Jillian put on a ditsy look. “So, what’d he want?”

  “Just to torture me, I guess. To tell me he was thinking of asking me to marry him.”

  “Was he thinking this before or after that woman had her tongue up his ass.”

  The two ladies shared a laugh.

  Kathleen replied with a smile, “You know I’m not sure, but I wish I’d thought to ask him that. He told me that those women didn’t mean anything to him. That he was just lonely since I’d missed our last scheduled visit because of some audition I had to go to at the last minute.”

  “That just sounds like a lame excuse.”

  “That’s what I told him. I mean every time I have a change of plans he can’t go have a threesome with a couple skanks.”

  Frowning, Jillian nodded. “I hear you. It sorta speaks to his character don’t you think?”

  “I do. I really do.” Kathleen dropped her head in her hands. “I’m done with him. I’m not giving him another chance, but I’m not ready to return to LA either.”

  “I get it. So how did you leave it?”

  “Well, he said he wasn’t giving up on me.” Kathleen shrugged. “Oh, and after we hung up he sent me a dick pic.”


  “Yep, a big old close up of his erection in all its glory.”

  Jillian snorted out a laugh. “Men are insane. I mean, what? That picture is supposed to fix everything?”

  “Exactly, like I would take one look at it and say, oh God yes it’s so amazing. Please let me take you back.”

  Jillian rolled her eyes. “What is he thinking?”

  “Got me.” Kathleen raised one shoulder. “It is incredibly big though. I mean, not scare-the-hell-out-of-you big, but perfectly shaped and big-ish.”

  “Okay, well, but still.” Jillian made a face.

  “Oh, I know, but it isn’t easy to find one that actually works and the guy has a job and isn’t psychotic. You wanna see it?”

  “What?” Jillian looked a bit taken aback. “His, um, penis?”

  “Yeah, I mean, I’m not considering going back to him, but maybe you can say something bad about it and make me feel better.”

  “Sure I’ll take a look.”

  After pulling her phone out, Kathleen found the picture and handed it over. Jillian studied the photo for a few seconds with her eyes wide. She handed it back with a frown. “It’s just a cock. I mean sure, it’s a decent one, but nothing to forgi
ve that kind of betrayal.”

  “Yeah, I mean I can’t even imagine what one would need to look like in order to forgive that.”

  Jillian paused a moment to think. “It would need some sort of rotating head, vibrating nub near the base and would have to produce a fluid that when ingested has the properties only found in the Fountain of Youth.”

  “Exactly.” Kathleen broke into a chuckle.

  “Yep, it would have to keep your skin young-looking, your hair and nails growing strong and have fat burning, cellulite reducing and menopause preventing qualities.”

  “You are hilarious.”

  “I write sex comedy remember?” Jillian flashed her a smile.

  Kathleen paused a moment with her hand on her chin then said, “I’m so glad that I’m working on your project and that we’ve met. I would be a complete mess otherwise.”

  “You know, I was telling my husband too how much I’ve enjoyed meeting you and how perfect you are for the show.”

  “Well, I hope we get to work together for a long time.”

  “Me too.” Jillian’s eyes brightened. “What are you doing tonight?”

  “Nothing. Just going back to my hotel and looking at pages.”

  “Come to our house for dinner. I’m leaving in a few. You can either follow me or I can give you the address. I’d love for you to meet Brian. My mother has the twins until eight tonight so things should be a little quite for a while at least.”

  “I’d love to. But can I please stay and see the babies?”



  Kathleen followed Jillian in her car and they headed into the house. After a quick tour of the interior of the gorgeous residence, Jillian put dinner in the oven and opened a bottle of wine. Brian was due back home about seven and the ladies had another thirty minutes to kill.

  It was a beautifully cool and comfortable fall night for Miami and the two fast friends headed out to the pool area with their wine glasses.

  Sitting in a chaise lounge beside the pool, Kathleen took a sip. “I love your house and out here it’s just paradise. I’d spend all my time sitting right here.”

  “Not when it’s one hundred degrees, but we can enjoy it maybe eight months out of the year.”

  Kathleen nodded. “Yeah, I’m not used to the hot weather. California is always a sunny seventy degrees. Well, ninety-five percent of the time anyway.”

  “It ranges from about forty to one hundred ten here, but most of the year it’s very comfortable.”

  Kathleen took a sip of wine. “I love to swim. My parents had a pool when we were growing up and we would be in it every day in the summer. I miss having one.”

  “We don’t use it as much lately since the babies arrived, but we still get some enjoyment out of it.”

  “I’d love to put my legs in your pool. Do you mind?”

  “No, not at all.”

  Grabbing their wineglasses, the women moved to the edge of the pool and slipped their feet into the cool water.

  The ladies languidly moved their legs in the pool, closing their eyes and sighing. They leaned back simply enjoying the relaxing and therapeutic properties of being immersed in the water.

  After emptying her wine glass, Jillian looked to her friend. “I haven’t eaten much today and this wine is going right to my head.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  Jillian said, “I love swimming with a light buzz.”

  “I know what you mean.”

  “Wanna get in? I’ve got a suit I’m sure will fit you.”

  “Really?” Kathleen’s replied. “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “Follow me.” Smiling, Jillian rose to her feet and the two headed into the house.

  After checking on dinner, Jillian led Kathleen to her bedroom where she presented her with several swimsuit options. Minutes later they were back in the pool, this time fully submerged with refilled wineglasses staged poolside. Kathleen looked spectacular in one of Jillian’s older tiny bikinis and the mother of three looked pretty amazing in a sexy one-piece suit she’d recently bought. The two floated in the pool, swam, laughed and traded stories for a while as they sipped from their glasses. When that second glass of wine was finally consumed the ladies began to open up even more.

  Jillian said, “I have to tell you that your performance yesterday really moved me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I came home and had to experience that with my husband.”

  Kathleen chuckled. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, and we had a lot of fun. We’d never done that before.”

  “Huh… based on your book, I would have thought you would have already done that with him.”

  “No, we never had.”

  “I’m glad I could inspire you. It’s important to experiment in the bedroom to keep things fresh.”

  “I know what you mean and you’d think a writer of romance novels would always remember that, but sometimes life gets in the way.”

  Kathleen nodded. “Stupid life always does doesn’t it?”

  “Yeah,” Jillian sighed. “But I realized something last night as we were just looking at each other. You know, watching each other touch ourselves.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That I never really complimented his penis. And I think men really need to hear that. How you think it’s just perfect for you and you like touching it and how special you think his is.”

  “I never really thought about that, but you’re probably right.”

  “I think I’m going to make an effort to do that more.”

  “You should.” Kathleen took hold of her wine glass and shot Jillian a tentative look. “We shouldn’t have another should we? We have an early day tomorrow.”

  “I think we should.” Jillian smiled. “And you know how you showed me a picture of, you know, asswipes’ penis.”


  “Well, I don’t have any pictures, but I think I can do you one better.”

  “What do you mean?” Kathleen asked.

  “Hold on.” After climbing out of the pool, Jillian dried off and headed into the house. When she reappeared a few minutes later, she was carrying a rolled up towel and a bottle of wine. She placed the towel at the pool’s edge then refilled the glasses before slipping back into the water.

  As Jillian sipped her wine, she repeatedly glanced to the towel bundle with hesitation.

  Kathleen eyed her inquisitively as she sipped from her glass. “So now you’ve got me all curious. What’s in the towel?”

  “I’m not sure I should.” Jillian frowned.

  “Should what?”

  “Brian made me a, um…” Jillian bit her lip.

  “A what?”

  “A replica.”

  “Replica…” Kathleen wrinkled her nose. “Of?”

  “His, you know.” Jillian motioned with a head nod down.

  “Oh… No way.” The gorgeous actresses’ eyes widened as her lips curled up into a big smile. “How?”

  “They have these kits.” Jillian took a sip then added, “It’s pretty easy, actually.”

  Kathleen swam to the edge of the pool. When she reached it, she grabbed the towel and turned back to her new friend wearing a naughty grin. “Should I?”

  “I really don’t think he’d mind.” Jillian shrugged.

  “Okay.” Kathleen placed the towel back on the edge then unrolled it slowly. In the center was Brian’s replica of his most private of areas including about half of his scrotal sack as the base flattened out. It was impressive on all fronts from the slight curve, the length, the girth, to what could be seen of the balls along with the shapely head and the notable vein that adorned the right side.

  Kathleen admired it for a few seconds then said, “I really should have had jerk face make one of these for me. Then at least I’d have the best part of him without having to deal with all his other crap.”

  Jillian chuckled. “You totally should have.”

  “This is really cool.” Noticing something on the base, Kathleen said, “He actually signed it for you.”

  “I forgot about that.” Jillian swam to her and together they read the inscription Brian wrote in the base. They were facing away from the house as they shared a laugh.

  “Jillian?” Brian said with concern as he suddenly appeared poolside standing over them. He could clearly see the thing they were holding and giggling about.

  Jillian’s mouth dropped open and she quickly turned around. Kathleen plunged her hands down into the water hiding the object.

  “Oh, hey, you.” Jillian smiled up to him. “You’re home.”

  “I am.” His eyes went from his wife to the new woman standing in the pool gazing up to him. In their tipsiness both ladies struggled to mask their supremely guilty expressions.

  “This is Kathleen.” Jillian cleared her throat.

  “Oh, Kathleen, nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you,” Brian began with his words dripping with overt friendliness. He turned his attention to his wife. “Babe, should I ask now or wait until Kathleen leaves?”

  “Ask what?” Jillian looked up to him expecting the worst.

  He replied in the calmest voice ever, “Why you two are laughing about that thing I made for you.”

  “What?” Jillian shook her head before glancing to Kathleen with a shrug. When she finally returned to her husband, she asked, “What are you talking about?”

  “Okay,” he snapped sarcastically then turned on his heels and headed into the house.

  In her current impaired state, Jillian pressed her lips together, torn between guilt and laughter. Her new friend wore a similar expression as she said, “Sorry.”


  Brian glanced around the corner from the kitchen into the dining room then whispered in an angry tone, “I can’t believe you were showing her my… my…”

  “I’m sorry,” Jillian replied. “I don’t know what else to say.”

  “How would you like it if we had made an exact replica of your parts and took it down to the club and put it on display?”

  “Oh, come on.” She exhaled sharply. “Are you saying that would be the same thing?”


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