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Auctioned To Daddy: BDSM Romance

Page 24

by Amy Faye

  The door opens, seemingly for the hundredth time. The man, too straight-laced to do anything to me. Then a light of hope, just for me—Oh, praise the Lord!

  At least, that's what they want me to think. She's working with him, and I'd be a damned idiot to trust anything she says, but at least she's back in the room again with me.

  I let my smile show as she walks in, carrying a couple plastic cups no doubt filled with water. When she puts one down on the table, I reach for it.

  I already know the drill. They try to put the screws on me for a while, then they come back with a cup of coffee or a glass of water or whatever the fuck.

  The nice guy comes in to tell me that they don't want anything to happen to me. The mean guy tells the nice one to stop being such a namby-pamby. Then they turn to you, and they want you to beg Mr. Nice Guy to save your bacon.

  The woman picked up the cup before I could close my hands around it. I do my best imitation of not giving a shit. She takes a step back, now, and I can see in her expression that I read the situation wrong.

  She's not the good cop. She's the bad cop in a world of bad cops. Well, it's nice to at least work with someone telling it like it is for a change.

  "Beauchamp, we've got you nailed to the fucking wall."

  Her voice is nice, as nice as her tits, and they're out of this world. She's got a bit of huskiness to it, like she might have done too much smoking or too much shouting or both.

  "I'm sorry, Miss—"

  "You shut your fucking mouth. You think we want to hear from you? Fuck you, you small-fry piece of shit."

  I can't afford to get riled up over that kind of shit, but I'll be God damned if I'll let anyone talk about me like that. That goes double for doing it right in front of me. The fact that she's a woman isn't going to get her off.

  Instead, the chains around my wrists are what get her off scot-free. I can feel the steel bracelets digging into my wrists.

  "What the fuck do you want, then?"

  "What we want is for you to know that we fucking own you." She set the cup down, a tiny reminder of how thirsty I was. "You can't do any God damn thing without us knowing about it. If we let you go, ever, it'll be because the United States of America decided to let you out, you slimy son of a bitch."

  A snarl was already starting to form when she started saying it, and now I can feel my face, twisted in rage into a horrifying mask of fury. Even I can tell, though, that's exactly what she wanted.

  She wants me angry, because there's not a thing I can do about it, no matter what I try. Well, I'm not going to let her get to me, not forever. I've got better things to do than let some bitch get my goat.

  "Fine. You want to let me go, let me go. I promise I'll never do it again, massa—you kin' trust me!"

  Nobody laughs, me least of all.

  "Danny, get out of here."

  The guy who's been trying to get a staring contest going, the one sitting on the other side of the table, looks over his shoulder for a minute. I guess that's his loss. You break eye contact, you lose, right?

  "You got him?"

  "Oh, I know exactly how to deal with this smug snake son of a bitch."

  "Raven," I corrected her. It felt like the right moment to smart off.

  "Shut the fuck up, you moron."

  The guy across the table stands up, the sound of the chair scraping on the floor ringing between the concrete walls around us. "I'm not finished with you, Beauchamp. Not by a long shot."

  He's already loosening his tie by the time the door presses open, and he's gone by the time the door slams shut behind. Out of my memory, like he was never even there.

  Not, on the other hand, like this woman in front of me. She's got a hell of a lot more going on in my head. And besides that, it's clear that she's running the show. If I want to figure out what's up, then it's going to be talking to her.

  She settles into the steel chair opposite me again. She's got to know what she's doing to me, the way her shirt is cut, the way she leans forward onto her elbows, propping her breasts up on the table so that they stay in sight.

  The way she presses them together with her elbows, giving me a perfect shot of her cleavage. The smile that splits her face tells me all I need to know. Of course she knows what she's doing. She's doing it on purpose, after all.

  "Ryan Beauchamp, born March twenty-first, nineteen-eighty five to one Martha Beauchamp. You grew up in Dayton, is that right?"

  "Cut the bullshit, lady, who are you and what do you want?"

  "Is that you, Ryan?"

  "Say it is," I shrug. "What's it matter?"

  "For my records, because you're not going to be around answering questions forever."

  "No, I'm not. Eventually, one day, when you get done with your goddamn song and pony show, you're gonna tell me what you fuckin' want from me, and I'm going to go to jail for the rest of my life, or I'm going to give it to you."

  "And you want me to tell you what it is we want, exactly?"

  "Damn right."

  "Fine, if you say so." The woman leaned forward more, pressing herself up so I got a look down her blouse, a look I couldn't help noticing. "I want everything you know, and everything you're ever gonna know."

  "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

  "You have a real dirty mouth, you know that, Beauchamp?"

  "Don't like it? Wash my mouth out with soap."

  "Is that how your mother did it?"

  "You shut your mouth about my mother, how about that?"

  "Oh, a sensitive subject, I see."

  "Why don't you just tell me what the fuck you wanted?"

  She took a deep breath, straightened back against her chair, and then she did.

  Chapter Five


  I don't like it when he looks at me. He looks like he's seeing right through me. But I'm in control, and I know it. I repeat it to myself. I'm in control, and there's not a damned thing that he can do about it.

  "What we want? We don't want little shits like you, I'll tell you that."

  I don't like the way he looks at me, but I like the way that hit him. Right between the legs, where it hurts. I keep myself from smiling at the thought.

  "What do I have to do with this?"

  "I just want to be clear about what we're trying to get out of you, Ryan. If you were our biggest concern? Hah. We'd leave you be. You're nothing."

  His teeth grit together in frustration, but he doesn't respond to my jab. Smart boy. Smarter than I'd expected, to be honest. But that doesn't much matter, not in the long run. I turn back to the observation room, as if to say 'this is how you do this, Daniel.'

  "What I want from you is to get in with the big fish. I want you to get an in with Brent McCallister."

  He sucks in air through his teeth. That's what I wanted. A real response.

  "That doesn't just happen, babe."

  "No? You don't say. They don't just hire on any old body?"

  "Cut the sarcastic bullshit."

  I lean back in, giving him another view he's going to enjoy more than I'd like him to. Well, whatever. Whatever I have to do to nail McCallister.

  "That's why we're prepared to give you enough leash to hang yourself with, Beauchamp. We're going to cut you loose because you're the kind of guy who wants to make a name for yourself, and that makes you perfect for exactly one thing, and one thing only: getting in with McCallister."

  "Okay, well, if you think that shit's going to happen, then you're sorely mistaken. But fuck it. You guys want to let me go? Fine, I'll go. But if I get the stink of feds on me, then we're already up shit creek."

  "What did I tell you about language, Beauchamp?"

  "You finally got that soap you're going to wash my mouth out with?"

  "I can, if you're not careful. Is that what you want, Beauchamp?"

  "Whatever you say, boss. You got all that on camera, right? You'll let me go when all this is over, when I'm done playing errand-boy?"

  I let him see a
little smile slip across my lips. "You see, Beauchamp? You can learn. There may be a hope for you yet."

  I like the look of annoyance that crosses his face. I like watching him squirm, knowing that I have the control. It's not a feeling that he gets often, with women. He seems like the kind who likes to be in control in bed.

  Well, he'll just have to learn how to hold himself back. Because he wasn't in the driver's seat this time, he's going to have to learn to ride bitch some time, and that's how it's going to be.

  "Well, if that's how it is, give me that cup of water, and let me the fuck go, and get that big fucker back in here."

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "It means I know how this shit goes, and if I come back without a scratch on me, there's going to be some questions I don't look forward to answering, that's what it means."

  "Alright," I said, already enjoying the idea of seeing this smug fuck get what's coming to him. "You hear that, Danny? He says he wants to make friends with you."

  I hand him the cup, undo one of the handcuffs. His hand goes automatically to his wrist, rubbing the place where it was squeezed down too tight.

  As I leave, he takes the cup, drinks deep, and crushes the paper in his large, thick hands. Danny's already there at the door, looking ready.

  He was only ever good for beatings. A man from the wrong time, who might have fit in back in the sixties. Now, with all the cameras all over the place, there was no way that a bruiser like Danny would be able to do what he did best.

  But if he had permission, well that was a very different thing. I pull the feed on the video camera as Beauchamp fits the key into the other handcuff, releases himself. Danny makes like a nice guy for a minute.

  That doesn't last long, though. He pushes the table back out of the way a little, rolling his sleeves up. Beauchamp lifts his arms up, bracing them behind his head and getting ready for the beating of a lifetime.

  It had better be a good one, I thought. He might have been the kind of stupid son of a bitch that gets into gun running, but he's right about one thing. It's too dangerous to go back out with nothing to show for his trip in to the station.

  If he was never going to see the light of day again, they'd have gone in on him hard, and any one of McCallister's boys would know that. None of them were stranger to the insides of these cells.

  They never got anything on them, though. Squeaky-clean. It was all innuendo and bullshit. None of them were strangers to the inside of these rooms, that was, except for McCallister himself.

  So like it or not, Beauchamp was the only option, because whatever the fuck the good guys were doing wrong, someone must have been giving orders to the Crazy Horses.

  I watched Ryan God damned Beauchamp for a year, and planned that grab for three weeks, and it couldn't possibly have gone one bit better.

  Which made it that much more annoying that they were going to let him go, that they were going to give him immunity on that shit. But if it went down that I was the agent responsible for McCallister, then that was about all that it took to salve that pain.

  I loosen my hands where I didn't notice them tightening into hard fists as Danny drives his own fist hard into Beauchamp's ribs. He stumbles back a step or two, breathing hard.

  A few good hits will do that to a guy, and Danny knows how to hit. Could've been a real good boxer, if he wanted to. But instead, he wanted to be a cop. Like his daddy was, back in the day.

  Well, there were no cops like his daddy, not any more. But sometimes it helped to have a bruiser on the squad, regulations or not.

  Another shot comes in, batches Beauchamp in the gut. He turns over double for a moment, groaning in pain. Then he straightens back up, his arms locked once again behind his head.

  If it wasn't for the breathing, if it wasn't for the way that Danny rubbed the pain out of his knuckles, I might not have been able to tell that he'd been getting hit for the better part of two minutes.

  Danny pulls back his fist and jams it into the floating ribs, hard enough that one of them might have broken. He pulls back and watches Beauchamp straighten up again, his hands locked behind his head.

  He braces again for the next hit. Danny should have stopped after the last one, but I understand. When you're dealing with a son of a bitch like Ryan Beauchamp, sometimes you bite off more than you can chew.

  Chapter Six


  I'm a free man. The words feel strange in my head. They let me out of the station and I head back, my body aching from the unholy beating that big bastard did on me.

  He could've done less, but there's that dedication to the job. You have to respect somebody like that, someone who's willing to go the extra mile. Maybe if some of his boys had been such eager beavers, I wouldn't have gotten caught up in this shit.

  McCallister? Shit. There's no way I'm going to run into the guy. I don't even know any of his guys. How am I supposed to get in with a guy like that?

  If I could join an outfit with that kind of clout, why the fuck would I even be doing any of this?

  I don't need to answer that. I already know that I would do it again in a heartbeat. If I'd had an in with him, then it would have just been a matter of time until I was already sitting in the saddle of an Indian with a raven's head painted on the gas tank.

  No way out of what I've done, not for me. Not a chance in hell. So I do what I always do when I'm in trouble. I pull out the phone.

  Logan answers the phone the second time I call. Like he always does. The son of a bitch has a modern phone. He knows who's calling. But he still plays some fuckin' phone-call screening games. Like if it's important I'll call back.


  "I got trouble." I can practically hear him start moving through the phone. The sound of his pistol racking a round into the chamber sounds through the earpiece. "Meet me at the bar."

  Logan grunts his understanding. I hang up first. The next call is to Brian. The third is to a cab. They pick me up ten minutes later, and I'm checking the paint on my Indian.

  The cops were about as gentle with it as you'd expect. They knocked the fuckin' thing over on the way in. God damned typical. Did they not realize how much it cost to repair this fucking paint job?

  The raven, though, is fine. Not scraped at all. I let out a breath of relief. It looks good, the whole thing. If it weren't for finding it laying flat on the asphalt, I might not be able to tell I hadn't just driven it off the lot.

  Brian's bike beside it tells me that he already saw it, and walked right on by. I had to thank him for that. Logan drives up just as I kick the stand back down and lean the old girl over.

  "You're going to have to move into the twenty-first century at some point, little brother."

  "Fuck you," I tell him reflexively. He's watching me pick up my bike and giving me shit about it?

  "What's the trouble?"

  "Not here."

  I guide Logan inside to find Brian already pouring out a drink for himself. I signal for him to pour two more, and he reaches down for the glasses from the freezer.

  "You look like hell, man," Brian remarks as I turn to lock the door behind me, the sun already down. If this were someone's usual spot, he'd already be sitting at that bar across from Brian, but it isn't.

  "You look great, too, Brian. You going to spend all day talking about my looks, or what?"

  "Hey, man, I'm just saying. You look like you got run over by a truck."

  "Great, then give me my fuckin' beer."

  I take it off the table and swallow a heavy mouthful, enjoying the bitter taste and the burn on the way down. Jesus, we should get out of moving drugs, I think. If someone actually came in to drink this stuff, we might be able to sell some of it.

  "How long you going to keep us waiting, man? What's got you riled up?"

  I suck a breath through my teeth. "We got trouble. Cop trouble."

  "Then we go down south."

  "I didn't get the impression it was the kind of problem that would go away an
y time soon. Nor the kind of problem that they'd have any problem solving south of the border."

  "Okay, what, then?"

  "This don't go outside this bar, or outside the three of us. That much clear?"

  "Come on, man, I don't have time for this shit. I got places to be. Spit it out or fuckin' keep it to yourself."

  "I got picked up today. They got nothin', cut me loose. But they said that McCallister is going to try something. Unless we want to get our shit cut off, we need to make sure that we get him first."

  "When that shit happens—if it happens—then we'll figure out what to do about it then, but I ain't jumping for the cops."

  "Then do it because I asked you to."

  "Look at this, Brian," Logan said, his voice already holding more laughter than I liked. "Little bro's getting ideas in his head. Thinks we do what we ask him to."

  I burned hot, but I drank another mouthful and kept my mouth shut. If this was what it took to get my brothers to listen to me, then I'd deal with it.

  "Look, you going to help me or not?"

  "McCallister's boys are taking plenty of our business," Brian said, more to their older brother than as an answer. "We could probably do a lot better for ourselves without him causing trouble for us."

  "I don't know why the fuck you're asking me. I ain't even part of your god damned club."

  "Oh, is that the problem? Brian, reach down behind the bar, get Logan that Raven I have back there for him." I waited for Brian to grab it and drop the patch on the counter. "You know you can have it the minute you want it. Founding member and everything."

  "Won't that cause trouble with your boys?"

  "Man, fuck that."

  Logan's thinking about it, and I can tell he is, but then he pushes the patch away. "Let's say I help you."

  "Let's say you do," I offer.

  "What do you need my fuckin' help for, anyways? What are we supposed to do that big, bad Ryan Beauchamp can't do himself?"

  "You can be a real fuckin' asshole, you know that, Logan?"

  Brian laughed at Logan's jab, and then laughed more at my response.


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