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Scarred Surrender (Scarred Series Book 6)

Page 21

by Jackie Williams

  “I doubt that a private plane would come under the heading of good investments.”

  Emily laughed back at him.

  “Of course it is. It’s a small investment in my future happiness. Come on. Get yourself dressed. I’ll have a look on the internet and see if we can’t get a flight out in the next hour or so. You never know, if we hurry, we might actually arrive at the château before them.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  David handed Crystal yet another tissue. Her eyes hadn’t stopped leaking since Jules had picked her up early that morning and it was now well past lunch. The ferry rolled on through the waves as the men gathered around her.

  “Come on, love. I know it has been a trying few days but he’s fine and it’s not like you won’t see him again. We’re not that far away.”

  She gulped back the tears.

  “I know, I know, but you didn’t see him when he was wired up to all that stuff. It was awful. I thought he was going to die, and now that we’re going home it seems like it’s so final. Don’t get me wrong, David. I’m not giving up on my clinic, but I wish there was another way. I’m going to miss my sister so much and...” She sobbed again, unable to finish.

  Jules rubbed his hand soothingly up and down her back.

  “I shouldn’t ‘ave rushed you this morning. I didn’t realize leaving them would cause you so much distress. Emily didn’t appear so distraught.”

  Crystal frowned as she wiped at her eyes. Jules was right. Emily hadn’t appeared that distraught at all, but then she still had James. Though she knew her sister’s relationship with James was purely friendship, jealousy gnawed at her insides.

  Joe leaned in.

  “I think she was excited about something. When I saw her yesterday, she said that she was waiting for some news. Maybe she was just distracted this morning.”

  Crystal blew her nose and blinked hard.

  “Probably just waiting to hear about her exams, but the results are not released until August. She’s still a couple of months to wait.”

  Andrew shook his head.

  “No, it was definitely something else. She said to me that she was hopeful about something. She didn’t want to give specifics in case it didn’t work out and I didn’t press her for answers. I thought that she might have applied for a job over the summer. Perhaps she was waiting to see if she had an interview.”

  Crystal sat back in the chair and gazed out over the sparkling sea towards the French coastline. There was hardly a wave and the ferry bound for Caen rocked only gently as it edged nearer the port. She turned back to Andrew, a hint of confusion on her brow.

  “An interview? It’s a possibility I suppose. I wish she had told me.” She worried the damp tissue in her hands.

  David glanced out of the window as he felt the ferry begin to turn into the docking bay. He looked down at his watch and then at his phone. Still no signal.

  “We’d best go up and wait. Ryan will probably be on time.” He referred to the helicopter landing pad on the uppermost deck. “With a bit of luck, we’ll be home before dinner. I’ve missed Patrick’s cooking.”

  Andrew touched Crystal’s elbow as he nodded to David and Joe.

  “We can drop these two off and go straight back to the centre, if you prefer. I think I’m going to be all right today. Unless anyone else needs you, you’ll be able to go straight home.”

  Crystal nodded and yawned.

  “Yes, it’s been a terrible few days. I’m looking forward to having a few hours to myself. I need to catch up on some sleep.” Her thoughts dipped back to the previous night. Her muscles still ached, but she didn’t regret anything. James had been perfect. Tender, passionate, and giving. Everything she could have ever wanted, and still wanted. She twisted the scenarios in her head again. His work, her work, Emily at university...It went around and around in her head.

  James stared at the stone-faced cottage. The evening sunlight glinted off the thick slate tiles, the heavy grey turning to a dancing blue shimmer. An abundance of early summer flowers crowded the path to the front door. He listened carefully, but silence enveloped him. He had arrived before Crystal after the taxi had dropped Emily at the château, and now he wondered what he should do. He hadn’t known that she had bought a place. Not that she had to tell him, of course but he’d been surprised to discover that she’d been living in it for over a fortnight and yet she hadn’t let him know.

  He turned around to look out over the beach opposite. Boats bobbed on the rippling waves in the bay. A lone man walked across the sand, bucket in hand and a shrimp net thrown over his shoulder. He raised his hand in acknowledgement and James raised his in return.

  He turned back to the door. It was daft to knock. He knew that she had not arrived home yet. Ryan, Gemma’s husband, would be flying her and Andrew directly to the rehabilitation centre, but they weren’t expected for almost an hour.

  Doubts had plagued him all the way from England and now they became worse. What if Crystal had really only wanted one night? What if Emily had made a mistake and Jules really was bisexual and still a contender. He wiped his hand across his sweat damp forehead as he glanced about the front door step.

  Several large, flat pebbles from the beach were artfully placed between the flower beds. He picked up the nearest to the door and shook his head when he immediately saw a key. He would have to give Crystal some advice on security, that was clear.

  He inserted the key into the lock and turned it. The quiet click made him jump despite expecting it. Her fragrance enveloped him as he opened the door and he stood for a moment just breathing it in before ducking his head under the low stone entrance and stepping further inside.

  The door closed behind him and he walked across the ancient flag stone floor, his footsteps sounding loud in the empty hallway. A bright living room to his right surprised him. He’d expected the house to be small and dark but it was deceptively spacious and lit with sunlight coming in through large patio doors. Thick rugs covered the flagstones and a log burner sat invitingly against one wall. An open archway led through to the luxurious kitchen, more modern than he had ever seen. Polished granite work surfaces gleamed and banks of sleek units covered one wall leaving a good space for a dining table and chairs.

  Birthday cards covered the table, surrounding a huge bouquet of flowers. His own card stood in front of the others and he smiled at the implication. He glanced through the rest and tried not to grind his teeth when he noticed that several were from men at the rehabilitation centre. He lifted the note with the flowers and felt the tight knot that had tied itself in his stomach loosen when he saw that they were from all the staff at the rehabilitation centre.

  He tucked the note back into the display and then stilled as he heard a sound behind him. A faint whisper of air brushed the back of his neck and he turned slowly.

  Crystal clearly hadn’t seen him. She dropped her bag just inside the living room door. She sighed deeply and then moved out of his line of sight as she walked to the patio doors and threw them open. Warm air flooded into the house. He caught the faint scent of herbs, but only a second passed before the doors slammed shut again and she stormed back into his vision. She threw up her hands as she began talking to herself.

  “What on earth am I doing? I can’t stay here. I need him more than I would ever have thought possible. I should never have said I would stay here. These men will have to get along without me.” She sounded angry and upset at the same time as she swirled back towards the door. She grabbed up her bag and ran towards the hallway.

  James stopped breathing for an instant and then strode across the room after her.


  She let out a small scream of surprise before spinning around. Her bag fell to the floor once again and she lifted her hands to her face to rub her eyes. She blinked before she spoke.

  “I’m hallucinating. I think of him and he’s there. God! I’m going mad!”

  James laughed.

  “Sorry, you’re no
t hallucinating. I let myself in. You really need to find a better hiding place for the key.” He walked slowly towards her.

  She blinked again and then took a step forward. She frowned as she lifted her hand and pointed her index finger moments before prodding him hard in his chest. His muscles tensed beneath her touch and her gaze rose to meet his.

  “James? How? I mean, how are you here? Is Emily with you? Is everything okay?” Confusion covered her face and her eyes filled with tears, but they didn’t fall.

  James caught hold of her hand before she poked him again.

  “Emily is with Ellen and the others. She’s staying at the château until we can find somewhere permanent.”

  Crystal opened her mouth and then shut it again. She took another step toward him and lifted her other hand to the side of his face. She caressed his cheek with a cool palm and he closed his eyes as he drank in the sensations that swept over his body.

  “Somewhere permanent? What do you mean?”

  James opened his eyes again and stared down into her blue ones.

  “She’s decided to come and live here. She’s postponed her degree. She sent them samples of her work and the university have given her an unconditional offer that she can delay for up to three years.”

  Crystal’s eyes widened in surprise and she took a step backwards.

  “She’s what? But she can’t do that. What about her plans for a gallery? She should have discussed this with me before making any rash decisions. Did she discuss this with you?”

  James smiled and shook his head.

  “No, and I said exactly the same thing at first, but then she showed me an email that she’s had from Ellen. I suspect that you saw it already as Ellen sent it to everyone.”

  Crystal shook her head.

  “I haven’t looked. We didn’t have a signal on the ferry and I hadn’t bothered looking while we were flying from the port.”

  James pulled his phone from his pocket and showed her the message.

  “They had the go ahead for the artisan units at the château. Emily wants to take one as soon as the place is ready.”

  Crystal’s head shot up.

  “She does?” She looked back down at the message. “And Ellen has a list of work that needs to be done before they open the units up to any craftspeople.”

  James nodded.

  “Scroll down a little more.”

  She scanned down.

  “They want a marketing manager too, a part time position at first but someone with experience of setting up businesses and working with other people. Has to be able to speak French.” She looked back up doubtfully.

  James smiled down at her.

  “Tu pense que je ne peux pas le faire?” He laughed at her surprise. “I can speak several languages, as it happens. I was thinking that I might apply.” He paused, suddenly uneasy again when she didn’t say anything, but he suddenly remembered her words as she had picked up her bag and was about to leave again. “Well, I might apply if I had anything, anyone worth staying for.” He waited, hope coursing through him as her eyes brightened.

  And then she was in his arms, her lips against his, her body flush with his own. He lifted her from the ground and deepened the kiss, his tongue chasing hers as she grasped his shoulders and kissed him back.

  His passion roared to life as she moaned softly into his mouth.

  “I can’t believe that you are here. I thought I’d lost you. I never felt as bad as I did this morning. Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.” She pressed another kiss to his lips and it was several minutes before he could bear to tear himself away from her.

  His chest heaved as he suddenly blurted out his words.

  “I thought you had something going with Jules. He’s so handsome, so perfect, and I’m so...” He stopped speaking for a moment and then he took a deep breath as she raised an irritated eyebrow at him. “Let’s just say that I didn’t think I stood a chance.” A flush rose up his neck.

  She let out a bellow of laughter.

  “Jules! But he’s...” She didn’t finish. James interrupted her.

  “Yes, he’s gay. I know that now but I hadn’t a clue until Emily told me this morning. When I spoke to him last, he said that he thought you are really attractive.”

  She gazed into his eyes as she brushed her palm over his cheek.

  “Well, I am glad he thinks so. I’d hate it if he thought I was an ugly old hag, but even if he was straight, he would never have stood a chance.” She suddenly looked down as her voice dropped to a whisper. “I’ve never looked at anyone but you. I fell in love with you the day I fell off my bike into the sloe bush.”

  He curled his finger under her chin and lifted her face to look back at him again.

  “It’s taken me a lot longer to notice that you are far more than just my best friend’s daughter. But I love you too. I never realized what I was feeling until the gang here pointed it out to me. It kind of punched me in the face, but I tried to deny my feelings. What an idiot.” He pulled her against him and buried his face in her hair. “I chased after you the night Andrew took the pills, but by the time I’d put my legs back on and dressed again, you had gone.”

  She leaned back in confusion and then her cheeks blushed a delicate shade of pink as her eyes accused him.

  “I thought you were asleep.” She thumped his chest with the side of her fist.

  He caught her hand in his as he shook his head.

  “Only the first time, and then when you had that dream. You said that you loved me then, but I wasn’t sure you meant me at the time.”

  Crystal’s mouth fell open.

  “Oh, God! How embarrassing.”

  He shrugged.

  “I said stuff too. I didn’t realize I had said anything aloud until you answered me. I wasn’t expecting the massage to be so relaxing.”

  She recalled his opposition to her techniques.

  “You were so stubborn about my therapies. What made you change your mind about them?”

  He leaned down again and moved her hair to kiss the skin beneath her ear.

  “I was as jealous as hell. The thought of your hands on the other guys nearly killed me. I was rock hard just thinking about you, and I was sure that they would feel the same. I had to know what you were doing to them and what they were doing in return. Drove me mad. I couldn’t eat for three days.”

  She laughed again softly.

  “I know! You were meant to be jealous, but you should know something else. I didn’t use massage on them. I’m fully trained in acupuncture too. I was just pushing needles into them.”

  He let out a low chuckle as he feathered his lips across her collar bone.

  “What? Really? You mean that you didn’t touch them, didn’t massage them?” Relief swept over him, though he knew he was being ridiculous.

  She shook her head.

  “Didn’t come close to it, didn’t need to. Andrew and the others were trying to be macho about the alternative therapy thing. They all wanted to try acupuncture first rather than giving in to a massage. We’ve had brilliant results, but the massage seemed to work on you, until you went home again. I saw all the squash balls about the house. It’s clearly not worked as well as it should have since you left here.”

  James glanced downwards, astonishment spreading through him as he realized that he wasn’t experiencing any pain.

  “Good grief! I’d totally forgotten about it, but since the minute Emily and I decided to come back here, I haven’t felt a twinge.” He looked into her eyes again. “Why didn’t you try the acupuncture on me if you knew it was getting results?”

  She kissed him gently before she spoke.

  “I’ve loved you for ten years, James. I just couldn’t resist getting my hands on you at last.”

  He ran his knuckles across her flushed cheeks.

  “Do you feel like getting your hands on me again? I mean, like right now.”

  She tilted her head to the side.

t what about Emily? Isn’t she coming over? She doesn’t need to find any other place. There are two of spare bedrooms upstairs.”

  He shook his head.

  “She’s staying at the château for a few days, just until we’ve settled in. She wanted to give us some time alone.” He hesitated again, wishing he hadn’t assumed anything as her blue eyes flickered slightly. “That’s if you’ll have me,” he finished quietly.

  Crystal let him suffer for a long moment before speaking again.

  “Oh, I’ll have you, but I wasn’t thinking of putting you in any spare room.”

  He grinned wildly and suddenly bent, scooping her into his arms as he gazed at her with darkened eyes.

  “Good. I was hoping that you would say that. I need you, Crystal. Right now. I can’t wait another moment.” He walked back out into the hallway and took the stairs two at a time.


  Alex narrowed his eyes as he looked down at his computer. Another warning. He clicked his security software and frowned. Same source. The third hit in five days. Shit! Someone was trying to get in. He tapped at his keyboard, his fingertips racing across the keys as he began backing up his files onto his exterior hard drive.

  His eyes flicked to his incoming emails as an icon flashed. A new one from James. He opened it quickly, already knowing what it would say. After being given the job as marketing manager for the château’s new venture, James would remain in France for the foreseeable future.

  Alex had been expecting the news and didn’t mind in the least. His friend’s happiness was worth far more than their small security company, and it wasn’t as if he was deserting the business entirely. It would be at least another three months before the artisan units would be ready for occupation.

  He sent a quick response, not only wishing the man luck in the new venture, but also confirming that he could attend James and Crystal’s wedding. He smiled as he hit the send button, but then frowned as yet another notification let him know that someone was probing his files again.

  A glance at the bar on his external hard-drive icon showed the download to be already three quarters done. He hit an icon and made sure that his defences were still in place. Nothing to worry about there. Everything looked secure. The download showed ninety percent. It slowed dramatically and then another warning notice flashed up.


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