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WIth a Twist: (The Club #9)

Page 4

by Stratton, M.

  “Really, you don’t have to.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Fine.” She turned and strode back behind the bar. I could tell she was pissed I wasn’t leaving, but there was no way I was going to leave her here, wondering if that ass was going to come back. Besides, if me staying got under little Ricky Dicky’s skin, it was all the better.

  Chapter Eleven


  I tried to block out the fact Bryant was now a member of The Club and was watching me like a hawk. Ricky was of no help either, every chance he got, he was bashing Bryant. I didn’t know what was up with either man. The only thing I could figure, was they were getting in a pissing match about who was there to keep me safe. By the end of the evening, I wanted to bash both of their heads together.

  I should have known Bryant wasn’t going to let things go. As soon as I was off the clock, he was there waiting for me when security escorted me out of the building. I was hoping I was going to be able to walk home like I usually did and clear my head, but when the suit took me directly over to his car, I knew there was going to be no arguing. He must have talked to Jet, and Jet’s orders were to make sure I was safely in Bryant’s car.

  Getting into the car, I made sure I slammed the door so everyone, including Jet, who I was sure was watching on the security camera, would know I wasn’t happy with the situation. As the powerful engine roared to life, he whipped out of the parking lot and within a couple of minutes, he was parked outside of my building.

  “I’ve got it from here.” Quickly, I opened the car door and walked as fast as I could to my front door, hoping I’d make it in before he even was out of the car, but I should have known better. Before I could open it, he was there beside me.

  “Do you think I’m going anywhere?”

  “Right now you could go to Hell and I wouldn’t care.”

  “Oh now, Little Starr, you don’t mean that.”

  “I sure do, Bucky. Now excuse me, I’d like to get some sleep.”

  “I could help with that.” He grinned at me.

  “Do you really want to do this? Because I’m pretty sure right now we’d be having some angry sex.”

  “Oh, see, there you go, turning me on… again. Come on, let’s go in and we’ll both get it out of our systems.”

  “Kiss my ass.” I opened the door just enough for me to get through and quickly tried to close it, but he was there, slamming his hand on the door to keep it open.

  “My pleasure,” sarcasm dripped from his every word.

  “You don’t get to be pissed.” I stared him down.

  “The hell I don’t. You’re mine, I protect what’s mine.”

  He backed me into my apartment and slammed the door behind him.

  “I’m not some stupid object.” I yelled at him.

  His eyes narrowed and his lips thinned into a straight line. “You know better,” his voice was too calm.

  “I don’t know anything.” I flung my arms wide. “How can I trust this? It’s too quick.”

  With two strides, he was in front of me, wrapping his hands around my upper arms and lifting me up so we were eye to eye. “Look at me,” he demanded. “Look at me.”

  I tilted my chin. “I am.”

  “No, you’re not. Because if you really were looking, you wouldn’t ask such ridiculous questions.”

  “Ridiculous,” I sputtered. “Listen here, mister, just because you don’t agree with the questions I’m asking doesn’t mean they are ridiculous.” I tried squirming out of his grip, but he wasn’t letting go. “You want ridiculous, I’ll fucking show you ridiculous you-”

  The air left my lungs as I was slammed up against the wall, his body pinning me there as his hands moved down to grab my ass and pull me in closer. His lips cut off any word I might have uttered. I nipped at his tongue as he forced it into my mouth.

  As his fingers danced closer to my pussy, I couldn’t take it anymore, and it pissed me off, this power he had over me. My fingers dug into his shoulders and I wrapped my legs around his waist, squeezing harder than I needed to.

  One of his hands came up and pulled the shirt I was wearing up, pushing my bra out of the way at the same time. With a growl, he pulled me up higher so he could suck on my nipple. I wanted more. Grabbing his hair, I tugged his head back, my body shivering when his teeth grazed my nipple. “I want you inside of me. Now.”

  My head spun at the speed in which he moved me to the couch, tossing me down. I watched with hooded eyes as he pulled his shirt off, the light of the full moon casting shadows across his body. As quickly as I could, I ripped my own clothes off and starting running my hands all over my body as he was trying to concentrate on sliding a condom on.

  “You’re taking too long.”


  “Make me.”

  Grabbing me by my knees, he dragged me to the edge of the couch. He dropped to his knees and without any finesse, his cock thrust into me. A loud moan filled the room as my body quickly adjusted to having him there.

  With our eyes locked together, we continued to battle, first one position then another. All the while, each of us wanted to be the one driving the other over the edge of sanity and into submitting to the other. As I straddled him, his cock buried deep inside me, our arms wrapped around each other and he pulled my hair back, limiting my movement.

  “I love you,” his raspy voice filled the room as he thrust harder with each word. “Damnit. I fucking love you.”

  I could feel his cock grow inside of me and tension filled his body. That and his words tipped me over the edge. As my body shuddered and shook around him, I screamed my love for him.

  Chapter Twelve


  Smiling as I pulled into my lawyer’s parking lot, I remembered how soft and relaxed Starr was when I woke her up this morning. I couldn’t get enough of her. This morning’s lovemaking was completely different from last night’s battle of wills.

  This was the first step in us starting our future together. I was about to buy Gordon’s company for more than I wanted to, but to have something here, with controlling interest and where she wanted to live, I would pay anything.

  As I walked through the door, Gordon was already there with his lawyer. There were no words spoken as we both only nodded towards one another, this last battle of wills before I bought his company. We were quickly shown to the conference room where without much fuss, we both signed the paperwork.

  Once the lawyers left the room, Gordon came over to me and, for what I hoped was the last time, pounded me on the back. “Well there, boy, congrats on buying one superb company. I’m sure it will add to your millions.”

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “After the cost of the purchase price is offset, yes it will.”

  “Ahhh, you’ll make it back quick. Plus you got the whole thing outright, which was what we both wanted.”

  Closing my eyes, I shook my head. “Of course. I should have known better.”

  “That’s okay, boy, I understand. New love and all.”

  “How did you know?”

  “Shit, all anyone had to do was take one look at the two of you when you first laid eyes on each other. Starr’s a good girl. You two crazy kids should have a great life together here in Karim.”

  “Thanks… I think.”

  Gordon laughed loud and pounded me on the back again. “Hey, we both got what we wanted. Speaking of getting what we want, have I told you I have some property right outside of town? There’s a little creek running through it. There’s a decent size house on it. You could have Starr remodel it to what she wants, or you could tear it down and build something new for her.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “How much is this going to cost me?”

  “Can you put a price on love, boy?”

  “No, no Gordon, you can’t. Tell me more about your property.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  After Bryant left, I laid around watching the changing shadows on th
e ceiling, dreaming about a life together with him. For once in my life, I was daydreaming about a future with a prince, my prince. Something girls do growing up, or women have done for thousands of years after they fell in love. Now it was my turn. The fact that I could so easily conjure up our life together didn’t scare me like it would have before I met him. There was something deep in my soul that told me this was right.

  Tonight was the big Halloween party at The Club. Coming up with a costume when essentially every night I bartended I was in one wasn’t easy, but I did. We were supposed to go in early to help decorate. The Club was going to be the place to be this year, on all the levels.

  I smiled when my phone rang, I figured it was going to be Bryant, but when I saw Ricky’s name, I frowned. “Hello.”

  “Hi, hi, Starr, it’s Ricky.”

  “Hey Ricky, what’s up?”

  “I’m down at The Club, they called me in. Seems Jet started going through the boxes that were delivered for the party tonight. And well, see, the order of Halloween decorations that came in is doubled. It means more work, but he thought we might as well use them, make the party epic. So they want us in earlier to set everything up.”

  “Sure. No problem, I’ll be there in a few.” My mind raced thinking about what I needed to make sure I had for my costume tonight.

  “Starr… Starr… Do you want me to pick you up?”

  “What? Oh, thanks, Ricky, but I’ve got it, I can walk.”

  “Great, see you there.”

  I jumped out of bed and starting throwing everything I was going to need into my duffle. As I put some clothes on, I went back over my costume, triple checking I would have everything I needed. Snapping my fingers, I grabbed my curling iron and tossed that in. Since typically I was in black and walked around strutting all sexy like, I decided I should be something completely different for Halloween. I was going to be in all white, with huge angel wings. I was going to do my hair and makeup, soft and well, angelic.

  Gathering everything, I made it out the door without dropping anything and got to The Club. Using my security access, I was able to get in, and I hauled everything up to the third floor, dropping everything in the locker room for later.

  I was excited, Halloween was one memory from my childhood I loved. Since we never had a lot of money, mama would find something for me to dress up as and I’d be able to go around the neighborhoods of wherever we were at the time and load up on candy. I’d get as much as I could and only have one piece a day, making sure it lasted as long as possible. We never had extra money for me to get candy any other time of the year. I could usually make it last into the New Year if I was lucky.

  As soon as I excited the locker room, Ricky was standing there with a box in his hand. “Oh, hi, Ricky. Where’s everyone? I want to know where I should start.”

  “They’re downstairs. Here.” He shoved the box in my arms. “They want us to start up here. They want everything decorated, all the rooms.”

  “Really? All? That kind of surprises me.” I shrugged. “But whatever. I can’t wait to see everything she got. This should be so much fun.”

  “I figure if we work together in each room, it will go quicker.”

  “Sure. Let’s start.” I followed Ricky around the corner and all the down to the end of the hall where the Honeymoon Suite was. It was one of our larger rooms and was always booked. I never really spent much time in the rooms, and since I had Bryant in my life now, I was definitely more curious about what could be done in each of the rooms. I figured decorating would give me access to each room and maybe one night we could use one of the rooms after a shift. The thought of the two of us teasing each other all night while I was working drove me crazy. Knowing what would be coming later was already making me horny.

  Deciding I needed to pay attention and get the job done, I set the box down on the bed and started to open it. I let out a little scream when a scary, twisted clown face stared up at me. “Jesus, she wants us to put something like this in here? It’s going to scare the crap out of people.” I shuddered. I hated clowns, always had.

  “Exactly.” Ricky said from right behind me. “Think of it, Starr,” his voice lowered to a whisper. “A man brings his true love in here. She isn’t expecting anything out of the ordinary except a good fuck and suddenly, she is surrounded by her biggest fear. Clowns…. Clowns everywhere.”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off of the evil clown’s face staring up at me from the box. “No.” I shook my head. “I don’t think they’d want something like this in the rooms.” Backing up, I wanted to get out of here, but I froze when I ran into Ricky.

  “Starr… It’s time. You’re mine, not his.”

  I didn’t understand what he was saying. Even when he snapped a handcuff on my wrist and attached it to the side of bed. “No.” In a weak attempt to get free, I shook my hand and tried to shove him away with my other hand. My heart was racing so fast and my breathing came in gasps as I was afraid I was going to pass out. Thoughts moved through my head about Ricky, clowns, Bryant, and my survival.

  Kicking my feet out from under me, he pushed me onto the bed. With his weight pinning me down, he easily was able to get my other hand restrained. I tried to buck him off with my hips, but it was no use. I was powerless to do anything with my hands cuffed.

  He roughly slid down my body and grabbed my ankles, pulling me down the bed, stretching me out and making sure my legs were spread as far as they could go before placing a bar between them, and he hooked it over one of the bedposts. Everything hurt from being pulled further than comfortable, and I knew it was only going to get worse.

  I laid there, completely vulnerable, unable to defend myself against the man who stared up at me with a clown mask on from between my legs, with a large knife in one hand. I don’t know why I had never seen the madness behind his eyes before. Because I could see it now, it burned bright from behind the holes in the mask.

  There was nowhere for me to go as he pushed the tip of the knife through my jeans. I whimpered as it poked my skin and slid up. Once the knife was free, he pulled down on the material and there was no hiding anything from him. He flicked his tongue out from the hole in the mask and start lapping up the small trail of blood the knife had created, moaning in ecstasy.

  “Oh, she’s inside of me,” he whispered, almost like he was talking to himself and not me. “I’ve been waiting so long to be joined with my love. I wonder if…” He moved his head slightly to the side. “I wonder if her pussy is as tasty.”

  I flinched and screamed when his tongue dove deeply inside of me. I pulled at the binds that tied me, causing more pain as I tried desperately to get away from him.

  “Shhh… shhh…Starr, no one can hear you. Relax and enjoy, there is so much more to come.” He started sliding up my body, using the knife to cut away my shirt and bra. “So perfect…” Painfully, he squeezed my breasts. “God, I just want to fucking eat you up.”

  I screamed loud as he bit down hard on my side.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I had just slid behind the wheel of my car when my phone beeped for a text. Looking down, I noticed it was from my security team. I didn’t bother to read it, I just hit the button to call them, and started the car. “Tell me.”

  “Sir, we knew she was going to be going into work early today, but she actually went in hours ahead of schedule.”

  “Any idea why?”

  “Not sure. There are only a couple of people there. Ricky is one of them.”

  “Fuck, there’s something about him I don’t trust.”

  “And your instincts are never wrong, sir.”

  I froze with my hand on the gearshift and my stomach tightened. “What do you mean?”

  “He’s been able to build a successful background, but none of it is true. You were right about having us lift his prints to get a better check on him. His real name is George Henry Beasley, and he’s not balanced. Court documents show he was obsessed with a girl in col
lege. He got a job at the coffee shop she worked at, and they became friends. When she turned him down for a date, things went off the rails. He kidnapped her and raped her. She was able to identify him, and when they searched his home, they found every wall in the place covered with pictures of her. Somehow after the trial had begun, he disappeared.”

  “Are you sure they are both there?”


  “Get me Jet’s phone number.” I shoved the stick into reverse and peeled out of the parking space, heading to The Club.

  “Texting it to you right now.”

  I didn’t waste a moment, as soon as the text came through with the number, I was calling him.

  “Jet here.”

  “Jet, it’s Bryant Harrison.”

  “How the fuck did you get my personal cell phone number?”

  “That’s not important-”

  “The hell it’s not.”

  “Jet, I need to get into The Club right now. Starr’s in trouble.”

  “What’s going on?”

  As quickly as I could, I told him about Ricky and was impressed at how quickly he picked up on the gravity of the situation.

  “Tally, my business partner, should be there now. I’ll call her and you can meet her there. I don’t want to include anyone else in this, do you understand?”

  “Yes.” My rage was burning through me. If he so much as laid one hand on Starr, I would kill the man.

  “I’m on my way to The Club. Don’t do anything until I get there.”


  I threw the phone on the passenger seat, concentrating on driving through the streets. Within a couple of minutes, I was pulling into the garage, sure enough, a gorgeous woman was standing there, her arms crossed over her chest and her foot tapping. I could only assume it was Tally. Pulling into the parking spot closest to her, I wasn’t surprised when she yanked the door open.

  “Come,” she demanded. Gracefully, yet still full of tension, she spun and stalked towards the door.


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