Kissed, Spurred, & Valentined (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 4)

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Kissed, Spurred, & Valentined (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 4) Page 5

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  But he didn’t.

  The sound of the lock clicking doused her longing. “There you are,” he said and pulled away.

  The cold air came like an ice cold shower. Trembling inside, her cheeks burning from embarrassment, she finally faced the door and turned the knob.

  The house was as charming inside as it was outside. The open floor plan was inviting and cozy. To the right was a polished wood counter with a small microwave, coffee maker and a two-burner counter top stove. A mini fridge sat in one corner. Across the space, a high-back loveseat adorned with brightly colored pillows sat in front of a stone fireplace. An antique clock sat on the mantel and a large, wicker basket held cut logs. A soft woven rug lined the refurbished wooden planked floor. The windows allowed natural light to flow in and overlooked the calming scenery. The bed was the focal point with romantic touches. The button tufted red fabric headboard was a stark contrast to the thick white comforter and pillows. A large plush pillow welcomed a cuddle session with a partner or a good book. Candles were randomly placed around the room to bring in more of a dreamy feel. Above the bed hung a Mason jar chandelier that she immediately fell in love with.

  She turned and found Maverick watching her. “So, what do you think?”

  “This is definitely more than a crash pad.”

  “This is undeniably a magical place.” His smile competed with the décor.

  “I’ve been to a lot of places, but this certainly lands at the top of my list as the most fabulous.”

  “Bathroom is small, but a luxury to have in a place like this. You’ll find it right through that door.” He pointed to the closed door on the left. “Let’s get you a fire started since it’s a little chilly in here.” He bent to his knees in front of the fireplace, gathered a log and placed it in the cove.

  Her throat tightened as she watched him move. The material of his long sleeved shirt moved across his muscles and his jeans stretched across his tight bottom, and she had to suck air into her lungs. Once the fire was started, he stood and she hoped if he noticed her flushing, he’d think it was due to the cold and not the fact that she wanted him.

  “There you are,” he said.

  “Thank you for bringing my bags in and for the fire,” she said.

  “No problem. I should leave you alone, get to know the place.” He took a step toward the door and stopped. “Are you hungry?”

  Her stomach growled as if in response. “Yes, I am.” She hadn’t eaten anything but a few crackers today.

  “I planned to head over to the dining hall later. If you’d like, I can pick you up, that is unless you’d rather stay in.”

  Without hesitation, she nodded. “I’d like that. Company sounds good. You were offering your company, right?” Maybe she took things one step too far.

  “Yes, I was.” He chuckled. “I’ll be back in about an hour. If you need anything there’s a phone on the wall with a list of numbers for the office, cook, and staff quarters. Our life skills coach is no longer here and we haven’t hired a new one yet.”

  “Good to know.” Did this suddenly become awkward?

  “Okay. See you soon.”

  Once he was gone, she scanned the room again and smiled. This was her retreat for one week. Plopping down onto the bed, she snuggled up and watched the snow fall outside. Thoughts of a tall, sexy, masculine cowboy invaded her mind. And then she realized that she still wore his coat. No wonder he had looked at her funny. She had kept his jacket hostage.

  Snuggling deeper into the thickness, she closed her eyes. She was in big trouble, and she didn’t care.


  THE SECOND HE stepped from the treehouse and into the blustery cold, Maverick remembered he’d forgotten something. He started to knock on the door, but glancing through the window he caught a glimpse of Jax cuddling up in bed, still wearing his coat. She looked so small and sweet curled up against the pillow. What he saw next felt like a knife being pushed into his chest. She nuzzled her nose into the material of his coat and a honeyed smile curved her lips. He had an overwhelming urge to go back inside and give her the real thing to cuddle with.

  Yeah, he could, but it wasn’t that easy. And she probably would smack him into tomorrow.

  This was all a little too much for him. Where did all of these tender feelings come from?

  He stomped down the spiral staircase to his truck, got in and slammed the door. He’d never been overcome with such strong emotion, not since his wife.

  He looked through the fogged-up window of the truck and wiped the mist from the glass. Jax Morgan was a beautiful woman. It was only natural that he’d find her attractive. What wasn’t normal was the overwhelming need huddled up deep in his groin. He was happy here at Nirvana. Didn’t need or expect a lot, especially didn’t want some pretty photographer with a magical smile to take up residence in the southern part of his body. He’d done great over the years in keeping his distance, avoiding any emotion. Other times, with other women, were easy though.

  Two years ago he’d met Joyce. She was a hot-to-trot redhead who’d offered heaven and passion every time he visited her in town when the need arose. The relationship had been simply a desire to release himself. Things changed when she’d told him that she was starting to have feelings—the kind that a man only wants headed his direction when he feels the same. Maverick didn’t. Not anywhere close. He’d felt like a shit when he’d told her that he couldn’t give her what she wanted and he walked out. He remained alone. It was easier that way. Not comfortable, but kept things calm.

  He had a feeling that while Jax was at Nirvana, his mind, and cock, would be a causality of insanity. He wouldn’t allow his body to rule his mind. He wasn’t up for a secret rendezvous, no matter how good the woman looked or how her eyes dazzled in promise. Chase had put him in charge while he was away. The last thing Maverick wanted was to let his friend down after he’d placed so much trust in Maverick. Chase was like his brother and they had each other’s back.

  “I just need to get my mind on track,” Maverick whispered.

  Pulling away from the lodging where the sexy lady lay cuddled in his coat, he headed for the staff quarters to catch up with the crew. They had new team members and Chase had told Maverick specifically to keep an eye on their weaknesses. That’s exactly what he planned to do. The hands were all like family, and he didn’t want them slacking when the boss was away.

  When he stomped into the building, he dusted the snow off his boots and went down the hallway. Just as he had asked, he found Dodge, Jace, and the newest crew members, Moon and Cord, sitting around the pockmarked farm table. The only hand missing was Dade. He was still recovering from a bad fall he took off a horse last year that left him paralyzed. Although the docs and specialists had said that it was unlikely Dade would walk again, he’d proven them wrong and was starting to show lots of improvement with the help of nurses and therapists. Maverick believed humiliation could spur a man to do just about anything, especially Dade. Since the cute nurse showed up on Dade’s doorstep, he’d been wearing an invisible Superman emblem on his chest.

  “Glad to see you’ve made it,” Maverick said as he dragged out the end chair and took a seat. “Have y’all finished your chores?”

  “Hell, Mav, we’re done with what we can do.” Dodge lowered his chair to all four legs. “Everything’s covered in white. All of the horses are safely tucked in the stalls. We only have a few guests and they’re holed up too.”

  “Looks like we’re in for one helluva storm,” Jace said as he grabbed a handful of pretzels from the open bag and tossed one into his mouth.

  Maverick couldn’t deny that the winter storm slowed things down at Nirvana. He just wished it had the same effect on his raging hard on. Why couldn’t he get his mind get off the pretty blonde back at Persuasion?

  “I hear we have a new guest,” Moon said. When she’d come on board a few months back, she’d shaken up the place a bit. She had striking looks, but from what he’d heard she carried an amaz
ing right hook. He hadn’t heard all of the details from Cord, but he’d rubbed the bombshell Texan the wrong way. A lot of the men believed she was too pretty to be out on the land next to them, tempting them to misbehave, but she’d proven she was a tough woman who wouldn’t be shown up by any man. She had lovely features that could have sent her on the path of becoming a model, but instead of playing up her features, she played them down. He’d never seen her wear makeup and, most of the time, she had her hair hidden underneath a white cowgirl hat. He appreciated and respected her input. She was bright and always had good attitude.

  “She’s in the newest treehouse,” Maverick said, scrubbing his thick beard.

  “Want me to take her?” Cord asked. The thirty-something cowboy didn’t talk much, but he was a damn good worker. He’d come to Nirvana straight off the rodeo circuit.

  “No,” Maverick answered a little too quickly. He cleared his throat. “I need something to keep me busy. I’ll see that she has all of her needs met.” Cord nodded understanding, but his pensive gaze told Maverick that the other man wanted to keep busy too. “Cord, I could use your help repairing some of cabins. Ever do any carpentry work?”

  “I’ve always been good with my hands. Would like to help out,” Cord said.

  “After the meeting, head to the administrative offices and grab the keys from Jennifer. She has a list of the repairs needed.” Maverick shifted and knocked over an empty coffee cup. He looked around to find Dodge and Jace’s questioning gazes narrowed on him. Did they notice his edgy attitude? He needed to get himself in control.

  “Do you know if any more guests will be coming after the snowstorm?’ Dodge pushed his hat back on his head. The cowboy hadn’t seemed like himself lately. Usually very talkative and positive, he was quieter these days.

  “We have a lot of cancelations. This certainly won’t be our best season,” Maverick said.

  “Chase’ll probably go back to only opening during the warmer seasons,” Jace said. There was a disappointed quality to his tone.

  “Don’t count on it. And let’s definitely not assume anything. Although we have cancellations, that only means we have openings for those who will be calling after the roads are open again. Stay positive.” He stood. “Be careful out on the land, fellows.” Realizing his blunder, he shot Moon an apologetic expression. “Hypothermia settles in fast.”

  “Hell, my balls were frozen after ten seconds being out in this shit.” Jace laughed, but when he saw Moon’s stare, his laughter fizzled. “Sorry. I guess I’m still not used to having a female around.”

  Moon laughed. “I’ve heard a lot worse. No one should feel uncomfortable around me. I grew up in a house full of boys so there’s not much you could do to embarrass or surprise me.”

  Cord pushed back his chair. “I better head out and grab the keys and list.”

  Maverick nodded. Before long he was going to have to have a talk with Cord, a get to know him better chat. For now, Maverick needed to get to his cabin and get ready for the evening plans. He wasn’t sure why he’d invited Jax to dinner, but at the time it sounded like the gentlemanly thing to do. Now he realized it was just the illogical thing.

  It was only dinner. He was putting way too much thought into it. This wasn’t a date. They were simply sharing a meal because he didn’t like the thought of her being holed up, in her lodge. That’s not how he’d want to spend his vacation.

  Tonight they’d have friendly conversation and then he’d drop her off back at her retreat.


  Jax fluttered her eyes open. The room was dark. It took her a good minute before she realized she wasn’t back home in Chicago. She’d fallen asleep and had no idea what time it was.

  Jumping from the bed, she hit her knee on the night table. It was probably best she didn’t move too much or too fast while she didn’t know the floor plan. She had no clue where the light switch was located and, after slowly moving her hands along the wall, she found the switch. Now that she could see, she checked the clock on the mantel. Six o’clock. Maverick would be arriving in fifteen minutes. The last thing she wanted was for him to find her still wearing his coat. It wouldn’t hurt either if she changed or brushed her hair. It wasn’t that she was trying to make a good impression or anything. A woman just needed to look her best when she was around a hunk of cowboy like Maverick.

  She had one week here to enjoy her surroundings, maybe do some horseback riding. She’d read on the website all of the things offered here, but nowhere had she read that a woman could enjoy a sexy cowboy. She wasn’t looking for male companionship to make her feel better. No more relationships, not yet and not for a while.

  Maverick could make a woman forget her rules though. He triggered every hormonal cell in her body, and the fact was, she didn’t mind. Not one bit. She couldn’t sleep with Maverick though. There were many reasons…well…like…why couldn’t she think of one?

  Travis had split up with her. She didn’t owe him anything. And after the stunt he’d pulled with the reservations here, she couldn’t wait to get her hands on him. There was an internal warning bell sounding that Maverick was dangerous. A man that good looking with a natural appeal could only be categorized as T-R-O-U-B-L-E! The affect he had on her was similar as the earthquake she’d experienced in California. Things around her were all tumbling to the floor. She became dizzy and wobbly, waiting for the impact to pass.

  What if she couldn’t control herself around him? What if she allowed herself a little sample of the rough and tough cowboy? She certainly wasn’t the fling type of woman. She’d had a few boyfriends in her early twenties, but nothing serious, not until Travis. She’d been willing to overlook all of the differences in their characters. Maybe she’d just wanted to please her parents who were always harassing her that she needed to find a man and settle down.

  Well, she hoped they were happy now. Look what her intentions of settling down had gotten her? Valentine’s Day alone.

  She was grateful Nirvana had lousy phone service. She was sure, by now, her parents and brothers were trying to contact her. If they had questions, they could go to Travis for the answers.

  In the meantime, honesty was the best policy. She couldn’t lie to herself. Maverick had magnetism that reached into her center and tickled her core. She’d never seen a man built so fine, with so many coiled muscles that not even his shirt and worn jeans could hide. His eyes were mysterious green. His high cheekbones, thick lashes, and beard…was he hiding something? She wondered what he looked like without the crisp hair. Did he have scars? It wouldn’t matter. There wouldn’t be much that could lessen his unique looks.

  He wasn’t clean-cut handsome like Travis who wore his hair in a tight style, his face shaved smoothly and his suits without wrinkles. Maverick had a look that told the world that he didn’t care what they thought.

  Ten minutes remaining!

  Opening her suitcase, she smiled. Tina was a gem. Her clothes were neatly packed, stacked, and categorized from intimate garments to jeans. She’d even remembered Jax’s puffy coat. Tucked at the very bottom was the red, silk dress she’d bought to wear on her honeymoon. Pfft. So much for sexy. She had an inclination to wear it, but she didn’t want Maverick to think she was putting more into their dinner than what was appropriate. Two people getting together on a snowy evening to share a meal—nothing more. After all, she wasn’t going to seduce him.

  At least not tonight.

  She chose the dark denim skinny jeans, a blue cami, and a gauzy button down blouse, tying the material at the waist to emphasize her figure. She might not be out to seduce the cowboy, but she wouldn’t mind heating up his blood a little. She had no choice but to wear boots, but it wasn’t a total loss. Inside the case she found her tall black leather boots that made her legs look a mile long. A two minute brushing of her hair, a light application of makeup and hoop earrings were the final touches. She gave herself one quick glance in the full length mirror on the wall, fluffed her hair, lifted her breasts high in
the bra and she realized that’s as good as it would get without a complete overhaul.

  Placing Maverick’s jacket over the back of the chair, she noticed the wrinkles in the material. Well, that’s what happens when you sleep in a man’s coat, silly.

  He’d think she’d rolled around on the floor all evening. She attempted to pat the wrinkles away, but it was no use because the sound of booted feet on the stairs outside, followed by the quick rap, told her that her company had arrived. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly, pulled down the hem of her tank and finally opened the door. Her invisible tail wagged. He looked better than ever.

  Telling her heart to jump back into her chest, she dipped her gaze over virile sex appeal in a white button down shirt, dark jeans that looked new, and polished black boots. And of course, the black hat was planted on his head emphasizing those sultry green eyes. Her inner thighs throbbed and goosebumps splattered her skin. She couldn’t remember Travis ever evoking this same physical reaction in her.


  She should stop staring, but she wasn’t going to—at least not yet. She was a kid in a candy store and there wasn’t a damn thing wrong with looking and fantasizing. When he dropped his gaze over her breasts and her hips, she almost fainted. The man had a magical stare. She’d heard women say that they’d fallen in love with their man from the get-go, but this wasn’t love. This was pure wanton lust. Her fingers itched to rip those fancy clothes off his rippled flesh and lick the bejesus right out of him. Her gaze automatically fell to the significant bulge behind his zipper. Mm-hmm. He was as turned on as she was.


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