Kissed, Spurred, & Valentined (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 4)

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Kissed, Spurred, & Valentined (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 4) Page 6

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  She could invite him into her abode, but the only place she’d end up was in Trouble’s pants.

  That wasn’t her style. Did she even have a particular style? Besides her career, she was as plain and boring as day old dishwater. Realizing that did not help her dusty ego, she reminded herself to stay positive.

  “You look amazing,” he said in a throaty quality that sent tremors scooting down her spine.

  “Must be the fresh air,” she said.

  He slipped his gaze over her once more. “I hope you have a coat to go with the look.” He winked.

  “Oh, yes, I do. And I have something for you.” Her cheeks burned.

  “That sounds…interesting.” There was that particular sound to his voice that made her panties wet.

  Grabbing his coat and hers from the chair, she handed his over hoping she hadn’t drooled on the collar. That’d she’d never get over.

  “Ah, yes. Exactly what I need in zero degree weather.” He took the coat, slipped it on and she was a little disappointed. She quite enjoyed looking at his broad shoulders and slim waist.

  She hurried to slip into her own coat, grabbed the key from the counter, and was ready to go…anywhere he wanted to take her. She knew this wasn’t a date, but it had been so long since she had been on one, she kind of liked the feeling. Travis hadn’t taken her to dinner in a long time. None of her past boyfriends were anywhere near as masculine as Maverick. He was one-hundred-percent man.

  “Shall we?” He motioned for her to step out onto the landing.

  It was cold, but she didn’t notice much. Maverick was so large that he blocked the wind from reaching her. Pulling the door closed, she made sure it was locked, not knowing if she needed to bother here like she did in the city. “Alright, let’s go.” She smiled. Tonight, she wouldn’t let the past creep in. She’d have fun. Laugh a little. Have titillating conversation. And wherever it ended up, as long as it wasn’t in bed, she was ready to see.

  He helped her into the passenger side of his truck and she was grateful that he’d left it running so it was nice and warm. The snow was still falling and her hair was wet. Reaching for the seatbelt, he beat her to it. He leaned over her, his chest brushing hers as he clicked the metal into place. “I-I could do that,” she whimpered as she inhaled his soap scented smell.

  “I like to be helpful, ma’am.”

  The buckle was in place, but he wasn’t moving, not that she minded. She could easily have lost herself in his pensive eyes and the way he smiled—not fully, but enough to tease her. Time stood still, lips close, but neither made a move. Then he shifted and backed away, closing her door with a soft thud.

  She had to wonder if his job was to seduce her. No, this wasn’t seduction. Was it? He only was being helpful. That was all.

  “I’d ask you where you want to go, but we only have one place to choose from,” he said once he was in the driver’s seat. “The kitchen has a large variety when we’re at full capacity, but with the weather and guests cancelations, the menu might be limited. Deke makes mean barbecue ribs and steak.”

  She laughed. “I’m a girl who likes to eat and I’m not ashamed to admit it, but I think if I ate the ribs and smothered my face in sauce, you might lose respect in me.”

  “You don’t know me that well. You’ll only make me look better when I’m wolfing down a sixteen ounce steak.” He backed out and turned on the wipers to swipe the layer of snow from the windshield. “I’d take you a tour of the ranch, but what you see now is what you get. Nothin’ but white.”

  She thought she’d be nervous, but instead, she relaxed and was comfortable. “Your boss, Chase Sever, has a gem here. From what I hear business is booming.”

  “Great place to be. Maybe tomorrow I can take you out and let you see the scenery.”

  “I’d like that. I’d love to take some shots of the property. Are you volunteering to be my tour guide?”

  “That’s my job. I’m at your beck and call.”

  Jax wasn’t sure how to take that revelation. He was at her “beck and call.” Should she be slap happy that the masculine cowboy was here for her, with a few boundaries she guessed, none of where her naughty mind wanted to meander. Or should she be disappointed that he was “doing his job.” Deep down, it didn’t matter what the motivation was for his gentlemanly behavior. This was her honeymoon, minus the husband, and she had every intention of enjoying herself. Having a companion like Maverick show her around, treat her to dinner and possibly interesting conversation, she wouldn’t complain.

  The dining hall was empty when they walked in.

  “It’s only us?” she asked.

  “Looks like it.” He led her to a table next to a large window. Unfortunately, it was dark outside and she couldn’t see anything but imagined she was missing a spectacular view. He pulled out her chair and she took a seat. “I’ll be right back,” he said.

  He disappeared through a door that she guessed it entered into the kitchen and she took the time to admire her surroundings. The planked walls were polished to a high sheen, much like the tops of the tables. Nice framed art hung on the walls and candles were lit on each table, giving the room a romantic feel.

  “Deke asked if you were up for his specialty?” Maverick had his head stuck around the door.

  Jax liked surprises. “Sure, why not?” She would eat just about anything and, if worse came to worse, she’d eat bread. She’d read in the Nirvana brochure that the cook prepared gourmet meals with a rustic twist and she was looking forward to a good dinner.

  “What would you like to drink? Cola, water, sweet tea? Or are you more of a wine or beer lady?”

  “I’ll take wine. Thank you.”

  He came back with a glass of wine and dark beer for himself. “Here you are, my lady. I don’t drink wine myself, but Deke says it’ll compliment the meal he’s preparing.”

  She took a sip and savored the perfect balance of sweetness and acidity. “Yum.”

  “Glad you like it.” His eyes twinkled. “Can’t say, though, that it’s better than mine.” He brought the bottle to his lips and took a long drink. She liked how his mouth moved around the lips of the bottle, similar to how he might kiss.

  “Wow. An expensive Vienna lager. I’m impressed.”

  One thick brow came up. “You know your beer?”

  “One of the rewards of traveling the world. A true explorer never misses an opportunity to sample the local cuisine or alcohol.”

  He whistled through his teeth. “Now I’m impressed.”

  “I’ve never tasted that particular brand. The chef must be preparing Mexican food.”

  “Taste it. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on the opportunity here at Nirvana.” He pushed the bottle across the table.

  She hesitated, only because thinking of placing her lips right where his had just been made her inner thighs quiver. Bringing the bottle in for a sip, she savored the unique sweet malty flavor. “That’s good.” She handed it back to him and he drank, more shivers erupted down her backbone.

  Now could she sample the local cowboy?

  She gave her head a mental shake.

  “Why, Jax?” he asked.


  “Why come all this way alone?”

  She smoothed her fingers along the rim of her glass, not sure how in depth she wanted to get in a conversation about her ex. Maverick made her feel comfortable and she’d be willing to confess her soul if it meant she could stare at him a little longer. “What can I say, I looked forward to this trip, more than the wedding unfortunately.”

  He narrowed his gaze. “You’re one lucky lady. This might be a little presumptuous, but divorce would have been in your future.”

  “True. I know in my heart that ending the relationship was the best for the both of us.”

  “Can’t say I disagree. After all, if you were still engaged, it’d be him you were sitting with and not me.” His slow, easy grin sent goosebumps splattering across her flesh. The man had a magical
wand hidden somewhere and with each tap he took physical control over her. They were flirting, definitely. And the chemistry between them couldn’t be ignored. This dangerous path wasn’t in her plans, but she wanted to continue on to see where the connection landed her. In his bed possibly?

  Once they started eating, a new mixture of sensations came into play. Just as she’d suspected, the chef had made them chicken enchiladas piled high with melted white cheese, sour cream, and a generous sprinkling of chopped green onions. She’d been to amazing restaurants, eaten at some of the most romantic and pleasurable places one could imagine, but here in Wyoming, she was having the most erotic meal she’d ever experienced. Maverick took a bite and she watched how his mouth moved, the chords of muscles in his neck playing under his olive skin. He picked up the beer, closed his mouth around the tip, drinking and swallowing. Every movement was sensual and sparked more feeling in her core.

  He smiled. Could he see straight into her turmoil?

  “Do you like the food?” he asked.

  “Love the food.” At least the art of watching him eat.

  “You appear a little flushed. It’s not too hot is it?”

  It’s hotter than hell. She felt as if she were falling through the sky without a parachute. She was exhilarated at flying, yet scared to death where she would land. Why land when this felt so good? She could stay here forever, lingering in his mesmerizing gaze. To ease some of the strain, she cut a piece of enchilada and popped it into her mouth. “Mmm.”

  His gaze dropped to her lips. She had to drain her wine just so she could manage to swallow.

  “More wine, Jax?”

  “I better stick with water.” The attraction for Maverick was dangerous. A tipsy attraction for him was pure dynamite. No matter what tomorrow would bring, she’d have to come out alive. She had a week here at Nirvana. That wasn’t a lot of time, but just enough to slip up and give her heart away.

  How would that be possible? Her long term relationship with Travis just ended—less than forty-eight hours. What she was feeling must be a dejected ego needing a quick salve. Yet she’d never felt anything close to what she was feeling now for a man she only met hours ago.

  There was a resolution.

  She wanted to spend time with Maverick, have him show her around tomorrow, but she needed to stay focused on what exactly was happening here. She had never been a fling type of person, but if she were wanting to have some fun and forget the past, who better to open all doors to than a hot sexy cowboy who’d she’d walk away from in seven days? No commitment. No unnecessary promises. Just plain and simple fun.

  Looking across the table, they made eye contact. “I’m here for a week and I don’t want to think about Travis or the wedding that didn’t happen. I want you to know that I’m enjoying my time here, with you.”

  He smiled and her toes curled in the boots. “Cheers.” He held up his bottle. She lifted her water glass and they clanked them together.

  “We both know what brought me to Nirvana, but I’m curious. Have you always dreamed of being a hand at a getaway?” She wanted to more about him.

  He blinked and his eyes lost the twinkling. She could literally see the shades being drawn. “My dreams are pretty simple. Tell me more about your career.”

  “Are you going to continue to do that? Every time I ask a question you’re going to give a brief answer, then put me on the hot seat?”

  “Yeah, pretty much.”

  She had to appreciate his honesty. “I have a feeling, before long, you’ll be opening up to me.”

  He laughed a rich, husky sound. “Don’t get your hopes up too high.”

  “There’s not much more to say about my career. I learned early on that if I let the lens lead me instead of the other way around, I’d always have the shot that is best.”

  “Did the camera lead you earlier today when you got out of your vehicle in a snowstorm and decided to hang dangerously over the side of the icy railing to grab the best shot? You do that often?”

  “You say it with such negativity. I’ve been in worse spots, trust me. I’m always level headed and careful, even if it doesn’t appear so at times.”

  “Is that a fact?”

  “Well, to be perfectly honest, I’m finding that a woman can’t always be in control.” She looked at him through her lashes. Would he understand her meaning?

  “When are you willing to give up the reins?” The sparkle was back in his eye.

  She leaned in, leaning her elbows on the table. “I gladly give over the reins when I know I can explore something as ravishing as…,” she paused, “Food, scenery, sex.”

  He blew out a long breath. “I bet you’ve never declined a challenge.”

  “Are you a challenge, Maverick?”

  His eyes held hers. “Depends on what your definition of a challenge is, sweetheart.”

  She licked her lips. “For now, the test is finding out more about you.”

  “But I so much prefer hearing about you.” He wagged his brows.

  “I don’t have anything hidden, but you, now there’s a story to tell.” She clasped her hands together to keep from touching him.

  “What makes you so sure?”

  “I have honed skills. You have scars. And why are you hiding behind that beard?”

  He eased back into the chair and stretched his legs, tugging at the crisp facial hairs “Can’t a man just like a beard?”

  “Oh, there are advantages to beard burn, but my curiosity is at a high. What do you look like without the hair?”

  “Scary,” he said with a grin.


  “Ah, you think I’m sexy.” His smile grew into a wicked grin.

  “Very much.” The teasing was exhilarating. “So what’s the story?”

  He shrugged. “And ruin a perfectly good meal? Let’s keep it light. Just as you said, let’s have fun.”

  She laughed. How did she not know her own words would come back to haunt her. “Okay, fair is fair.” She slumped her shoulders. “Will you talk about your work here at the ranch? Is it your duty to keep the womenfolk happy?”

  “Those are loaded words. Clarify.”

  “Do you take all female guests to dinner?” She needed to know what actions were duty and what were motivated from his own desire.

  “No.” His face sobered. “We have rules and personal boundaries.”

  “Oh, so you’re breaking a rule right now by having dinner with me?” She wasn’t sure why this excited her.

  “Not necessarily, at least not yet. There are certain rules against what I’d like to do.”

  Every cell on her body came alive. “Staff isn’t allowed to fraternize with the guests?” If this was the case, all of her fantasies might come to a sudden halt. She didn’t want him to lose his job.

  “If fraternize is another word for fucking, then you’ve hit the nail on the head.” His brows lifted and lowered.

  “But there’s a loophole for making love?” She liked where this was heading.

  He scrubbed his jaw. “We’ve had a few hands who found true love, right here on cupid’s playground. They’re no longer here, but they’re happy and in love.”

  “Are you looking for love?” The thought twisted in her chest.

  “You’ll work any question in, trying to get me to talk about myself, won’t you?” He laughed.

  “Sure. Are you still up for taking me around Nirvana tomorrow?”

  “I’ll look forward to it.” She loved the way his eyes wrinkled at the corners when he was happy.

  “I’m glad I didn’t annoy you with all my questions.”

  “Won’t happen. Trust me.”

  Once they were finished eating, he stood up and waited for her to stand, and together they walked to his truck. The evening was cold, but his hand on the small of her back kept her warm. This time he didn’t help her with her seatbelt.

  When they pulled up to her treehouse, he walked her up to the door and kept two feet of distance betwe
en them at all times. “I’d better call it a night from here.”

  “I guess that’s for the best,” she said. Hell no it isn’t. I don’t want the night to end.

  He leaned in close and she got a whiff of beer and soap. Her heart pounded in anticipation, hoping he’d kiss her so she’d no longer have to imagine what his lips would feel like against hers. Instead, he took her hand into his, the calluses on his fingers ignited flames on her skin. Holding her gaze in the green embrace, he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of her knuckles. Butterflies fluttered inside of her stomach and a stronger, treacherous sensation pricked at her nether lips. This was a feeling that only one thing could satisfy, and it wouldn’t come from her fingers or the vibrator she’d brought with her.

  She stepped against him, brazenly. “Thank you for a lovely evening,” she whispered. Before she rethought her actions, she slipped her arms around his neck and held him close. He hesitated and she didn’t think he’d return the gesture until his strong, powerful arms slipped around her waist, his large hands pressing her back. She pushed her length against him, feeling the iron-hard muscles and the bulge below his waist. Moisture flooded her panties. If he only knew how much she wanted him. She’d be willing to pull her jeans down, here and now, bend over the snow covered icy rail just to have release.

  But she couldn’t allow her desire to overcome logic.

  She was a strong independent woman, but a sliver of tradition remained in her blood. When a man said good night, she let him go at all costs.

  Slipping out of his arms, she smiled. “Thank you for the hug.”

  Although they hadn’t kissed, and touched only for the briefest of moments, Jax felt as if she’d been licked from root to toe. Her heart beat fast and heavy against her ribs. The twinkle in his eye told her he didn’t want to walk away, but he had chains that bound him. She had a feeling he had more internal scars than she first suspected.

  “See you in the morning. Sleep well.” His voice was thick with desire.

  “You too.”

  She unlocked the door and slipped inside. When she saw the reflection of the lights of the truck shine through the window feathering across the walls, it was then that she peeked out of the sheer curtain and watched him drive away until the back lights faded in the snowy night. She dropped the curtain and inhaled slowly, touching the part of her neck where her erratic pulse beat heavily. She’d never been so close to acting impulsively in her life. She would have given herself so easily to him.


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