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The Antelope in the Living Room: The Real Story of Two People Sharing One Life

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by Shankle, Melanie

  I loved The Cantaloupe in the Living Womb.


  Melanie Shankle has definitely done something jolly with this book.


  I feel that I have been misrepresented as the villain of this book. You’ll be hearing from my attorneys.


  I haven’t worn that rust-colored velour jogging suit in at least ten years.

  CHARLES MARINO, father of Melanie Shankle

  Why did you send me this book, and how did you get my address?

  JEN HATMAKER, author of 7

  I don’t read many books, but when I do . . . I read Melanie Shankle.


  This book is the big one, Elizabeth.

  FRED SANFORD, owner of Sanford and Son

  Clear eyes, full hearts; with this book you can’t lose.

  COACH TAYLOR, former coach of the Dillon Panthers

  This book is good, but I still don’t understand the problem with having an antelope hanging in your living room.

  PERRY SHANKLE, husband of Melanie Shankle

  Melanie wrote a book?


  I wish I had Melanie’s imagination and storytelling abilities!


  Melanie Shankle’s delightful book exceeded my great expectations.


  I only wish Melanie had been around to write some of the New Testament.


  This book is the funniest book you will ever read. It will absolutely change your life for the better. Why are you waiting? Buy it right now.

  GULLEY, best friend of Melanie Shankle

  Quit bugging me about helping you come up with fake funny endorsements.

  SOPHIE HUDSON, author of A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet

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  The Antelope in the Living Room: The Real Story of Two People Sharing One Life

  Copyright © 2014 by Melanie Shankle. All rights reserved.

  Interior pattern copyright © AnastasiaSonne/Shutterstock. All rights reserved.

  Cover and interior illustration of engagement ring © kristina-s/iStockphoto. All rights reserved.

  Cover and interior illustration of wedding rings © mstay/iStockphoto. All rights reserved.

  Illustration of antelope by Ruth Berg, copyright © Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

  Designed by Ron Kaufmann

  Edited by Stephanie Rische

  Published in association with William K. Jensen Literary Agency, 119 Bampton Court, Eugene, Oregon 97404.

  All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version,® NIV.® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

  Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Shankle, Melanie.

  The antelope in the living room : the real story of two people sharing one life / Melanie Shankle.

  pages cm

  ISBN 978-1-4143-8554-9 (sc)

  1. Marriage. 2. Love. 3. Families. I. Title.

  HQ503.S43 2014

  306.81 —dc23 2013030341

  ISBN 978-1-4143-9058-1 (ePub); ISBN 978-1-4143-8555-6 (Kindle); ISBN 978-1-4143-9059-8 (Apple)

  Build: 2014-01-14 11:32:50


  As Eula Goodnight says to Rooster Cogburn,

  “Livin’ with you has been an adventure any woman

  would relish for the rest o’ time. . . .

  I have to say you’re a credit to the whole

  male sex, and I’m proud to have ya for my friend.”

  Thanks for the best adventure a girl could have.

  I’m so glad God gave me you. I love you

  more than I can say.


  The Importance of Being Antelope: A Prologue

  Introduction: Erring on the Side of Love

  Chapter 1: Warm Heart, Cold Salad Bowl

  Chapter 2: The Art of Kissing Frogs

  Chapter 3: White Lace and Promises and Cake

  Chapter 4: The Day After

  Chapter 5: Young Love and Old Love and a Rat

  Chapter 6: The Great House Search

  Chapter 7: We Make Dave Ramsey Sad

  Chapter 8: Home Improvement

  Chapter 9: In Sickness and in Health

  Chapter 10: Nilla Wafers Aren’t a Food Group

  Chapter 11: That Time I Almost Went on Judge Judy

  Chapter 12: Root, Root, Root for the Home Team

  Chapter 13: The Couple That Shops Together Has My Sympathies

  Chapter 14: And Baby Makes Three

  Chapter 15: I Would Do Anything for Love, but I Won’t Shoot That

  Chapter 16: Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough or the Feds Show Up

  Chapter 17: The Twisted Gift of the Magi

  Chapter 18: Frigidaire Will Be So Envious

  Chapter 19: Because Innuendo Is the Sincerest Form of Flattery

  Chapter 20: In-Laws and Outlaws

  Chapter 21: Skeletons and Grace

  Chapter 22: Deck the Halls

  Chapter 23: The Antelope in the Living Room

  Chapter 24: Coming Home


  About the Author

  The Importance of Being Antelope: A Prologue

  WHEN I WAS WRITING MY FIRST BOOK, Sparkly Green Earrings, I realized there were so many more stories about our family that I wanted to tell. However, most of those seemed to involve my relationship with my husband, Perry. So I began to think up an outline for a second book with an eloquent title along the lines of Dadgum, Y’all, Marriage Can Be Hard.

  (I also considered Big Louis Vuitton Purse with Matching Wallet based on the number of pairs of sparkly green earrings I received after my first book was published.)

  Ultimately, according to vast market research in the form of two people I asked, neither of those seemed to be the catchiest title, so The Antelope in the Living Room was born. I’ve done my best to tell real stories of two people sharing one life, including the things we sometimes try to ignore. The veritable antelopes in the living room of life.

  A few months after I turned in the final manuscript for this book, my publisher began to send me various cover options. I’d sent them a drawing I really liked to give them an idea of what I had in mind, and when I saw the first few cover options, I was really excited to see they had incorporated exactly what I had envisioned.

  Until I showed them to Perry.

  He looked them over and said, “Well, it looks good, but that’s not an antelope.”

  “What do you mean it’s not an antelope? Look at those antlers!”

  He sighed deeply. “Yes, that’s the problem. Antelopes don’t have antlers. They have horns.”

  “Oh. Okay. But I like the antlers! I think they make it look so pretty!”

  “Pretty enough to make your entire book a fraud?”

Seriously. This is my life. Who’s going to read this book? Jim Fowler?

  I replied, “No, of course I don’t want the entire book to be discredited by a fraudulent depiction of an antelope for the two readers who will know the difference. I certainly don’t want anyone to feel bamboozled.”

  (I didn’t really say bamboozled, but I wish I had. It’s a great word.)

  He suggested, “Why don’t you just send them a picture of the actual nilgai antelope hanging in our living room and let them use that?”

  “For the same reason I’m sad it’s hanging in our living room. It’s ugly. I need my book cover to be pretty.”

  That’s how we ended up spending the next several hours on Google looking at pictures of various antelopes. Ultimately I decided I could forsake my beloved deer image for a kudu, because in my opinion they have the prettiest horns of all the antelopes.

  I e-mailed Tyndale and said, “Um. Apparently I requested a deer for the cover of my book instead of an antelope. According to Perry, this bit of carelessness will create a scandal the likes of which the publishing industry has never seen. Can we please exchange these duplicitous antlers for a kudu? You will find a picture attached.”

  (Moments like these I feel certain that their job is so much easier when they’re helping Tony Dungy with a book. I bet he has never once brought up the difference between a deer and an antelope and required their cover artists to deal with this type of wildlife minutiae.)

  But the whole thing is a beautiful illustration of our marriage. Perry pays attention to detail. He likes things to be correct. He will measure something down to one-eighth of one-eighth of an inch. Meanwhile, my life philosophy is basically “Eh, close enough” as I nail holes in the wall, all devil-may-care. He believes in rolling the tube of toothpaste from the bottom up to get every last drop of Colgate, like he’s some kind of fluoride addict, while I like to squeeze right from the middle of the tube.

  And while I believe it is civilized to leave the toilet seat down as a courtesy to other family members, Perry seems to take some sort of sadistic pleasure in leaving it up, thereby creating a potential middle-of-the-night obstacle course that causes me to go scrambling in search of a towel.

  Antelope? Deer? Tomato? To-mah-to?

  Yet God led us to each other, with all our differing opinions and systems for hanging clothes in our closet and our feelings about salting the tortilla chips and his love of the outdoors and my love of air-conditioning and sheets with a high thread count. We made a promise before God, our families, and our dearest friends to work through all these differences, right before eating pork tenderloin medallions on small rolls and some sort of thing called Brie en croute, otherwise known as fancy cheese with crackers.

  And somehow we make a good team in spite of it all. Maybe we’re actually a great team because of all our differences. We each balance out the other’s extremes even though we don’t always agree.

  Particularly on what constitutes a pretty book cover.

  Introduction: Erring on the Side of Love

  DR. SEUSS ONCE SAID, “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” And that’s nice and all. But then you get married and reality isn’t always that great because maybe somebody snores or is kind of weird about “staying within our household budget,” and your dreams start to look pretty good by comparison. Because marriage can be the biggest blessing and the most significant challenge two people ever take on. It’s the joy of knowing there is someone to share in your sorrows and triumphs and the challenge of living with someone who thinks it’s a good idea to hang a giant antelope on your living room wall.

  The days are filled with laughter and compromise. And then there are days filled with silence and anger. But at the end of it all, you’re two people God has joined to journey through life together. For better or for worse. In hunting season and in health.

  A few weeks ago, I spent most of the day at my best friend Gulley’s house. It was one of those rare, gorgeous Saturdays in Texas when the weather is absolutely perfect. We’d spent our time catching up on life while the kids ran around the yard and did their best to see if there was a way one of them could end up in the ER before nightfall. It’s like their hobby to see which of them can make us yell first, “WHY DID YOU DO THAT? YOU’RE GOING TO KILL YOURSELF!”

  As day turned to evening, Gulley invited us to stay for dinner. So I called Perry to let him know that was the plan, and he said he’d meet us at Gulley’s in the next hour or so to help with the grilling of the meat. Because nothing really brings men together like building a fire and cooking on it. I’m pretty sure that’s in the book of Proverbs.

  And since it was after five o’clock by that point, and since nothing wears you out quite like watching your children try to push each other off a trampoline, Gulley and I sat out on the swing in her backyard and began to reflect on life in that way you do with your best friend.

  The past week had been full of various political rants in the news, and seeing as we’d already covered our latest thoughts on The Bachelor and how we felt about colored skinny jeans, our conversation turned to these controversial topics. I was feeling pretty good about life and began a whole discourse on how all we need is love. Just like the Beatles told us in 1967.

  I said I felt like maybe I’d been too harsh in the past. Too black and white. Too quick to judge someone before thinking about how they might feel or what they’ve been through. I’m sure by this time I was waving my hands wildly in that way I do when I feel strongly about something, and I concluded this whole diatribe by saying, “I want my next forty years to be about love. If I err, then let me err on the side of love. May it be said of me that I always erred on the side of love.”

  Gulley nodded and we toasted to erring on the side of love, feeling pretty good about ourselves and our new magnanimous take on life. Then I looked up and saw that Perry had arrived. So we made our way back into the house to figure out what we needed to do to get dinner started.

  I kissed him on the cheek as I walked into the living room, and he asked, “What were y’all talking about out there on the swing?” Feeling good about my new resolution, I replied, “I was telling Gulley that I’ve decided maybe I’ve been too hard on people in the past. From now on, I’m going to err on the side of love.”

  (Please picture me saying that like I’m Gandhi. I felt like I’d never been more profound.)

  Perry looked right at me and without missing a beat said, “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  Well, I bet no one ever talked like that to Gandhi.

  But that’s marriage. You are two very different people who aren’t going to agree on everything. There are times you might feel like the person you married is dead inside because they want to quote the apostle Paul after you’ve just declared that you want to err on the side of love. And sometimes those moments will lead to a fight in the middle of your best friend’s living room that causes her and her husband to find an excuse to leave the room.

  Hypothetically speaking.

  Marriage is a constant push and pull of thoughts and ideas and values and arguing over whether $100 is too much to pay for a pair of jeans. (It’s not.) But it’s also the most literal example of how iron sharpens iron.

  When I look back on the sixteen years Perry and I have been married, I can see the places where we’ve made each other better. There are parts of us etched into each other like the rings in the trunk of a tree. We’ve grown, we’ve changed, we’ve been forever marked. And ultimately, we are so much better together than either of us would be on our own.

  Sometimes we err on the side of love, and sometimes we think that’s a dumb idea. But we are in this thing together for the rest of our lives —not just for better or for worse, but for better AND worse. No one else drives me crazier, makes me laugh louder, or causes me to fall in love all over again when I least expect it.

  And that’s what this book is about. The times t
hat brought us together and the times we were falling apart. The days that we wouldn’t trade for anything in the world, and the days that he hung an antelope on my wall.

  Welcome to the story of a real marriage. Dead animals and all.


  Warm Heart, Cold Salad Bowl

  EVERY YEAR on our wedding anniversary, smack-dab in the middle of the hottest month of the year, I know with all certainty that I was out-of-my-mind in love with Perry to marry him at noon in August. In Texas. And not just anywhere in Texas, but in South Texas, where the devil has been known to remark, “Man, it is really hot. Can someone find me a double-wide with a window unit and an extension cord so I can plug in my oscillating fan?”

  I’d always envisioned a December wedding complete with twinkle lights, poinsettias, and Christmas trees decorating the church sanctuary. My bridesmaids would be dressed in dark-green taffeta dresses with huge bows on the backs, because this was a late ’80s/early ’90s daydream, which meant they’d also have enormous hair and bushy eyebrows. In a perfect world, they’d have delicate wreaths of baby’s breath encircling some type of elaborate updo and green satin shoes dyed to match their dresses. For years I’d kept a picture torn from an issue of Bride magazine that featured a December bride with her hands tucked in a white fur muff with red roses cascading from it like a waterfall. Never mind the fact that in Texas it rarely gets cold enough for a pair of mittens; I wanted to look like Anna Karenina on my wedding day.

  However, when Perry finally proposed on April 24, 1997, after two (long) years of dating, I said, “YES!” before he could even get the words out of his mouth. A woman with a stash of contraband bridal magazines hidden underneath her couch is a woman quick to abandon the dream of a wedding with a winter-wonderland theme.

  Prior to our relationship, Perry hadn’t had many serious girlfriends because he believed his time was better spent hunting deer and making homemade ammunition. Contrary to popular belief, a deer blind with no indoor plumbing isn’t really the best place to meet a nice single girl —or even a trashy single girl, for that matter —and thus he went through his late teens and early twenties with a Ford truck and a .257 Roberts as his primary companions.


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