Book Read Free


Page 3

by Samantha Twinn

  River: I know all about that.

  Raven: You do?

  River: Life can be pretty shitty sometimes.

  Raven: Do you have family?

  River: I do. I got blessed some.

  Raven: That’s good. So did I. At least I’m here, if nothing else.

  River: You are.

  Raven: Do you ever wonder what your purpose is? Like, why you’re here. What you’re supposed to do.

  River: All the time.

  Raven: You have a purpose, don’t you?

  River: I’ve given myself one. But I don’t think it's what I’m supposed to be doing.

  Raven: How do you know?

  River: It seems too basic.

  Raven: But you make a difference, don’t you?

  River: For a few minutes, maybe.

  Raven: Sometimes that’s all a person needs.



  I’m on my bike, speeding out of the city with the little pixie holding on to my waist. She looks smoking hot in my leather jacket and those thigh high boots. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, but for the first time in a long time, I don’t give a fuck.

  I rev the bike, enjoying the surge of power between my legs and loving the way it makes Tinker Bell clutch me tighter.

  Flint is out tonight. I was supposed to be with him, but when Raven told me to meet her, I changed my plans. At least I know the house will be empty. No one to see me bringing this girl home, or question why the hell I changed my mind about rule number one.

  I pull into the driveway and switch off the bike. Tink dismounts like a pro and again I wonder what her story is. She looks up at the house, taking in the wide driveway and the ornamental frontage. I can see when she looks back at me that she wasn’t expecting me to live somewhere this nice. Now that we’re here, I feel even less sure about what’s gonna happen next. My heart kicks up again as I watch her shift from foot to foot as though she’s nervous. My head pounds again, the headache that was nagging earlier is now back to torment me.

  I run my fingers through my hair, rubbing at my temple. Tink steps forward and puts her cool hand over the place I rubbed, stroking my mess of dark curls in a way that’s so soothing, I want to close my eyes and just be.

  “Come on,” she says, slipping her hand in mine. That’s all the instruction I need.

  I tug her towards the front door, open it, and pull her into the hallway. It’s a pretty spectacular entryway but she doesn’t seem to notice. As soon as she shuts the door behind her, she’s focused, slipping my leather jacket from her shoulders and letting it fall onto the black and white tiled floor. She unzips one boot, and then the other, drawing them down her legs and stepping out of them. Without the heels, she’s tiny. When she steps close to me, the top of her head is only up to my chin and she presses a soft kiss over my heart.

  “Why are you here?” I ask her. Her aquamarine eyes flick up to mine, and for a moment I think I see something familiar about her, but in a blink it’s gone.

  “For you,” she says quietly. “For whatever’s going to happen next.”

  Again she cups my cheek, staring into my eyes like she wants to seek out my soul. There are so many things that I don’t want her to see. So many things that I don’t want her to know. I have so little to give.

  “Take me to your bedroom,” she says. “For a few hours we can be lovers, and in the morning I’ll be gone.”

  “Why?” I say, beginning to walk forward so she has to walk backward. With her hand in the middle of my chest I back her towards the stairs.

  “Because you have the saddest brown eyes I've ever seen.” Like a pussy I feel my throat burn with emotion. This girl is something else. In just over an hour she’s picked up the corner of my resolve and peered underneath.

  “That’s not a good enough reason,” I say, and needing things to be lighter, I pick her up like a bride. I shift her over my shoulder, and she laughs as I start to carry her up the stairs, caveman style.

  “Okay, how about because it’s a blue moon.”

  “No, it isn’t.”

  “Oh yes it is,” she says. “And they say things happen ‘only once in a blue moon’.”

  “If I’m getting you for the night, I’m telling you now that I’m gonna have you more than once.”

  “Promises, promises.” She grins, her wide blue eyes and fluffy blonde hair making her look almost ethereal in the low light.

  “I keep my promises,” I say gruffly, reaching to push open the door to my bedroom. At least, the ones I make to other people. I’m less reliable when it comes to the commitments I make to myself.

  I don’t turn on the light, just carry her straight to my bed and lay her down gently. She raises her hands above her head, stretching out like a cat in the sunshine, with a big smile on her face that warms my heart.

  “Get on down here, big boy,” she says, patting the bed next to her. “Let me make you feel good.”

  I don’t need any encouragement. I tug my t-shirt over my head and throw it over the chair in the corner of the room. Her eyes scan my torso hungrily. She raises her knees, letting her legs fall open slightly, and I remember that she’s not wearing any panties.

  “Show me,” I say, taking a hold of one of her knees. She pulls up her dress and drops her legs wide, giving me the perfect view of her pretty pink pussy. Her little hole looks so tiny that I can’t believe I got all my fingers up inside her. I know my cock is gonna need to stretch her wide before he gets even halfway in.

  “What are you going to do to me?” she asks, pushing a finger into her mouth and then slipping it over her clit. She’s so fucking sexy my cock throbs desperately against the confines of my jeans.

  “I wanna smash you up, baby,” I say, shaking my head, and she grins again.

  “I’m sure you will.” She looks pointedly at my pants. “You gonna show me what you got in there?”

  “Maybe.” My mind fills with wild ideas. This girl who looks like an angel but plays like the devil has woken the beast inside me; the beast who has been caged for way too long. “Get in the middle of the bed,” I order, heading to my closet and pulling out two ties. When I return, she’s done as I asked, and taken off her dress too. She's left in just a black satin bra and a smile.

  I sit on the edge of the bed to take off my boots and my socks and while I’m fumbling with the laces, she moves behind me, wrapping her arms around my chest.

  “You’re so warm,” she says, snuggling close to my back with her face resting against my skin. Her lips press against me and half of me is desperate to let her pet me like I’m her fucking boyfriend and she loves me. The other half, the bitter half, rages. This is exactly the reason I made my rule. Women pretend they’re down for the sex, then they go getting ideas that they can fix all your brokenness, sand away your rough edges and make you into their dream man. The reality is that nothing changes people. We’re born and we die, and pretty much the only person who can change us is ourselves, and I don’t have time for that. I just don’t have time.

  “What are you doing?” I ask her, trying to keep my voice even.

  “I think it’s called hugging. It might be a new-fangled thing…maybe that’s why you’re unfamiliar with it.”

  I feel her smile against me and I imagine the way her eyes would be sparkling with amusement at her own sassiness. For all my gruffness and rage, even I can appreciate how cute she is. And I mean that in the best way. Not the patronizing asshole way.

  “Very funny, pixie.”

  “Who are you calling pixie?” She thumps me on the shoulder and I whip around to see her face scrunched up in mock indignation.

  She starts backing away from me as though she’s pissed, but I can see it’s all a big tease. Despite all her bravado, little Tink likes to be chased. I’m still wearing my jeans but I get on my hands and knees and stalk her across my huge bed. Her eyes go wide as she scrabbles backwards faster. She’s not fast enough.

  When I grab hold of her ankle she do
esn’t fight me like I’m expecting. She goes totally still, watching, waiting while I pant, looking my fill of her sexy curves and strong legs, practically salivating to get up inside her.

  “I don’t know who the fuck you are, little Tinker Bell. But you better know this. While you’re in my bed, I make the rules. All you gotta know how to do is say ‘yes’, ‘more’, ‘please, baby’ and I’ll give you anything you want.”

  She’s propped up on her elbows, staring me dead in the eye, still trying to work me out. “All you gotta know is you can touch me anywhere and look at me anywhere except you don’t get to take off my bra and you don’t get to touch my tits.”

  There’s no smile on her face. She’s not joking. I pause a moment, taking in what she said. I don’t think there’s a straight guy on the planet who doesn’t like looking at and touching titties. They don’t need to be big, just enough to palm, with nipples that get hard when they’re sucked. I look at her breasts and the bra that contains them, and wonder what’s behind her rule. She has a rule, too. Maybe we aren’t so different.

  “Okay,” I say, because what the fuck else is there to say? She doesn’t want me to see her breasts, I’m not gonna sit here and make a big deal about it. She nods, just once, and then smiles, as though she’s relieved she got that part over and done with. It makes me wonder what the other guys that she’s been with have said. Have they been as understanding as me?

  I tug her towards me, kneeling between her legs. My cock is so damn uncomfortable, pressing up against my belt, so I start to remove my last item of clothing. Little Tink said she wanted to see what I’ve got going on, so let her see.

  Her eyes are wide as I part the fly of my jeans and reach in for my cock. He’s about as hard as he gets and I stroke him while I watch her eyeing what I’ve got to give her.

  “Fuck,” she says.

  “That’s the idea.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth I immediately think of Raven and of a conversation we had in the chat room only a few hours earlier.


  When I think her name I get an empty feeling. She let me down by not turning up, but look at how I’m letting her down now. Stupid thoughts. She knows what I do, and this isn’t much of a step beyond fingering a stranger in a club.

  “That’s some cock you’ve got.” Tink’s words jolt me from my thoughts and back into the real world.

  “Ah huh.” My cock is pretty well in proportion with the rest of me and I’m used to the wide-eyed responses. At least, I used to be. “You think you can take me?”

  She looks doubtful and I laugh. I’ve never met a pussy I couldn’t get inside. It might take a bit of work and a whole lot of dedication to getting the girls I fuck nice and wet, but there’s no chore in that, is there?

  “Don’t you worry, baby,” I say, crawling towards her. “I’ll make you feel good, just like you need. And when you’re begging for my cock, I’ll feed him into your pussy nice and slow, like a hand into a glove.”

  She looks at me like she wants to laugh. “You got all the lines, don’t you?”

  “You like the dirty talk?” I kiss the corner of her mouth, her cheekbone, her temple and her neck, and she sighs in response. Pixie’ hair smells good, like summer-rain-drenched flowers.

  “I like listening to your voice. Whatever you gotta say.” She lies back on the comforter and pulls me on top of her. Resting over her, braced on my arms, I take a moment to look at her. She blinks, running her hands up my arms and threads her fingers into my hair. For a second, I get that weird feeling of familiarity again. It’s the way she touches me, I think. Or her eyes. I stare but I can’t figure it out, and the way she looks at me with a mix of fear and hunger has me too distracted to try.

  I lower myself until my whole body is pressed against hers. My cock rests against the soft hair on her pussy, my chest against the breasts I’m never going to get to see. I stroke her hair away from her forehead and kiss her mouth gently. I can feel her hands tremble against my back when I suck on her bottom lip and slip my tongue into her mouth. She clutches at my hair, angling my mouth so our kiss gets deeper, shifting her hips against mine as though she’s eager for more pressure.

  She’s so tiny in my arms, so I make sure not to crush her as I lay kisses along her throat and across her shoulders. The little sounds she makes are so sweet, so innocent almost. Not like some girls I’ve been with, who think they need to moan and groan like porn stars to keep a guy entertained. I do as she asked and bypass her chest, moving to press my mouth against her belly. Her skin smells of vanilla and she's so warm and smooth that I nuzzle against her, craving the closeness to a woman that I haven’t felt for so long. My hands itch to touch her all over, to palm her curves and stroke her until she's melting with arousal.

  "Baby," she whispers as I nuzzle downwards, breathing fast as I near her pussy. There is something so perfect about the soft hair and rounded mound between a woman's legs. Too many shave or wax themselves smooth and eradicate the womanliness that comes with it. I rub my face against her, breathing in the smell of her that makes my pulsing cock jerk between my legs. Scientists talk about pheromones. I don’t know much about science, but what I do know is that there is a purpose to the way a woman smells. Something that hits a man deep within his brain and switches his body and brain into overdrive.

  Little Tink spreads her legs for me, raising her hips in a demanding way that has me smiling against her hip bone.

  "You want me to lick you?"

  "Yeah," she says softly. "Give me that tongue."

  "Yes ma'am."

  Her lips are closed tight like a clam shell and I use one thumb to part her so I can get a good look. She's so pink and pretty, natural and lush. When my breath gusts over her glistening skin, she shivers. I push my thumb inside her just enough to make it wet and then rub over her clit in gentle circles that I know will make her come. Female orgasms just take patience and observation. I can see when what I'm doing is good because the muscles in her legs tighten and her hips roll. I know how long to wait until I push my fingers up inside her to get the best toe-curling reaction. I've made understanding the female anatomy a mission, because who the hell wants to be the dude who fucks himself into oblivion and leaves the woman he's with firmly on planet earth?

  When I can feel her getting wet, that's when I put my tongue on her. She's not expecting it because she isn't watching. I love the way she's totally relaxed with her arm thrown over her face in abandon. Her pussy is so hot, her clit so swollen. The taste of her almost blows my mind. Then she seizes up and comes so hard that my knuckles are painfully forced together. I’m taken back to Club Forbidden when I feel her juices leaking into my palm. This girl comes like a river and this time I do what I was craving; I pull my fingers from inside her and lick my palm clean. When I’ve finished, I look up and find her watching me. Her eyes are dazed and her lips parted. She looks like a sex-crazed angel. She blinks and I get a strange feeling of deja vu.

  “You okay?” I ask, stroking her calf up to her thigh. She nods, taking hold of my hand and pulling me towards her. When I get closer she rises to kiss me, gripping my face to hold me close. It’s a sweet and desperate kiss, filled with tension that makes me feel that she’s got things to say that she’s holding inside. Sometimes it’s easier to communicate with actions rather than words. I get that. It’s why I started with the chatroom hook-ups.

  My cock is throbbing, but I wait for her to show me she wants more. Her hands are greedy, moving from my face to grab at my biceps, my shoulders and then my ass. She wiggles beneath me, trying to get pressure in the right place. I feel her slickness against my cock and I get an urge to just push inside her. I know what that heat feels like when there’s no latex barrier. How slick she’ll be. I know I’m clean and whether she is or not makes no fucking difference to me. That might sound cavalier but it’s how I feel. I rock my hips until my cock falls lower and the head of it is pressed just inside her. I wait, feeling the entrance to her pussy squeeze in reflex
. I wait for her to tell me no, or ask me to get a condom, but she doesn’t.

  I nudge in a little further and she opens to take me. My fingers did the hard part, now my cock is having an easier journey. I look down at her blue-green eyes, as she stares up at me. She has one hand resting above her head in that way babies have when they sleep. I get a flashback of a baby that I haven’t thought about for a while and push it away. Remembering my past hurts my heart and I just won’t fucking go there.



  “You want this cock?” I want to make sure that she’s really with me and get myself back into the zone.

  She nods her head and I thrust harder. Her flesh gives around me and her legs go slack to accommodate my girth. It’s like slipping into the warm ocean on a hot summer's day. Perfect.

  I grind into her, feeling her wetness coating my balls, burning with the heat of her cunt.

  She feels so fucking good I can’t take it. My heart skitters, my abs clench. I rise up on my forearms and pounds into her until we’re shifting up the bed and she’s gripping onto me for dear life.

  “Oh, oh…” she gasps and the sound hits me in the root of my cock, drawing up my balls in readiness.

  I’m going to fill her up. I’m gonna come deep inside her then watch it all slip out when my cock softens and her pussy pulses.

  “That’s it,” she says as I push her legs high against her chest. She’s squeezing me tight now and I know she’s going to come soon. Just the thought of it makes me want to blow my load, but as I said, I’m man enough to wait my turn.

  “You gonna come for me, baby,” I say. She nods, squeezing her eyes tight shut and throwing her head back. “I’m gonna come inside you,” I tell her. “I’m gonna fill you up, girl. I’m gonna make you come so hard.”

  She squeals as I pound into her harder, grinding against her clit in a way that I know will get her off, and because I know women, I grip her chin and slip my thumb in her mouth.

  “Fucking take me,” I growl. “Take it.”


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