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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

Page 139

by Michele Bardsley

  By the time Kenna arrived home at almost six that night, she fell into bed and slept until ten the next morning.

  * * *

  Three days later, Kenna was in her bathroom, pulling her hair back in order to wash her face when Gillian appeared in the doorway. “Payton’s in labor.”

  “Now?” Kenna asked, splashing water on her face.

  “Aye. We have to get to Connall’s as soon as possible.”

  “Why’s she at Con’s place?” Kenna patted her skin dry with a towel.

  “There’s something going on, but Niall wouldn’t tell me over the phone.”

  “Niall’s with her? Why? Where’s Brodie?”

  Gillian rolled her eyes. “I don’t know, love, but we’ve got to go.”

  “Okay, keep yer knickers on,” Kenna retorted. “Just have to grab my purse.”

  Kenna rushed to her bedroom and then down the stairs and joined her sister who was standing at the front door, waving her on.

  “I haven’t been a doctor for more than three hundred years for Payton to have this bloody baby without us,” Gillian decreed.

  Kenna giggled. “Amen, sis.”

  Gillian threw her medical bag in the back of her sedan and Kenna jumped into the front seat, securing her seat belt while Gillian climbed into the driver’s seat.

  Connall’s flat wasn’t far from Gillian’s and she pulled into the driveway and turned off the car less than ten minutes later. Kenna was momentarily overwhelmed with feelings of love, but she shook it off, assuming the emotion was for her sister.

  “Ready?” Gillian asked, grabbing her bag from the back.

  “Aye. Let’s meet our new bairn.”


  GUNNAR BALDURSSON SLID his phone into his pocket. He was with his brother Kaspar and Kaspar’s mate, Jesska, at the home of Connall and Pepper Gunnach. They’d been dealing with conflicts between the Scottish Cauld Ane and Iceland Kalt Einn, and now that things were calm, he’d taken a moment to make a phone call in Connall’s office.

  As he walked towards the kitchen again, he was overcome with desire, love, and a need to protect. His mate. His hands shook as he ran them through his hair. He could feel her heartbeat, steady and strong, her pulse slightly elevated, and he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  Jesska watched him with a strange expression as he walked through the kitchen. “You okay?” she asked.

  “My mate is close.”


  He nodded and headed out of the room, Jesska following. He stopped. She was here. In front of him and, admittedly, he was a little taken aback by her beauty. She had a head full of glorious red curls, porcelain skin, and a smattering of freckles across her nose. Her gray eyes widened when she caught sight of him and her cheeks pinked as she gasped. She was with a dark-haired woman, but that was all Gunnar noticed as he stared at his mate.

  Grace MacMillan, Max’s mate, turned to Jesska and Gunnar. “Gunnar, Jess, this is Kenna and Gillian. Payton’s sisters.”

  Gunnar took hold of Kenna’s hand, her skin soft and the connection instant. Good lord, she was beautiful. He lifted her hand and kissed her palm gently, drawing in her scent... jasmine.

  She gave him a shy smile. “Hold that thought, love. I have to see to my sister, but then you and I can talk.”

  Gunnar stared at her and nodded, releasing her hand after he’d kissed her palm once more. He understood. Payton Gunnach was in labor upstairs with her first child and he knew she took precedence right now, but he couldn’t help but be disappointed that he couldn’t focus on Kenna immediately.

  He wished one of them was an empath. If so, they could communicate telepathically, but until they were bound, they’d have to speak the old-fashioned way.

  Since he knew she’d be a while, he texted his brothers and then took some time to ring the hotel he was currently staying at and make some plans. His bonding night was going to be one never to be forgotten.

  * * *

  A very healthy Killian James arrived with a feisty bellow, weighing in at eleven pounds eleven ounces and measuring twenty-four inches long.

  Kenna kissed her sister and brother-in-law and then took a minute to freshen up before heading downstairs. Gillian intercepted her and pulled her into one of the guest rooms. “Are you ready for this?”

  Kenna smiled. “Aye.”

  “Do you have any questions?”

  “No, love. I’m good. He’s my mate, he’ll guide me.”

  “What if he’s an arse?” Gillian asked.

  Kenna laughed. “I highly doubt he’s an arse.”

  “He’s a prince, Kenna. He probably has entitlement issues.”

  “I don’t get that vibe from him, Gillie. I’m sure he’s fine.”

  “Maybe. But Max is an arse. Grace had to deal with him, so are you prepared to deal with Gunnar if he’s an arse?”

  “Why do you keep saying ‘arse’?”

  “Because it’s a great word, but that’s not the point. I’m being serious right now, sis. Are you sure you’re ready?”

  “Aye. And I get it. Max was difficult—”

  “An arse,” Gillian corrected.

  “Difficult,” Kenna said, and then giggled. “However, with Grace, his sharp edges are rounded a bit. She softens him, so I’m confident that if Gunnar is also difficult, I’ll do the same with him. I love that you’re worried, Gillie, but I’m good.”

  Gillian hugged her. “I can’t wait to get to know him.”

  “Me neither, but you have to let me go so I can.”

  Gillian gave her one last squeeze and then released her. “Go, sweet sister. Get your bond on.”

  Kenna let out a sniggle. “Never say that again.”

  “No? I thought I might trademark it.”

  “Well, if you can, more power to you. Don’t wait up.” Kenna headed downstairs.

  Gunnar appeared before she got to the bottom step and she couldn’t get over how unbelievably gorgeous he was. He had dark blond hair and deep blue eyes that crinkled at the corners when he smiled. He was everything she’d dreamed of in her mate and then some.

  He wore tailored trousers and a matching jacket that appeared to have been made for him, along with a crisp, white shirt, open at the throat.

  “Hi,” he whispered.

  She smiled, feeling a blush forming on her cheeks. “Hi.”

  He reached out his hand and she took it, her heart racing as he lowered his mouth to hers. She fisted her free hand in his shirt to stay upright and sighed against his lips. “Wow.”

  “Já, elskan. Wow.” Gunnar smiled, squeezing her hand. “Are you ready now?”

  She studied him for several seconds. She knew, ultimately, what he was asking and could tell he was giving her time to think. Was she ready to be bound now? Without speaking to him further or getting to know him? She’d never really thought about it until she’d watched Max and Niall go through the process with their mates. Cauld Anes typically met and bonded right away, but she’d seen how the Fallen Crown boys had had to woo their human mates, and admittedly, she wanted a little bit of that as well.

  “I wish I could read your mind,” he lamented.

  “You’ll be able to soon enough.”

  “Which has you hesitating.”

  “Not hesitating, per se,” she whispered.

  His thumb floated over her knuckles. “How about we go somewhere and talk? Just talk.”

  “I’d love that,” she admitted. She was suddenly nervous. She knew he was hers, felt it in her soul, but she’d been alone a long time, and now her loneliness would be over... yet, it was change, and she was never good with change.

  Gunnar lifted her hand to his lips, kissing her palm. “Come.”

  She grabbed her purse and followed him out of the house and to the awaiting car.


  GUNNAR’S DRIVER WAITED by the car door, but Gunnar shook his head and held the door for Kenna instead. She smiled as she slid into the backseat, and Gun
nar closed her in before speaking with his driver and then climbing in beside her.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.


  “If we were at home, I could impress you with my knowledge of local restaurants,” Gunnar said. “But I’m at a loss here in Edinburgh.”

  “You know you don’t have to impress me. You have me. It’s kind of a foregone conclusion.”

  Gunnar kissed her fingers. “I won’t ever take that for granted, Kenna.”

  Kenna blushed. “That’s unbelievably sweet, Gunnar.”

  “But no less true, sweetheart.”

  She squeezed his hand, a little overcome with emotion. She’d been raised to understand it, but hadn’t really been prepared for the depth of it. Could someone really prepare you for what you’d feel when you met the man you were destined for? Before Gunnar, she would have said, “Yes.” Now, however, she realized just how wrong she would have been. “Why don’t we go to Sláinte? It’s one of Brodie’s clubs. That way I can impress you. I happen to have a permanent invitation.”

  He reached for her hand. “Although you impress me just by being here, I will take you up on your suggestion.”

  Kenna gave Cedrik, Gunnar’s driver, the address and they took off toward the club. A few minutes later, they pulled up to the exclusive restaurant and Kenna had a moment of insecurity. She’d barely put any makeup on before heading over to the Gunnachs’ and hadn’t done anything to tame her curls. She was stepping out into public with one of the best looking men she’d ever met and here she was looking like Merida after a battle.

  Gunnar climbed out of the car and Kenna used the precious few seconds she had to add a little lip-gloss. Her door opened and she pasted on what she hoped was a sincere smile.

  “What?” Gunnar asked, holding out his hand. “And don’t say ‘nothing.’”

  She sighed. “I’m just a bit of a mess. I didn’t think of that before I suggested Sláinte.”

  Gunnar leaned in with a smile. “You’re beautiful, Kenna. You could be wearing a housecoat and you’d still be the most beautiful woman in the club.”

  “You’ve never been in this club... obviously.”

  “Kenna,” he admonished gently. “You’re beautiful. It’s not an opinion, it’s a fact. So, I’d like you to stop acting as though you’re not.”

  Kenna rolled her eyes. “I feel we’re going to have arguments on this subject a lot.”

  “No arguments, elskan, as you’ll do as I say at all times.”

  Kenna burst out laughing. “Bloody hell, love, does that typically work on the people you know?”

  “Most of the time, já.”

  “Well, you’ve met your match then.”

  “And you have no idea how happy I am that I have.”

  She grinned as she slid her hand into his and climbed out of the car. Gunnar laid his hand on her lower back as they headed inside. Paige Smithers was working tonight and gave Kenna a big smile. “Ms. McFadden, what a lovely surprise. Were we expecting you?”

  Paige was one of the youngest maître d’s in the country. Her mother was Japanese and her father was British and she looked a little like Lucy Liu. She was stunning.

  “No, Paige. I’m sorry. It was a last minute thing. I hope it’s not an inconvenience.”

  “Not at all. I’ll be with you in a moment.”

  Kenna felt herself leaning into Gunnar as he wrapped an arm around her waist. Paige returned within minutes and grabbed two menus. “Right this way.”

  Gunnar kept their connection as they followed Paige to one of the more private tables.

  “Is this acceptable?” Paige asked.

  “It’s perfect, Paige, thank you,” Kenna said, and sat down as Gunnar held the chair for her.

  Once he took his seat, Paige handed them their menus and then left them alone. Gunnar smiled. “You have some clout here, hmm?”

  Kenna grinned. “It helps when your brother-in-law owns the place.”


  “You disagree?”

  “I think it’s a direct result of who you are.” He set his menu down. “People respect you. They don’t move mountains because your brother-in-law owns the place, Kenna. They do it because they like you.”

  Kenna raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

  He nodded. “Look around you, sweetheart. The place is packed.”

  “It’s always packed.”

  “And yet, we got a prime table without a reservation.”

  She took a minute to take in her surroundings, but dismissed his observations. She had connections to important people, which made other people take notice.

  Gunnar reached for her hand, squeezing it. “Don’t dismiss my words so quickly, elskan.”

  “How... I mean, I wasn’t...” her argument trailed off.

  He chuckled. “Nice try.”

  She sighed, unable to stop a smile. “How did you know?”

  Gunnar shrugged. “Mate-dar.”

  Kenna burst out laughing, covering her mouth with her free hand. “Where did you hear that?”

  “It’s something new I’m trying out. Americans seem to put ‘dar’ at the end of a lot of words, and it seemed appropriate.”

  “I love it.”

  He squeezed her hand again and they went back to their menus. Their server arrived, took their orders, and returned with the wine Gunnar had chosen. After he approved it, she poured them each a glass and left them again.

  “I have a proposition,” Gunnar said.


  “I’d like to court you.”

  Kenna set her glass down. “I’m sorry?”

  “We are so programmed to be bound as soon as we find each other, there’s no time to get to know one another.”

  “We’ll know everything we need to once we’re bound, right?” she countered.

  “Já, and I can’t wait, but I wonder if sometimes the whole process is rushed a little.”

  Kenna cocked her head. “Are you saying this for me?”


  “Do you want to wait?”

  In that moment, she didn’t. She still wanted to be wooed, but perhaps after they were bound. “No.”

  “Well, neither do I.”

  “I want you to feel safe.”

  She smiled. “I do feel safe.”

  “I’m glad, elskan.”

  Their food arrived and Kenna took a bite, sighing in delight as she chewed her filet. “I swear this new chef puts crack in his steak.”

  Gunnar grinned. “Now I’m wishing I’d ordered the steak.”

  “Want a bite?”

  “Yes, please.”

  She cut off a piece and fed it to him, her heart skipping a beat as his mouth wrapped around the fork. Good lord, he was sexy.

  “You’re right. That’s amazing,” he said.

  “Tell me about life in Iceland,” she said as they continued to eat. “Do you have a job or are you busy being royal?”

  “Ah, so you know something about me then.”

  Kenna nodded. “Sort of. I know your brother’s the king... the real king, and I know that your other brother Ari tried to hurt Pepper.” She dropped her gaze, unable to meet his eyes.

  He squeezed her hand and she glanced at him. “He didn’t try to hurt her, Kenna. He was misguided in his approach with his daughter, granted, but he had no intention of harming her.”

  She scowled. “She felt she was in danger.”

  “And he’s sorry for that.” He sighed. “I’m not condoning what he did, but he would have never harmed her.”

  Kenna nodded. There wasn’t really anything she could say. She hadn’t been there and had heard the story somewhat secondhand, so she had to take Gunnar’s word for it.

  “He really wouldn’t.” He studied her with a gentle expression. “Ari’s passionate... he’s an artist at heart and he was trying to find his mate and children. I’m not sure I would have acted any better had I been in his shoes, especially now that I know who yo
u are, so I must give him the benefit of the doubt.”

  “I understand. I suppose I tend to get a little protective of my friends at times and can take up offenses that aren’t mine. But I do hear what you’re saying.”

  “I love that you’re loyal, Kenna. It’s a wonderful quality.”

  “Thank you.” She sipped her wine. “So, back to the original question of what you do with your day, other than being royal.”

  Gunnar chuckled. “I have always had an affinity with horses, so I fell into a natural trainer role. My grandparents brought several with them when they immigrated to Iceland in the ninth century. I breed and train them, as well as working with all kinds of animal rescue and rehabilitation. We hold great pride for our horses, but I do wish we had something else. I love Friesians and Arabians, but Iceland won’t import them.”

  “Why not?”

  “To keep ours from contracting diseases. We don’t import any other horse, and if an Icelandic horse leaves the country it can never return.”


  “Já,” he said as he laid his napkin on his lap.

  “What about something like the Olympics?”

  “We can compete, of course, but the horse cannot return.”

  Kenna let out a quiet whistle. “That would stink if you’ve got a bond with your horse and have to leave it wherever you compete.”

  “It is.” He gave her a sad smile. “It’s why we rarely do international competitions.”

  “I bet,” she said. “Do you live close to your brothers?”

  He shook his head. “I live in Reykjavík, although I return home a few times a year. Christmas is typically there.”

  “I love Reykjavík. My brother, Nevin, lives there with his mate and children.”


  She nodded. “Angus, Gillian, and I try to go every year, and of course, Fallen Crown plays there as often as they can.”

  “How long have you worked for them?”

  “Coming up on fifty years, but it started as more of a secretary role in the beginning. Organizing signed photos and such. In the ‘80s they took off, and I’ve been managing their tours since 1990.”

  “And is it something you’d like to continue to do?”

  “Honestly? I don’t know,” she admitted. “It’s just something I’ve always done. But Max’s mate is doing a great job, so there’s no reason I couldn’t leave the position. I have a year off for now, so I don’t have to make any quick decisions.”


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