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Zombie Games 2 (Running Wild)

Page 13

by Kristen Middleton

  “Told you smoking isn’t good for your health mom. You almost got us all shot back there.”

  “Do you really know Dolly Parton?” asked Tiny, incredulously.

  Kristie’s eyebrows went up. “No.”

  “How’d you come up with that?” I asked Paige.

  “You didn’t see all the “Dolly” memorabilia scattered throughout the store?” said Paige. “He’s like totally obsessed with her.”

  “Oh,” said Tiny, still looking confused.

  “It’s okay,” Kristie said, grabbing Tiny’s arm, “we can go over it again in the van.”


  Tiny and Henry got in and shut the door. Kristie looked at me and shook her head. “He’s got the body of Thor, the common sense of Mr. Bean, and the voice of Pee Wee Herman. I think God is punishing me.”

  Paige lifted an eyebrow. “You think?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “He seems nice. At least you don’t have Eva manhandling him.”

  “Eva?” snorted Paige. “That girl is something else.”

  “Yeah, she was being really unreasonable earlier,” said Kristie. “When Bryce rode with you guys, she caused such a scene that I was ready to shoot her myself. But then I was afraid of coming back, like a zombie.”

  “Funny, mom,” snorted Paige.

  “The point is, Eva is obsessed with Bryce and it’s starting to really get annoying.”

  “You reap what you sow,” I said.

  “That’s just it,” said Kristie. “Bryce didn’t encourage her at all. In fact, you’re all he talks about.”

  “Well, my dad said he thought they had something going on.”

  She snorted. “You’re dad only sees the way Eva flings herself at Bryce. He doesn’t pay attention to Bryce’s response.

  I wasn’t sure what to say about that. Bryce and I weren’t exactly on the friendliest terms, and he was still bending to Eva’s every whim.

  “Let’s go!” hollered Tiny.

  “I’m riding with you this time,” said Paige as she followed me into my dad’s SUV. “Now that mom and Tiny smell like a couple of douche bags.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  My dad interrupted our gales of laughter.

  “Are you girls ready? We should have been to Atlanta yesterday,” mumbled my dad.

  We started driving again towards Atlanta, this time with us leading. Bobby sat next to my dad again and I sat in the very back with Paige.

  “Are we going to kill more zombies?” asked Bobby, who seemed to be having the time of his life.

  “I’m sure we will Bobby,” answered my dad. We were on a deserted highway and although we passed several abandoned vehicles, we hadn’t seen too many zombies so Bobby was starting to get bored.

  “Can I drive?” he asked my dad. “I’m a man now.”

  My dad looked at him. “A man, huh? Well, I don’t think you can reach the pedals and see out of the windshield. We should wait until you grow a little more.”

  Bobby smiled. “Then I can take out zombies?”

  “I hope there aren’t any zombies left by that time. But if there are, you can take out some zombies.”

  He nodded. “Okay, cause I love this game.”

  “Way to go dad,” I mumbled from the back.

  “I have to go potty,” announced Megan.

  “Oh no,” said Sara. “I thought you just went?”

  Megan nodded. “But I have to go again.”

  Sara groaned.

  “It’s okay,” said my dad. “There’s a rest stop coming up soon. I’ll signal Tiny to let him know we’re stopping.”

  The rest stop was near a camp ground and although we noticed some deserted campers, the place was quiet.

  My dad grabbed a gun and he followed Sara, who was also armed, to the women’s bathroom. Bobby tagged along too.

  “I have to get out of here!” shrieked Eva getting out of the van. “I need some fresh air!”

  Paige and I watched as Eva stomped towards the bathroom.

  “What a bitch,” said Paige. “I wish a zombie would do us all a favor and eat her.”

  Although I knew it was wrong, I sometimes felt that way too.

  When my dad came back with Sara and the children, I noticed that Eva hadn’t returned.

  “Where’s Eva?” I asked.

  “In the van,” said my dad.

  “No, she got out of the van and went to the bathroom.”

  My dad swore and started walking back towards the restroom. A minute later he came back and settled into the truck.

  “Well?” I asked.

  He sighed. “She wants to go to the bathroom by herself. She must be on the rag or something, because she literally screamed at me when I asked if she was okay.”

  “Wow,” I said. “Did you give her your flashlight?”

  He shook his head. “There are skylights, so you don’t need a flashlight during the day.”

  “Is there real running water in there?” I asked.

  “Yes,” said Megan. “I washed my hands all by myself.”

  I still had blood in my hair and wanted to check out the wound on my head. “I’ll be right back.”

  I got out of the van and walked towards the bathroom. My ankle was getting better and I could almost step without limping. When I got to the ladies room, I could hear Eva mumbling to herself.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  “Yes,” snapped Eva. “I’m totally fine. I wish everyone would just leave me alone”

  “Sorry,” I said.

  I washed the blood from my hair and dabbed around the cut with a paper towel. It was swollen and bruised, but it didn’t look as bad as I thought it was.

  “Good thing Bryce saved you,” said Eva as she came over and washed her hands.

  “Yep,” I answered, trying to sound civil. She was the last person I felt like getting into a conversation with.

  “I don’t know if he told you yet, but Bryce and I are in love,” she said, out of the blue.

  I took a deep breath and faced her. “Oh, really?”

  “Yes,” she answered.

  I smiled tightly. “Well, congratulations. I’m happy for you.”

  The smile fell from her face. “Aren’t you pissed?”

  I shrugged. “Should I be?”

  “I stole him from you. I’d be furious if someone did that to me.”

  “What are we, in grade school?” I asked.

  “Yes, you’re pissed,” she said with a smug smile on her face.

  As I stared at her, I felt a chill go down my spine. Her face was pasty white and the whites of her eyes were almost a pinkish hue. “Are you okay?”

  She snorted. “What do you care?”

  I shook my head and turned to leave. “You’re amazing.”

  “You just wish you were me!” she screamed.

  She then hit me from behind and I went flying forward, falling to the ground. “What the hell?” I yelled, getting up.

  “Bitch!” she screamed, running towards me again.

  Before she could do any more damage, I grabbed her arm and pinned it behind her. “Eva, you’re lucky I don’t knock you out,” I said. “Touch me again, and I will. This is your only warning.”

  “Leave me alone! You’re crazy!” she screamed.

  I shook my head in amazement and pushed her away from me towards the exit. She turned and gave me one last dirty look, then stepped outside.

  I closed my eyes and counted to ten, then walked out of the restroom, prepared for another assault.

  “Everything okay?” asked Bryce as I stepped out of the bathroom.

  “Holy crap,” I gasped. “Don’t ever sneak up on me again!”

  When he smiled, my heart ached. “Sorry.”

  I shrugged.

  “Where’s Eva?”

  “Closer than I wished.”

  His eyes sparkled with amusement. “Still not getting along?”

  I snorted. “No and I’ve tried to be civil to her. She�
�s just an immature bitch who doesn’t care about anyone but herself. Or you.”

  “Or me?”

  “Oh, she had to rub it in about how you two are in love and that she stole you from me,” I said turning away.

  He grabbed my arm firmly. “What are you talking about?”

  I raised my chin. “Forget it Bryce, it doesn’t really matter.”

  He grabbed both of my shoulders and pulled me closer. “Listen,” he said steadily, “it does matter. There is absolutely nothing going on between Eva and me. Nothing.”

  I lowered my eyes from his. “Well, she would disagree.”

  “You just don’t get it, do you? Wild, all I care about is you, damn it! You’re all I think about. Look at me!” he demanded.

  When our eyes met I couldn’t breathe. He crushed his lips against mine and kissed me so deeply, my head was spinning by the time he pulled away.

  “I love you,” he said huskily. “I think I loved you from the very first moment we met.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Really,” I squeaked.

  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest “Yes,” he mumbled into my hair. “I love you and I don’t ever want to lose you.”

  “I love you too,” I answered softly.

  A sudden scream tore us apart. It was Eva.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Apparently Eva had never made it to the van because her screams were coming from somewhere in the woods.

  “Was that Eva?” asked my dad racing from his truck. Tiny, Henry, and Kristie quickly followed.

  “What’s going on?” asked Tiny. “Is it that irritating red-head again?”

  Bryce nodded. “It sounds like she’s in the woods somewhere,” said Bryce. “Let’s go find her.”

  “Cassie, go back to the truck,” ordered my dad.

  “No, I’m coming with,” I answered.

  “You’re still limping and you don’t have any weapons on you. You’re not much of a match for the zombies right now,” he replied.

  I sighed. “Fine.”

  Before I could leave, Bryce grabbed me and kissed me again on the lips; this time, right in front of my dad, who appeared too stunned to say anything.

  “I love you,” Bryce said softly.

  “I love you too,” I whispered.

  Before my dad could respond, we heard Eva screaming again.

  “Let’s go,” snapped my dad, tearing off towards the woods.

  When I got to the SUV Paige asked me what the hell happened.

  “Oh, Eva went all psycho on me in the bathroom, then she took of somewhere towards the woods. Now she’s screaming her bloody head off.”

  Paige shook her head. “She’s probably just trying to get Bryce’s attention again.”

  “Probably,” I said.

  “I have to go to the bathroom,” said Bobby.

  “I’ll take him,” said Paige. “You should rest your ankle.”

  “No, I’ll come with,” I answered, grabbing the Ruger. “You never know, there really might be zombies in the area.”

  Paige grabbed her bat and I took Bobby’s hand.

  “What are you guys doing?” asked Kristie, coming around the corner.

  “Bobby has to use the bathroom,” answered Paige.

  “Did you find Eva?” I asked.

  “Not yet,” said Kristie, walking away again towards the woods. “We think she’s fooling around. Your dad is ready to leave her behind, he’s so pissed.”

  I knew my dad wouldn’t do that but he had to be reaching his boiling point.

  When Bobby was finished, we started walking back towards the truck. I buckled Bobby in and closed the door. As I was about to get in, I saw Eva and she was watching me through the trees. She ducked out of view as soon as our eyes met.

  What in the hell is that psycho doing? I wondered.

  “What is it?” asked Paige.

  “It’s Eva,” I said. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to drag her back kicking and screaming if I have too.”

  “Sounds like fun. Let me do it,” said Paige. “You’re hurt.”

  “I’m not that hurt,” I said. “Just go and stay with your sister in the van. She’s probably worried.”

  I walked towards the spot I’d noticed her staring at me and wondered if she was cracking up. She’d always been self-centered and a little flighty, but this was highly bizarre behavior for even her. Then I thought about Austin and the way he’d changed. Brooke’s scratches somehow infected him with the zombie virus. Eventually, he’d lost his mind and then turned into a zombie after we killed him.

  And Eva did get some of his blood into her saliva, I thought. Was it possible that she was slowly going insane because she now had the zombie virus in her system?

  “Over here,” called Eva. “I need help. I twisted my ankle.”

  I sighed and followed the sound of her voice through the trees. Of course she was no longer in the same spot when I arrived; still playing games.

  “What the hell, Eva?” I yelled. “We don’t have time for this. We have to get to Atlanta! Don’t you care about your mom?”

  “Shut up about my mom!” she spat, stepping around a tree. “This isn’t about her, it’s about you.”

  Eva looked like an insane nutcase. Her red hair was in total disarray, her eyes were bugging out of her head and her skin was a dull grayish white.

  “Are you okay?” I asked incredulously.

  “I’m fine,” she mumbled. “But you won’t be if you don’t leave my boyfriend alone.”

  “Eva, just come back to the van, okay? We have to go.”

  She shook her head. “No, not until you promise to keep your hands off Bryce.”

  “Okay, I’ve had enough,” I snapped stepping towards her. Enough was enough. Her ass was coming if I had to drag her by the hair.

  “Stay away from me!” she screamed, backing away.

  I sighed and raised my hands in the air. “Okay, fine Eva. I will do whatever you want. Just, please…we have to go. Time is running out.”

  She backed away from me. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

  Before I could respond, she fell backwards over a large rock and began tumbling away from me. Apparently we were on an incline and I hadn’t even noticed because she’d pissed me off so much.

  “Eva!” I yelled, carefully limping after her. The last thing I needed was to fall and twist the other ankle.

  The slope became steeper and I had to hold on to several trees to keep from falling down myself. “Hold on Eva!” I called. “I’m coming!”

  She’d stopped tumbling and I could see her lying still about two hundred feet away from me at the bottom of the hill. As I edged closer I noticed the blood.

  “Oh, my God!” I cried as I reached her. Blood was seeping from the back of her head.

  I set my gun down and carefully lifted her head. It wasn’t good, I almost threw up when I saw all the blood oozing from the deep cut. “Eva,” I said, trying to gently shake her. “Wake up, please!”

  She wasn’t moving. I felt for a pulse and found it very faint. She was still alive, but barely hanging on.

  “Help!” I screamed. “Help!”

  I heard shouts from somewhere above us and breathed a sigh of relief. They were coming for us.

  “Don’t worry,” I said, squeezing her hand. “Help is coming.”

  Eva’s body began to shake and I stepped away from her. When she began to foam at the mouth I knew that she was definitely having some kind of seizure. Just like Austin’s.

  “Hold on Eva,” I said.

  A growl from behind me turned my blood to ice. I quickly whipped my body around and found two giant zombies less than ten feet away, both ready to tear me apart. They looked like a couple of football players in denim bibs with hands so huge that they could easily snap my neck in two.

  “Shit,” I said, remembering I’d left my gun on the ground next to Eva.

  Baby Huey and Baby Dewy both attacked at onc
e, stumbling towards me as I leaped towards the Ruger. I landed on my stomach and twisted my body around, firing it. I shot the nearest zombie between the eyes but watched in horror as the second zombie leaped on Eva before I could get another shot off.

  “Eva!” I screamed, firing the gun into the zombies head. He stopped moving and I shuddered in horror as his brains sprayed all over her face.

  I crawled over and pushed the zombie off of her.

  “Cassie!” hollered my father from the top of the hill. “We’re coming!”

  Bryce, Tiny, and my dad began descending the hill and I released a huge sigh of relief. I didn’t have enough energy to drag Eva back with me up the hill.

  I grabbed her wrist to check for a pulse when her eyes slowly opened.

  “Eva,” I said. “Just stay still. My dad and Bryce are both coming for you.”

  It was then that I noticed she didn’t even have a pulse. She growled at me, her eyes now red with broken blood vessels.

  I shuddered and then raised the gun to fire it, but I was out of bullets.

  “Shit!” I hollered, now scrambling to get away from her.

  She let out an unholy screech and then grabbed my leg, sinking her teeth deep into my calf.

  I screamed in pain and kicked her hard in the face with my boot several times until she finally let go.

  “You bitch,” I cried, watching the blood bubble from the wound she’d caused.

  She snarled and then her face twisted into an evil smile that left me cold. It was as if she’d known exactly what she was doing when she attacked me.

  Bryce reached us first and saw the blood on the back of my leg. He quickly raised the gun and shot her in the head.

  “Bryce,” I sobbed as he knelt down and took me into his arms.

  “Is she okay?” asked my dad hoarsely.

  Bryce let out a ragged breath. “She’s been bit.”

  My dad looked at my calf and swore, then walked away from me for a minute, he was so overwhelmed.

  “I’m okay,” I mumbled, although the area around my wound was beginning to heat up.

  My dad came back and kneeled next to me on the ground. “Yes,” he said, trying to smile, although his lips were trembling. He wiped the perspiration from my forehead. “You’re fine, honey. Let’s get you back to the SUV.”

  “Please, let me do it,” said Bryce, lifting me into his arms.


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