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Marlee's Dom

Page 3

by Marion Webb-De Sisto

Radon felt upbeat. Marlee seemed to enjoy his company and hadn’t refused to invite him into her home again. This pleased him and his wolf. I should be able to make love to her before very long. It’s hard to believe my face doesn’t sicken her, but it seems as though she can ignore the scars. I’ll try to behave casually until my wolf overrules me.

  Keeping the conversation light, he informed, “In some cities, the police provide all of the protection against any violence. That means lycans and elves don’t have to hunt for rogues as we do here.”

  “I know, but maybe the way we do things in this city is better?”

  He answered, “At times it’s better, but elves don’t kill the rogues as I and my kind do. Once they’ve served their sentences that are set down by the Lycan Council, they can come back later and start attacking others again.”

  “It’s true, yet how can killing someone be okay? Maybe we should be leaving law enforcement to the police?”

  With a look of disdain, Radon replied, “They’re only human. It needs a lycan to kill a rogue.”

  “I have an elf friend who’s married to a policeman. She says he’s very brave.”

  “Maybe he is, but how about an elf and a shifter couple? Don’t you think that would be mind-blowing?”

  “No, it would be a disaster. Shifters are too aggressive for elves. For myself, I can’t imagine being with anyone other than an elf or a human.”

  Radon looked down at his empty mug. “Well, will you at least give me another hot chocolate?”

  “Of course I shall, no problem.” She picked up his mug, took it to the counter, and added new granules with a spoon.

  His inner wolf urged, “Claim her!” and, acting on this compulsion, Radon moved to stand behind Marlee. He took hold of her shoulders, turned her around, and lowered his face to hers. “I want you, Marlee. My wolf is urging me to take you, but I know that would upset you. I’m going to kiss you again and do more.” His mouth came down on hers, and he savaged her lips. She tried to pull away from him, but he held her even closer and forced his tongue inside her mouth.

  Oh, this elf tastes so sweet. Let’s see if she’s ready for me to do more.

  His hands moved to her waist, and he forced them under the top of her jeans and panties. A moment later he brought two fingers down to her special place and began pressing her clit. She squirmed, and he hoped it was from desire. He wanted to go further but didn’t intend rushing things. I could ravage her and enjoy every moment. Then she’d loathe me and probably report my conduct to the Lycan Council. They’d fire me, and I’d be left with no cash. Lay down, wolf, she’s not ready for you yet.

  Marlee’s senses were spinning. She hadn’t expected him to come up behind her even though she suspected his remark about an elf and a shifter was directed at them. His kiss was almost brutal and made it impossible for her to breathe. An attempt to pull away didn’t succeed, and now his fingers were actually turning her on. Elves didn’t behave like this, and the extent of his fervor scared her—it must be his wolf taking control. Yet there was something exciting about their connection. She wanted to respond, but also feared his passion.

  Finally, she managed to push him away and shouted, “That’s enough, Radon! I was only trying to be your friend, nothing more. Please leave now.”

  He stepped further back and shook his body. “Is it my face? I must have mistaken your friendship for attraction. I’m leaving.” Radon strode out of the kitchen, and then she heard the front door open.

  After a moment, however, he was back and standing in the kitchen doorway. “I apologize for upsetting you. It won’t happen again.” Then he was gone, and this time Marlee heard the front door slam shut.

  I’m not really upset, Radon. You surprised me, and your behavior was a little scary. I should have tried to explain what I was feeling rather than ordering you to go.

  * * * *

  A week later, a meeting was called between the Lycan Council and the Elf Committee, mainly because of the complaints coming from the lycan hunters. They wanted the elves to do more than temporarily prevent the rogues from shifting, and then rendering them unconscious. Such meetings had taken place before, but without any definite results other than the rogues were now banished from the city for a while. That, in turn, created a further problem. They began attacking the inhabitants in their new cities, and this caused dissension among the police because their workload was greatly increased. So, the Lycan Council wanted to know if the elf groups could cast a spell that would kill the rogues when they apprehended them. An immediate refusal was voiced by the Elf Committee, and even though the argument went back and forth, the killing suggestion was refused. Eventually, however, an agreement was reached. Lycan hunters would be assigned to the elf groups so that they could kill the rogues once they were unconscious. Depending on the size of an elf group either one or two lycans would work with them.

  Marlee’s group gained one hunter. It wasn’t Radon, and she felt very wary of this extra member. He seemed to delight in tearing out the throats of the group’s victims. Sometimes he didn’t wait for them to be unconscious. He’d pounce the moment they found a rogue. She thought Elmeri might reprimand him, but she didn’t. Maybe she thinks it’s wiser not to remind this lycan of the agreement’s details?

  Marlee didn’t know if Radon was assigned to a group and she decided it was better not to think about him anymore. For a few days, she’d felt drawn to him, but that was foolish. Elves and lycans weren’t a good match. Landel was right when he said she acted dangerously by socializing with the scarred lycan. He was too rough and demanding, so anything more than what he had already done could result in her being physically hurt or critically injured. Her half-elf friend was also correct when he told her not to mistake pity for attraction. She felt sorry for Radon having a scarred face. Isn’t that in fact pity? Marlee convinced herself that not seeing the lycan was the right decision to make and she ignored any thoughts about him.

  A further two weeks passed without any contact or word from Radon. There were times, when getting out of a cab in front of her apartment building that Marlee sensed a hidden someone close by. On one occasion, as she stood waiting outside Fromo’s for her ride home, a black shadow flashed by her side vision. Was it Radon in his wolf form or merely an optical illusion? Well, if it was him she hoped he was in a protective mode and not an attack one.

  Worrying news began to spread throughout the elfish community. Rogue lycans were descending on her city from other places and killing elves when they were alone. A member of Chadro’s group told her that Landel was attacked one evening before joining a hunt. Apparently, another lycan had saved him and killed the rogue. The half-elf was in the hospital and should make a full recovery.

  This information alarmed Marlee. Thank goodness he’s alive, but who will be next?

  Chapter Five

  On her next day off work, Marlee decided to visit Landel. She found him sitting up in bed and reading a newspaper, which he folded and put down as she greeted him.

  “Ah, Marlee, you’re the best medicine I could have today. I was hoping you’d hear of my misfortune and want to visit me.”

  “I’ve come as soon as I could. How do you feel? Are you in pain? Are the doctors and nurses caring for you properly? I hope some of them are elves?”

  “You’re asking so many questions. They’re all human, but that’s fine. The surgeon operated on my legs, and I’ll be off my feet for a while. I’m given pills for the pain, and they say I’m doing better than expected. My legs were badly bitten, and my right shoulder was dislocated. I guess he bit my legs first in order to make me fall, and then he went for my throat. I tried to push him away, and he yanked my arm so fiercely. That caused the damage to my shoulder.”

  “Oh, that sounds dreadful. Thank goodness someone managed to rescue you. I heard it was another lycan.”

  “Yes. The pain was so great that I was beginning to feel out of it when another wolf jumped on the first one. I believe he went straight for the th
roat and killed him. Then I passed out and didn’t come to until I was here in this hospital.”

  “You’re lucky, you could have been killed. I guess you didn’t have a chance to use your elf magic against him?”

  “No, he took me by surprise. I owe my life to that big black wolf whoever he was.”

  “He was big and black? Did you see his face?”

  “No, I only saw his huge body. Why?”

  “Well, Radon is very large and black when he shifts. Is it possible your rescuer was him?”

  “I doubt it. I can’t imagine him doing anything to help me. I’m sure he sees me as a rival for your affection.”

  “I know he doesn’t like you.”

  “Radon wouldn’t do what that wolf did. He’d probably join in the kill. You’re right, I’m lucky that another lycan was close by.”

  Marlee’s visit continued until a nurse came into the room and said Landel needed to rest. After promising to come back the following day, she left the hospital and went home in a cab. That night she hunted with her group, and they used their power to leave one rogue actually unconscious before their lycan killed him.

  Afterward, in Fromo’s, Marlee told Chadro’s members about her visit to Landel. As she was going back to her group’s table, she saw Radon walk into the bar.

  He stepped in front of her and said, “I need to speak with you.”

  “Please go away. I’m here with my elf group, and I’m not in the mood to have a chat.”

  He grabbed her arm. “This is important. Elves are in danger right now. Extra rogue lycans have come to our city and are killing your kind.”

  She pulled her arm loose. “I know, you don’t need to tell me. My friend Landel was attacked and is lucky to be alive. A lycan saved him.”

  “I was that lycan. He would be dead if I hadn’t killed his attacker.”

  So, it was Radon. Now she was curious. “But why—”

  “Let’s sit down.” Radon interrupted her. He grabbed Marlee’s arm again and pushed her toward two empty bar stools. After they had sat down, he ordered their drinks.

  “Okay, I’ll speak to you for a couple of minutes. What do you want to say?”

  “I trust you’re okay? You have to be—”

  “I don’t want to socialize with you, so just hurry up and say what you need to tell me.”

  “You have to be very careful when you’re not home. The rogues are attacking elves even in the daytime if they’re alone. You need me to be with you whenever you’re not teaching or out with your group.”

  “Oh, that’s convenient. You’ve come up with a reason to hound me. I don’t want your company, I can look after myself.” Without any conscious thought, she downed some of her wine.

  “I’ve followed you each day and will continue to do so, but I’d rather be beside you. That would deter any rogues from attacking you.”

  “Look, Radon, go find someone else to shadow. I’m fine and won’t be alone anywhere. I thought we could be friends, but you wanted more than that. It’s not your face that bothers me. You’re a lycan, someone who’s too fierce and unpredictable for an elf.”

  “You need me to protect you.”

  “No, I don’t. I’m going back to my group now, but before I go tell me why you happened to be so close when Landel was attacked.”

  He swallowed some beer and explained, “I was following him.”

  “That must be your main occupation. You follow me and Landel. But why pursue him? I thought you disliked my elf friend.”

  “I do, but it suits my purpose to keep him safe.” He covered her hand with one of his. “I want you to think of me as someone on whom you can depend. I care very deeply about you, Marlee.”

  How do I answer that statement? I am grateful he saved Landel, and it’s comforting to know he’s been watching over me. I just wish he wasn’t a lycan, and then I might be willing to have a relationship with him.

  She pulled her hand away from his. “I think you should look for a female lycan. Elves and shifters don’t mix.”

  “Elves have mixed with humans, so why not with lycans?”

  “I’m not going to argue back and forth with you, Radon. I appreciate you watching over me and saving Landel, but I don’t want anything more. Thanks for the drink. I’m returning to my group now.”

  Marlee got off the stool and walked away from the bar. She sat down at her group’s table and batted off questions about the scarred lycan.

  After a while, she decided it was time to go home. Radon’s constant stare was unsettling her, and she needed to be free of it. She made her excuses to the group members and headed for the entrance. As she lifted the public phone’s receiver, a strong hand removed it from her grasp and placed it back.

  “You don’t need a cab. I’ll walk you home.” Radon grasped her arm and guided her out of the main door.

  “I should report you to the police. You’re becoming a stalker.”

  “They don’t like to mess with lycans. Stick with me, and you’ll be safe.” He propelled her along the streets in the direction of her home.

  “Where’s your motorbike?”

  “It’s been easier to follow you on foot tonight. I didn’t realize you like riding on my bike.”

  “I don’t. Oh, this is ridiculous. Can’t you find someone else to stalk?”

  “I’m watching over you, not stalking. If something bad happened to you, my wolf would go on a rampage and need to be destroyed. I’m determined to let no rogue come near you.”

  They continued their walk in silence. When they reached her apartment building, Marlee declared, “Okay, I must admit it feels good to have a big, strong lycan protecting me, but please don’t assume you mean anything more than that to me.” Well, that’s a lie, but hopefully, he’ll believe me. “I’m not going to invite you in for hot chocolate, so don’t ask. I appreciate your concern and I will be careful wherever I go. Thanks, and good night, Radon.”

  “You’re welcome, Marlee, but I am coming inside your home.” He touched her cheek and made a sound that resembled a growl. “Little elf, my wolf needs to become better acquainted with you.”

  “Then tell him to stop making scary noises.” Marlee moved up to the main door and Radon grabbed her keys and unlocked it. He pushed her inside, and then held her arm as she mounted the stairs. Without any hesitation, he knew which key to use for her front door, and he hurried her into the apartment.

  Marlee realized it would be useless to try to stop him, and did she really want to do that? Therefore, she allowed herself to be forced into her home. In addition, there was something becoming more and more appealing about him. Careful, Marlee, this lycan is about to steal your elf heart.

  Chapter Six

  Marlee started to walk toward the kitchen, but Radon stood in front of her and asked, “Where is your bedroom?”


  “I want to go there.” Radon moved toward a door and opened it. “Ah, here it is.” He pulled Marlee into the room and added, “Get on the bed and lie down.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to do that. Are you going to force me?”

  “I always take charge when I make love, and I don’t think you’ll complain, so do what I say.”

  She felt ambivalent. A part of her wanted to refuse, yet the other part was curious about what he would do. Her curiosity won, and she lay down on the bed.

  He stood next to her and asked, “Do you have some scarves or ribbons that I can use?”

  Now she was intrigued. “In that top drawer over there you’ll find both. Why do you want them?”

  “You’ll see.” Radon walked over to the bureau, pulled open the top drawer, and took out two long ribbons and two lace scarves. He returned to the bedside and ordered, “Lift your arms above your head.”

  Even though she was curious, she did what he said. “Is this okay?”

  “It’s good to see you’re obeying me. Our sex will be far more rewarding if you keep doing that.” He wound one scarf around her right wr
ist and looped each end through two separate designed holes within the wooden headboard. He tied the ends together, and then he did the same with her left wrist. “Now, open your legs wide.”

  A moment of fear gripped Marlee. Why is he tying me up? Elves don’t do that when they make love. “I don’t like this. Please untie me.”

  Radon leaned over her and whispered, “This is the way I like to be intimate with a female. I’m sure you’ll love it.” He straightened back up and informed, “If you don’t like anything I do just say ‘big bad wolf’ and I’ll stop. I promise I’ll do that, but I doubt those words will cross your lips.”

  Should I trust him? I’m not sure, but I want to have sex with him. In one way that thought shocks me. Has he cast a spell on me? I’m not sure, yet I feel compelled to obey him. Slowly she moved her legs apart, and he took off her shoes and socks. Next, he unfastened her jeans, pulled them off, and then removed her panties.

  Radon smiled and informed, “You’re as beautiful down there as I thought you’d be.” He used the ribbons to tie both ankles to the equally designed baseboard and unbuttoned her blouse. Then he unhooked her bra and pushed it upward. His hands covered her breasts for a moment. This caused a shiver to run up her spine, and her nipples hardened.

  As he moved back from the bed, his clothes vanished, and he explained, “You see, I planned to have sex with you tonight, so I didn’t get dressed. Are you ready for me, Marlee?”

  His gorgeous body was turning her on, and all she could manage to do was nod. He leaped onto the bed and straddled her body. He licked her nipples and kissed downward. When he reached her special place, he teased her clit with his tongue.

  Ooh, I’m so ready for him. Why doesn’t he do more?

  She pushed her lower body up against him, wanting closer contact, but he leaned back up and asked, “Did you like that?”

  “Yes. Please do more.”

  “You’ll have to beg me, little elf, before I give you satisfaction.” His mouth came down on one breast, and he gently bit the nipple. “Does that feel good?”


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