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Delphi Poetry Anthology: The World's Greatest Poems (Delphi Poets Series Book 50)

Page 257

by Homer

  For at first, with an amazed and overwhelming indignation 5

  At a measureless malfeasance that obscurely willed it thus,

  They were lost and unacquainted—till they found themselves in others,

  Who had groped as they were groping where dim ways were perilous.

  There were lives that were as dark as are the fears and intuitions

  Of a child who knows himself and is alone with what he knows; 10

  There were pensioners of dreams and there were debtors of illusions,

  All to fail before the triumph of a weed that only grows.

  There were thirsting heirs of golden sieves that held not wine or water,

  And had no names in traffic or more value there than toys:

  There were blighted sons of wonder in the Valley of the Shadow, 15

  Where they suffered and still wondered why their wonder made no noise.

  There were slaves who dragged the shackles of a precedent unbroken,

  Demonstrating the fulfilment of unalterable schemes,

  Which had been, before the cradle, Time’s inexorable tenants

  Of what were now the dusty ruins of their father’s dreams. 20

  There were these, and there were many who had stumbled up to manhood,

  Where they saw too late the road they should have taken long ago:

  There were thwarted clerks and fiddlers in the Valley of the Shadow,

  The commemorative wreckage of what others did not know.

  And there were daughters older than the mothers who had borne them, 25

  Being older in their wisdom, which is older than the earth;

  And they were going forward only farther into darkness,

  Unrelieved as were the blasting obligations of their birth;

  And among them, giving always what was not for their possession,

  There were maidens, very quiet, with no quiet in their eyes; 30

  There were daughters of the silence in the Valley of the Shadow,

  Each an isolated item in the family sacrifice.

  There were creepers among catacombs where dull regrets were torches,

  Giving light enough to show them what was there upon the shelves—

  Where there was more for them to see than pleasure would remember 35

  Of something that had been alive and once had been themselves.

  There were some who stirred the ruins with a solid imprecation,

  While as many fled repentance for the promise of despair:

  There were drinkers of wrong waters in the Valley of the Shadow,

  And all the sparkling ways were dust that once had led them there. 40

  There were some who knew the steps of Age incredibly beside them,

  And his fingers upon shoulders that had never felt the wheel;

  And their last of empty trophies was a gilded cup of nothing,

  Which a contemplating vagabond would not have come to steal.

  Long and often had they figured for a larger valuation, 45

  But the size of their addition was the balance of a doubt:

  There were gentlemen of leisure in the Valley of the Shadow,

  Not allured by retrospection, disenchanted, and played out.

  And among the dark endurances of unavowed reprisals

  There were silent eyes of envy that saw little but saw well; 50

  And over beauty’s aftermath of hazardous ambitions

  There were tears for what had vanished as they vanished where they fell.

  Not assured of what was theirs, and always hungry for the nameless,

  There were some whose only passion was for Time who made them cold:

  There were numerous fair women in the Valley of the Shadow, 55

  Dreaming rather less of heaven than of hell when they were old.

  Now and then, as if to scorn the common touch of common sorrow,

  There were some who gave a few the distant pity of a smile;

  And another cloaked a soul as with an ash of human embers,

  Having covered thus a treasure that would last him for a while. 60

  There were many by the presence of the many disaffected,

  Whose exemption was included in the weight that others bore:

  There were seekers after darkness in the Valley of the Shadow,

  And they alone were there to find what they were looking for.

  So they were, and so they are; and as they came are coming others, 65

  And among them are the fearless and the meek and the unborn;

  And a question that has held us heretofore without an answer

  May abide without an answer until all have ceased to mourn.

  For the children of the dark are more to name than are the wretched,

  Or the broken, or the weary, or the baffled, or the shamed: 70

  There are builders of new mansions in the Valley of the Shadow,

  And among them are the dying and the blinded and the maimed.

  List of Poems in Alphabetical Order

  List of Poets in Alphabetical Order

  The Clerks

  I DID not think that I should find them there

  When I came back again; but there they stood,

  As in the days they dreamed of when young blood

  Was in their cheeks and women called them fair.

  Be sure, they met me with an ancient air,—

  And, yes, there was a shop-worn brotherhood

  About them; but the men were just as good,

  And just as human as they ever were.

  And you that ache so much to be sublime,

  And you that feed yourselves with your descent,

  What comes of all your visions and your fears?

  Poets and kings are but the clerks of Time,

  Tiering the same dull webs of discontent,

  Clipping the same sad alnage of the years.

  List of Poems in Alphabetical Order

  List of Poets in Alphabetical Order

  Cliff Klingenhagen

  Cliff Klingenhagen had me in to dine

  With him one day; and after soup and meat,

  And all the other things there were to eat,

  Cliff took two glasses and filled one with wine

  And one with wormwood. Then, without a sign

  For me to choose at all, he took the draught

  Of bitterness himself, and lightly quaffed

  It off, and said the other one was mine.

  And when I asked him what the deuce he meant

  By doing that, he only looked at me

  And smiled, and said it was a way of his.

  And though I know the fellow, I have spent

  Long time a-wondering when I shall be

  As happy as Cliff Klingenhagen is.

  List of Poems in Alphabetical Order

  List of Poets in Alphabetical Order

  Richard Cory

  Whenever Richard Cory went down town,

  We people on the pavement looked at him:

  He was a gentleman from sole to crown,

  Clean favored, and imperially slim.

  And he was always quietly arrayed,

  And he was always human when he talked;

  But still he fluttered pulses when he said,

  "Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked.

  And he was rich – yes, richer than a king –

  And admirably schooled in every grace:

  In fine, we thought that he was everything

  To make us wish that we were in his place.

  So on we worked, and waited for the light,

  And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;

  And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,

  Went home and put a bullet through his head.

  List of Poems in Alphabetical Order

  List of Poets in Alphabetical Order

  Mr. Flood's Party

  Old Eben Flood, climbing alone one night

  Over the hill between the tow
n below

  And the forsaken upland hermitage

  That held as much as he should ever know

  On earth again of home, paused warily.

  The road was his with not a native near;

  And Eben, having leisure, said aloud,

  For no man else in Tilbury Town to hear:

  "Well, Mr. Flood, we have the harvest moon

  Again, and we may not have many more;

  The bird is on the wing, the poet says,

  And you and I have said it here before.

  Drink to the bird." He raised up to the light

  The jug that he had gone so far to fill,

  And answered huskily: "Well, Mr. Flood,

  Since you propose it, I believe I will."

  Alone, as if enduring to the end

  A valiant armor of scarred hopes outworn,

  He stood there in the middle of the road

  Like Roland's ghost winding a silent horn.

  Below him, in the town among the trees,

  Where friends of other days had honored him,

  A phantom salutation of the dead

  Rang thinly till old Eben's eyes were dim.

  Then, as a mother lays her sleeping child

  Down tenderly, fearing it may awake,

  He set the jug down slowly at his feet

  With trembling care, knowing that most things break;

  And only when assured that on firm earth

  It stood, as the uncertain lives of men

  Assuredly did not, he paced away,

  And with his hand extended paused again:

  "Well, Mr. Flood, we have not met like this

  In a long time; and many a change has come

  To both of us, I fear, since last it was

  We had a drop together. Welcome home!"

  Convivially returning with himself,

  Again he raised the jug up to the light;

  And with an acquiescent quaver said:

  "Well, Mr. Flood, if you insist, I might.

  "Only a very little, Mr. Flood—

  For auld lang syne. No more, sir; that will do."

  So, for the time, apparently it did,

  And Eben evidently thought so too;

  For soon amid the silver loneliness

  Of night he lifted up his voice and sang,

  Secure, with only two moons listening,

  Until the whole harmonious landscape rang-

  "For auld lang syne." The weary throat gave out,

  The last word wavered; and the song being done,

  He raised again the jug regretfully

  And shook his head, and was again alone.

  There was not much that was ahead of him,

  And there was nothing in the town below-

  Where strangers would have shut the many doors

  That many friends had opened long ago.

  List of Poems in Alphabetical Order

  List of Poets in Alphabetical Order

  Miniver Cheevy

  Miniver Cheevy, child of scorn,

  Grew lean while he assailed the seasons

  He wept that he was ever born,

  And he had reasons.

  Miniver loved the days of old

  When swords were bright and steeds were prancing;

  The vision of a warrior bold

  Would send him dancing.

  Miniver sighed for what was not,

  And dreamed, and rested from his labors;

  He dreamed of Thebes and Camelot,

  And Priam's neighbors.

  Miniver mourned the ripe renown

  That made so many a name so fragrant;

  He mourned Romance, now on the town,

  And Art, a vagrant.

  Miniver loved the Medici,

  Albeit he had never seen one;

  He would have sinned incessantly

  Could he have been one.

  Miniver cursed the commonplace

  And eyed a khaki suit with loathing:

  He missed the medieval grace

  Of iron clothing.

  Miniver scorned the gold he sought,

  But sore annoyed was he without it;

  Miniver thought, and thought, and thought,

  And thought about it.

  Miniver Cheevy, born too late,

  Scratched his head and kept on thinking;

  Miniver coughed, and called it fate,

  And kept on drinking.

  List of Poems in Alphabetical Order

  List of Poets in Alphabetical Order


  A-D E-H I-L M-O P-S T-V W-Z


  A Bard’s Epitaph

  A Bird Came Down

  A Book

  A Canadian Boat-Song

  A Child’s Grace

  A Christmas Carol

  A Cloud withdrew from the Sky

  A Coffin — is a Small Domain

  A Complaint by Night of the Lover not beloved

  A Dirge

  A Ditty

  A Ditty

  A Dream of the Unknown

  A Drinking Song

  A Dying Tiger — moaned for Drink

  A Farewell to the World

  A Forsaken Garden

  A Garden

  A Gest of Robyn Hode

  A Grammarian’s Funeral

  A Hunting Song

  A Hymn for Christmas Day

  A Hymn to God the Father

  A Jacobite’s Epitaph

  A Lament

  A Lesson

  A Little Boy Lost

  A Little Girl Lost

  A Love Song

  A Lover and His Lass

  A Lover’s Lullaby

  A Man’s a Man for A’ That

  A Match

  A Musical Instrument

  A New Heaven

  A Nymph’s Passion

  A Passing Bell

  A Passion of my Lord of Essex

  A Psalm of Life

  A Red, Red Rose

  A Renunciation

  A Satire

  A Sea Dirge

  A Serenade

  A Song to David

  A Supplication

  A Supplication

  A Sweet Disorder

  A Thunderstorm In Town

  A Toccata of Galuppi’s

  A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea

  A White Rose

  A Widow Bird

  A Winter Night

  A Winter’s Tale

  A Wish

  Abou Ben Adhem


  Abt Vogler. After He Has Been Extemporizing Upon the Musical Instrument of His Invention

  Address To A Haggis

  Admonition to a Traveller


  Ae Fond Kiss

  Aeneas in the Underworld: Book VI

  After Blenheim


  Ah! Sun-Flower

  Ah, Are You Digging On My Grave?

  Airly Beacon

  Alexander’s Feast

  Alexis, Here She Stayed; Among These Pines

  All Day I Hear the Noise of Waters

  All for Love

  Amantium Irae

  Amiens’ Song

  Amours III.11

  Amours. I.1

  Amours. I.9

  An Ecstasy

  An Essay on Man. Epistle I — Of the Nature and State of Man, with Respect to the Universe

  An Essay on Man. Epistle II — Of the Nature and State of Man with Respect to Himself, as an Individual

  An Essay on Man. Epistle III — Of the Nature and State of Man with Respect to Society

  An Essay on Man. Epistle IV — Of the Nature and State of Man with Respect to Happiness

  An Essay on Man: the Design

  An Ode

  An Ode to Himself

  And Shall Trelawny Die?

  And Ye Shall Walk in Silk Attire

  Andrea Del Sarto

  Annabel Lee


Anthem For Doomed Youth

  Anthony’s ‘Let Slip the Dogs of War’ Speech (Julius Caesar)


  Arcite’s ‘Let’s Think this Prison Holy Sanctuary’ Speech (The Two Noble Kinsmen)

  Ask Me No More

  Aspatia’s Song

  Astrophel and Stella I: Loving in Truth

  At Castle Boterel

  At the Mid Hour of Night

  Auguries of Innocence

  Auld Lang Syne

  Auld Robin Gray

  Aurora Leigh. First Book.


  Babylon; or, The Bonnie Banks o Fordie


  Barbara Frietchie

  Barclay of Ury

  Barthram’s Dirge

  Battle of the Baltic

  Battle with Turnus: Book XII

  Bavarian Gentians

  Be Not Sad

  Be Your Words Made, Good Sir, of Indian Ware

  Beachy Head.

  Beat! Beat! Drums!


  Beauty Bathing

  Beauty, Time, and Love Sonnets

  Because I could not stop for Death (712)


  Bewick and Grahame

  Beyond the Veil

  Bid Adieu to Maidenhood

  Black-Eyed Susan

  Blow, Bugle, Blow

  Boadicea: An Ode

  Bonnie George Campbell

  Bonny Barbara Allan

  Bonny Dundee

  Border Ballad

  Boston Hymn


  Break, Break, Break


  By the Sea

  Ca’ the Yowes to the Knowes

  Call for the Robin-Redbreast

  Captain Car


  Character of a Happy Life

  Character of the Happy Warrior

  Charlie Is My Darling

  Cheer Up, My Mates



  Chevy Chase

  Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage: Canto the First



  Chorus from ‘Atalanta’


  Christabel. Part the First

  Christabel. Part the Second

  Cliff Klingenhagen


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