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Sea of Love (Love in Bloom: The Bradens, Book 4) Contemporary Romance

Page 23

by Foster, Melissa

  “What the fuck happened?” He bent over Rob’s mouth, listening for breathing sounds beyond his own hard pants. No breath. He fisted his hand and smashed it into the center of Rob’s chest. Dane’s body shook with fear. His lungs still burned, but he didn’t notice or care. “Come on. Come on! Radio it in. Get the fuck to shore!” He felt for a pulse. No pulse. Dane administered another precordial thump to the center of Rob’s chest. Rob’s face was ashen, his lips tinged blue.

  “He got hit in the head by the shark’s tail,” one of the guys yelled.

  Dane’s felt for a pulse. Dear God, no. With tears streaming down his face, Dane channeled all of his fear and all of his muscle into a third precordial thump. “Come on, you bastard!” He grabbed Rob’s wrist. “Faint pulse. Get a fucking blanket.” He bent over Rob’s face and listened for breathing sounds. Someone covered Rob’s legs with heavy blankets.

  “He’s not breathing,” Dane yelled. He couldn’t hear past the roar of the engine as they neared shore. He tilted Rob’s head back and held his nose closed; then Dane covered Rob’s mouth with his own and blew a desperate, heavy breath into his friend’s lungs. He lowered his ear to Rob’s mouth. “Come on. Come on,” he said through gritted teeth. He covered Rob’s mouth with his own again and breathed life into Rob’s lungs again, then listened for Rob’s breathing to kick in. “Fuck.” Again he titled Rob’s head back, plugged his nose, and covered his friend’s mouth with his. He breathed air from his lungs into Rob’s until he had no more air to breathe. Water dribbled from the corner of Rob’s mouth. “Oh God, thank you.” He bent over and listened again. Rob’s shallow breathing was music to his ears. His pulse was thready. Dane yanked the blankets to Rob’s rib cage; then he began chest compressions one second apart. Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen…When he hit thirty, he breathed for Rob again. He had to help the blood flow through his friend’s body. His arms trembled and shook as he administered thirty more compressions, then breathed air into Rob’s lungs.

  Dane was still hunkered over Rob, counting compressions, when the rescue team climbed onto the boat. “Nineteen, twenty…”

  “We got him from here,” someone said.

  Dane continued. “Twenty-nine, thirty.” He bent over to breathe for Rob and a strong hand pulled him back. Dane twisted out of his grip. “I have to help him. His breathing’s shallow. His pulse is weak.”

  Two strong men held Dane back as he twisted and fought to get to Rob. “Get the fuck off of me. I have to help him.”

  Rob was already on a stretcher. They were taking him to the ambulance.

  “Dane!” a deep voice hollered.

  Dane shook his head, jolting himself out of his state of shock.

  “Come with us. We have to check you out, too,” the man said.

  “I gotta get to Rob,” Dane yelled, finally noticing the paramedic’s uniform.

  “I’m a paramedic, and I’m taking you to him. You did good. He’s being taken care of.”

  With Dane in his grasp, the paramedic guided him into the ambulance.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  LACY HELD KATIE against her chest as she, Sheila, and Charlie burst through the emergency room doors. Her body shook; her mind refused to process Treat’s call. Dane’s in the hospital. Treat was a major supporter of the hospital, and they’d called him right away. Dane’s okay, but Rob’s on shaky ground. They had a diving accident. No blood, but Rob’s unconscious.

  “My husband, Robert Mann, he was brought in. Diving accident,” Sheila said through her tears to the woman behind the registration desk.

  “And Dane Braden, they were together,” Lacy said with Katie clinging to her. Katie had been crying since they’d received the call from Treat, and although Lacy was sure she didn’t understand what was going on, she panicked in response to Sheila’s and Lacy’s reactions. They’d packed up the kids and sped to the hospital.

  A tall, African American nurse came around the desk. “Mrs. Mann, please, come with me. Unfortunately, your son will have to wait here. Can your friend watch him?”

  Sheila shot a helpless look toward Lacy. Her brown eyes were red and swollen, and her makeup ran in streaks down her cheeks. Charlie stood beside his mother, his face the same brooding mask it had been earlier in the day.

  Lacy could hardly breathe. “Go. I’ve got them. Go,” she said. Dane. Oh my God, please be okay. She held her hand out to Charlie. “Come here, sweetie.”

  Charlie took her hand.

  The woman behind the desk said, “Your name?”

  Lacy contemplated lying. Sister. Wife? Finally, she spit out her name. “Lacy Snow,” she said. “Is he okay?”

  The woman scanned a clipboard. “Yes, there you are. He gave us your name. He’s okay. He was in shock.” The woman held up a finger toward Lacy, then said something to a male nurse behind her. “Mike can take you back to see him if you have someone with you to watch the kids.”

  “Thank you.” The kids. Damn it. She turned back toward the desk. “I don’t have anyone to watch them.” She felt her lips quivering. She turned back to the desk.

  The woman shook her head. “I’m sorry. We can’t allow them in the back.”

  Shitshitshit! Lacy ran through possible solutions. She didn’t know anyone in Chatham. Not anyone she could leave someone else’s children with. She turned back to the woman behind the desk. “And the man he was with? How is he? Rob Mann?”

  “I’m sorry, but we can only release information to family members or those who are on the release form,” the woman said.

  Lacy groaned. She bounced Katie, trying to calm her down while her own mind ran in circles. “Can you let Dane Braden know I’m here, but that I have Rob’s kids and I can’t come back with them? I hate him being alone. I need him to know I’m here.”

  “We can do that,” she said.

  “Thank you.”

  Torn between being relieved that Dane was okay and worrying about Rob, Lacy took the children to a small table in the corner of the room, where there were toys and coloring books strewn about. She set Katie on the chair beside her, and Charlie sat down with his arms crossed. Lacy looked back at the doors to the patient area, thinking about Rob. Please let him be okay. Katie clutched her bear and reached for a coloring book with her free hand.

  “Did my dad get bitten by a shark?” Charlie asked.

  “No, honey, no. He didn’t get bitten by a shark.” But he could have been.

  “When can we see him?" he asked.

  “I’m not sure, honey. They’ll tell us when you can.” Lacy wished Danica were there, or Kaylie, or someone who could help. She considered her options. Mom? What if Sheila already called someone?

  “Ms. Snow?” Lacy spun around.

  “Yes, I’m Lacy Snow.”

  The male nurse from earlier pulled her to the side and said quietly, “Mr. Braden has asked to be released, so you’ll see him in just a few minutes. He asked me to let you know.”

  “Thank you. Thank you so much,” she said. Released. He really is okay.

  Lacy turned her attention back to the children.


  “Dane!” She spun around and flew into Dane’s arms. “Oh my God, you’re okay. I was so worried. Are you okay? Treat didn’t tell me much,” she said.

  Dane looked at the kids. “Hi, guys. I’m just going to talk to Lacy over here for a minute.”

  Lacy’s stomach plunged. “What happened? Oh God, Dane. What happened to Rob?”

  Dane’s eyes filled with tears. He shook his head. “I…I shouldn’t have let him dive.”

  “Dane, look at me. What happened?” OhGodohGodohGod.

  “We were free diving, and he got hit in the head. Hard. He was knocked unconscious.”

  “Unconscious? He was or he is unconscious?” Lacy looked at the emergency room doors again. He’s back there. Sheila’s back there. Alone.

  “Was. He’s breathing. He wasn’t breathing. He didn’t have a pulse. I helped him. He’s breathing now, but he still hasn
’t regained consciousness,” Dane explained.

  She searched Dane’s eyes. They were flat, like he was lost or dazed. “But you’re okay?” She ran her hands up and down his arms.

  He nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Sheila’s alone. She needs someone. Dane, I have to go back there,” Lacy said. “Please, can you get them to let me back there? She’s gotta be so scared.”

  “I can. Treat’s a big supporter of the hospital. They put two and two together when they signed me in and said they were calling him. I told him to call you. They’ll let you go in the back with Sheila.” He looked at the kids. “I’m sorry, Lace.”

  “Sorry? It sounds like you helped him. This isn’t your fault,” she said. “This is…” A risk of your job. She couldn’t say it aloud. His job was a hell of a lot more dangerous than walking across the street. “Can you watch the kids? Are you okay enough to?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” he said. “I’ll go talk to the nurse and have them bring you back.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  LACY COULDN’T REMEMBER the last time she’d been in a hospital room. She stood in the doorway of Rob’s room. The antiseptic smell permeated her senses as she took in Rob, lying with his head back, a thick white tube down his throat and an EKG monitor strapped across his chest with wires running to a machine by his bedside. Another monitor was attached to his index finger, and an IV line snaked from his arm. Sheila sat on the opposite side of the bed, holding his hand, tears streaming down her cheeks. Lacy took a step inside the room, feeling sick to her stomach.

  “Sheila,” she whispered.

  Sheila turned to face her. Her eyes were wet and puffy, and her slim, upturned nose was pink from crying. Her hair was a long, tangled mess. Her shirt had come untucked from her shorts and hung awkwardly from one side.

  Lacy embraced her. “I’m so sorry,” she said through her own tears.

  “Where are the kids?” Sheila managed. She clutched a handful of tissues in her trembling hands.

  “Dane’s with them.”

  Sheila nodded. “He’s okay?”

  “Yeah, seems to be. What did they say about Rob?”

  Fresh sobs ripped from her chest. “He…They said if he wakes up soon, then he’ll have less of a chance of any deficits.”

  Deficits. He was going to quit today, and now he might have deficits. “If…? Do they think…?” Lacy wiped the tears that streamed down her cheeks.

  “I don’t know. They don’t know. Dane thought a nine-foot shark whacked his head and knocked him unconscious. A fucking shark.” Sheila covered her face. “This is why…” Sobs swallowed her voice.

  A shark. This is real. This could happen to Dane. Or worse.

  “What am I gonna do? I can’t live without Rob. The kids need him. What am I gonna do if he doesn’t wake up?” Sheila stood and touched Rob’s cheek. “He’s my life.”

  Lacy reached for Sheila again.

  Sheila didn’t collapse in to her this time. She grabbed Lacy by the shoulders. Her dark eyes were filled with fear and venom. Her thin lips turned down at the edge in an angry frown. “Lacy, this could be you and Dane. This is what I was so afraid of.”

  No. I don’t want to hear it. Please stop. Stopstopstop.

  “Honey, I know you love him, but think about it. This is real, Lacy. Real.”

  “I’m sorry, Sheila. I’m so sorry,” Lacy said, and they fell into each other’s arms and held on tight. “What can I do? Who should I call? We can stay with the kids for as long as you need us to.”

  “I called my parents. They’re on their way. I know Dane’s gonna feel guilty, and the doctor said he saved Rob’s life. Please tell him thank you for me. Please tell him that I don’t blame him. I know Dane, and he’ll blame himself.” Sheila took Rob’s hand in hers again.

  “I will.”

  “What did you tell the kids?” Sheila asked.

  “Nothing. I didn’t know what you wanted me to tell them. They’re so sweet, and they are very worried. Do you want me to sit with Rob while you go see them?” Lacy asked.

  “Should I? I don’t want to leave him.” Sheila looked from Rob to Lacy and back again.

  Her eyes widened, and Lacy knew she wanted her to give her the answer. “I don’t know. I’m not a mom, but I think they’d want to know you’re okay and hear something about their dad.”

  “What if it upsets them more, and then I have to leave them again?” she asked.

  “I wish I had the answers.” Lacy reached for her arm, just to reassure her that she wasn’t alone in all of this. “I can tell them whatever you want if you’d rather.”

  “No, I should do it. Will you stay with Rob? I want him to know someone’s here with him.” Sheila stood and moved toward the door. “I’ll only be a few minutes.”

  “Of course.”

  As she sat alone in the room with Rob, the machine beeped in a constant eerie cadence—a gruesome reminder of Rob’s condition. Lacy crossed to the other side of the bed and noticed the bandages covering the left side of his face. A nine-foot shark whacked his head. She reached for her thigh and wondered if his cheek looked the same beneath the bandage. A flash of pain ran through her leg as she remembered being grazed by the shark.

  She thought of the pride she’d seen in his eyes when he looked at Charlie and the love she’d seen for Sheila and Katie. He had been so vital last night. Now his skin had lost its sheen. It looked pasty, like it had lost all of its elasticity. How can that happen overnight? Anger stirred deep in her belly. A shark whacked his head.

  This was a choice. Nobody forced him to dive. He chose this lifestyle. Dane chose this lifestyle. For all these years, Rob has done what he loves doing, and to hell with what it does to the people who love him. She could replace Rob with Dane. To hell with what it does to the people who love him. Her hands began to shake. Would you give up your career for me? Why hadn’t she seen his answer for what it was? Come on, Lace. He’d said it like she was asking a silly question. It wasn’t a silly question. And now. Now? She looked at Rob and felt a thread of longing for the man he had been the day before.

  Sheila returned to the room, and Lacy’s whole body was shaking.

  “I feel a little better having talked to the kids,” Sheila said. “My parents should be here in half an hour. Did he move at all?”

  Lacy barely registered her words. Tears tumbled down her cheeks. She felt sick to her stomach.

  “Lacy?” Sheila said.

  Lacy didn’t respond. She couldn’t. What if it had been Dane? What if it was Dane tomorrow or next year?

  “Lacy? Honey, are you okay? Should I get the nurse?”

  She felt Sheila’s arm around her shoulder, she heard her voice, but she couldn’t process the words she was saying.

  “What are you gonna do?” The words came out as a whisper, without thought, without inflection. Flat and dry.

  “I’m gonna stay right here until Rob wakes up. And if he doesn’t wake up, I’m gonna sit here some more. I can’t lose him, Lacy. I have to believe he’s gonna be okay.” Sheila touched her arm. “Honey, are you okay?”

  Lacy managed a nod.

  “Dane said Rob told him he was quitting, and he’d offered Rob a job driving the boat and helping in other ways, not diving, not tagging. I think Dane’s still in shock. He’s having a really hard time.”

  Lacy shook her head.


  “Huh?” she said.

  Sheila looked at Rob, then back at Lacy. “Lacy, why don’t you go be with Dane? He needs you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  AFTER SHEILA’S PARENTS took the kids home with them to Connecticut and Sheila assured Dane and Lacy that she’d be okay staying with Rob, Lacy drove Dane back to the marina in silence. When they arrived at Treat’s boat, Lacy followed Dane down to the cabin, clutching her keys and unable to think past the accident. She couldn’t get the image of Rob out of her mind, and Sheila’s words pummeled her mind over and over until she felt like they we
re coming from her own lips. For all these years Rob has done what he loves doing, and to hell with what it does to the people who love him.

  “Lacy, we should talk,” Dane’s eyes were full of sadness, but the rest of his face was emotionless. His mouth hung slightly open, and there were tension lines across his forehead. He looked as though he was still in shock.

  Lacy was unable to concentrate or even think past the new worry that had taken over her mind.

  He sank onto a cushioned bench. He didn’t reach for her hand; he didn’t pull her close. He didn’t look into her eyes the way he always had. Dane folded his hands in his lap.

  “My job is risky,” he said.

  “It is,” she said robotically.

  “When I held Rob’s lifeless body in my arms…” Tears sprang from his eyes. “Jesus, I was sure I’d lost him.”

  Seeing Dane cry tugged tears from her eyes, too.

  Dane stared at the floor. “He might not wake up. Sheila and the kids might lose him tonight. Lacy, he quit before we dove. He was giving up diving, and now…now he might never wake up again.”

  “Yes.” Lacy’s mind was impotent. She couldn’t form a coherent thought. She felt reality staring her in the face. Dane could have been the one who was hit. Their conversation came rushing back to her. What if something happened to you? What if I gave up everything and, I don’t know, you get eaten by a shark or something? He’d answered her so easily, like the risks associated with his job weren’t real. Lacy, that’s not going to happen. She held on to the wall for stability.

  “I can’t do it to you, Lacy. I can’t ask you to be with me knowing the reality of what could happen,” Dane said. “I can’t live knowing that you could end up in the same place that Sheila is right now.” His voice was cold and hard.

  “I know.” Fresh tears sprang from her eyes. She clenched her keys so hard they cut into her skin.

  Dane shook his head. “I promised not to fall in love with you.” He raised cold eyes to her, and when he spoke, his words came out hot and mean. “I lied. I love you, Lacy. But I love you too much to let you be with me.”


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