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Amber does High School Naked: A story of the Permanude Universe and Young Love (The Permanude World Book 4)

Page 2

by Gloria

“But I so wish I could be, Mom.”

  My mom greeted the plea with a soft chuckle.

  “You really like being a nudist, Mom?” I asked, no longer sure of anything.

  “I do, Kitten. Very much.”

  “I wish I wasn’t so terrified about what my friends would say and do tomorrow.”

  “Princess, your mom spent about a month letting the kids at school run her ragged,” my dad said. “Then, her mother took her aside for a talk. Do you remember that talk, Sweetheart?”

  “I’ll never forget it.”

  “Do you think you could take her upstairs and show her something like it.”

  “If she’s willing to take her clothes off with me.”

  “I don’t mind you seeing me naked, Mom. It’s just that you look so much better than I do,” I said, sadly.”

  Mom and Dad looked at each other. “She really needs that talk,” Dad said.

  “You bring me a washcloth, then get lost, male of the species.”

  “Yes. Oh, exalted one.”

  Chapter 2

  Dad brought Mom a fresh washcloth and a towel, handed them off to her, then said, “I’ll be in my office.”

  My mom cleaned herself up more, then walked upstairs with me to her bedroom. She sat on the towel on the bed. The wall beside the walk-in closet had a wide full-length mirror with another mirror hinged on either side. You could get quite a view.

  At the moment, I cringed, seeing myself in a mirror next to my beautiful Mom.

  “Do you know how lovely you are, Honey,” Mom said.

  I shook my head. “I’m not nearly as lovely as you, Momma.

  Mom reached for the reading tablet on her bedside table. She tapped her way through it, then presented the results to me. “That’s me in high school.”

  “Mom, you’re gorgeous. Your legs are so long.”

  “I’m wearing three inch heels.”

  “And your neck . . .”

  “Is no longer than yours,” Mom cut me off. “I’m wearing a rather good synthetic diamond collar. I’ve still got it in the bottom of my jewelry box along with the bracelet, ear rings and that spectacular belt that would look perfect on your flat stomach.”

  “My stomach is not flat, Mom. You’ve seen me in my bikini bottom. My tummy pooches out.”

  “This is why I so did not want to raise you clothed. Your eyes have been blinded to your own beauty.”

  There were tears in my mother’s eyes.

  I closed my eyes and forced myself to swallow my rejection of my mother’s words. I almost had to regurgitate them back up to hear them again. “You think I’m that lovely?”

  “Will you give me a chance to show you?” had so much pleading in Mom’s voice.

  I took a deep breath, and willed myself to be open. “Yes, Mother.”

  “Will you undress?”


  “I’ll go get what’s in the bottom of my jewelry box,” Mom said, and disappeared into her walk-in closet

  Standing in front of the mirror, I unbuttoned my shirt and let it fall onto my parents’ bed. I looked at my mom’s high school picture.

  Could I actually look that good?

  I undid my bra. I always thought my breast were so much smaller than mom’s, but the girl in the picture had smaller B cup breasts, too. Was it gravity, time, or nursing a greedy little girl that gave mom the C cups Dad had been caressing. Could my mom possible long for those smaller breasts?

  Mom stepped from her walk-in closet. Quickly, I skinnied out of my slacks and panties in one quick stroke, then stepped out of my sandals.

  I was naked before my mom.

  “Let’s try these on,” Mom said, showing me the most beautiful sparkling collar. “We’ll want to sweep your hair high on your head for the full impact, but this is a start.”

  Mom fastened the collar behind my neck. It was almost two inches high . . . and it fit comfortable! Then she handed me two dangling diamond chain ear rings and I slipped my silver posts out and put the lovely ones in. The diamond bracelet was at least three inches wide and fit snugly around my wrist.

  “This is to die for, but you might want to shave your beaver to get the full impact,” and Mom slipped a belt around my hips. It was a half inch wide stream of silver and diamonds that encircled my hips but didn’t meet like a belt. The clasp was at about a fifteen-degree angle, letting the tag end of the belt to tail off further down my flat stomach.

  My flat stomach!

  I turned to look at myself in the mirrors.

  Mom held her tablet up for me to better see the picture.

  “Not bad,” I said.

  “Not bad?”

  “Okay, you’re spectacular. I’m pretty damn hot.”

  “Now you’re talking like my daughter.”

  “What’s your caboose look like,” I said, scowling at my big butt.

  Mom changed the picture. She was looking back over her shoulder at the camera in a classic pin up pose.

  “Your dad took these pictures. I thought at the time that it was because of all the love he put into them that they made an ugly duckling like me look so good.

  “But Mom, you’re hot. Your gorgeous.”

  “Growing up in clothes I sure didn’t believe that. Just like you don’t. Check your ass and tell me yours isn’t as good as this gorgeous woman you’re saying such nice things about.”

  Mom messed with the angles of the two hinged mirrors. Then I turned around and looked over my shoulder. I really did look as good as my mom’s picture.

  “I’ve got to leave to see William real soon. We’re having pizza tonight.”

  “You’re eighteenth birthday and he’s buying you pizza?” Mom said.

  “Can we not fight over William tonight?”

  “I will say no more, but you have two choices, you can put back on your clothes, or you can let me pile your hair up high on your head. I’ve got a pair of red three inch heels and some fire engine red lipstick.

  “Wouldn’t I be kind of overdressed for pizza?”

  “That’s what I told my mom all those years ago. What she told me was, “If you’re going to wear just skin, then you have to accessories it up the ying yang.”

  I looked at myself in the mirror for a long time. Mom rummaged in her closet and brought out a pair of fire engine red, open-toed, three inch heels.

  I stepped into them. They fit perfectly. “Are these yours?”

  “Worn last Christmas party.”

  I licked my lips. And started arguing with myself out loud. “I’ve been telling William that I didn’t want to start having sex until I was eighteen.”

  “You’re eighteen today.” Mom observed.

  “If I walk into the pizza parlor undressed like this, will he haul me off to a cheap hotel and forget ordering any food?”

  “If you wear those clothes,” and here Mom nodded at the clothes on the bed and floor, “will he haul you off to a cheap hotel and forget about food? You also run the risk of a year in jail if someone checks your ID. Not likely, I know, but that’s the law.”

  “Do you have a chastity belt in the bottom of your jewelry box, Mom?”

  “I gave mine to a museum years ago.”

  We shared a chuckle.

  “Give me that lipstick. I’ll put it on while you put up my hair. What do we do about my beaver?”

  “Your father has a beard trimmer around here somewhere. It won’t take care of the hair between your legs, but I’m not hearing that you want him to see that hair.


  “You going to leave a landing patch so people can see the rug matches the drapes.”

  “Oh God,” I said and laughed. “Even nudists have to make fashion choices.”

  “I’m clean as a whistle, but that takes a bath and a safety razor which you don’t have time for.”

  So, I put on lipstick that had to come from hell to be that red, and add subtle eye makeup to back up the lips. Done with my face, I applied the beard trimmer to trimming m

y beaver. I ended up leaving short stubble that looked more like a five o’clock shadow where most of my beaver had been. Being red hair, the shadow added a soft red tint to my lower belly. I left a tight V pointing right at my slit even though I really didn’t want to encourage William’s eyes to go there.

  Ten minutes before I was to meet William, I was dressed to kill and ready to go out. Well, I was as bejeweled as Dejah Thoris of Mars and just as bereft of clothes.

  Mom provided me with a sparkling clutch purse. I transferred the essentials, then thought of one more thing.

  “Mom, do you have a tampon?”

  “You’re not due to start for a couple of more days?” Mom said, puzzled.

  “Yep, but William doesn’t know that. If my coochie has a string dangling down . . .” I left the rest to Mom’s imagination.

  “It’s almost as good as a chastity belt, my dear,” she said, with a laugh.

  A moment later, I was protected from an unseasonal outbreak of bleeding, and I had as much sting as possible dangling down.

  I led Mom back downstairs. I was going to be late, but I took the time to slip to the back of the house where Mom and Dad had their office. Dad was hunched over a computer, working on something of his own.

  “Honey,” Mom said.

  My dad swiveled his chair around to face me.

  Was he speechless for a moment?

  “You are so beautiful,” he finally breathed. “You look so much like your mother I could just cry.”

  “I am crying,” Mom said.

  “Wish your virgin daughter luck with keeping her virginity intact,” I said, and turned on my toes. You don’t turn on three inch heels. No way.

  I was five minutes late arriving at Jose’s Pizzeria. Fashionable, I thought, to go with my glam.

  I stepped out of my car. A teenage boy was just getting out of the car next to me. He took one look at me and his eyes got big and he fell back into the car’s back seat.

  His mother and father looked at me. The father allowed himself a bit of a smile.

  Mom scowled. “I thought girls like you were only seen on street corners?”

  “Ma’am, my folks signed the family up to be nudist just today and I haven’t found my own street corner yet.” I answered, while wearing a smile that was not at all humble.

  That got a guffaw from the dad and an order from the mom that they find another place to eat.

  With no further adventures, or was that a misadventure, certainly from that poor teenage boy point of view, I walked as carefully, and sexily, as I could into the lowly pizzeria.

  The guy who was spinning out the next pizza happened to be facing the door. He totally lost it and the next pizza plopped onto the floor. The mouths of the two clerks behind the counter dropped open so fast they must have bounced twice before they settled on the counter. Whatever they were doing came to a dead stop.

  As if they were on a string, the heads of those in line spun around to see what was going on behind them. Mouths dropped open as they caught sight of me.

  I smiled at them, then turned to search the restaurant. I was hunting for William. As I expected he had a table in as much of a dark corner as this place could manage.

  He was on his phone, checking his messages. Probably looking for a twitter from me begging forgiveness for being late.

  The romance novels say my heart should have gone pitter patter. My coochie gotten all wet. Why did I feel nothing as I took him in?

  I shook my head ever so slightly and I walked toward him, heels clicking. I don’t think he even connected me with clicking heels. Tennis shoes was usually my footwear.

  But when a naked girl walks into a guy’s line of vision, any red blooded American boy will look.”

  “Wow, who are you sweetheart?” he asked. Then blinked and stared at me real hard. “Amber?”

  “Yep,” I said, standing there, letting him get a good look from toes to nose with most time spent at the coochie he was eye level with. My legs were spread apart enough. He ought to be able to see my string.

  “What happened to you?”

  Not I’m gorgeous, lovely, beautiful. What happed to me?

  I slipped into the bench on the other side of the booth. “It turns out my folks were nudists in high school and college. They picked today to sign the family back into Permanude status. You, and everyone else, will be seeing a lot more of me from now on.”

  “And you dressed like this for pizza?”

  “Why not? If you got it, flaunt it.”

  “And you got it, babe. Say, why don’t we go someplace a bit more private. You can let your hair down and really celebrate your birthday.”

  I looked around. “Actually, I kind of like their pizza. I can’t stay too long. I’ve got to clean out my closet and strip my bed. I don’t want some lifestyle cop to find me not in compliance with the law.”

  “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding,” he said, reaching for my hands.

  Damn, I needed red nail polish on my fingers and toes before school tomorrow.

  “Nope. My folks have been here before and they say newly registered often can expect a visit if they don’t certify right quick that they are in compliance,” I lied with a straight face.

  “Am, but you’ve always been saying that you wanted to celebrate your eighteenth birthday by getting rid of that virgin problem you have. I’ve really been looking forward to helping you.”

  I bet you have. “Really, William, I said I didn’t want to have sex until I was at least eighteen. My mom told me today that she and dad were nineteen when they did it the first time. Don’t you think nineteen could be a good time?”

  “What I think is that you’re afraid. That you’re frigid and you need a good man to warm you up, put you on fire and give you a few good orgasms. Make a real woman out of you.”

  I shrugged. “Well, it’s not going to happen today. I got my period at school today.”

  I spread my legs wide, and son of a bitch, he ducked his head under the table and got a good look at my pussy.


  He sat back up. “Well, it’s just as well, my dad texted me just before you got here that he needs me to help close the store tonight. Another gal called in sick. You can’t trust these minimum wage workers worth shit.”

  “I’ve often heard you complain about them,” I said.

  He got up, gave me a peck on the cheek, “that’s for you, birthday girl,” and hurried out.

  I didn’t bother to watch him go. I got my phone out and called Mom. “Would you and Dad like some pizza?”

  “He stood you up?”

  “He walked out on me after ducking under the table to check my coochie string.”


  “Mom, don’t push it. I’m more on your side right now than I was a bit ago, but I still need some space.”

  “I understand. Let me check with your dad.” There was a pause. “How would you like to celebrate your eighteenth birthday at that new steak house that just opened up on Elmwood.”

  “If you and dad want to, I’ll go along for the ride.”

  So, Dad walked into the new steakhouse with two bejeweled and gorgeous nude women on his arms. I dripped synthetic diamonds and silver. Mom sparkled in yellow gold and synthetic rubies.

  We got very good service.

  That night, Mom and I shared the large bathtub in their bathroom as she showed me how to shave all my pussy hairs. I was scared to death I’d cut something important, but Mom was very adept at showing me how you twisted and turned the safety razor to get the hair and not you.

  After we dried off, we spent an hour giggling like teenagers as we painting my fingernails and toenails. Fancy would have to wait, but bright red is always in fashion.

  As we made my nails bright as a fire engine, Mom shared with me what it was like to show up to school the day after she’d been stripped. “I was so humiliated, and embarrassed and I just wanted to crawl under my desk and die,” she said.

  “My so-
called friends just laughed at me for not running fast enough when the security alarm when off as we went left the store. Then they joined in the ridicule. It was horrible and I felt so guilty. So, stupid. If you were afraid that going to school naked tomorrow would be bad,” Mom said, shaking her head, “imagine how it was with me. I so tried to hold it all in. Tried to make it on my own. Finally, I broke down. I told my mom I just couldn’t make it. I couldn’t go to school one more day.” Mom got one of those far away looks grownups get when they’re somewhere else.

  “You’re terrifying me, Mom.”

  “Sorry. I should have talked with Mom the first day. She brought me into her bedroom, like I brought you into mine, and she explained to me that I could let them define me, or I could define me. She made me look at myself in a mirror very much like that one, then she started getting me into the jewelry I gave you today. When she added heels and I looked at myself, I didn’t see the terrified, humiliated little girl. I saw one hell of a woman. You know, the goddesses of ancient Greece and Rome were often nude. That was part of the power of a goddess. She looked great in her body and didn’t care about hiding it.”

  She turned to me. “You don’t have to care about hiding your body, either. Hell, honey,” she said, kissing my forehead. “Your body is too beautiful to cover up.”

  We wept and giggled and laughed until it was bedtime.

  As I lay in my bed without a sheet or blanket, I found myself feeling strangely happy. I loved my mom. I’d always loved her. But after this evening, I knew my mom a whole lot better. I knew her, and my mom was one cool lady.

  Chapter 3

  Next morning when I left for school my hair was up and I was back in my collar et al. A look in the mirror showed me a decked-out woman who looked like a high-end escort who had lost her mind and misplaced her micro mini dress.

  I drove my Honda into the school parking lot, right up to my reserved parking spot. With my GPA I rated one in the row right behind the teachers.

  Several of my girlfriends were waiting for me. I’d gotten a wave of tweets while I was out with Mom and Dad and had ignored them then, and afterward I ignored them some more while I spent time with Mom. I got out of my car and stood tall.


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