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Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10

Page 5

by WL Knightly

  Ethan let himself be dragged along. “Very funny. When we leave, I want steak and lobster. I need to be in top shape for my date tonight.”

  Nate laughed. “You’re going to call it a date? Really?”

  He didn’t know what else to call it. “My hookup? My booty call? Whatever. You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, unfortunately, I do, my friend. I think I need to reconsider this shit.”

  “No way. We’re not backing out now. It’s already arranged.” He wasn’t about to call Bay and tell him he didn’t need his services after all. That would go over like a slap in the face, and he knew better than to upset Bay of all people. He’d never hear the end of it.

  They approached the man who stood waiting, and Ethan tried hard not to make a face when the man looked him up and down like he was a feast. “Well, hello, cowboy,” the man said, holding out his hand. “I’m Marvin, and I’ll be your driver and your stylist today.”

  “Hello, Marvin,” said Ethan, shaking his hand. “I’m Ethan Cline.”

  The man smiled. “Oh, I know who you are, handsome. I know Shannon very well. I do all of her clothes for her shoots.”

  “Ah, I thought you looked familiar.” He didn’t know how to feel about someone from Shannon’s camp coming to get him, but then, the event was sponsored by her agency, Dos.

  “Don’t worry about me, sugar. I don’t choose sides, but if I did, it would be yours. That woman is vicious.” He held out his hand and revealed a set of long, pointed nails that he held like they were claws.

  “Mr. Cline prefers not to talk about his ex,” Nate said so Ethan didn’t have to.

  “I understand,” said Marvin, waving them along with him. “Let’s get you men to the car before anyone recognizes you. It’ll only take us about twenty minutes to drive down to the studio.”

  They followed him to the car and loaded up. Nate jumped in the passenger seat, and Ethan took the back. He was used to being driven around, but he was used to much cleaner, nicer cars. This one had to be Marvin’s personal vehicle.

  He glanced down to the floorboards where a familiar face caught his eye. He reached down and took the proof’s sheet. “I know this model. It’s my friend Tad Halston.”

  Marvin looked in the rearview. “Oh, I liked him a lot. He was a nice guy. I never could get over that he had suffered so much in his life, and then what happened to his sister? It was just terrible. He used to be one our models.”

  “I had no idea,” said Ethan. “I guess it makes sense.”

  “Yeah, Spencer was going to throw those out, but it just didn’t seem right, you know? He was such a nice guy.”

  “Right,” said Ethan with a nod, realizing how morbid it was to see Tad’s picture on the floorboards of a stranger’s car. He wondered if that was how it was to see his photos everywhere, or was it different because Tad was dead?

  He tossed the photos back down to where he had found them and looked out the window until they arrived at their destination.

  Things moved fast in the studio, and Ethan grew nervous, not knowing what would be expected of him. But Marvin stepped up and took him by the arm. “Come on, Ethan. Let’s get you ready. I have specific instructions for your shot today.” He led Ethan to a small trailer where others were lined up, getting their faces ready, and there was a separate section with rows of clothes.

  As he walked by, heads turned, and he left a lot of whispers in his wake. “Don’t mind them,” said Marvin. “Those catty bitches would give their left tits to sleep with you. I hear them talking. They don’t fool anyone.” He threw a shady look over his shoulder in their direction.

  “What do they have me wearing?” He hoped it wasn’t some stupid frilly shirt or something that would make him look like a pussy. He had a reputation to uphold.

  “Actually, if you’ll just slip off your shirt, I can help you.”

  Ethan reluctantly unbuttoned his shirt, but before he took it off, he realized the man in front of him had possibly seen Tad’s brand. He didn’t want him to see his.

  “Go on, and take it off. We’re going to have you shirtless with this big buckle.”

  Ethan shook his head firmly. “I don’t do shirtless photos.”

  Marvin turned around and put his hand to his mouth. “You’re kidding me, right? That’s our idea for the banner. We wanted to feature your chest and jeans.”

  “Are the other models going to be topless?” Ethan had been through this a million times. He had never taken his shirt off for a photo.

  Marvin put his hand on his hip. “Of course not.”

  “Then why should you ask me? Is it because I’m a man? That makes it okay to exploit my body?”

  Nate walked in about that time after lagging behind. “Ethan? Is everything okay?”

  “They want me to take my shirt off, and I don’t do that for pictures.” He and Nate had discussed not showing off the brand on his shoulder many times before.

  Marvin snapped his fingers. “Honey, you’re so right. I can appreciate that you’re standing up for men’s rights. Why should we always have to show off our chests like it’s nothing? I’ll talk to Spencer. You’ll be making a statement.” He hurried out of the trailer, and Ethan rolled his eyes.

  “This blows. I can think of fifty other things I’d like to be doing with my day.”

  “Well, let’s get this shit over with, and we’ll go do whatever you want. I’m sick of hearing you piss and moan.” Nate walked over and took a seat at the small built-in dining table.

  Marvin returned with a tall woman who walked in like she owned the place. “Ethan, Tula. Tula, Ethan.”

  “I hear you don’t want to go topless,” she said.

  “No, I’m not taking my shirt off. I’ll look ridiculous. This is a fashion gala. Dress me.” He gave Tula a hard look.

  “Will you wear a shirt if you leave it open like the one you have on?”

  “As long as you’re not going to put me in some flowery, frilly nightmare, I’m good.”

  Marvin gasped. “I would never. Trust me, darling, we’re not going to change who you are.”

  Tula moved his shirt aside. “I just need to see how much makeup you’re going to need on your abs.”

  “My abs?” Ethan didn’t like the sound of that. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Tula ignored him. “What do you think, Marvin?”

  “That boy doesn’t need any makeup, honey. Just what the good lord gave him.”

  “Then my work here is done,” she said.

  “Yes, you’re as pretty as they come. We’re not going to touch you up much.” Marvin handed him a shirt, which he quickly put on, and then he gave him a big buckle that looked like something he could eat a small meal off of. The word Dos was spelled out across the front.

  Once he was ready, Marvin walked him out. “He’s all set, Spencer.”

  Spencer barely gave him the time of day and held up his hand. “Over here, Ethan Cline.” He waved Ethan to the front. “Just wait a second. We have a bale of hay coming in.” He turned and looked around. “Bale of hay!”

  Ethan was nearly run down by the crew who carried in a large prop hay bale big enough for him to lean against.


  “Right here,” said Marvin, not looking too impressed by the tone of the photographer. He walked over, and the two conversed. Then a moment later, Marvin walked over to join Ethan and handed him a piece of straw. “Pop this between your teeth, precious.”

  “Between my teeth? You mean like some hayseed plowboy?”

  “Yes,” snapped Spencer. “You’re our big country star. Let’s do it.”

  Fuck me. He had never been so humiliated in all his life, and suddenly, he turned to see Shannon walking over to Spencer.

  “I’m here,” she said. “Just in time for the riff-raff, I see.”

  “Ethan, I need you to move over with your hand on your hip. Shannon, get in there, and let’s see you two back to back.”

  Shannon walke
d over and stood next to him. “Why don’t you get your own friends, and stop mooching shows off mine?” She turned and gave him a nasty look.

  Ethan tried hard to control his expression, but with the camera on him, he knew there was no hiding how he felt. He knew the camera could see it too.

  He looked at Spencer. “Did you get what you needed? I have another appointment.”

  “It’s good. Thank you for coming.” He waved him away like he was a bug, and Shannon laughed.

  As he walked away, she ran after him. “Where are you staying while you’re in town?”

  “None of your business.” He kept walking, with Nate not far behind him. “Why do you care, anyway?”

  She let out a huff. “I just thought I’d be nice and offer a place to stay.”

  “Are you kidding me? I’d rather visit the Empire State Building and jump off it than stay with you.” He turned and gave Nate a hard look. “Let’s go.”

  He hurried to the parking lot and waited on Nate to call a cab. “We’re going to need a rental.”

  “Just get a cab, and get us out of here,” Ethan said. “That witch knew they were going to make me look like an asshole with that little photo op. After this show, I’m never doing anything remotely related to her or her people.” He raked his hand through his hair. “I’m so ready for tonight. I need a little fun to make up for this shitty day.”

  Chapter 8


  Bay sat at his office computer looking over the photos from Justin’s laptop. He’d turned and cropped and resized about a hundred images and still didn’t have enough background to create another image of what the room might really be like behind Betty. One string of photos allowed him to piece enough together to see a police uniform and a pair of issued shoes, which had to have been taken on the one particular day. Other than that, he hadn’t gotten anything else that could be solid or specific enough to identify where the photos were taken.

  He had received the messages from Darek, who had been trying to reach him the entire time he drove home and several times since, but he wasn’t quite ready to share the details or the photographs, even though it meant going against their latest agreement.

  Bay never had felt like the rules applied to him anyway, and now that three of the Zodiacs had died since the New Orleans meeting, he considered it null and void. It wasn’t that he would never show Darek what he’d found. In fact, he knew the detective needed to see them, but he wanted to make sure there was nothing linking Darek to the killings, just in case the detective’s mental lapses were responsible.

  With the murder happening so close to Raven, and the fact that they had left a Sagittarius card, Bay knew the murderer was on to Darek. Whether or not he’d be the next victim or the killer was just making some kind of power play, throwing out warnings, remained to be seen.

  He picked up his phone and messaged the killer. It’s about time you did something. You’re lazy for a serial killer.

  He hoped to goad the killer into giving a response, but before he could type another message, someone knocked on his door.

  He got up, hoping it was Raven, and wasn’t disappointed when he opened the door to see her there, looking like a black-haired goddess in a silky blouse that showed off her ample breasts and a tight skirt that made Bay wish he’d had his turn with her. Funny how that had never happened.

  But his smile was not returned.

  “Are you kidding me?” Raven mumbled under her breath and shook her head.

  “I take it you had no idea who you were coming to see.”

  “No, I didn’t. But it makes more sense now.” She rocked on her heels and let out a long breath as Bay stepped aside.

  “Do come in. I can tell you’re unsure about our little meeting and probably asking yourself what I could possibly do for you.” He started for his desk, talking to her over his shoulder. “But you might be surprised.”

  She hesitated a moment and then walked inside, shutting the door behind her. “Did Darek explain to you that I’m seeking legitimate employment? I don’t exactly think that waitressing at a sex club is going to help me get my cousin’s son.”

  “Sit, Raven.” Bay sat behind his desk and was surprised that she stayed standing. He gave her a look. “Do you want my help or not?”

  “That remains to be seen, but you don’t ask a lady in and then talk to her like she’s a golden retriever.”

  Bay liked her spirit, but he wasn’t about to show it. “Would you like to sit down, my lady?” he asked, gesturing to the chair in front of him. “Would you like me to pull out the chair or fluff the cushion?”

  She walked around and sat. “I’m good. Thank you.”

  “Taunt is not my only business. I have several all over town, aside from being an attorney, of course.”

  “So the restaurant job Darek mentioned was legit?”

  “Completely on the up and up. I can start you there as a hostess at fifteen per hour.”

  “I’d have to be able to make the meetings with Noah. His counselors are making it pretty difficult for me since that bitch Darek is seeing told them that I was the intended victim.”

  “Damn, that’s harsh. You don’t like her very much?”

  Raven sighed. “I don’t know her.”

  Bay was amused that Darek could have two women fighting over him. “Well, you did leave him, didn’t you? I mean, you made the choice to move away?”

  “It wasn’t because I don’t care about Darek, but my house was broken into, and it was getting out of hand. I didn’t feel safe. Not even when I was with him. I lost my job. I needed to work and wanted to be with family.” She raked her hand through her silky hair. “I didn’t think he’d go back to her so soon.” Her jaw tightened, and she took a deep breath.

  “You still love him, don’t you?”

  “Like it matters now if I do? I have so much other shit to worry about, and I’m making getting Noah back my top priority.”

  “I can totally respect that. Which is why I’ll let you make your own schedule. I’ll even offer you benefits.”

  “No shit?” She leaned forward and searched his eyes. “Are you sure you’re the same Bay Collins who owns Taunt?”

  “Well, since you mention it. I wouldn’t want to disappoint you by being a good guy, so I’ve got another proposal to make. Since I’ve offered you such a sweet deal, I have a favor to ask.”

  Raven laughed. “Oh, here we go. I knew it was too good to be true.”

  Bay smiled. “I think you might like what I have to offer. So just hear me out. I had a special request the other day from a very special friend who happens to be a celebrity. He’s had a rough go of it lately, too, and can’t really party in public with the paparazzi just waiting for him to screw up.”

  Raven shook her head as he continued.

  “Before you say no, let me also inform you that I own a hotel. I hear that you happen to need a place to live. So, if you do me the favor I’m about to ask, I’ll make sure you not only have a place to lay your head at night rent free, but I can also arrange a car for you for as long as you need it. I’ll even throw in personal security if you want it.”

  She eased back in her seat. “You can really make all of that happen?”


  “What do I have to do?” she asked. Bay smiled, but she shook her head. “I’m not saying yes. I just want to hear you out first.”

  “I’m sure you’ve heard of Ethan Cline, the country music star?”

  Raven shrugged. “I’m more of a punk and grunge girl myself, but I know who you’re talking about. He’s the guy who was dating Shannon Steele. She fucked his bodyguard, and they had a nasty break up.”

  “That’s the one,” said Bay, leaning back in his own chair to put her at ease. “He’s in town to perform at a fashion gala, and he asked for me to arrange a little fun for him.”

  “So I’m expected to sleep with him?” She shook her head.

  “Of course, but it’s not like you haven’t done so
mething like this before. Only now, you’ll be getting paid to do it. Handsomely, I might add.”

  “I need some cash up front. I’m tapped, and if I agree to do this, I don’t want to take anything from Darek. He’s offered to help me out, but I think this offer is helping me enough.” She curled her lip, and he could tell she was sullen at the thought of Darek referring her to Bay.

  “Oh, Darek had nothing to do with this extra arrangement. That was all me. In fact, he knows nothing about it. Which, from the sound of it, might be for the best.”

  Raven squared her shoulders and leaned forward. “So, will you front me some cash or not?”

  Bay reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. Then he unlocked his bottom desk drawer and took out a tray, confident that Raven couldn’t see what he was getting into. A moment later, he slapped a stack of bills on the table. “How’s this?”

  She looked at the stack like she was able to count each bill and looked him square in the eye. “I came in a hurry, and all of my clothes, my sexy panties, and dresses are all back where I was staying. I’m going to need to do a little shopping. I mean, you can’t expect me to dress like a slob next to a superstar, now can you?”

  Appreciating her gumption, he reached into the drawer and pulled out another stack. “That’s twenty thousand dollars,” he said, stacking the two one on top of the other. “That pussy of yours better feel like silk and taste like ambrosia because you are one expensive whore.” He pushed the stack to her as her eyes narrowed.

  “Why are you doing all of this? You could get someone much cheaper.”

  “Only the best for my Zodiacs, and since you’ve been a favorite among my men, I know you’ll do a good job. From what I’ve heard, you’re a real pro.” He also liked to dick with Darek, and shit like this amused him. He had to get his kicks somehow, and now that he was filthy rich, he could afford it.

  “Ethan Cline is a Zodiac?” She held her hand over her heart. Bay knew she had seen enough brands on the shoulders of her lovers to know what a Zodiac was. What he didn’t know was if she knew just what being one meant.


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