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Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10

Page 8

by WL Knightly

  Ethan couldn’t tell by her tone how she felt about it all, and he wished he could see her face. “Look, I know we had plans for tonight, but I don’t blame you if you don’t want to come over.” Nate steered him around the corner and down the long hall.

  “Hmm,” she said with a suspicious tone. “Do you not want me to come over? I mean, if this is way too much drama for you, then I get it. And with Darek being your friend, I don’t want to get in the way of that.”

  “I want you to come. Over. To see me.” He rubbed his temples as the words spilled out like diarrhea. He had hoped to make a better impression. “I mean, I want you to.” He stopped outside of his door and gave Nate a thumbs-up as he broke away to go in his own room.

  “I will then,” she said, her voice was soft and sweet. “I had a good time last night. It’s been so crazy lately, but you really took my mind off of everything.”

  As he fished out his key card, he thought about how he wanted to know all about her and why things had been crazy in her life. “Maybe tonight we can talk about it. You did keep my mind off the subject of Shannon, and I guess Darek is the guy who you were dating?” She hadn’t wanted to talk about him, and now Ethan knew why.

  “Yeah, well, I thought you knew him, so I didn’t want to say anything and have it get back to him. In case it hurt his feelings. Plus, there’s not anything scandalous. Other than the fact that he wasted no time going back to his girlfriend.”

  “That sucks.” He walked into his hotel room, and when he walked to the bed, which was near the bathroom, he realized his bathroom light was on and the water was running. “Hey, I’m at the room, but I need to go. Will you call me when you get here?”

  He looked toward the bed and did a quick assessment of where his things were. Everything was still in place, except now there was a pair of designer pumps on the floor and a hot pink dress with black lace.


  “Sure,” said Raven. “I’ll see you later.”

  He said his goodbyes, but he was rattled. If Shannon had found a way to sneak into his room, he would put his fist through the fucking wall.

  The water cut off, and he waited until a moment later when Shannon came out with a towel on her head. She screamed.

  “Shut the fuck up,” he said, thinking she’d alert the police and tell them some bullshit like he’d tried to hit her or something.

  She clutched the towel to her head, her tits bouncing as she stepped back. “You scared me, you asshole.”

  “What are you doing here?” he asked, walking over to pick up her dress from the floor and toss it at her.

  “I just came to see if we could talk a little bit. I mean, the way we’ve been going at it, it’s not us, Ethan. It’s never been us.”

  “It’s the new us. And I wouldn’t be pissed if you’d just go away.”

  “You don’t mean that. I thought about it today after you left. You’re doing this show because you care about me and you miss us. Why else would you be a glutton for this kind of punishment?”

  “Because it’s a contracted gig, and my manager wants his money. Nothing more. Besides, why would I want anything from you? You’re a bitch. You planned that billboard with your nightmare photographer Wiggs, and all for publicity for the show.”

  “It’s how we’ll make more money. Spencer wanted a good turnout, and with the charities getting most of the money, every little bit of it counts. He knows that people will come to see us together.”

  “They want to see us fight. They eat it up.” They’d eaten it up for months. The world was hungry for shit like that.

  “Do you want to know what they’ll eat up quicker than a fight?”

  “Me punching you in the face?” He had never even threatened her before, and he would never do it, but maybe she’d go the fuck away if she thought he might.

  She pulled back shocked. “You’d never.” She let out a breath and grabbed his arm. “Listen to me. They’ll love it even more if we get back together.” Her eyes were full of sincerity.

  Ethan thought his brain might explode right out of his head. “Have you lost your fucking mind? I mean, really? Is this some kind of joke?” His voice was louder than he intended, and while he tried to control his temper, it was no use.

  “No, it’s not a joke, silly.” She walked over and sat on his bed. “Do you think the paparazzi don’t know we’re here already?”

  “We’re here? What the fuck, Shannon? You’re staying here too?”

  “Yes, I thought it would it make things easier for us to talk. I’m just downstairs.”

  She’d brought the fucking media with her. He realized that she would see his every move, and now he was going to have to watch his back even closer. “You’re ruining my life.” He paced the floor.

  “Stop being so dramatic, Pooky Bear. I thought you’d want to talk it out.”

  “Don’t call me that.” He took a deep breath and looked over as she leaned back on her elbows. Her thin frame and tiny perky tits paled in comparison to Raven.


  “You’ve got to go. And don’t come back to my room, or that restraining order I had against you will go back into effect.”

  “Ethan, this isn’t over.” She looked at him like she knew what was best for them both. “I know you’re angry about what happened. And I was wrong for sleeping with Riggs. We were just getting so stale, and I needed a little fun.”

  “Stale? Is that what you thought? I had just proposed to you.” He was hoping the magazines would give them an interview about their big day. Instead, it had covered their complete downfall.

  “And I was a little scared about being tied down. I thought I’d see if I was really ready for a commitment. You’re the one who went and slept with that whore.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Tilda wasn’t a whore. She was a nice lady who I should have left alone. You ruined her life.” She had threatened the poor woman until she sold her house and moved away.

  “She had it coming. She slept with my fiancé, that homewrecking cunt.”

  He had heard it all before, and he was done listening. “Get out!”

  The door burst open, and Nate charged into the room. “What the hell is going on over here? I can hear you next door, and I’m sure other people can hear every fucking thing you’re saying.” He looked over at Shannon, who didn’t even make a move to cover up. “Oh, fucking hell.”

  Ethan nodded. “My sentiments exactly. She broke in here with the idea that we could talk it out. I’m trying to get her to leave.”

  Shannon got to her feet, walking over to try and touch him. “We could fuck like old times. There doesn’t have to be so much animosity toward one another.”

  Nate headed for the door, but Ethan wasn’t going to let him get away so easily. “Hold up, dammit. You’re not leaving until she does. I need a witness.”

  Nate turned around, trying to avert his eyes out of respect. “Come on, Shannon. Put your little titties away, and let’s go. You’re only pissing him off and turning me on, and neither one of us is into you.”

  “Fine,” she said, picking up her dress and pulling it on over her head. “I guess I’ll just go down to my room all alone then.” She stormed away to the door. “This isn’t over, Ethan. You’ll see that I’m right, and this is how things should be.”

  “So, what? You love me?”

  She turned down her bottom lip. “I never stopped, Pooky Bear.”

  Ethan walked over to the door and looked her in the eyes. “That’s the saddest thing I’ve heard all day.”

  He opened the door, and when she walked out, he slammed it shut behind her. “Don’t you let her near me again.” If he never saw her again, it would be too soon.

  “I’ll make sure she doesn’t come back.” He walked to the door. “I’ll go talk to her.”

  “I’ve got company coming. Raven will be here later. So, you make sure that Shannon stays the fuck away. I don’t need her bothering Raven. She’s had a hard enough time as it is late

  Nate shook his head. “Ethan, do me a favor, and don’t get in too deep with this one. Her past isn’t going to do you any favors.” Nate shut the door behind him, and Ethan let out a sigh of relief.

  Dammit, that was too much.

  Chapter 13


  Mia lay on the bed like a child with her markers scattered around her as she drew up her designs for the new business.

  Bay looked over her shoulder as she cursed. “My pink marker is already drying up.” She shook the thing and then put the cap on it and tossed it to the floor. “I need some better ones.”

  “You need some colored pencils. I’m surprised you didn’t buy some. You bought up the rest of the art store.” She came home with four tablets of different sizes, six different erasers, and a set of drawing pencils she hadn’t even opened.

  “These ones smell like vinegar.” She sniffed her drawing and made a face.

  “What have you got here?” Bay reached over to pick up the pages, and she snatched them away.

  He narrowed his eyes. “Show me. I need to see what my money is going to be investing in.” He pulled at her hand, and she giggled and moved to his lap.

  “I like some of them, but not all of them.” She took a deep breath and turned the pages to where he could see them.

  Bay was impressed by her work, and not only by the sketches, but the designs themselves. They were going to make nice handbags.

  “I want this one to be sporty, and this one for the evening. This one is for every day, and it even has a mirror and a phone pocket. I also wanted to do one of those secret pockets where you can conceal a small handgun. Or drugs.”

  Bay smiled. Only his Mia would think of that. “I don’t think the drug pocket is going to work for the advertisers.”

  “Well, it’s not like I’ll say what it is.” She bopped him on the forehead, and he frowned. “But that’s what all of my friends use them for. I’ll call it the stash bag. That will send the message.”

  “Why not just add a tiny vial pocket, complete with a tiny spoon?”

  “Don’t get ahead of me. I’m still brainstorming. I want them to be pretty and practical, but I’d also like for a couple to be a little extra.”

  “Just like my little Mia.” He chuckled. “Which reminds me. You know how you wanted to go to the fashion gala?”

  Her eyes filled with panic. “Please don’t tell me we can’t go, Bay. I’ve already got the perfect outfit, and I’ve told all of my friends I’ll be there. I don’t want to miss an opportunity to meet the designers.”

  Bay let her finish her panic attack before he continued. “I was just going to say that I have a special surprise for that day.”

  “Yeah? Special?” She gave him a sly look. “What is it? I want it now.”

  “Ethan gave me VIP passes. Not only do we get to sit at his table, because he’s a special guest performer, but we get to go backstage and have the run of the place. I’ll have no trouble making some connections for us then.”

  Mia squealed. “Oh, you’re the best.” She bounced on the bed. “Can I please tell Lila you’re taking me? She’ll be so excited.”

  “No, don’t brag to your sister. She’ll be pissed off that I’m taking you and not her, and I don’t need my child under that kind of strain.”

  “Fine. I won’t tell her. But I’m telling Heidi. She’s going to be so jealous. She’s already asking me for a job in my boutique, but I know she just wants the discounts.”

  Bay worried Mia might be too young for such an investment, but he knew if he could just reel her in a bit and make her focus on something besides what everyone else thought, then he could help make her business into something great. He could also hire the right people to help them.

  “Make sure you’re not getting ahead of yourself, Mia. I know you want to rub it in everyone’s face, but no one is going to want to work with you if you’re a pain in the ass, including me.” He flipped through another few pictures and found one of her designs. This one was a dress.

  “This is good, Mia. Why aren’t you doing more dresses?”

  She made a face. “I was just killing time until a shoe design hit me.”

  “But this is a design of yours?”

  “Yes, but I’m not doing clothes. I’m doing accessories and shoes.”

  “And why not the dresses that go with them? You have a talent for that, and we’d have a good chance at getting your dresses seen by Dos. Purses and shoes are a little harder to break into.”

  “I guess,” she said. “If you think we can do it.”

  “Why not? You’re going to have to have some clothes and other products. You might as well stick your name on everything. Throw it all on the wall, Mia, and see what sticks.” He brushed her hair from her neck and kissed it.

  She turned and kissed him back, straddling his lap. Bay’s cock hardened, but that was when a knock sounded at the door. “That’s Darek. Hop up and go get the door for him?” He lifted a brow, and with one more kiss, she got up and strolled across the room. With a glance back at Bay, licking her lips to taunt him, she opened up the door.

  Darek looked over her head at Bay across the room. “Hey, I hope I’m not too early.”

  “Just a little bit,” said Mia. “But that’s probably better than a little late.” She stepped aside and went over to join Bay on the sofa.

  “Put your things on the table, Mia.”

  As Darek walked in, she scooped them up and moved them like she was told.

  “What’s all this?” he asked.

  “Mia’s sketches of her designs. She’s been working on them for the show. We hope to talk to a few other designers that can steer us in the right directions.”

  “That’s good work, Mia. You should go to art school.”

  Bay cleared his throat. He didn’t want Darek encouraging Mia to do anything. “Perhaps we should get on to the reason I’ve called you here.”

  “Ah, yeah, you were going to show me the evidence you collected at Justin’s house. Which reminds me, have you heard from Carter yet?”

  Bay knew he was going to have to tell him the truth, but this wasn’t a conversation for Mia’s ears. “Here, Mia,” he said, reaching into his pocket to take out his wallet. “Take this and go get yourself a set of pencils. Buy the good ones. Consider it an investment in your future.”

  Mia got to her feet. “Okay, but the hobby store is across town, so I’ll be a while.”

  “Take your time. I have some stuff to talk to Darek about. It could take a bit.” He handed her his credit card and sent her on her way.

  Darek sat on the edge of his seat, watching he go, and he didn’t waste time when she was out of the room before turning to Bay. “So, what’s going on, man? You’re back in town for days, and you have information you kept to yourself? That’s not what we agreed on at our little meeting.”

  “Yeah, well, now three more of us are dead, and I think it’s safe to say it’s voided our agreement.”

  “Oh, is that the way it is?” asked Darek, not noticing the number that Bay had thrown out had grown.

  “Stop whining. I’ve called you here to share. I could have just kept everything to myself, and you’d be none the wiser.”

  “Are you going to tell me what happened to Carter? I have a strange feeling you know.”

  “Some detective you are. I just said that three more have died since the meeting. You’re not sharp enough to deduce that includes Carter?”

  “Wait, what? Carter is dead?”

  “Yes, and there’s not anything we can do to change that now. He went down there without telling me that he and Brandy had beef, and as it turned out, she’s crazier than me. She killed Justin for his money. I got her to admit it, and she shot Carter. I took her out before she could get me.”

  Darek put his hand to his forehead and squeezed his temples. “You killed Brandy?”

  “In self-defense, yes. She killed Carter right in front of me. What was I supposed to do, wait
my turn? No thanks.”

  “So, what did you do with the bodies?”

  Bay knew he was taking a big chance telling Darek any of it, but he had as much on the line as anyone else, cop or not. “I left them. They tell their own story, and if someone goes to his place, they’ll find them. It’s only a matter of time.”

  Darek raked his hand through his hair, his eyes bugging with disbelief. “It’s only a matter of time before you get arrested.”

  “Is that a threat?” asked Bay. “Because I wasn’t there when any of it happened. I had already headed back home, and they can’t prove anything. Unless you plan on turning me in, causing a shit storm, so you don’t look like the incompetent fool that we both know you are.”

  Darek narrowed his eyes. “Is that why you kept the evidence from me? You think I’m an incompetent fool?”

  “It’s been months, and this asshole is still out there.”

  Darek tensed, and Bay had him good and fired up, which was his goal all along. “Show me the fucking evidence, Bay.”

  “I got all of the photos, the phone, and everything off of the computer. I sent everything I could to a jump drive. Then I left his shit laying there, along with the fake marriage certificate.”

  “Wait, so that wasn’t a lie? Carter really helped her fake her marriage to Corey? Because they had just announced their engagement the night of the shooting.”

  “Right, but Corey died, and we know the marriage never happened.”

  Darek nodded. “So they got Carter to say he married them. Gotcha. So let’s see the evidence.”

  Bay got to his feet and then went over to get his laptop from his desk. “It’s all in here. I’ve even pieced together some of the photos to enhance what’s in the background.” He opened it and turned it on.

  “What about Betty? Is she in them?”

  “Enough of her. I’ll give it to Justin; she’s stacked. I was hoping you’d recognize the few face shots she sent. Carter and I were both convinced that she was the same person in every photo sent. But I’ve found some things.”


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