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Prince's Arranged Bride

Page 13

by Susan Stephens

  The look of bewilderment, of sheer panic, on his wife’s face pierced Alessandro’s heart. ‘Don’t look at me like that, Emily,’ he insisted, sweeping her into his arms. ‘You’ve said nothing wrong.’ Dipping his head, he stared deep into her eyes to assure her, ‘I plan to have lots of children with the woman I love—and sooner rather than later.’

  Alessandro forced back the urge to tell Emily about the final requirement before his father could retire. His desire had never been stronger, he realised as he pressed her to him. But now was not the time. Their love was little more than a tender shoot, and she was at her most vulnerable. He didn’t know how she would react when he told her, and crucial business meetings were about to take him away. When he told her, he wanted the time to be right…He had to be there, to reassure her…

  ‘Alessandro?’ Pressing him away from her, Emily stood back. Did his silence mean some woman had been found for him…some woman who would bear his children…a fitting partner to rule Ferara alongside him?

  ‘I wish I didn’t have to go away,’ he said tensely. ‘But as you will discover, Emily, with great privilege comes great responsibility. You know I wouldn’t think of leaving you unless there was absolutely no alternative.’

  Did she? Emily wondered, staring up at him. But then he dragged her back into his arms, as if he couldn’t bear to watch the doubts scudding across her face.

  ‘Stop this, Emily!’ he told her fiercely. ‘When I am a father I will be with my children; I will take equal part in their upbringing and I will spend as much time with them as any father, possibly more.’

  ‘I believe you—’

  ‘That’s better,’ he said, tipping the creamy egg mix into the pan. ‘I cannot bear to see you upset. You’ll feel better when you eat.’

  If only it was that easy, Emily thought as she poured out two glasses of wine while Alessandro slid a delicious looking golden omelette onto a plate and dressed it with salad for her.

  ‘You must promise me that you will stop worrying,’ he insisted, nodding towards the table. ‘I don’t want to come home to a waif who has pined away. Haven’t I told you, cara mia? Everything’s going to be all right. My wife will take an equal part in everything I do.’ He stopped in the act of pouring his own egg mix into the pan. ‘What’s wrong, Emily?’

  Fork suspended, Emily could only stare at him. The idea of some other, unknown woman sitting so close to Alessandro, living with him…bearing his children…was insupportable.

  ‘I promise you,’ Alessandro said steadily, bringing his own food across to the table, ‘we will share everything, and that’s a promise.’

  ‘Good,’ Emily said, swallowing a huge mouthful of food, effectively staunching her end of the conversation. She tried not to choke on it as she considered the possibility that negotiations between Ferara and Alessandro’s bride-to-be might be going on right at this very moment—even as they ate.

  When was she ever going to accept that as soon as their contract came to an end Alessandro would want a proper marriage?

  No time soon, she realised as they chinked glasses. But it was too late for regrets. She couldn’t turn the clock back, and the truth was she was in love with her husband—deeply, passionately and ultimately, though she wished desperately it could be otherwise, hopelessly.


  IT SEEMED no time at all since they had driven beneath the stone archway that marked the entrance to the Monte Volere estates to share their magical time, and now they were back in the Feraran capital, faced with reality. Even though Alessandro had reassured her about their impending separation, Emily felt as if her worst fears were taking on a darker, clearer shape. Alessandro had assured her that their parting would be for a couple of weeks at most. So why did she feel so sure it would be longer…?

  This morning he would leave. The time for his departure had come around before she’d even had time to complete her move into his apartment at the palace, let alone discuss the worries that were now occupying her mind every waking moment. The little she had managed to glean about his trip left her in no doubt that it would be arduous, maybe even dangerous, and the last thing she wanted was to burden him with personal concerns…

  Dressed casually for what she knew would be a rushed farewell, she waited in her old apartment, surrounded by all the chaos associated with her move. Pottering about aimlessly, she tried to concentrate on practical matters, picking up one thing, and then another, and switching their positions haphazardly in between glancing at her wristwatch as she counted down the minutes to his departure and wondered how much time they would have left together. Alessandro was already overrunning his schedule, and at the palace his daily life ran to a remorseless timetable.

  ‘Emily, I’m so sorry.’

  She nearly jumped out of her skin when he breezed into the room, but he came straight over to her and, seizing both of her hands in his, raised them to his lips.

  ‘Forgive me, cara sposa—’

  ‘Matters of State?’ Emily teased softly, forcing a smile through the foretaste of loneliness that was already stealing into her mind. The last thing she wanted was to worry Alessandro in the last few moments they had together. She needed to know that he was oblivious to the undercurrents chipping away at her happiness, and felt a rush of relief when he grinned back at her.

  ‘How I hate these distractions,’ he murmured, tugging her towards him.

  ‘What? Me?’ Emily demanded fondly, staring into his eyes.

  ‘Everything but you,’ he growled softly. Pulling her over to the sofa, he insisted she sit down.

  ‘You’ll be late,’ Emily reminded him, glancing at the delicate ormolu clock on her mantelpiece.

  ‘So I’ll be late for once. It’s not something I make a habit of.’ He paused and looked down at her, his dark golden gaze direct and full of warmth. ‘But this is special.’

  ‘What is?’ Emily said curiously.

  ‘You,’ he said wryly, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. ‘For you I would make the whole world stand in line and wait, because I love you. I love you more than life itself, Emily. Forgive me for leaving you, but know that, however much you miss me, I shall miss you more.’

  Tentatively Emily traced the line of Alessandro’s claret-coloured silk tie from the point where it secured the crisp white collar around her husband’s strong, tanned neck, down his toned torso to the slim black leather belt on his midnight-blue suit.

  ‘And I love you more than I ever thought it possible to love anyone,’ she whispered. ‘I have never trusted anyone so completely in my life—with my life—you are my life.’

  Bringing her hands to his lips, Alessandro turned them and kissed each palm in turn. ‘For ever, Emily,’ he murmured, looking deep into her eyes. ‘And now…’ The corners of his mouth were starting to tug up in a grin. ‘I’ve got something for you.’

  Shifting emotional gears in tandem, Emily threw him an amused look. ‘A crown?’ she teased, remembering the last occasion on which he had said something similar.

  ‘Not a crown,’ he said with a wry shrug. ‘I could get one for you, but I thought you weren’t so keen on that type of thing.’

  She loved the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he grinned at her like that. ‘OK, so don’t keep me in suspense.’

  Reaching inside his jacket, Alessandro drew out a slim volume of poetry.’ Christopher Marlowe,’ he murmured softly as he pressed it into her hands. ‘Well, Emily, do you like it? Does it please you?’

  ‘It pleases me very much,’ Emily whispered as she traced the worn binding reverently with her fingertips. He couldn’t have brought her anything she would have liked more, she realised. ‘I love it,’ she whispered. ‘It’s the most beautiful…the most special thing I’ve ever been given.’

  ‘I was hoping you would say that,’ he said, cupping her chin to draw her forward for a tender kiss on the lips. ‘Because I want you to read a page every day while I am away, and then you will know how much I love you.
And now—’

  ‘You must leave?’ Emily said, trying to be brave about it.

  ‘Soon,’ he agreed, putting his finger over her lips.

  She pulled away. ‘I’m sorry, Alessandro. I feel so—’

  ‘How?’ he demanded softly.’ Emily, speak to me.’

  ‘Once the terms of our contract are satisfied—’ She shook her head, unable to go on.

  ‘You can’t stop there,’ he warned.

  ‘Has a bride been found for you?’ She spoke so softly she couldn’t be sure at first that he had heard.

  ‘A bride has been found,’ Alessandro confirmed. ‘But I found her myself, and she is sitting here in front of me now.’

  ‘So, you really do love me?’

  Alessandro’s brows rose as he stared at her, and when he spoke again his voice had adopted the low, teasing tone she loved so much. ‘You guessed,’ he teased gently with a heavy sigh. ‘I guess that means my secret’s out.’

  As he brought her into his arms Emily felt safe again, as if her fears had been of her own conjuring—and all for nothing.

  ‘I love you,’ she murmured against his lips. ‘But I don’t know how I am going to live without you.’

  He put his finger over her lips and smiled into her eyes before replacing his finger with his lips. ‘You don’t have to live without me, mio tesoro,’ he said at last. ‘This will just be a very brief separation.’


  ‘I promise,’ he vowed softly, wrapping her fingers around the book of poems as he got to his feet. But at the door he stopped, and dragged her to him. ‘I’d take you with me, but—’

  ‘I’ll be fine. Go,’ she whispered fiercely, ‘before you change your mind.’

  ‘I have already changed my mind,’ Alessandro confessed, raking his fingers impatiently through his hair.

  ‘But you’re running late,’ Emily murmured without much conviction as he dragged her back into his arms.

  ‘One of the privileges of being a prince is that I set the agenda,’ he husked against her ear. ‘And I have just remembered something very important…something that cannot wait…’

  ‘Here?’ Emily breathed, feeling her heart pound against his chest as he pressed her back against the door.

  Miming that she should be quiet for a moment, Alessandro dug in his pocket for his mobile phone. ‘File a new flight plan,’ he ordered briefly when the call was connected. ‘I have been unavoidably delayed.’

  In the short time since Alessandro had been away, Emily had to admit that one of her greatest successes had been his father’s apartment. With his approval she had transformed it, relegating the angular, uncomfortable furniture to the areas of the palace she thought might eventually be opened to the public and replacing it with a selection of well-padded armchairs, cosy throws and rugs. A small kitchen had been created, and a supply of fresh fruit, cakes and other delicacies were ordered to be delivered on a daily basis.

  ‘You’ve done too much for me already,’ he protested one day, while Emily was balanced on the top of a pair of stepladders, fixing some dried autumnal arrangements to the wall.

  Turning quickly to reply, she paused and put a hand to her forehead. She never usually felt dizzy…

  ‘Why don’t we call one of the servants to do that for you?’ he suggested.

  Hearing the anxiety in his voice, Emily hurried to reassure him, realising he had been on his feet helping her for most of the morning. ‘I’m fine,’ she said. ‘Are you getting tired?’

  ‘No, it’s you I’m thinking about,’ he said. ‘Why don’t you come down from there? You look pale.’

  ‘Don’t worry about…’As her voice faded Emily blinked her eyes several times, fighting for equilibrium. She had never fainted in her life before, or been sick, but all at once it felt as if she was going to do both.

  ‘I’m sorry, I think I’m going to be—’ Hand over mouth, she slid cartoon-style down the stepladder, and made a dash for the bathroom.

  She got there just in time. Turning on the cold tap, she filled the basin and immersed her face in the icy water. Then, pulling back, she looked at herself in the mirror. Wet-faced and ashen, she steadied herself against the wall. She was no fool, she knew all the signs: she was pregnant. The only problem now was how was she ever going to bear the wait until Alessandro returned.

  ‘Are you all right in there?’

  ‘Yes, I’m fine,’ she called brightly. Hurriedly wiping her face on a towel and arranging her hair as best she could in just a few seconds, she swung open the door, making sure she had a reassuring smile on her face for Alessandro’s father. ‘Let’s get back to those catkins and hazel twigs,’ she said as she walked past him.

  ‘No, no,’ young lady,’ he said, waggling his finger at her. ‘You’ve done more than enough for one day in your condition—’

  ‘My condition?’

  He couldn’t conceal the sparkle in his eyes as he looked at her. ‘You know what I mean,’ he insisted, ushering her to a chair. ‘I’m only surprised my son hasn’t thought to inform me.’

  ‘Inform you? What should Alessandro have told you?’

  The old Prince considered this in silence for a few moments, then his face crumpled with concern. ‘You mean he doesn’t know yet?’

  ‘That I’m pregnant? Emily said with a shy smile. ‘No, Alessandro doesn’t know about our baby yet. I’ve only just found out myself. But I’ll tell him the moment he returns—’

  ‘He should have been the first.’

  ‘These things happen,’ Emily said with a shrug as she smiled back at him.

  ‘He’ll return soon—immediately,’ Alessandro’s father amended thoughtfully. ‘I’ll have a messenger dispatched to bring him back here at once.’

  ‘Could you do that?’ Emily said, hardly daring to believe that Alessandro might be back with her so soon.

  ‘Of course. And as soon as Alessandro knows about the baby we can make the announcement.’

  ‘Won’t it be a little early to go public with the news of my pregnancy?’ Emily said with concern.

  ‘Excuse my eagerness, but as well as celebrating my first grandchild I shall be celebrating my freedom.’

  ‘Your freedom? What do you mean?’

  ‘I shall be free…free to concentrate on my roses,’ he explained excitedly. Now that you are expecting the heir I can abdicate formally. Forgive me, Emily. I am so eager to renounce the throne and pass it on to Alessandro I can hardly think straight.’

  ‘What did you mean about making the announcement of my pregnancy official…before you can abdicate?’ Emily said carefully.

  ‘Alessandro must have explained—’

  ‘Of course,’ she said quickly. ‘But it’s always good to hear it again. I have so much yet to learn about my new country.’ She felt as if each separate word was being wrenched out of her, and each one of them caused her pain—pain that only increased when she saw the expression of suppressed excitement, of longing, and of a dream so close now he could almost touch it written clear across her father-in-law’s face.

  ‘Well, as you know,’ he began, struggling to keep his excitement under control, ‘the first condition was that my son should marry before I could contemplate abdication—’

  ‘Contemplate…’ Emily murmured.

  ‘That’s right. Marriage, of course, was the first step. And the announcement of your pregnancy…the birth of your child, Alessandro’s heir…is what my country’s archaic legislation requires before I can abdicate in his favour. I never mentioned it before…for reasons of delicacy,’ he explained gently. ‘I know you can’t force these things—’

  Oh, can’t you? Emily thought, feeling as if her heart had just splintered into a thousand little pieces. ‘No,’ she agreed huskily. ‘That’s true.’

  ‘But now, with this wonderful news…wonderful for all of us,’ he said expansively, opening his arms in an embrace-the-world gesture.’ Emily, come to me. Let me thank you for this gift of life.’

sp; Like an automaton, Emily accepted the old Prince’s arms around her shoulders and even managed to return his kiss. He had done nothing wrong, she reasoned. She couldn’t blame Alessandro’s father for his son’s oversight…

  Oversight, Emily thought incredulously, much later alone in her own room. She hadn’t even moved fully into Alessandro’s apartment at the palace and now she was pregnant with his child. Everything that seemed to have been built on firm foundations between them had been founded on a lie. There was only one thing left to do now—and it didn’t involve staying a minute longer than she had to in Ferara.

  Picking up the telephone, she called her sister’s mobile.

  ‘What do you mean, she’s gone?’

  His father looked at him in anguish. ‘I said she should tell you—’

  ‘Tell me what?’ Alessandro demanded in a clipped voice devoid of emotion. ‘I’m sorry, Father,’ he said, shaking his head as if he had never been more disappointed with himself. ‘None of this is your fault. If I hadn’t been visiting such a volatile place I would have taken Emily with me and none of this would have happened.’

  ‘I think it’s more complicated than that,’ the elderly Prince ventured cautiously.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  Clapping his son on the shoulder, the old man let his hand linger for a squeeze of paternal affection. ‘I’m sorry, Alessandro. I can’t tell you—’

  ‘Can’t tell me!’ Alessandro exploded. ‘What can’t you tell me about my wife? Has she been unfaithful to me?’

  ‘No!’ the old Prince exclaimed with outrage. ‘She has not.’

  ‘Then what?’ Alessandro demanded angrily. ‘Why else would she leave me?’


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