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Cowboy Strong (Cowboy Up Book 5)

Page 19

by Allison Merritt

  Her passion shone through as she spoke about teaching. He reached over and squeezed her hand. “I’m glad you’ve found a place to live your dreams. We should plan out our date. Tell me, you do know how to ride a horse.”

  She squeezed his hand back. “Of course I’ve ridden. Daddy bought me a horse for my sixteenth birthday. I rode her often through Central Park or upstate. Maybe, when I find a piece of property here, I can send for her.”

  Angela brought out the plates and laid them in front of Marcus and Carlie. “Everything okay?”

  They both nodded.

  “Great. The bill’s on me. Enjoy your lunch and let me know when you plan the date. I’m supplying the food. Just think of today as a trial run.” She blew them each a kiss then turned and headed back into the café.


  An enjoyable lunch had turned into an early evening conversation. Marcus couldn’t believe how easy it was to chat with Carlie. Educated but not pompous. No airs about her. They spoke of music and politics, his career and hers. He couldn’t say when he’d enjoyed himself more.

  Finally, he stood. “Thank you for lunch. It was a true delight.”

  Carlie smiled then rose from her chair. “Me, too. We’ll have to do it again.”

  “Certainly. We do have the picnic lunch, yet.” Scooping up his hat, he placed it on his head.

  Loud voices of two men arguing echoed into the small alley eating area. “Oh, my.” Carlie darted toward the sounds. She crouched along the wall and peered out into the street.

  Marcus had seen too many fights turn into shooting matches these days. Jogging over, he shielded her body with his. “Be careful. It could be dangerous,” he whispered in her ear. Slowly glancing around the corner, Marcus noticed Preston yelling at an older man in a dark well-fitted suit. The gentleman poked at Preston’s chest and hollered about his family. Man, I give it to Preston. I’d have wanted to deck that man. Getting in his space like that. Preston shook his head then pointed toward the café.

  “That’s my dad!” Carlie squealed. “Please, don’t let him see me.” She grabbed onto his shirt. Her eyes widened.

  His momma would be angry if he didn’t try to help. He stole a quick glance around the eating area. No places to hide and, with the voices getting closer, Marcus’s heart pounded. “Shhh.” He cupped her face in his hands then slowly leaned in and kissed her.

  The kiss was gentle, at first. He explored her lips with his own. Tilting his body into hers, he forced her up against the wall of the building, blocking her from view as his mouth plundered hers. Her passion met his, encouraging it to grow. Keeping one hand on her cheek, he ran the other through her hair, tugging her mouth and body closer.

  “Oh my. Can’t you get a room?” an accented snarky voice sneered. Yet, Marcus didn’t stop. His desire took over, and all thoughts of Carlie’s father flew out of his head.

  He felt a gentle push on his chest and lifted his head. “I think they’re gone.”

  Carlie nodded. Her fingers trailed over his lips. “Was that necessary?”

  “It worked. Your own father didn’t recognize you.”

  She peered around. “Where did he go?” The anxiety was back in her voice.

  “I heard them heading into your apartment.”

  Stomping her foot, Carlie growled out her words. “I never should have given Preston a key. He betrayed me.”

  Marcus watched her pace back and forth, her lips swollen from his kisses but her eyes spitting fury. He was glad not to be on the receiving end of her anger. “Are you going to go talk to your dad?”

  She paused. “No. I can’t do it now. I need a plan. Can you still get me out of here?”

  He tugged his keys from his pocket and dangled them in front of her eyes. “How about my place?”

  Snatching the keys from his hands, she swung her purse over her shoulder. “Works for me.” Striding out of the alley, she paused and turned toward him. “Which way?”

  “Truck’s the black one on the end.” He pointed to the left.

  She tossed the keys at him. “Your truck. You drive.” She jogged to the vehicle and climbed in.


  A comfortable silence filled the truck’s cab. The ride to Marcus’s home gave Carlie time to reflect. What was her dad doing here? She tugged her phone out of her purse. Fifteen missed calls and three text messages. All the calls were from her father. Those she ignored. She focused on the text messages from Preston.

  Your dad’s here. He’s furious. Not just mad, over-the-top angry. Where are you?

  He’s demanding to know why I’m not coming back to New York and is ranting about how you failed him.

  I don’t know where you are, but you need to think of something. He’s determined to drag you back. He said he’s found you a husband since you couldn’t return me to the fold. We’re on our way to your place. Hide, until he cools down.

  Preston had been trying to warn her, but the lunch with Marcus had monopolized her attention. She hadn’t even checked her phone. Shivers racked her body despite the warm sunshine through the windows.

  Marcus reached over and wrapped his arm around her, drawing her close. “It’ll be fine.”

  Lost in her thoughts, Carlie relaxed, the shaking subsided. What can he do? I’m an adult. He can’t force me to marry someone. His high-handedness is one of the reasons I’m staying away from New York.

  They pulled into the driveway of a small log home high upon a hill. The green metal roof reflected the sunlight and the large front covered porch appeared to invite visitors to stop and rest for a while. Marcus parked the truck in front of the separate garage then ran around to open her door.

  Carlie’s legs buckled, but before she could fall, Marcus swept her up into his arms and carried her to the front porch. Gently, he sat her on the bench swing.

  “You rest. I’m going to get you some water.” He darted to the door, unlocked it, and went inside.

  “Thank you.” Peeved at her father for coming to Whisper and stirring up trouble, Carlie craved revenge. Too bad I’m not pregnant with a homeless guy’s baby. She could see her dad’s grimace when the country club biddies turned their backs on him. For that, I’d go back to New York and make a personal appearance.

  Marcus returned with two glasses of ice water. As he sat on the swing next to her, he handed her a drink. “Here. This’ll help, but take it slow.” He took a swig of his water. “Quite a shock, seeing your dad. Any idea why he’s here?”

  “Preston messaged me. My dad’s found me a husband.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

  “Ha. I didn’t know you were looking.” He chuckled.

  She sipped her water. “Don’t worry. Dad’s got it covered.”

  “Who is this paragon of a man?”

  “I have no idea. But I’m sure he’s boring as hell. A member of the country club in good standing and probably will have an affair with his secretary and his assistant within two weeks of the wedding.” Now, she just sounded sad. She took another sip as she gazed at the man sitting next to her. His dark wavy hair curled about his head and made him seem less formidable. She imagined his head against the pillow on her bed. His eyes closed in sleep, a smile on his sexy lips. Carlie hungered to brush a stray lock of hair off his forehead. Instead, she brushed her fingers across her still-tingling lips then crossed her legs tight, hoping to ease the pulsing need she felt between them.

  Marcus reached over and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. “I’m sorry. I’m sure your dad thinks he’s doing the right thing. Even though he’s hurting you.” He took the glass from her hand and set it on the porch near his feet.

  Carlie laid her head on his shoulder. Tears slid down her cheeks. She couldn’t believe he was being so kind. Her emotions got the best of her. Marcus held her while she cried. His arms were a comfort, not sexual, but a strength she needed. It’d been difficult growing up and always trying so damn hard to please a man who thought status and wealth was more important than love an
d family. Carlie didn’t know how her mother handled it. As she wiped the tears with the back of her hand, she vowed to make him realize the error of his ways, even if it meant walking away from everyone she loved.

  Marcus cupped her face, brushing his thumbs across her cheeks. “Do you think punching him out would do any good? I’m happy to do it.”

  A small giggle escaped. Carlie was glad she’d won the date with Marcus. He’d become a good friend in a short amount of time. “If it was that easy, I’d punch him myself. The only thing which will make him leave me alone is if I got married.” She laid her hands over his. “But it would chafe his drawers if I married someone unacceptable for the country club crowd. Maybe he’d leave to save his reputation.”

  Marcus bent down on one knee and held onto Carlie’s hand. “Will you marry me?”


  Carlie’s mouth hung open.

  “Don’t let any flies in.” Marcus gently pushed on her chin to close it. He slid back onto the swing. “It’s not a real marriage. I mean, I don’t really want to marry you. You’re wonderful, but I only thought to help you out.” Marcus thought about his own parents. They didn’t like his bull riding career choice but they’d always been supportive, even going to the events to cheer him on. His hand slid to the chain around his neck. When cancer had claimed his mother, he’d been devastated, only to lose his father to a broken heart a few weeks later. Their love had been magical. They’d finished each other’s sentences and taught him to always help others. It’s what had brought him to The Heartsong Ranch in the first place.

  “Hmmm. It might work.” She scrunched up her nose. “Let me be sure I understand…We fake an engagement to cause my father to back off, right?”

  Marcus rubbed at his forehead. “Yes. You’re understanding this much better than I explained it. We can even count this as your date. After all, you did spend a lot of money for one picnic.” He hated how Carlie’s father sought to control her. In the brief time they’d known each other, he’d seen only her kindness. Everyone deserved a chance at happiness, and if he could help her…well, he knew his parents would be proud.

  “But what are you getting out of this? I’m escaping my domineering father…wait. I’m not sleeping with you.” She ground her words out.

  Holding his hands up, Marcus laughed. “I’m not after your body, sexy as it is. My parents put my dreams first, giving up so much to make sure I could succeed at bull riding. It’s not fair that your father is trying to manage your life.”

  The blush covering Carlie’s face made her even more adorable. Wonder filled her voice. “You think I’m sexy?”

  He shook his head. “Don’t play like that. You must receive compliments all the time.”

  “I do, but from slimy guys like Pierre who make my looks seem dirty. I learned early on how people wanted to use me for their own ends. Telling me how beautiful or how gorgeous I was, they thought I would give them what they wanted…” She took a deep breath before continuing. “In the beginning, I believed them. But I held out hope that I’d find the perfect man. I made a vow not to sleep with anyone outside of marriage. Now I’m too cynical or jaded. Preston was the only person who valued me for who I was on the inside, rather than the outside.”

  Marcus gripped her shoulders and turned her to face him. “Yes, you are pretty, sexy, but also smart and a wonderfully generous person. I’m proud of you for standing your ground and drawing the line on sex. My momma would have loved you. I don’t have an ulterior motive for helping you other than wanting you to escape your father’s clutches. If I can do anything to make that happen, I’d be a happy man.”

  “You’d do that for me?”

  “My momma would have expected it.” He flashed his biggest smile. “I always do what my mom says.”

  She shrugged. “So we pretend to be engaged. Flash it around in front of my dad, which will be sure to piss him off and then, after he leaves town in a huff, we go back to being friends. Does that cover it?”

  He held her hands in his own. “Sounds easy. But we have to convince your father and the rest of our friends. We don’t want anyone giving our ruse away.” She opened her mouth to speak but he silenced her with a finger over her lips. “EVERYONE has to believe it.”

  Tugging his hand away from her mouth, she wrinkled her nose. “But what’s going to happen after my father leaves and we tell our friends about the lie? Won’t they hate us?”

  “No. I believe they will understand, but if you are worried, you can call off the wedding because of lifestyle differences, and no one’s feelings will be hurt.”

  She nodded. “All right. Let’s do it. I’m going to enjoy my dad’s expression when he thinks his New York socialite daughter is marrying a cowboy.” She rubbed her hands together.

  “We need to set up a back story. The sooner the better.” Marcus leaned in and softly pressed his mouth against hers. The sensation of her supple lips melding to his sent a fire to his cock. Instant hard-on. Drawing her into his arms, he tugged at her flowing hair, forcing her to yield her mouth to his and allowing for his tongue to tease hers.

  Carlie’s hands gripped his shoulders so tightly he could feel her nails pressing against his skin. As he slowly drew away, he smiled at the glazed expression in her eyes. “Sealed with a kiss.” He quickly placed a peck on her nose. “I think we’re going to convince your father just fine.”


  After hashing out their backstory and filling each other in on their quirks, they were ready to confront Carlie’s father.

  “Wait. Hold on.” Marcus ducked back into the house. A smile lit his face when he returned. “We almost forgot one important thing.” He held out his hand. A ring set with a beautiful diamond and two small sapphires lay on his palm.

  Carlie’s heart sped up. A ring made it more real, but she wasn’t going to wear one of his old girlfriend’s rings. “Where’d you get this?”

  Marcus’s voice came out in a whisper. “It was my mother’s engagement ring. My dad gave it to me, along with their wedding bands, when she passed. She’d lost so much weight with the cancer, it kept sliding off, anyway.” He swallowed before continuing. “I’ve always dreamed of giving it to my future bride. I know we’re just playacting, but will you please wear it?”

  How sweet. Carlie blinked, quickly trying to stop tears from forming. “Yes.” She held her hand out while he placed the ring on her finger. Leaning over, she kissed his cheek. “Thank you for trusting me with it. I promise to keep it safe for you.”

  He grabbed his Stetson off the porch and plopped it on his head then held out his arm. “Are you ready, honeybunch?”

  Carlie crinkled her nose. “Honeybunch? Naw. Too sappy.”

  “Sweetness?” he inquired.

  She shook her head again.


  She tilted her head and thought about it. And finally nodded. “Darling works. Besides…” She slipped her arm in his and leaned her head against his shoulder. “With your accent, it sounds sexy.”

  Marcus chuckled then kissed the end of her nose. “All right, darling. Let’s go poke the lion.”


  Marcus parked his car in the lot behind the café then went around and helped Carlie out. He leaned in and whispered in her ear. “You’ve got this.”

  Shivers slid down her spine. His warm breath tickled her neck and sent blood rushing between her legs. She’d been honest about how much his accent moved her. When he’d said “darling,” his voice deepened. On the drive over, she’d kept her legs tightly crossed in an effort to stop the throbbing. We’re only acting. This isn’t real. She repeated it over and over in her head. Just an act…no matter how much she wished it could be more.

  Carlie slid her key in the lock of her apartment and pasted on her biggest smile. Pushing open the door, she giggled then called over her shoulder, “Race you to the top.”

  His heavy footsteps behind her prodded her on. She didn’t like to lose, but knowing Marcus was
at her back gave her the courage to confront her father. When she reached the upper landing, she paused. Her father sat on her couch, flipping through a magazine. His assistant stood over his shoulder, more like a guard than the pilot and driver he was.

  “Oh, hi, Daddy.” Carlie was pleased with the surprise in her voice.

  Her father dropped the magazine on the table and stood. He buttoned his suit coat and spun to face her. “Carlie.” Ice dripped from his voice. Cold. Angry.

  Marcus’s footsteps stopped behind her. The warmth of his body through her shirt comforted and steadied her. “Hello.” He pushed past Carlie with his hand out. “Mr. Fulton. I’m so glad to meet you. I’m Marcus Wilson. Carlie’s told me so many wonderful things about you.”

  When Carlie’s father didn’t reach out for the handshake, Marcus dropped his hand then returned to Carlie, putting his arm around her. “You didn’t tell me your father was coming. He’s more than welcome to come join us at Daisy’s tonight.”

  Carlie’s heart thumped. Damn. Marcus is good. His brave act gave her a moment to compose herself and calm her wild pulse. “Sorry, sweetie. I didn’t know.” She turned and eyed her father. “What are you doing here? How did you get into my apartment? Is Mom with you?” She rapid-fired the questions, not giving him a chance to answer.

  James Fulton tugged on the sleeves of his dress shirt, evening them out from under his suit jacket. Silent, he stared at Carlie and Marcus, his appearance was pinched up as if he’d swallowed a bug. “Who is this…man?”


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