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Killer Queen: A Painted Faces Novel

Page 16

by Cosway, L. H.

  I settled myself between her thighs. She still had her knickers on, and I pulled the fabric to the side to expose her before bringing my mouth to her waiting flesh. Her moans filled the tent, and I had to be inside her. Drawing away, I gave her a dark look as I pulled her knickers all the way down her legs. Her eyes were levelled on my crotch, where my erection stood proudly to attention. She grabbed for me, pulling me to her and burying her face in my neck, where she kissed me. I let out a heavy breath when her hand moved down my stomach to my cock and began to rub.

  I was panting then, losing my fucking mind, because she dragged me down and then crawled on top of me, straddling my thighs.

  “Freda,” I groaned in reprimand. I didn’t like to have control taken from me, but this was Fred, and I’d give her anything she wanted to take. She could have every last pound of flesh I had to give.

  “Quiet, let me take the lead,” she whispered, placing a finger to my lips to hush me. With a single look, I allowed her permission, and then she was lowering herself onto my cock. Neither one of us broke eye contact; I don’t think I ever felt anything more divine than her as she sheathed me. She began to move slowly up and down in a delicious rhythm. I gripped her hips, my fingers digging into her supple flesh. Her speed increased as we both lost ourselves to the pleasure, and she rode me. She was staking her claim, and I was quite happy to be possessed.

  I could feel her walls tightening around me, her pussy clenching as she drew nearer and nearer to a release. And I could feel my own building, too. I took her wrists in my hands and brought them to my chest, holding her firmly in place, my eyes soaking in the sight of her as she cried out and came in waves on my cock. At the same moment, I blew my load, coming inside her tight, perfect body. The sounds of our breathing were loud and echoing in my ears, a fine sheen of sweat coating our skin. She fell on top of me, and I savoured the soft feel of her weight before flipping us so I could hold her. I felt like I might never get enough of her.

  But then again, I didn’t ever want to.

  November, 26th, 2012.

  Soundtrack: “The Nipple Song” by Nicholas Turner

  I dropped my bags down on the floor as I stepped inside the vacant shop and took a look around. I’d been away in London for the last five days, where I’d been performing at G.A.Y. I was even interviewed for a prominent subculture magazine while I was over there, which was exciting to say the least. The issue wouldn’t be coming out for another couple of months, but when I’d told Fred about it over the phone, she proclaimed she was going to have a copy framed and hung on her wall.

  It made me laugh and miss her that much more.

  Ever since the festival we’d been inseparable, and I’d never missed anyone in my life as much as I’d missed Fred these past five days. A couple of weeks before I left for London, I’d discovered a whole bunch of property magazines under her bed, with potential premises to rent all circled with a Sharpie. When she’d walked in and saw I had discovered her stash, she acted like I’d just found a dead body hidden there.

  Or fetish porn.

  She was looking for a place to open up a cake shop, and her embarrassment over her secret ambition was probably the most adorable thing I’d ever witnessed. She’d promptly taken the magazines from me and shoved them into her drawer, all the while proclaiming that she didn’t want to talk about it.

  “Freda, I think opening up a cupcake shop is a wonderful idea. Why are you being so weird about this?” I asked, unable to disguise the affection in my voice.

  She’d made a dramatic gesture with her hands and stamped her foot into the floor. “Because! What if I fail? Then everybody will laugh at me.”

  I frowned and got up off her bed, striding toward her with purpose. “Nobody will laugh at you,” I murmured, bringing my hands to her throat and stroking downward with my thumbs. It was a move that always seem to both relax and turn her on. She melted under my touch. “And if they do, I’ll clobber them with my stilettos. How does that sound?”

  She chuckled and then sighed when I pressed my body into hers. I had her pinned against the wall, and I hummed in the back of my throat, liking the position.

  “It’s not like I have the money to rent a shop anyway,” she said, shaking her head as I ducked and brought my mouth to her neck for a kiss. “I was only teasing myself with the magazines. You know, like property porn, except for a cupcake shop.” Her voice had become noticeably more breathless, and I inwardly growled. Still, I was annoyed. She’d given up on her little dream without even trying.

  “I’ll spot you the money for the lease. You can pay me back once you become profitable,” I told her, and squeezed her hips.

  “I’m not taking your money, Viv.”

  “It’s a loan, Freda. Not charity, so stop acting like it is. This is a business arrangement, and I happen to think that cupcakes are a very good investment.” At this I slid my hands around to her backside and cupped her arse. She laughed and shook her head.

  “Fine. I’ll think about it.”

  I gave her a smile of approval and then captured her lips in a kiss.

  Fast-forward six weeks, and she’d secured the lease on a small shop in Rathmines. It was a busy area, not too far from our apartment building, and had previously been a café, so there was a workable kitchen in the back. She’d told me all about it over the phone when I’d been in London, waxing lyrical about work surfaces and stainless-steel ovens. I had no idea about baking, but I loved to listen to her when she spoke so passionately about her career.

  The door to the back of the shop opened, and Fred walked out wearing a pretty red peacoat, jeans, and navy Converse. Her hair was down, and she wore no makeup. There was a tall, good-looking man with her wearing a suit and carrying a folder under his arm. He obviously worked for the company who were leasing the premises because he was droning on to Fred about contractual stuff while she looked up at him and periodically nodded her understanding.

  Oh, yeah, and did I fail to mention the way he was looking at her? I didn’t like it one bit. It immediately put me on the defensive. I stood by the entrance, watching them interact. They hadn’t noticed I was there yet, deep in conversation as they were.

  “So, that’s about the size of it,” said the man. “Any questions?”

  Fred shook her head and smiled politely. “No, I think you covered everything. Thanks so much for giving me a rundown. It’s been a huge help.”

  He smiled back at her. “Great! So, I suppose you’ll want to celebrate your new business. Want to go grab a drink with me?”

  She opened her mouth to answer, but before she could, I cleared my throat. Obviously, she wasn’t going to take him up on the drink, but when it came to Fred, I was possessive and I got jealous easily. It was a new sensation for me to want to mark my spot, but she brought out my inner caveman. Who’d have thought it, huh? A bloke who wore dresses and lipstick on a regular basis was going all alpha male. There was definitely a touch of irony in there somewhere.

  Her eyes met mine, and her smile grew huge.

  “Viv, you sly dog! I thought you weren’t flying in until tonight!” she said excitedly, and strode forward before launching herself into my arms. I hugged her tight, my arms sliding around her waist.

  “I thought I’d surprise you,” I murmured.

  “You did,” she replied, burrowing her face into my neck and breathing in deep. “God, I’ve missed you.”

  The suit fidgeted uncomfortably at our affectionate reunion, and I gave him a satisfied smirk over Fred’s shoulder. “Um, I think I’m going to head off now, Freda, if you don’t need anything else?”

  She turned to him, replying absently, “I’m good, Eugene. Thanks so much for all your help.”

  He nodded and made a speedy exit. As soon as the door shut behind him, I began to walk us forward until Fred’s arse hit the service counter. She giggled. “My, my, somebody definitely missed me.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Eugene?”

  “What? He works for the
letting agents.”

  “He wants to fuck you,” I said, voice low, my hands pressing into the base of her spine.

  She blushed but covered it up with a snicker. “Oh, my God. You’re being a jealous Josephine. This is priceless. Can I take a picture? Your jealous face is hilarious, Viv.”

  “Don’t goad me, Fred. I didn’t like the way he was looking at you. Would you have gone for a drink with him if I hadn’t interrupted?” I asked curiously.

  A mischievous gleam came into her eye as she licked her lips and responded sweetly, “Maybe I would have. A drink’s no big deal.”

  I growled and lifted her by the hips before setting her down on the surface of the counter. She squealed in delight and wrapped her legs around my waist. “You wouldn’t have gone. You’re lying,” I grumbled, and pressed my cock into her. The way she was teasing me was turning me on and pissing me off at the same time.

  “Well, now you’ll never know,” she purred, and gave me a peck on the lips.

  “You’re loving this.”

  “Oh, yes…yes, I am. It’s making me feel better about your whole ‘Dorotea’ episode.”

  “That was months ago. Why are you bringing it up?” I asked, my brow furrowing.

  She laughed loudly. “I’m pulling your leg, Viv.”

  “I should spank you for that.”

  “Go ahead. It wouldn’t be a punishment,” she said, baiting me.

  “Fucking hell, I love you,” I rasped, and brought my mouth to her neck. She gasped, and then her phone started to ring.

  “Don’t answer it,” I warned her. My hands were already reaching for her jeans, undoing the button and pulling down the fly.

  “I have to. It’s probably Harry. He, Sean, and Phil are coming over to see the shop. I promised them a grand tour, so you can button my jeans right back up, sneaky.”

  I groaned. “Tell him you’ll show them around tomorrow instead. I want to make love to you right here on this counter. I’ve missed you like a madman.”

  She smacked me on the shoulder. “Viv! The whole front of the shop is glass. We’d be giving everyone a show. In fact, we already are.” At this she shoved me away and hopped down off the counter, finally pulling out her phone to answer it. I scowled at her playfully while she chatted with Harry. Five minutes later, the three men arrived, oohing and aahing about how nice everything was going to be once Fred was finished with the place. As well as money for the lease, I’d insisted she allow me to pay for the interior design. She’d protested for a while, but I soon wore down her resolve. I was crazy in love with her, and I had this urge to spoil her rotten.

  “The colour scheme I’m going for will be all light pinks, blues, and purples. I want the décor to remind people of candy and sugary treats.”

  Phil clapped his hands together. “I love it!” Then his eyes landed on me. “So, Nicholas, how did everything go over in London? I heard about your magazine feature. You’re turning into quite the celebrity, it seems.” He pursed his lips and gave me a little smirk.

  “Next thing you know, I’ll be getting my own talk show,” I deadpanned. “David and Elton were even at the club while I was performing, if you can believe it.”

  Phil’s jaw fell open. “They were not! You’re lying — tell me you’re lying.”

  I should probably mention that for Phil, David Furnish and Elton John were the equivalent of the Royal Family to people who were obsessed with the Queen. I was totally lying, but I ran with it. “They were. I sang ‘One’ from A Chorus Line, and they came to my dressing room after to say hello. Lovely couple. Elton invited me to join him on a shopping spree the following day to buy some new dresses. I had lots of fun.”

  Phil scowled. “Now I know you’re lying. You are such a tease sometimes.”

  Fred laughed from the other side of the room; she was showing Harry where the display cabinets were going to go. “Viv is the ultimate tease,” she said, winking at Phil.

  “So,” Sean interrupted. He was sitting on top of a table, drumming his fingers on his thighs. “What are you going to call the place?”

  Fred chewed on her lip and gave him a considering look before her eyes landed on me and she grinned. “I was thinking of Fred & Viv’s Cupcakes, what do you think?”

  A smile spread wide across my face. Aside from the start-up money, I couldn’t really claim ownership of this place, so it was thoughtful of her to include me in the name.

  “I like it. Sounds like an old married couple who’ve been running a bakery for twenty years. It’s homely,” said Harry.

  Fred glanced at me shyly before looking away, and it made me curious.

  “You know, funny coincidence, I actually have an aunt and uncle named Fred and Viv,” Phil put in, hands on hips. “One time when Fred came home after losing a grand on the horses, Viv clobbered him around the head with a frying pan in a fit of temper. Fred got a concussion, and when the police came to investigate the domestic, Viv told them she’d welcome a few weeks behind bars for her crime, said she was due for a bit of a holiday anyway.”

  Harry, Fred, and Sean laughed loudly at that, but I was still wondering about Fred’s shy look simply from the mention of us being an old married couple. It was cute. It also gave me a little rush of excitement to imagine being married to her. My mind was racing with ideas.

  God, was I actually considering proposing?

  This was crazy talk.

  All in the space of a few minutes, I was concocting grand romantic gestures and wondering how much it would cost to rent out a hot air balloon. Perhaps we could go on a day trip to Paris.

  I mean, there wasn’t a single reservation in my mind that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, so why shouldn’t we get married? I couldn’t think of a single reason not to, and I’d always enjoyed living by the philosophy of grabbing on to any good reason for a party.

  Phil suggested we all go for dinner in the Italian restaurant down the street, and Fred quickly locked up the shop. After we’d eaten, Fred noticed that she’d left her phone back at the shop, so we said goodbye to the others before returning to collect it.

  It was dark when we stepped inside, and before she could reach for the switch to turn on the lights, I swept her up into my arms, kicked the door shut behind me, and carried her into the kitchen. I’d been dying to get her alone all evening.

  “Viv, put me down this instant,” she giggled, and struggled in my hold, but I was stronger than she was and managed to lay her down on a table in the kitchen. “This is not happening here,” she protested. “It’s unsanitary.” The smile in her voice told me her protest was all for show. If I knew anything about Fred by now, it was that she shared my enthusiasm for sex in unconventional locations. It was a rush that made fucking her that much more intense.

  “We’ll clean up after. Don’t be a prude, Freda,” I murmured cajolingly. The light from a building behind the shop shone through the window, softly illuminating the room. She looked gorgeous splayed out on the table, but she was all buttoned up in her peacoat. I quickly started to relieve her of the coat and her jeans. She wasn’t protesting any longer, simply breathing so heavily she was practically panting.

  She wanted this just as much as I did. I palmed her breast, and her throat moved as she swallowed. “Fuck,” she whispered. “Five days have never felt so long.”

  A smirk formed on my lips. “Poor thing. What, oh, what did you do without me?” I asked darkly, and pulled down the cup of her bra to free her breast. Leaning down, I took her nipple into my mouth, and she undulated beneath me.

  “You don’t want to know,” she responded, her face flushing. She clamped her mouth shut then, like she hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

  Instantly, I drew away from her nipple and gave her a devilish stare. “Oh, I do believe I’m dying to know, Freda. Tell me while I attend to your poor neglected nipples.”

  She laughed, then sighed when my mouth was back on her. “It’s weird and embarrassing,” she said, which meant I was now dyin
g to know what on earth she was keeping from me.

  I released her nipple yet again and rose to my full height, staring down at her. (And yes, I probably did just break a world record for saying the word “nipple” the most times within nine sentences.)

  Sing it with me! Nipples, nipples, nipples. Now, don’t you feel glorious?

  Fred pouted and groaned in annoyance, but I wasn’t going to give in. I ate her secrets up with relish, always hungry for new ones.

  “I’m not telling you,” she said firmly.

  I grinned with teeth and made a move toward the door. “Fine. Let’s go find your phone and go home.”

  She jumped up, grabbed me by the shirt, and dragged me back to her. “Oh, no, you don’t. You’ve gotten me all worked up. That’s not fair.” Her voice was breathless, and I knew she was aching for me to make her come. I was hard as a rock, but I didn’t think she’d noticed yet.

  I brought my mouth to her ear and whispered seductively, “Tell me, and I’ll give you what you want.”

  She sighed and buried her face in my shoulder, her soft hair brushing against my neck. “You’re a cruel mistress, Viv,” she whined.

  “I’m waiting,” I singsonged, running my hand lightly up and down her back.

  “Ugh, fine,” she gave in, her face still pressed into my shoulder. I imagined she was probably blushing furiously as her words tumbled out. “So last year for my birthday, Anny bought me a vibrator as a gift. It was a joke gift, obviously. I never even took it out of the plastic packaging.”

  I chuckled. “Of course you didn’t.”

  She pulled back and slapped me on the arm, looking at me now. “I didn’t! It’s been sitting at the bottom of my wardrobe for the last ten months. I completely forgot it was there until this last week while you were away. Usually, I’m used to going without sex, but since we got together, I actually notice its absence. Shock, horror. I was lying in bed one night, thinking about you, far too turned on for my own good, when I remembered the vibrator.”


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