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Moonstone Shifter (Demon Lord Book 8)

Page 21

by Morgan Blayde

  “Now?” she asked.

  I glanced at the balcony, judging the strength of sunlight. It was still morning. I needed to shower and dress for the day. “Send word around, but set the meeting for an hour from now, and have the hotel kitchen send up some food.”

  She saluted with the beer bottle. “Soon as I finish this.”

  I moved on past the sitting area, and turned right into my bedroom. The bed was rumpled and unmade. I went over and touched the sheets where Imari had lain. Their crispy warmth invited a return to sleep, but since Imari herself wasn’t part of the deal, I resisted manfully and headed to the shower.

  I ran the water hot and let the steam build up. The glamour I wore broke up about then, having been a temporary measure—not enough power invested for long-term wear. I stepped into the pulsating spray and grabbed the soap. And was grabbed in turn by female hands.

  Reflexively, I threw an elbow back with enough force to crack open a head. The blow was blocked. A warm female body slithered around me. Selene came into view. I relaxed. This was one skin I knew the skin-walker would never get.

  “Aren’t you happy to see me?” Selene asked.

  “Always happy to see you.” I slid welcoming arms around her, holding her tight, “You need to remember there’s a skin-walker on the loose who’s ambushing people and skinning them alive. Until we get her, you might want to reconsider suddenly jumping on people.”

  “Speaking of jumping on people…” Her hand reached between us, gripping my stiffy.

  My Monster said: This better not be another tease.

  I shot a question at my cock: Didn’t you get enough with Izumi? On and off, we must have gone at it for six hours.

  My cock answered: Enough is never enough.

  Right ball said: Ditto.

  Left ball said: Double ditto.

  “Hmmm. That’s new,” Selene said. “When did the balls start talking, too?”

  I stared at her. “Wait a second. You can hear them?”

  She gave my cock a loving jerk. “Of course. I am soul-bonded to your dragon. He can hear them, so I can as well. I think it’s kind of cute.”

  “You’re not going to go around telling people, I hope.”

  She gave me a calculating stare combined with a half-smile. “I’m saving it for when I really need something special extorted from you. Blackmail is such a handy tool…”

  Her hand stopped jerking me. “Speaking of tools…”

  “Hmmm?” She lowered her head and attacked one nipple with teeth and tongue.

  I added pressure to her shoulder, pushing her down to her knees. My turgid length rubbed the side of her face. My cock said: Come on, baby, you know what I like.

  Right balls shouted: Don’t forget us.

  She smiled, looking up at me. “Okay, the commentary is a little weird, even for me. Tell them to shut-up, or I’ll start biting—hard.”

  I winced.

  Monster said: Message received.

  Left Ball said: Shutting up.

  Right Ball said: I’m already shut up. Like, in a scrotum, get it?

  I sent a hard thought to my guys. Just do as the lady says. Piss her off, and really bad things happen.

  As the boys obeyed, perfect silence hung in my thoughts. I guess they knew better than to annoy the velvet-soft mouth of doom, and pleasure. Speaking of which…

  Eventually, I finished my shower. I had Selene dress me in a skin-tight body stocking for ease of motion. “Selene, jump us to my Malibu armory, please.”

  She waved. Everything turned red. The jump to my Malibu basement allowed me to adorn myself with knives, throwing spikes, and holsters for my PPK Storm semi-automatics. “Back to the hotel, love.”

  She gestured. A wash of red light swallowed us. There was a flutter of gravity, and we were back in Las Vegas, in my room.

  I put on my steel-toed boots for casual stomping. For the rest… “I need an enchanted item, my love.”

  Selene smiled and kissed me hard. She smelled of fresh spilt blood, an odd choice for perfume for anyone but her. “It will cost you.”

  “Tonight, I’m entirely yours.”

  “So, what do you need?”

  “This is how I’ll be all day, but I want everyone else to see the equivalent of fey glamour—something like that midnight-red tux you made for me before.”

  She touched my earlobe. I felt a hard pinch. She drew her hand back. There was a spot of blood on her thumb. She licked it clean. “There, one enchanted item.”

  I reached and felt a stud earring. “I hadn’t actually planned on getting my ear pierced.”

  “No need to thank me. It looks good on you.”

  “Let me see.” I went into the bathroom and stared at the mirror over the sink. There was a dark crystal with a hint of red at its heart. It was set in gold. And it did look good on me. “That’s not garnet or ruby, is it?”

  Selene pressed herself against my ass, trapping my body against the sink. Her hands slithered up my torso as she hugged me, staring over my shoulder, into the mirror. “No, dearest treasure, it’s cuprite, a crystal formed from oxidized copper. It’s mined on the Red Moon by a devoted band of killer dwarves. As long as I get first pick of their jewelry—and a percentage of sales—they’re left to work happily, and to trade in Talon City.

  I lifted an eyebrow. “You have a shop there?”

  “Yes, in a better area of town from Red’s Tattoo Parlor.”

  Selene drew back. “We’re late for your meeting.”

  “Not if you bend time just a little.”

  “Men, you’re all so high maintenance.”

  I turned, in my mind, an image of her naked, spread out before me, the luscious folds of her sex dripping wet as I devoured her with slow fervor. Lust kindled in her eyes. Her breathing came faster. A shudder went through her whole body.

  “Tonight,” I reminded her.

  “Fine. I suppose you’ll earn your keep at that.”

  A shimmer of little red stars covered her. When the glitter died, a filmy red gown covered her. She wore a necklace of the same cuprite she given me, though her stones were several times larger, each five separated by an onyx bead. Her hair was intricately piled on her head, tied with red ribbons, leaving a bare neck that begged for nuzzling. Red-gold bracelets occupied both wrists, and she wore red pumps with four-inch stiletto heels. These last were her usual weapons of choice when getting physical.

  I took her hand. “I think we’re almost ready for all the surprises this day holds.”

  “Time will tell.” Selene smiled, and red light wrapped us in bright wings. I felt a lurch, and we stood outside the Old Man’s suite.

  I looked at my watch. Time had bent. We were five minutes early. “Too bad we can’t do that in combat, to recover from a mistake.”

  “And let two of you exist in proximity, bearing identical cells? Highly dangerous. The laws of physics would object strenuously, and the Universe could explosively cancel out the contradiction by killing both versions. If this time’s you weren’t in Malibu with me right now, I wouldn’t risk it.”

  Right, it’s why Colt didn’t come back until he was nine. It also means that a nineteen-year-old Colt could show up at any time. I hoped Colt never realized that. Managing one of him is hard enough.

  Selene knocked twice, then walked right into the surface of the door, tugging me along by the hand. Inside, the huge space sprawled to the French doors of the balcony. The curtains were drawn. The people I’d asked for were all present, cloistered around several metal carts laden with covered serving dishes. Plates were being handed out and lids were lifted to scent the air with eggs, sausage, bacon, and hot cakes. A waiter bowed, backing away from the fare he’d bought.

  My First Sword—now dressed—escorted him to the door. Selene and I stepped aside so he could leave. I shut the door and locked it, staring at Imari in her black leather suit, hoop earrings, and polished bald head. I asked, “How come you don’t say anything about the Old Man not having guards
, but give me grief all the time?”

  “He has Colt and Zahra with him. And he’s also highly perceptive. You just get lucky.”

  Sadly, Selene nodded agreement.

  I glared at her next. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”

  She smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “But lover, we’re all on your side.” She walked toward the buffet. “I’ll have a little of everything. Is there any braised hummingbird tongue?”

  I headed that way, too. “Fine, but then we all have to have a meeting of minds. There’re certain precautions I need in place before the day starts unfolding and the Old Man goes to the gallows.”

  He looked at me. “Gallows?”

  “I meant ‘before you get hitched.’”

  “You think you’re not married? Somethings don’t need a paper and ceremony to define themselves. You, my son, are married many times over. Just not in the eyes of human law.”

  I shuddered at the thought.

  He led Colt and Zahra to the couch. Colt had exchanged his usual death-head-printed hoodie for an all-black one. Personally, I thought he should have stayed with the skull motif as an omen of things to come: my Cousin Kinsey had a dragon’s appetite—once the honeymoon started, she’d all but eat the Old Man alive.

  Zahra looked relaxed among us strangers. Her night with the were-kitties must have helped a lot. Someone had found her a teal blue dress, black Maryjane shoes, and a pair of white gloves. Her braided hair fell down her back. As if sensing my stare, she looked up, a buttered triangle of toast in her mouth.

  Her eyes started as deep brown, but warmed, flashing moon-bright silver as her gaze swept me, up and down. I think she counted all the weapons hidden under my glamour. Well, Selene had tried her best, but another goddess was involved. Zahra finished her inspection and gave me a tentative smile that continued as she attacked her plate once more.

  I think my status as a walking arsenal comforted her a little. That and the fact that Colt kept smuggling his bacon onto her plate when she wasn’t looking. He was well on the way to winning the heart of another girl for his harem.

  The door to the hall shuddered under pounding, maybe a kick or two. I walked over.

  Odd. We’re not expecting anyone else.

  I reached for the knob.

  Julia’s voice came through the door. “Open up! I know you’re in there, Colt. You don’t get to visit Grandpa without me! I know I explained the rules to you!”

  Colt chortled gleefully from the couch, for once acting very much like a nine-year old child.


  “Tactics are fine, but nothing’s

  better than a surprise.”

  —Caine Deathwalker

  I helped myself to a golden-brown biscuit; splitting it, adding butter, jamming it full of folded bacon. I wolfed it and washed it down with coffee.

  Julia joined me, without giving me so much as a nod of greeting. Busy scoping out Zahra—now visible—and Colt, fawning on her, Julia paid little attention to what she piled on her plate. I grinned. She’d just acquired a new brother and was already in danger of losing control over him.

  Finishing my repast, I went to the sitting area, standing where they could easily see me.

  Julia went over and flopped down on the couch, on Colt’s open side, staking a claim of her own.

  Girl’s upping her game. Nothing like a challenger to make a warrior fight seriously.

  “Okay, listen up. I have faith that Imari has done an excellent job with security for today’s events. Don’t take this as me second-guessing her in any way. She’ll run the show, and hopefully, our many enemies won’t crash the party. What I’m going to propose is a counter-measure in case everything goes to hell despite our best efforts. Say, the skin-walker kills Cousin Kinsey and impersonates the bride so she can stab the Old Man at the altar.”

  As if to interrupt, the Old Man lifted a finger but then dropped his hand and let it go.

  I looked at him. “Hey, it could happen.”

  He said, “True, but do you have to look so happy about it?”

  Out of my many well-practiced looks, I pulled out #35: Tortured-and-Misunderstood, adding in just a little bit of Long-Suffering Saint. I don’t think I got it quite right, but then I’m no saint.

  Colt snickered.

  Zahra joined him.

  Too mature to snicker, Julia contented herself with rolling her eyes at her brother. A gesture he thoroughly ignored.

  Definitely didn’t nail it.

  I pressed on. “Anyway, I’m adding a massive surprise that I hope we won’t need.”

  The Old Man said, “We now have three hundred guests attending, most of those our own clansmen. We’ve hired the entire Magic-user’s Guild to sniff out trouble, and to counter any magic-based threats—hopefully before they develop. The chances of the skin-walker getting in…”

  “I know, I know…” I raised both hands and patted the air, quieting the murmurs that arose around the room. “If we don’t take this extra precaution, you know damn well something will happen to make us wish we had. The Universe is nothing if not a perverted son of bitch. And I’d rather have a card up my sleeve go unused than to need one and not have it.”

  Colt looked up at me, a copper-red light in his eyes. I had to wonder how many dimensions of time and space he was peering into. He said, “You’re going to need another edge. Better stay close to Zahra.”

  Selene floated as if there was a chair under her, which there wasn’t. “Colt, don’t spoil the lovely surprise that’s coming. Your father handles utter disasters all the time. It’s something he’s really good at. We just need to let him do his thing as we enjoy.”

  I slid my glance from Colt to Julia. “You two need to stay close to Zahra. If she sees through the skin-walker’s disguise, it will be because the witch is here and after her. I’m counting on you two to protect her, and get word to security,”

  Imari said, “I’ll have Zero-T on them as well.”

  The Old Man sighed. “I’m glad the bride’s not here to hear how special her day will be.”

  Selene’s smile widened even more. “Oh, trust me, she will never forget this wedding.”

  “That’s so comforting,” the Old Man lied. “Why do I suddenly feel like the Captain of the Titanic?”

  I pointed a finger at him. “People did survive that, you know? Let’s not lose our enthusiasm, people.”

  Julia set her plate of untasted food on the coffee table, and stood, drawing attention to herself as she joined the “adult” conversation. “You don’t have to worry, Dad. I’m going to have my .22s. on me. Let evil rear its ugly head; I’m ready.”

  I smiled at her. “You are such a comfort.”

  Hearing compliments going out, Colt waved for my attention. “C’mon, Dad, tell them about the disjointed space.”

  Selene frowned at him. “Colt. No spoilers!”

  He ducked his head. “Sorry, Mom.”

  The Old Man looked thoughtful. “An altered space that can be sealed off from danger, or one we can close once a major threat arrives, giving evil nowhere to run?”

  I smiled. “Exactly. Either way, my gut is telling me we’ll need it. I’m going from here to the ballroom where the wedding and reception will be held. Selene will help with the spell set up. We’ll coordinating with the Magic-user’s Guild so they don’t freak.”

  “Which just leaves two questions.” Imari was so into the discussion, her red eyes narrowed and a dance of orange flames swirled across her obsidian scalp. “Where will this spell take the room to, and are you going to warn us before the spell goes off?”

  I nodded to Selene, letting her take the explanation.

  “Since we can benefit from the home court advantage,” she said, “the spell will take the ballroom to the Red Moon’s throne room. It can easily hold a thousand people.”

  “Better keep the flying mechs under control,” I told Selene. I had mental visions of overly-excited gargoyles barging inside,
peeing acid rain down on the guests.

  “I’ll talk to them, dear.” Selene said.

  I nodded. “Imari, pass this last piece of information on to our troops and guests. Just before the disjointed space is triggered, if it needs to be, I’ll yell ‘Code Crimson.’”

  Selene squealed. “Ooo, that’s my color!”

  The Old Man leaned forward in his armchair. “What’s the point in cueing us in when the transition will be over in an instant and is independent of our actions?”

  I shrugged. “If it’s a known possibility, confusion will be diminished if it happens. That’s an advantage. And any bad guys swept up will have no way back unless they surrender and play nicely. That might keep the disruption to a minimum.”

  “Why all that if we have Selene with us. Can’t she just instantly stomp out any trouble we have? She is a goddess, right?” Imari looked from Selene to me, seeking her answer.

  Selene floated a little higher on her invisible throne. She crossed her legs the other way. “Blood, violence, and chaos feed my power. It is against my nature to interfere in these things—without good reason. Please don’t ask me to deprive myself of the coming spectacle. I’ve waited a thousand years for this moment in time.”

  “I’m getting the distinct feeling that whatever precautions I’ve taken are going to amount to pissing in the wind.” Imari sighed, looking down at the carpet, then cheered at once, lifting her head. “Well, when you have to pass through the fire, it’s best done through the heart of the blaze, as fast as possible.”

  “Words to live by. Okay, I’m off.” Selene wafted off her seat in the air and followed me to the door. We went out together and wandered around to the back of the hotel, taking the great escalator to the main floor.

  We wandered to a ballroom used for special events such as proms and conventions. It was ours for the day. Demon guards and a few of the local magic-users were on the lookout for trouble. After scanning Selene and me with assorted charmed items, we were allowed in.

  The ballroom was huge, the carpeting wheat-gold with black-and-white patterns that were vaguely Greek. On a round table under theatrical lighting, the wedding cake was five tiers. Secondary cakes were off to the side on a long table, along with folded purple napkins, china saucers, and silverware. Track lighting dominated the many tables, casting down a purple light on the white-lace table clothes, turning them lilac. The corners of the room were packed with purple and pinkish-blue hydrangea arrangements. White candles in very large glass jars occupied center spaces along the tables, along with more flowers.


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