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Vengeance MC Box Set - Volume 1: Call Me...Vengeance ~ Fury ~ Jonas

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by Natasha Thomas

  Vengeance MC Box Set ~ Volume 1

  by ~ Natasha Thomas

  Call Me…Vengeance ~ Fury ~ Jonas

  Copyright © 2016 by Natasha Thomas

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  eBook Published and any subsequent printing done and developed in Australia

  First Released, September 16th, 2016

  Natasha Thomas

  Sydney, Australia





  Amazon author page:

  eBook copyright ©2016

  Natasha Thomas

  All rights reserved

  By purchasing this eBook, it allows you one legal copy for your own personal reading on your computer, tablet, or another device capable of viewing eBooks. After purchasing, you do not have the rights to; resell, print, distribute, or transfer this book, in part, or whole to any other person via any method currently known, or yet to be conceived, or developed in the future. It may also, not be uploaded, in part or whole, to any file sharing programs, websites, or social media outlets. Being resold, given, or transferred to any other person is in direct violation of the Australian, and U.S. Copyright Laws.


  This book is a work of fiction and is written to be taken as such.

  Characters, names, road names, motorcycle clubs, places, businesses, towns, events, and incidents are a product of the author’s own thoughts, and imagination. As such, any resemblance to persons living, or dead, actual events, or incidents, the past, present, or future, is purely coincidental and is not in any way intended to offend, upset, or disturb person/s reading its content.

  This book is intended for mature audiences aged 18 and over. It contains content that may be viewed as disturbing for some readers, graphic sexual scenes and references, coarse language, and violence.


  A lot of people take part in a books journey, helping to mold and shape them from being mere words on a page to a kickass published novel, and most of the time they go unmentioned.

  There are families; husbands, wives, children, parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews who lend their unwavering support. Friends who put up with us even when our time is scarce and we can’t be as present as we would like to be.

  Behind the scenes there are BETA readers like mine; Jamie, Angie, Linda, and Cheryl who work tirelessly to make sure my readers receive the best possible story they can, and keep me sane. Although, that last part is a big job in and of itself.

  People say never judge a book by its cover, but we all know that’s impossible. The images we see when we’re scrolling through Amazon looking for our next ‘One Click’ purchase make a huge difference. Thankfully, I’ve been lucky enough to find a highly talented designer, Belinda Battles, to make me wicked covers that my readers love to drool over. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  A big shout out goes to my editor, Micha. As always, you’re underpaid and overworked, but regardless of your bitching and moaning about slave labor laws and suing me for pain and suffering, I still love you.

  To all the Blogs, Reviewers, promotional pages, Facebook groups, and Indie author forums who work to pimp, promote, and support writers, you rock. Thank you so much for helping me reach such an amazing audience.

  Lastly, to my super awesome readers; without you none of this would be possible. You make me smile every day, laugh when all I want to do is cry because my deadlines are looming and I’m not even close to done. You may not know it, but you’ve helped me push through sleepless nights of writing when words have long since blurred into blobs on the page. And for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. xxx


  To my readers… Why? Because you rock and I can, that’s why.

  Table of Contents

  Call Me…Vengeance



  Call Me…Vengeance

  A Vengeance MC Novel by ~ Natasha Thomas

  Copyright © 2016 by Natasha Thomas

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  eBook Published and any subsequent printing done and developed in Australia

  First Released, January 3rd, 2016

  Natasha Thomas

  Sydney, Australia





  Amazon author page:

  about this book…

  Plagued by demons long since dead, Jackson ‘Boss’ Carr has worked tirelessly to steer his MC away from the illegal guns and drug trade, but it was proving to be difficult, to say the least. All Boss wanted was for his brothers was for them to have a future paved in gold, not bathed in the blood of innocents. He’d spent years saving his family from the wreckage and devastation of rival MC’s.

  Bethany Leanne Miller hated the life she led before taking steps to break free of her parent’s suffocating hold over her. Lured to, Furnace, Colorado by her old friend and fellow tattooist, Jonas, with the promise steady work and a whole new way of life, Bethany in under the delusion that things might just be starting to look up. That is until she realizes, Furnace isn’t your normal, sleepy mountain town. Within days of arriving, Beth meets a man who isn’t just handsome, charming, and powerful, but also capable of turning her life upside down.

  Faced with a choice between the people he’s obligated to love, and the woman who owns his heart, Boss is caught in a classic game of tug of war involving his family, and the woman he believes has committed the ultimate betrayal against him.

  However, nothing is what it seems when you begin with an MC on the verge of changes the likes they have never seen, and you add to that a rival MC who would like nothing more than to see them fail. When you throw in a woman who unintentionally ends up impacting everything and everyone around her, and you have a recipe for disaster that has, Boss and Vengeance MC scrambling to make headway through the obstacles they are now faced with.


  “My past has not defined me, destroyed me, deterred me or defeated me; it has only strengthened me.”

  – Dr. Steve Maraboli


  ~ Jackson ‘Boss’ Carr ~

  “Sometimes, looking back is the only way to correct the mistakes of the past.”

  - Emily to Boss

  In the early years as a member of Vengeance MC, my life had been a series of swings and roundabouts. Problems to solve, brothers to deal with, and businesses to manage. I loved it, thrived on it even. I craved it. But what I’d once se
en as challenging and exciting, had become mundane and boring as the years dragged on. Excruciatingly fucking boring, in fact. The sum total of my days, for the last however long, I don’t know because I stopped counting when we hit the years not months, amounted to one thing; my life has become the epitome of Groundhog Day.

  Over and over again, rinse and repeat. My days are filled with tedious tasks, and demanding jobs that are aging me before my time. When life had been simpler, my days had been filled with a love of the road, drinking until I was shitfaced with my brothers, and an endless supply of wet, willing pussy to entertain me whenever I felt like getting off. But like all good things, that faded and life became infinitely more complicated.

  Memories of my life consist of weeks, months, and now years of endless monotony. By the way, if you haven’t experienced it I’ll let you know now, monotony fucking blows. What I wouldn’t give for something, anything, to break through the mind-numbing, borderline comatose state I exist in. I don’t see it happening, though. I’m just not that fucking lucky. Worse still, it’s a bitter pill to swallow to think the best years of my life are already behind me, especially when I haven’t even hit middle age yet. I mean, I’m close, but I’m not there yet.

  Being the President of, Vengeance MC isn’t all it’s cracked up to be some days. Not that I’m complaining, just stating a fact. People theorized about the life I lead. They romanticize it. But what they perceive it to be, and what it is are two entirely different things. Opposite ends of the spectrum, in fact.

  The fact is, my job entails keeping my boys in line, fixing their fuck ups, and doing the jobs no one else wants to. Not to mention dealing with the numerous daily issues which can occur in any of the handful of legit club businesses. Basically, it sucks ass to be me.

  But if there’s one thing I would never turn my back on, it’s my club. Regardless of the drama, my pain in the ass brothers, the countless headaches, and my desperate desire to rekindle the rush the life had once given me, I made a promise when I accepted my patch. No matter what happens, or how tired of the bullshit I am, I’m not a man who breaks a promise. It might just kill me, but I won’t let my brothers down. I can’t. I’m not built like that.

  I haven’t always thought this way. But when I turned thirty-five, the bigger picture became more important than the immediate future, and instant gratification. With age and wisdom, my ideas, my beliefs, my plans for the club ran in various different directions. I was more open-minded, more likely to listen and accept the knowledge of others. Not all of the time, but when the situation warranted it. Gone was the man who in his younger years defined the word single-minded. I’d had a severe case of tunnel vision back then. And forget taking advice from anyone else; I knew it all. Or I had believed I did. I knew better now, and I’d learned that the hard way.

  When I was growing up, I thought it would be badass to be the leader of a vast group of men that were all about living free, making money, riding bikes, and easy pussy. But like everything else, real life stepped in and kicked that fantasy in the ass. My simple childhood dreams became nothing but memories. The sad truth about my life was; I just felt old. Old and fucking tired. I didn’t want to be, I wanted to see the world through the eyes of that little boy again, but with the wisdom of the man I am now.

  However, none of that shit is realistic. Dreams are just that; dreams. Where I live now, in the real world, with responsibilities and people who depend on me is what’s important. I don’t have time to look back at the times I’ve fucked up because there are far too many of them. There are so many things I would go back and change if I could. Starting with, never putting up with half the shit my father put me and my MC through. That’s the big one. The holy grail of fuck ups. I should never have let that old bastard lead us down the path he did, but I can’t change that now. Now, all I can do is move forward. And I intend to do that pulling my MC with me, kicking and screaming if I have to.


  ~ Boss ~

  “President or not, when the shit hits the fan no one’s safe.”

  - Bikers guide to staying alive

  The illusions I’d had about the lifestyle of an MC President, what it would be like, the power, the respect, were all erased the day I took the gavel. It wasn’t gradual, something I was eased into overtime. The harsh reality between what I’d imagined my new position would be like and what it really was slapped me in the face from day one. I was left with a choice to accept it, to learn how to deal with it, or…nothing. There was no other option.

  From the outside looking in, as a teenager and then a man in my twenties, it was easy for me to overlook the intricacies of a working MC. I’d been a patched brother, and the Son of Vengeance’s, President, but I found out quickly that I knew nothing about what my new position would entail.

  The basics, like how to navigate the club through its day-to-day dealings, and the politics required to only keep the peace were all things I had to learn on the fly. I realized, I was as naïve as the rest of those fuckers who assumed it was all about sitting back, banging a piece of wood against another piece of timber, and yelling at prospects to get him a fucking beer. Now, though, I’m intimately aware of what’s involved, and all of it falls squarely on my rapidly sagging shoulders.

  Most of the issues the MC is facing are mistakes of the past, ones that are only now coming back to bite us in the ass. They were made by a reign long since dead and buried, but that didn’t change the fact that they are rearing their ugly heads to fuck with the present. People are still crawling out of the woodwork, demanding debts that weren’t settled by our previous, President be paid in full.

  Alliances that have taken years to develop are starting to deteriorate because I won’t give in to the pressure they’re exerting. It didn’t matter to them that times had changed, they wanted what they believed they were due. No matter how many times they’ve been told Vengeance isn’t in the business of covering debts we weren’t aware existed, they haven’t let up yet. And that signals trouble. Trouble we don’t fucking need right now.

  We have enough issues at the moment. Cross country runs are taking longer and becoming more dangerous. Especially, since the alliances I mentioned are divided. These days, clubs, even those with the amount of manpower, influence, and notoriety Vengeance have been required to exercise extreme caution. Where in the past our name alone would afford us a certain amount of protection, it doesn’t anymore. It’s a stark reminder of how bad things have become when a club as powerful as ours is treated the same way as everyone else.

  The biggest change came when we had to start bidding on runs for arms deals. Bidding for Christ’s sake, like it was a goddamned auction or something. Only a few short years ago, motherfuckers were begging him to supply them with cocaine and guns. The trade was good, steady, and new customers were approaching them every month. The margins were even better, though. I could have retired a rich man if business had stayed that way for another five years.

  Vengeance has dealt, hauled, and supplied for all of the major players in the drugs and black market arms trades within a five-hundred-mile radius with little to no drama or competition for decades. But now, the cheap bastards want uncut coke, discount priced guns, and a free whore on top like a cherry on a goddamn sundae. It was getting to the point, that soon I’d have to donate vital organs to go along with each deal just to keep the greedy pricks happy.

  To make matters worse, last month our closest rival, Hells Riders, sought out Vengeance’s gun shipment and tried to intercept it as it crossed state lines into, Colorado.

  Thank fuck, my Enforcer, Fury, heard chatter in one of the bars a county over, because if he hadn’t the MC would have lost a million dollars in revenue that day. But as luck would have it, due to Fury’s intel, being at the right place at the right time, they were able to successfully capture two of the Hells Riders lookouts before they could follow through.

  Up until then, I’d dismissed Hells Riders as a joke masquerading as a club. To date
, they hadn’t proved to be much of a rival MC, more like an epic pain in my ass. But, that changed when they decided to fuck with the club’s cash flow because that was no laughing matter.

  My brothers depend on the profits from those shipments. They have families to feed, bills to pay, and kids to clothe. If we hadn’t caught the two guys trying to re-route the shipment, it would have been a total clusterfuck. There’s no recouping that kind of cash, and you can bet your ass war would’ve ensued had they gotten away with it.

  But in the end, Diesel, Dirty, Fury and I sent the two assholes home with their dicks between their legs, barely attached mind you, and a very clear message for Hells Riders President, Joseph ‘Nix’ Walker. If you fuck with my club, you’ll pay the price.

  I wouldn’t usually fuck around in a situation like that; I’d sooner put a bullet in their heads, wash my hands and go home. But in this case, a message needed to be sent, and I needed them alive to do it. Hence, it was those two jackass’s lucky day. Because aside from having to spend a few weeks laid up in hospital - and possibly reconstructive surgery for one of the guys to take care of his nose – they’d pull through. If you ask me, that was better than they deserved.


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