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Vengeance MC Box Set - Volume 1: Call Me...Vengeance ~ Fury ~ Jonas

Page 20

by Natasha Thomas

  I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that more than a few of the things he’d said while we lay curled together in bed didn’t bother me, but I was choosing to ignore them. At least for now. Trusting him didn’t come naturally to me, and that had nothing to do with barely knowing the man and more to do with my own hang-ups than anything else. But trust him I would. I mean, really, what choice did I have?

  My preconceived ideas about what the inside of an MC clubhouse would be like early morning, more like before noon, were wrong. Way wrong. Bacon was frying, coffee had been brewed, and there were, even more, people milling around either with overflowing plates of food or nursing mugs of caffeinated goodness. Men who I would have thought wouldn’t rise from their dens of iniquity until afternoon were dressed in faded jeans, varying degrees of old T-shirts, unlaced motorcycle boots, and all sporting their vests. Honestly, it looked like a convention for the hung over in there this morning.

  Yelling from the double doors that led to the forecourt drew my attention before I’d even had a chance to reach for the nectar of the God’s Jackson was offering. Dammit. I really needed that too. But far be it from me to miss out on any form of entertainment where I could get it. Especially if Jackson was to be believed when he told me that I’d be here for a while.

  “You cannot be serious?” A woman I hadn’t seen but could most assuredly hear screeched.

  “Shit,” Jackson’s deep, booming voice rumbled.

  “Serious as a heart attack, Ave,” I believe Fury snaps back.

  I didn’t know what to make of Jackson’s statement that Avery would arrive today. Or him telling me that if I felt the urge to enlarge my circle of friends that she would be a good one to include. I’ll give him this, though. Clearly he was not wrong when he described her a feisty.

  “So what you’re telling me is, I left my home, my family, my friends, and my job to be locked down, but this time away from everything I know, for an indeterminate amount of time. Did I get that right? Because I shit you not, if that’s the case then I’m turning my ass around and going home now. I can do this shit in, Blackwater,” Avery retorts finally coming into view.

  I have to work at not gasping audibly when I catch sight of her because she is beautiful. No, beautiful is too common of a word to describe everything Avery is. She is stunning.

  Long dark hair curls to her waist, highlighted with several thick purple streaks that frame her face. A face that is so beyond perfect I can’t accurately describe how lovely she is. Full lips, high cheek bones, and gorgeous what look to be sapphire eyes are the only specific features I can pick out from where I’m sitting. And if that’s the case, I can only image how much more beautiful she is close up.

  Avery is petite, to say the least. Possibly five-foot-two or three at most. She’s slim but with curves men drool over, and going based on the looks some of the single men in the room are giving her, drool they do indeed. All but one that is. Fury, the slightly scary, very intense, brooding badass is staring at her like she’s sprouted horns. He is most certainly not salivating over the feisty woman facing off with him.

  Or so I thought.

  Taking a closer look at him, I can see the shimmer of heat he’s throwing Avery’s way. His eyes are focused solely on her. His attention hasn’t diverted from her once since she’s walked in, regardless of the fact five of his brothers have approached to stand at his back. Hmm, interesting.

  “That’s exactly what I’m fucking telling you,” Fury seethes. “It’d be good if for once you’d just do as you’re told instead of running your mouth.”

  “Fuck you. Just fuck you, Tanner.”

  “Jesus, fuck. Alright already,” Gage, one of Jackson’s brothers who I met last night grumbles. “I get it. We all fucking get it. Neither of you can stand each other, and that shit sucks seeing as you’re stuck sharing the same air for the next fuck knows how long. You wanna tear strips off one another, be my guest. It’d be good if you could do it anywhere else, though.”

  “Bite me,” Avery snaps without heat.

  Throwing his hands in the air, Fury stalks off in the direction of Jackson’s office. From beside me, Jackson groans,

  “This should be a hell of a lot of fun if they’ve already kicked off. Couldn’t wait five fucking minutes before starting their shit. Fucking magnificent.”

  Rising up, planting a soft kiss on his cheek, I grin,

  “At least it will keep things interesting.”

  Hauling me closer, Jackson wraps his arms around me.

  “Sure as shit will.” Raising an eyebrow, he asks, “You gonna be alright out here while I’m gone, baby?”

  “Mmhmm,” I murmur as his lips touch mine gently.

  Losing myself in Jackson’s kiss is the easiest thing I’ve ever done. His kisses are in one word, masterful. There’s never a doubt who’s in control, Jackson takes over before I can even begin. His kisses are hot, wet, deep, and claiming. And I love them. Every last one.

  Tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, he touches his mouth to mine one last time before setting me away from him. Gesturing to the recliner, I was occupying last night, he instructs,

  “Sarge is taking a load off waiting for you. You need anything like I said, you go to him. He’s not around for any reason, any of the other guys will help you out, yeah?”

  “She’ll be perfectly fine, big man,” Bella chimed in, out of nowhere.

  Shooting her a smirk, he replies,

  “I’ll hold you to that, B.” Placing his lips on the tip of my nose, Jackson looks deep into my eyes for a moment before whispering, “Be back soon, sweetheart.”

  Watching Jackson walk away is almost as good as watching him approach. His faded jeans hug his delicious ass like a second skin, making me shiver in anticipation. The fact that I’ve seen him naked appreciated every inch of his hot, smooth skin still amazes me. I never thought when I was getting ready to go to Hounds last night that I would end up here. And by here I mean, in Jackson’s bed after discussing our non-dating relationship, which by all accounts is more serious than any official relationship I’ve ever heard of.

  Bumping me with her shoulder, Bella startles me out of my naked appreciation of the huge man striding down the hall away from me.

  “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”

  Smiling wide at her, I clasp the mug of coffee I procured, stating,

  “If I had a camera or my phone I would. In fact, my friend Bec asked for a photo of a hot, badass biker. If I didn’t want to keep him to myself for a little longer, Jackson would definitely fit the bill.”

  “Sure would, but I’m not positive he’d agree with you taking photos of him for your friend to use as female jerk off material.” She’s probably right, but it can’t hurt to ask. Can it?

  “Come on,” Bella prompts, dragging in the direction of Sarge, who’s recently been joined by Avery. “I’ll introduce you to Avery, and we can get the low down on what the hell is going on with her and Fury. It’s boring as batshit around here this morning, I could do with some gossip to liven things up.”

  Following closely behind, I almost trip over her as she stops abruptly a few feet from where they’re sitting.

  “Holy shit,” she exclaims. Not quietly either.

  “What?” I hiss taking a step backward.

  “Did Jackson say anything to you about her?” Bella asks shortly. Tracking her gaze, I take in the woman she’s glaring at and draw in a sharp breath.

  Oh God, please tell me that’s not Laura, I hope on a sigh. Doing what all of us women do when faced with what we consider a threat, I size her up.

  Tall, statuesque even, she has to be at least two or three inches taller than me, and where my hair is a dark auburn with burnished red highlights, hers is a naturally, golden, honey blonde. Rail thin, not a hint of booty or bust, she is my polar opposite to me. Completely.

  What strikes me as odd about her is the way she’s blatantly glaring at everyone. Her face is set in a harsh scowl, her brow furr
owed, her eyes narrowed, and her lips are pursed angrily. Jackson might not have told me much about Laura, barely anything, actually, but from what he did say, along with what I picked up reading between the lines, she was someone important to him. Obviously, because otherwise why would she be here? But that aside, if she was someone special in his life at one time or another, then why is she looking at everyone with such contempt?

  “Yeah,” I sigh. “Yeah, he did.”

  “What did he say?” Bella demands sharply. “Actually, forget I asked. I know why she’s here, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. The woman is a heinous bitch I tell you. And when I say bitch, I really mean, she’s a raving, grade A, evil bitch.”

  “Nice to see you again too, Bella,” the woman in question snarls.

  Jesus, can you say ninja much. I didn’t even see her approach. Pinning her with an equally nasty look, Bella replies,

  “I’d say it’s nice to see you, but we both know that would be a fucking lie. What the hell are you doing here anyway, Laura? Don’t you have small animals to terrorize, and a caldron to stir?”

  Cackling, and at this point I can absolutely agree with Bella’s intonation that she’s a witch, because that laugh proved it, Laura snarls,

  “Classy, Bella. You know why I’m here, Boss brought me. Now, are you going to introduce me to your friend,” she asks gesturing to me before adding, “Is she one of the new whores Boss has pulled up from the gutter?”

  Is she for real? She did not just refer to me as a whore did she? I don’t know who the hell she thinks she is, but I’m not going to let that ride. I would do a lot to keep the peace, but I will not accept a stranger speaking to me like that. Oh, fuck no.

  Before I can return my own equally nasty barb, Sarge wraps a strong arm around my shoulders pulling me to his side. With a gentle, yet firm squeeze he tells me to keep quiet and let him deal with her.

  “I’d watch it, Laura. You might have been something to Boss years ago, but you’re here out of obligation now and we all know it. You included. So, if I were you, I’d tread carefully because I don’t think Prez will be happy you’re directing your venom at his woman.”

  “His woman? Are you fucking kidding me? Her?” Laura sneers jabbing a hooker red-tipped fingernail at me. “Jesus, he has lowered his standards since me, hasn’t he?”

  “No, you listen here bitch,” Bella growls going toe-to-toe with the wicked witch from Wyoming. “You’ve got history with, Boss, great. Wonderful. You’re here at his request, and that’s fine too. But if you think you can come in here and talk shit to my new friend and his girlfriend, you’ve got another thing coming. The guys tolerate you out of respect for their President and friend, but don’t think they won’t kick you out on your bony ass if you keep this shit up. I’ve never been able to stand you, and that will never change. But don’t you think you have enough enemies without making more. You’ve been here for less than a day, you crazy bitch. Most people need at least twenty-four hours before alienating everyone within a ten-mile radius.”

  Sarge lets out a bark of laughter at my side, Bella looks immensely pleased with herself, but Laura’s face has morphed into an, even more, thunderous expression if that can be believed.

  “Fuck you, cunt.”

  Oh, my, God. I know I said this before, but please tell me she did not just say that. What woman, a wicked witch or not calls another woman the C-word? Isn’t that against the code? It has to be. But regardless of whether it is or it isn’t, I’m not going to stand by idly and allow some tramp to call my newfound friend a filthy name like that.

  Slipping under Sarge’s arm, I step towards her squaring my shoulders and straightening my spine. I really don’t want to cause a scene, so I lower my voice, close enough now that I can keep what’s said between us.

  “I must have missed it, but have I done something to you that would imply it was acceptable for you to refer to me as a whore?”

  She doesn’t answer so I go on.

  “It is one thing to take offense to something someone says to you and make that known, it is another thing altogether to call them a disgusting name like you just did.”

  “Mind your own fucking business,” Laura spits. “You do realize that you’re only one of many bed warmers, Boss alternates between, right? Just a friendly head’s up,” she says, in a very unfriendly manner. “Don’t get too comfortable. He’ll be sick of you within the week, that’s at the outset, then he’ll be onto his next conquest.”

  “Fucking Christ on a crutch woman,” Sarge bites out. “You’re fucking lucky Boss is tied up, because I’m warning you again, he hears you talking shit to his woman like this and he’ll feed you to the wolves at the door faster than you can pull your thong out of your ass.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” she jeers.

  “I’m done,” Bella states resolutely, tugging on my hand. “No, we’re done.” Turning to Sarge, she asks, “I want to take Beth and Avery outside for a breather. Is it okay for me to ask, Hail to come with? I knew Boss doesn’t want any of us going anywhere unescorted.”

  “Sure, darlin’.” Calling over his shoulder to Avery, he asks, “You wanna go too, precious?”

  “Abso-freakin-lutely,” Avery replies enthusiastically. “The stench of bitch is getting overwhelming.”

  Jumping up from her position on the arm of Sarge’s recliner, Avery skips the three-feet to our side. Feeling drained all of a sudden, I wish I had as much energy as she obviously does.

  Extending her hand, Avery smiles at me.

  “Hi, you’re Beth, right?” Shaking her head ruefully, she chastises herself. “Sorry, stupid question. Of course, you are. And I’m pretty sure from my epic display of temper earlier you know I’m, Avery. You can call me Ree, though. The only asshole who doesn’t is, Fury, but don’t get me started on him because if you do we’ll be here all day and never get away from the queen of all that’s wrong with the world.”

  Her description of Laura causes me to grin, angry or not.

  “Yep, I’m her,” I say popping the p. “And yes, your entrance was quite spectacular, but I won’t hold it against you if you don’t hold what I may possibly do to her in the future against me.”

  Sarge chuckles, Bella, and Avery burst out laughing. The same cannot be said for Laura. Spinning on her heel, Laura stomps off in the direction of the kitchen, narrowly missing a small woman carrying a tray of used dishes.

  “Watch where you’re fucking going,” Laura snaps at her in passing.

  “Eat me, skankzilla,” the woman retorts.

  Bella laughs even more loudly at that, and yells,

  “I think I love you, Lonnie. Will you pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top have my babies?”

  “Anytime, sexy,” Lonnie smirks.

  “Come on, girls,” Bella prompts. “Let’s get the fuck out of here before the heinous she-cow comes back. I don’t feel like going another round with her before lunch.” Looking to where, Hail is seated at the bar she calls, “Hail, hop up and join us would you?”


  ~ Beth ~

  What it means to be his woman

  “So how are you coping with it so far,” Avery asks stretching her legs out in front of her.

  We’ve been sitting outside soaking up the last of the morning’s rays gabbing about nothing of consequence for the last hour or so. After the scene inside I’m not all that fired up to go back in, but I know once Jackson is finished with whatever it is he’s doing, I’ll have no choice. Damn shame that, because the previous hour has been nice, and somewhat enlightening.

  Sitting on the grass far enough away from the picnic table Hail has taken up residence at, I’ve learned a lot more about Bella, and even more about Avery.

  Aside from her being perpetually happy, smart as a whip, and hilarious beyond belief, I’ve ascertained that Avery is truly beautiful inside and out. The way she talks about her family, both of her sisters, her adopted brother, her Mom, but especially her
Dad is fantastic. It’s clear she loves them all deeply, but it’s also obvious she shares a special bond with her father.

  “It wasn’t easy you know? Growing up like this, always being surrounded by men who are as temperamental as they are protective. Honestly, it was suffocating sometimes,” she admits quietly.

  “I hear you sister,” Bella agrees. “I might not have a Dad or brother who’s a member of an MC, but Jay is bad enough. And don’t forget, he comes with all these guys,” she adds gesturing toward the clubhouse.

  At that point I kept quiet. I didn’t have anything of value to add, so I let my silence speak for me. They didn’t pry, and I was glad for it. I may have felt an instant connection to Bella, the same goes for Avery, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to expose all the skeletons in my closet just yet.

  “What was it like?” I ask softly.

  “What? Growing up in an MC,” Avery clarifies. Nodding, I lean back on my hands which are extended behind me and tip my face toward the sun.


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