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Vengeance MC Box Set - Volume 1: Call Me...Vengeance ~ Fury ~ Jonas

Page 22

by Natasha Thomas

  “I’ll get hold of Brookes today and relay your message,” Sly replies. “While I’m doing that, I’ll ask him how long it’ll take to get a preliminary report, and make it known we’re in a time crunch with that shit. He’s a solid guy, he’ll make it happen ASAP.”

  “Good. We’re done then, brothers. You’ve got your assignments. Watch your women, watch your kids. You see anything you don’t like the looks of, call it in, and then get your family here. Don’t take chances with that either. Too many of you start coming in then we’re going on full lockdown. No questions. No fucking hesitation. I’m not leaving anything up to chance. You all got me?”

  A chorus of ‘yeah’s’ go up around the room before I adjourn the meeting, bringing the gavel down swiftly.

  “Gage, Fury, hang back,” I request.

  Waiting until the others leave and the heavy door bangs shut, I lean back propping one booted foot on my knee.

  “Have a seat,” I say gesturing to the empty chairs on either side of me.

  “Need you to ride out to Cami’s, Fury. Diesel’s not answering his phone. He hasn’t called to check in since last night, and that shit’s not like him.

  Tilting his head, Fury scowls.

  “You thinking he’s in trouble and I need to take backup with me, or he’s just gone off the grid?”

  At first, I’d considered something might have happened to my VP, but I dismissed that thought quickly. If he were in trouble, he’d have found a way of getting word to us somehow. And I know for a fact if Cami had been in danger he’d have her ass here or us there in a heartbeat, so it was neither of those options. It was more likely he was buried balls deep inside his woman with no intention of letting her up for air in the near or distant future.

  “Single rider, brother. I’ve got no doubt the bastard’s fine, but I need his ass back here. You can tell him from me that’s a fucking order, too. He wants to bring her with him, fine, but he needs to get home. I don’t want the club scattered right now, the risk’s too high.”

  Grinning, Fury scoffs,

  “You wouldn’t be sending me out there to bust up a reunion fuckfest would you, Prez?”

  “Good chance that’s what you’ll walk in on, but I don’t give a fuck. If he’d answered his damn phone, he’d have had plenty of warning,” I chuckle.

  “Not that he will, but if he gets the jump on he and kicks my ass for this, you owe me one,” he retorts still smiling.

  “Yeah, I’ll give you a marker if that happens. But you’re my Enforcer for a reason, brother, and if he gets the jump on you, I might just have to start questioning why that is.”

  At thirty-six, Tanner ‘Fury’ Scott is in as good shape as he was when he was nineteen and one year into his SEAL training. After losing both his parents in a house fire a month before he turned ten, Fury was sent to Arizona to live with his grandfather. His one and only living relative.

  By all accounts, the old man was kind to him. A mechanic by trade, Jerry, taught his grandson everything he knew about engines and all things mechanical. That wasn’t where Fury’s passion lay, though. No, he’d dreamed of joining the Navy since before his parents passed, and he did. He signed on the dotted line on his eighteenth birthday and never looked back.

  Discharged honorably at twenty-four, Fury came home to Furnace and ended up prospecting for Vengeance within a week of hitting town. He did his two years, patched in, and after another two was given his position of Enforcer by Hog. Fury admitted after Hog had died he’d thought about turning it down considering the shit the MC was up to their eyeballs in, but he decided to take it on after coming to the realization that the club wouldn’t remain in Hog’s hands for long. His death aside, I would have taken over eventually. It just happened sooner rather than later.

  Six weeks after patching in as a prospect, Fury met Rosalie. Sweet, adorable, innocent, beautiful, Rosalie Parker. Twenty-one to his twenty-four, to hear him tell it, Fury fell in love with her on sight and that didn’t change. Not until the day she was gunned down in their front yard two years after they met and one year into their marriage.

  Looking at him sometimes, I wonder if he ever got over being the man to find his wife riddled with bullets lying pale and lifeless, her blood seeping into the soil. Not surprisingly, Fury changed after her death. He became harder. Colder. Quieter. He doesn’t talk about her, hasn’t since he said his goodbye to her graveside, but occasionally I catch him looking at a photo of her he keeps in the drawer beside his bed.

  Watching my brother lock his emotions down, become a man who for all intents and purposes believes he has nothing to live for wasn’t fucking easy, so I can only image what he went through. One day, though, I’d like to see him find himself a woman who can fill the hole Rosalie left in his soul. I’m not saying anyone could ever replace her because that shit just isn’t possible. I don’t think there’s a woman on the planet who has the balance of sweet, kind, and compassionate that she did bar one. And that one isn’t an option.

  “What do you need me for, Boss?” Gage asks, snapping me out of my fog.

  “Need you to keep watch over Ree while this one’s gone,” I answer, jabbing a finger in Fury’s direction.

  “She’s not hanging with, Sarge?” He questions.

  Smirking at him, I nod.

  “Yeah, but even he needs a break from her brand of crazy sometimes.” On a more serious note, I add, “She’s Saint’s daughter, brother, and she’s here for a fucking good reason. One I can’t share with you all right now, but as soon as I get the go-ahead from him I’ll fill you in.”

  “What?” Fury hisses. “You fucking said she was here because of our shit. Shit that could leak Devil’s Spawns way. Shit, they didn’t have the manpower to deal with.”

  “Calm the hell down. Now,” I order. “I don’t lie to you. Never have, never will. But I wasn’t at liberty to tell you everything either. All I can say is that Ree got caught up in some shit she shouldn’t have. Saint wanted protection for her, he needed her out of Blackwater until he can get it squared away, and that’s why she’s here. It doesn’t mean our business leaking into theirs wasn’t part of it, it was. Might not have been the initial reason she’s here but it played a role in the decision.”

  Narrowing his eyes at me, his fists clenched on top of the table, Fury demands,

  “How bad we talking? Don’t bullshit me either, Boss. You might have confidences to keep, but you want me watching her then I think I’ve got the right to know how dangerous her situation is.”

  He’s not wrong, but he’s also not going to like the answer either. Sighing heavily, I pin him with a stare that I hope communicates that he needs to keep his head.

  “Bullets and blood bad,” I admit quietly.

  “Are you fucking insane?” He roars. “You know. You of all people fucking know I cannot go through that shit again. Find someone else to watch her ass because I’m out.”

  I knew this would be his reaction if he found out, but it wasn’t why I was keeping it from him. That had to do with Avery’s Dad, Saint wanting everything kept as quiet as possible until he had something to give Vengeance. At the moment, he’s got nothing and knew my brothers wouldn’t accept that. Usually, I wouldn’t either, but the second I heard his voice over the phone, the bone-deep pain and fear threading every word, I offered to help without question.

  It makes me an asshole to have put Fury on this, especially knowing his history the way I do, intimately, but sadly that made him the perfect choice. That, and another thing. The fact that Fury has had an odd connection with Avery since the day he met her when she was ten, a connection that grew exponentially the older she got only works in my favor.

  His love for her was only that for a little girl more curious than was healthy, energetic, and could talk the ears off a dead elephant, but that morphed over the years into something else altogether. In all seriousness, I believe Fury fell in love with her the day his mind would let him, almost seven years ago when she turned eighteen. Maybe

  Carefully, I reply,

  “Yeah, I do know, brother. I know all too well what you went through, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t wish I could shoulder the pain you felt myself. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to go back in time and change what happened, but I fucking can’t. What I can do is make sure another woman doesn’t suffer the same fate. And you’ve gotta know, I didn’t make this decision lightly, brother. I agonized over this, even when Saint asked me to put you on her personally.”

  “Saint doesn’t know shit about my history, so this isn’t on him, it’s on you,” he snaps angrily.

  “It abso-fucking-lutely is. You’re right, I made the call. And if there is anyone who should be hyper-vigilant in a situation like this, it’s you. So I’ll take that hit, and I’ll take any of the others you’re dishing out if it means she’ll be safe and protected because there’s no way in hell I’m watching you say goodbye to another woman you care about,” I counter.

  Fury’s brows snap together menacingly as he snarls,

  “Not sure what you’re getting at, but if you’re insinuating that I feel anything for her like I felt for my wife you might want to think again. She is nothing like her. Fucking nothing.”

  “You’re fucking kidding right?” Gage grinds out. “You need your goddamn head examined if you haven’t seen it, man. But I know you have, Fury because not even you’re that blind. Avery’s got that same innocence about her, Rosalie did. She’s sweet as pie, strong, fierce, and loyal to anyone she considers family. We’ve been lucky enough to be included in that. She’d give her life for any of us, and you fucking know it. That’s what scares you about this, brother. You know she’d sacrifice herself for you. Put herself in danger to make sure none of us were in it.”

  Throwing his hands up in frustration, Fury shoves himself out of his chair. His rage is a tangible thing, filling the room with his namesake.

  “Fuck you, brother,” he sneers the last word. “You’ve got no fucking idea what you’re talking about, so until you do, shut your mouth and keep you bullshit opinions to yourself.”

  Stalking out, Fury throws the door open letting it slam as soon as he’s cleared it.

  “Well, that was a good time. What have you got up your sleeve for tomorrow Boss?” Gage jokes, trying to lighten the mood.

  Shaking my head in disgust, I take a deep breath and try to control my own anger at my brother’s pain.

  “Who knows what that’ll bring. The way it is at the moment could be anything from explosions and rivers of blood or nothing at all. Your guess is as good as mine.”

  We exchange a few words before we leave church and I go in search of my woman. Gage knows what he’d got to do, Fury no doubt has already taken off to round up my absentee VP, and we’re still no closer to knowing what Hells Riders are up to. All-in-all the meeting was a waste of time if it wasn’t for the info on their new lawyer. Something that requires further intel before we decide what we’re going to do about his arrival.


  ~ Boss ~

  The safety of home

  Pulling up in front of his house just before dark, I kick the stand down on my Harley and wait for Beth to dismount behind me. The ride had been short but sweet. Not close to long enough, in my opinion, but with the weather starting to cool down it wasn’t the time to be taking Beth out for extended rides.

  What made the ride sweeter than normal was the woman wrapped around me, fisting the sides of my cut holding on tightly. I’ve never had a woman ride bitch on my bike before. It just wasn’t something I did. If I was dropping a woman home, I usually took my truck or called one of the prospects and got them to do it. But Beth, she was different. I wanted her body wrapped around me. I was desperate to feel her lean into me as my bike took the tight corners home. There’s nothing like the feel of a woman putting her complete trust in you. And I wanted all of that from her, and then some.

  Beth rode well for a beginner. She took to it like a natural, easing up the pressure on my middle when she became more comfortable with how the bike moved. Riding relied on your instincts and intuition, both of which Beth seemed to have in spades. Some people had it and some didn’t, I was just glad my woman was one of the former.

  Watching her dismount over my shoulder, I wait until she’s clear before I throw my leg over, and stand up. Gripped her hand tugging her toward the front door, I could feel her apprehension. Beth’s body is strung so tight I’m half afraid it will snap at the barest touch. I can understand her nerves. I can even understand if she’s frightened seeing as I’d been explicit when as I explained what I was going to do with her when we got here. But the last thing I wanted was for her to be afraid of me. No, that shit I couldn’t handle.

  The truth is, if Beth couldn’t handle hearing what I wanted to do to her, couldn’t accept that’s the type of man I am, I’d have to convince her she could. I wasn’t going to let her fears; one’s I could allay get in the way of what we are building. If we were going to run into these kinds of problems so early on, I wanted them put to rest.

  Putting my key in the lock, I spun to face her, caging her up against the wall beside the door.

  “You need to relax, baby. I’m not gonna do anything you don’t want me to. Anything I do makes you feel uncomfortable, you let me know and I’ll stop. I’m not gonna lie, I want to strip you naked and devour you, but I’m won’t hurt you. I’ll never fucking hurt you.”

  Her face doesn’t give away much, but she does grace me with a small smile.

  “I want everything you promised me when we got on your bike, Jackson. I’m not scared, but I am nervous. All this is happening so quickly it’s making my head spin. In a good way, though.” Peering up at me from under her thick, dark lashes, she says, “I know you think you explained what was going on between us earlier, but you have to realize someone like me who doesn’t come from your world takes a little longer to process everything.”

  Leaning in, catching the subtle scent of her perfume, I gently kiss the side of her neck.

  “I get that, sweetheart, I do. I said I’d be patient explaining it to you, and I will. You’ll get to know me better, which means you’ll learn how to trust me. I’ll see to it that you do. But for now, I need you to have enough faith in me that you know I’ll never do anything you won’t like or that would hurt you. I need you to trust that I’ll always take care of you. You’re in charge here, baby.”

  Beth presses her lips to mine softly in a sweet kiss, which I take as her answer. Dragging her through the door, I barely make it inside before I slam her against the wall and devour her mouth. There’s nothing soft or leisurely about this kiss. She’s had me hard and craving her since the second I saw her laughing with her girls at the clubhouse, carefree and happy. I don’t have the self-control to take my time with her this time. Maybe next time. Maybe never if this is how I’m going to react to her every time I see her.

  Grabbing hold of her thigh, I throw it over my hip, and lean deeper into her, pressing her further into the wall until there isn’t an inch of space left between us. The heat of her body is radiating off her in waves. Her breath is hitching in her chest. And I can smell the wetness I’m fucking positive is coating the inside of her thighs.

  All semblance of control gone, I rip her shirt over her head, and deftly unhook her bra. Beth’s gorgeous, full tits spill out her rosy nipples, hard, stiff peaks commanding my immediate attention. And who am I to turn down such a tempting offer?

  Holding her hips, I order,

  “Keep your hands flat against the wall and eyes on me, sweetheart. I want to worship your beautiful tits while you watch me.”

  With a long moan as I take the first tip between my lips, sucking hard, Beth’s back arches forcing more of her into my mouth.

  “Oh, my, god, Jackson. Please. I need more,” she begs.

  I can tell she’s getting close and I haven’t even made it to her perfect pussy yet, which give me an idea.

“Do you want me to make you come just sucking on your gorgeous tits, baby?” I’ve never had a woman as passionate as Beth; a woman so desperate for my touch. Never made one come from stimulating her breasts alone either.

  Panting, she mewls,

  “No, I want you inside me when I come, honey. I need your cock, Jackson.”

  Ghosting my hand over the supple skin of her stomach and over her lace covered mound, I pull the scrap aside testing her readiness with two fingers. Spasms were already wracking her pussy. She’s tight as fuck, hot, so hot she feels like she’s burning up from the inside out.

  I slide my finger up and down her slit, parting her outer lips, teasing her until she shudders. Grinding the heel of my hand against her clit, my palm is flooded with more of her sweet juices. That alone snaps the last thread of my sanity. I have to have her now, or I’m going to go out of my damn mind.

  Tugging on the neck of my shirt, I rip it over my head and slide up her body until we’re face-to-face.

  “Jesus fucking Christ, baby. You’re so tight, so hot, so wet for me. If I don’t get inside of you soon, this is gonna be over before it begins.”

  “Yes. Yes, Jackson, Now!” Beth pleads, stroking my cock through the denim of my jeans.


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