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Vengeance MC Box Set - Volume 1: Call Me...Vengeance ~ Fury ~ Jonas

Page 25

by Natasha Thomas

  Sometimes, I think the man has more of an obsession over silver than I do. He wears no less than seven, chunky silver rings, two of them spanning the base of his fingers to the second knuckle. A heavy, thick banded silver watch adorns his right wrist. It’ not a cheap watch being that it’s a Tag Heuer. In fact, it’s worth at least five thousand dollars, something I know because my father owned one similar. Not that Jackson’s taste in expensive timepieces matters to me, I could care less, it is merely an observation I made.

  The only piece of jewelry Jackson doesn’t room at the end of the day is a set of dog tags that hang low, resting between his pecs. Incidentally, they are the set of dog tags I gave him last week.

  Under the watchful eye of Jay, Avery, Bella, and I were temporarily released with permission from Jackson to go shopping. In Boulder no less. Something Jay was less than impressed he was forced to chaperone. In saying that, he put in a valiant effort, only calling it quits when Avery announced our next stop was Victoria’s Secret. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve seen Jay move so fast. He herded us and our thousand bags, (okay, so that is probably an exaggeration, but it really did look like we had that many) back to his truck, and delivered us to the clubhouse muttering something about ‘bitches wanting to kill him.’ Needless to say, Jay isn’t all that fired up to take us shopping again anytime soon.

  Before we were dragged out, Bella mentioned there was a funky jewelry store that had opened a month earlier that featured one-off pieces. Apparently the owner had been an avid collector of vintage and handmade jewelry for years and wanted to share her bounty with the world. Something I will be forever grateful for seeing as her pieces are as unique as they are fascinating.

  In my search, I found a cool, circa 1970’s, rodeo belt buckle for Bec that I knew she’d just have to have, a wide, hand-tooled, leather wrist cuff for Jay to apologize for his day of torture, and a selection of silver bangles for me. Some plain and some with semi-precious stones inlaid in the center.

  What caught my eye and had me turning around, even though I had already paid and collected my purchases, was the dog tags. On a thin, leather strap, two tags stamped differently hung on a rack close to the exit. The first carries the image of an Eagle, the second the blind lady of justice. They were perfect for Jackson I knew it the second I saw them. The Eagle for the freedom and strength the MC gave him and he gave them; and the blind lady symbolizing truth, liberty, and of course, justice.

  When I gave them to him, the look on Jackson’s face had me wanting to snatch them from his hand and ask him to forget he’d ever seen them. A blank mask covered his face, it was absolutely devoid of emotion. I didn’t know what I’d been thinking buying them for him. We’d only been together for such a short amount of time it was ridiculous of me to believe I knew him well enough to buy him something that was so obviously personal.

  As long minutes passed, all I could focus on was how the hell I could make a run for it while he was lost inside his head. I knew I didn’t have a hope of making it out of his room generally, but with him so lost in his thoughts, I figured I had a good chance of success. But before I could put my ill thought out plan into action, Jackson ended our silence by blinking rapidly, taking the three strides to close the distance between us, and throwing me onto his bed. At which time there wasn’t a whole lot of talking unless you count a few oh my God’s, me moaning his name and him growling mine. But he did set about showing me just how appreciative he was for his gift. Better yet, he hasn’t taken hem off since.

  “You take your shower, baby, but come find me before you leave. Can’t send Gage with you today, but Cash is gonna see you make it home to get what you need done, and make sure you get to work safely.”

  “Mmhmm,” I mumble while tracing the muscles of his chest with my hands.

  “You gotta let me go so you can get on that, baby. I’ve gotta get out there and see what Gage wants before he starts beating down the fucking door again too,” he says, kissing my hair setting me away from him.

  Not long later, freshly showered and dressed in a new outfit I picked up during our shopping expedition of doom, or so Jay has labeled it, I grab my purse and head out in search of Jackson. Finding him seated at one of the long tables the club uses at mealtimes, he opens his arms to me and scoots back in his chair.

  Climbing onto his lap and quickly pressing my mouth to his, earns me several grins from the men seated beside him.

  “I need to get going, honey. You told me to come find you, but I have to leave now or I’m going to be late.”

  Enfolding me in his strong arms, Jackson hugs me tightly, kisses me far more intimately than I did him, and then demands,

  “Call when you get there and when you’re ready to leave. Cash’s number is in your cell. You need to leave, even if it’s to get lunch, you call him. No text. No voicemail. Call only. He doesn’t pick up, you keep calling until he does and you stay put. Keep your eyes open, baby. I don’t expect any problems, but I want you alert, yeah?”

  Agreeing to all of his instructions, I say goodbye to everyone, including a very lengthy later to my man, and follow Cash to his lifted, black Chevy truck.

  I wish I had the gift of foresight so that I could have taken Jackson’s warning more seriously. I wish that I hadn’t been stubborn and worried about how my best friend would react to one of Jackson’s brothers tagging along the next night. Above all else, I wish that I had told Jackson I loved him this morning before he left. But it’s too late now. Too late to undo what’s done. All I can do is hold onto the hope that I’ll get that chance again.

  Lying here, cold, tired, and terrified, one thing became blindingly clear to me. While my mind fights to shut out the pain, the haze lingering around the edges of consciousness threatens to take me under without warning, I realize that every step and all my suffering has been worth it. I would go through it all over again if I had to.

  Why? Because it led me to Jackson.


  ~ Jonas ~

  “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”

  - Jack Canfield

  A few minutes before Boss’ call…

  Alone in the shop, I finish cleaning down my station and consider heading down to Hounds for a beer. Knowing I’d be far from welcome doesn’t stop the need to see her from almost consuming me. If I let it, it’d win too. The burning desire to lay eyes on her for the first time in months tempts me to make what I know would be a fucking mistake.

  She made it clear the last time she’d answered one of my calls that she doesn’t want to see me again. She promised that if I stayed away from her, she’d do me the same courtesy. I didn’t want that. I don’t fucking want that. More than anything, I want to take her in my arms and promise her anything for the chance to make her happy. I’d do everything for the opportunity to show her I’m not like any of the other douchebags who’ve treated her like shit in the past. But that’s not what she wants. It’s not what she needs from me right now. None of that makes it any easier to control the pain that slices through me knowing she’s here within touching distance, though.

  Flipping the lights to the back of the shop off, locking my office and the rear door, I’m pulling open the front door as the shop phone rings. I shouldn’t answer it, but I do. And thank fuck for that.

  “We’re closed. Open at ten tomorrow if you’re looking to make an appointment,” I inform whoever’s on the other end.

  “Why the fuck aren’t you answering your cell,” Boss’s voice bellows over the line. “We’ve got a situation. Need you to get your ass down to Hounds, get Jimmy, and get here five fucking minutes ago.”

  The urgency in his voice isn’t something I’ve heard from him before. Boss doesn’t panic. Never. Not even when his asshole father held a hunting knife to his throat and threatened to kill him did he panic, which means whatever has him on the verge of losing his shit is dangerous, to say the least.

  Stating what he already knows, I remind him,

p; “I’m not the best man for the job, brother. Bec’s there and I’m not exactly her favorite person.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. And that’s part of the fucking problem, she’s not there. None of them are,” he snarls savagely.

  “What do you mean they aren’t there? Beth was just telling me…” I start, trailing off when Boss lets out a string of vicious curses.

  “Don’t have time for this shit, Jay. Gave a heads up to Jimmy the girls would be in tonight when they didn’t show, he called. Now, I’m calling you so that you can get your ass down to fucking Hounds, get fucking Jimmy, and then get him and you out to the fucking clubhouse. You think you can manage that?”

  My head is spinning with what his words mean. The disturbing reality sinks in, the knowledge sits in my gut like a lead weight.

  “Headed there now. I’ll be out your way in less than ten,” I grind out.

  “Check in if he says anything I need to know,” Boss commands before disconnecting.

  Dropping the handset, not caring if it hits the base station, I rip the front door open not wasting the time to see if it locked, and run the distance to Hounds. The second I hit the door slamming it open everyone turns to stare at me. Ignoring them, I seek out Jimmy. Spotting him leaning on the end of the bar, his face pale and drawn, my first instinct it to tear him apart. Banking that urge, because this shit isn’t his fault, I signal for him to get his ass moving.

  The cooling night air hits my overheated skin as I push my way onto the now almost deserted main street. My back against the brick wall, I hunch over, elbows on knees, my hair gripped painfully tight in my fists. Thoughts of where my sister, Beth, shit, where Bec could be assaults me, causing another searing wave of fear washes through me.

  Jimmy’s voice is barely audible over the blood that’s rushing in my ears.

  “I called Boss as soon as I could, Jonas. I watched the door all night, even though he said they wouldn’t be in till eight.”

  Rising to my full height, I tip my head toward my truck that’s parked half a block down the street saying,

  “Boss wants you at the clubhouse, I’m here to make that happen. Get in the truck, Jimmy.”

  Scared out of his mind, Jimmy tries to reason with me.

  “I promise I did what he asked, man. I don’t know anything, either. Can’t you tell him that? That I don’t know more than I’ve already told him.”

  My hand finds his shoulder, clamping down harshly as I drag him with me.

  “Nothing’s gonna happen to you if that’s what you’re worried about, Jim. Boss just wants to talk to you then someone will drive you back, yeah?”

  He doesn’t say anything else during the drive, something I’m more than relieved about. I don’t have the patience to reassure a grown ass man he’s not going to get his ass kicked or worse. Right now, all my focus is on finding out where three of the most influential women in my life are. Because I swear to Christ if anything has happened to them, if anyone has harmed a hair on any of their heads, I will tear this motherfucking town apart until every last one of them has paid with their blood for hurting them.

  Less than ten minutes have passed since I told Boss I’d pick Jimmy up when I peel into the clubhouse’s forecourt. Throwing my door open, telling Jimmy to get out, I round the hood just as Boss is coming out to meet us.

  “Inside,” he growls looking at Jimmy, adding, “Don’t talk to anyone, straight to my office,” for my benefit.

  I’ve here hundreds of times over the years, maybe more. However, of all the times I’ve attended hog roasts, parties, and celebrations, I’ve never felt anything like the menacing rage filling the main room as it is now. Faces set in grim masks, clenched fists, and men pacing sums up the level of activity. Brothers aren’t drinking, there aren’t any women present, not even the club whores who’re always hanging around, and aside from the quiet rumbling of voices, the room is cloaked in ominous silence.

  Jimmy and I head in the direction of the hall that leads to Boss’s office when I hear Fury’s voice thunder from within.

  “You’ve got under a minute to tell me what you fucking know before I’m on my bike. I don’t give a shit what your plan is, or if you’ve got one. I’m not sitting around here with my thumb up my ass, brother, while she's out there and fuck knows what they’re doing to her.”

  Behind me, a small hand presses against my back, and my heart lurches as I spin to see who it is. Bella. Jesus, fuck. My sister’s here, safe, standing a foot away from me. Relief like nothing I’ve ever felt overwhelms me for a fleeting moment until I see Beth and Bec aren’t with her.

  Opening my arms to her, Bella throws herself into them, her body shaking with sobs as she stutters,

  “I-I wa-was late. I couldn’t ge-get away. Mom needed me fo-for something. I-I’m so, so sorry, Jay. So sorry.”

  Doing my best to comfort her, my brain struggles with the information that she’s okay while at war with the fact the other might not be. Before long, Boss curses, yelling,

  “Jay get your and Jimmy’s asses in here. Bella too.”

  How he knew she was with us, I don’t know, but I don’t question it either. Tucking my sister under my arm all three of us cross the threshold to his office. Taking the couch against the wall so that I can keep Bella close, Fury pacing the floor, leaves Jimmy with the chair directly opposite Boss.

  Face set in granite, murderous and intent on destruction, Boss orders,

  “Shut the door, Fury. Now.”

  Two strides see him following his Presidents instruction, but not before he says,

  “Told you, less than a minute and I’m out.”

  Boss’s tone is unmistakable as he snarls,

  “I don’t give a fuck what you said. This is getting dealt with in a way that’ll see everyone on our side come out the other end whole. Now shut the fuck up so that I can deal with Jimmy and get him out of here.”

  Turning to face Jimmy, who hasn’t stopped shaking since I put him in my truck, Boss asks,

  “You see anything out of the ordinary tonight? Anyone come in you didn’t know, haven’t seen before?”

  “No, no, no one,” Jimmy stammers rapidly.

  “You fucking sure about that? I need you to be sure, Jimmy.” Eyeing the terrified bartender up and down, he adds, “Not gonna hurt you, Jim. You’ve just got to tell me everything you know, yeah?”

  “No, I promise,” Jimmy assures him. “No one came in that I didn’t recognize. Nothing out of the ordinary happened either. It was just your average Wednesday night, Boss.”

  “He doesn’t know shit, Boss. Can we cut him loose and get the fuck on with this now,” Fury snaps impatiently.

  “Yeah, cut him loose,” Boss agrees. “Find one of the prospects on your way out, Jim, and tell them I said to give you a ride back to town. Any of them has a problem with that, send them my way.”

  Waiting until the door closes behind him, Fury paces some more before dropping into the seat Jimmy vacated. It’s obvious just by looking at him the man is ravaged by guilt. For what I’ve got no fucking clue, but it’s written all over him. His hair is standing on end like he’s been running his hands through it repeatedly. The way his jaw’s clenching, I’m surprised he hasn’t shattered any teeth. But it’s his eyes that give away the depth of his pain. Bloodshot, wild, and desperate, Fury’s eyes are nothing like the hard set of the rest of his face.

  “We don’t have anything concrete to go on, but Beth’s Shelby was found run off the road not far from her place half an hour ago. Hail called it in. I sent him out to do a drive-by to make sure they’d made it there safe when I didn’t hear from Beth. She promised to keep in touch, always does, so when she didn’t call or text thought it best to get eyes on them.”

  Studying Bella at my side, he asks,

  “Know you weren’t with them, darlin’, but I need to know if you’ve heard from them since the last time I talked to Beth around six?”

  Bella doesn’t answer immediately, taking in large gul
ps of air she tries to calm herself down.

  “I text her at seven to let her know Mom needed me to stay behind at the diner. An order showed was delivered late, so I had to help Mom unpack it because she can’t do it on her own, it’s too much for her these days. Otherwise, I would have been with them,” my sister rambles.

  “Get that, and I’ not angry at you, darlin’,” Boss returns gently. “I need to know if she replied, though, Bella.”

  Nodding her head, Bella confirms,

  “Yeah, she did. All it said was they were leaving for Hounds soon, would order me a drink and see me when I got there. And before you ask,” she says, her voice stronger now. “She didn’t say that anything was wrong. The message might have been short, but if there was a problem Beth would have told me. I know she would have.”

  “Right,” Boss snaps curtly. “We’ve got a timeline then. I spoke to Beth in person at six, Fury, you saw Avery before she left the clubhouse when Beth picked her up at six-forty-five, Bella got a text from Beth at seven, and Hail found her car at just before eight. That means whatever went down happened between just after seven but before eight. Nearly an hour unaccounted for. Fuck me,” Boss roars.


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