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Vengeance MC Box Set - Volume 1: Call Me...Vengeance ~ Fury ~ Jonas

Page 51

by Natasha Thomas


  Not long after his admission the meeting ended, and it did so no less tense than it began. There was a lot there. A lot to process. A lot to discuss. But more than that, a lot of answers to questions we’d been asking since the women were taken.

  Looking back on it, it never did make sense Hells Riders would have a hand in Beth, Bec, and Avery’s kidnapping. Especially, not when no ransom or demands were made. One thing to remember about Nix – today aside – he doesn’t do something for nothing. He wouldn’t have captured our women and not expected something for their safe return. Their abduction had always felt personal, and in light of this new information, we knew why. If we chose to take what Nix had to say at face value that is.

  As fucked up as it sounds, Dray’s motive makes a hell of a lot more sense. It explains why Markham was involved, why we haven’t been able to locate the last two men, and how he pulled it off.

  In regards to the other shit, he said about Cami, who knows? Diesel sure as fuck didn’t look convinced, but he wouldn’t, would he? It was his woman who suffered. Cami’s the one who bears the scars of her ordeal, both physical and psychological. In the end, it’s up to Diesel to take what he’s learned to her and work out whether what her brother was saying is true or not.

  However, the girls who went missing? That is something Vengeance can look into. It doesn’t directly affect us – Hells Riders being cleared of wrongdoing – but if there is someone else out there capable of hurting women like that, we’ll want to know about it.

  Nix wasn’t incorrect when he said it was easy for people to assume his club was involved in the teenage girls’ disappearances. They are the only MC outside of Vengeance located close enough to the sight of all nine abductions, Grand Lake being fifteen minutes from their clubhouse and all.

  It wasn’t a lot – the cops sure as shit couldn’t move on that little – but in the eyes of the general public, it was enough to brand them child killers and rapists. Now, I’m not so sure and that has me on edge.

  In this case, the old saying, “better the devil you know than the one you don’t” couldn’t be truer. When we assumed it was Hells Riders responsible for hurting those kids, we knew who and what to watch for. Now, if what Nix said checks out, that means whoever the perpetrators are, they’re still in the wind. The could literally be anyone one of thousands of guys in the state of Colorado who wears a leather vest and rides a motorcycle. Fucking thousands.

  Shaking those infuriating thoughts free, I ask Boss,

  “Now we know, what do we do with it?”

  I won’t lie, everything we heard today has fucking drained me and I’ve still got to go see my girl tonight. Knowing that my conversation with Avery is going to take more energy than I’ve got to give would – for any other reason – have me cancelling, but I won’t. I don’t give a fuck if I’m dragging ass, barely able to keep my eyes open, what Avery has to say to me and what I have to say to her can’t wait.

  “We take it to the club and decide from there. As much as I’d like to hand over what we’ve got to Jonas and Saint and say fuck the consequences, you know I’ve got to put it to a vote. That’s not to say, I won’t be angling for Saint’s participation in taking down Dray. He deserves that much, and I for one, won’t be taking that opportunity away from him.”

  “What about the rest?” I question. “Not sure, Cami’s situation is club business. She might be with Diesel, but she hasn’t been bought into the club yet.”

  Boss doesn’t get a chance to answer before Diesel does it for him.

  “I don’t want anyone knowing about that shit until I’ve had the opportunity to talk to my woman about it.”

  “It’s no one’s business but yours and hers, brother,” Boss confirms. “What happened to her is in the past, it isn’t relevant to the conversation we’ve got to have with the boys.”

  With a curt nod of thanks from Diesel, Boss stands and so do I.

  “I’ve got places to be, Boss. We done here?”

  “Yeah, let’s ride. When we get back, tell Sly to call church for three tomorrow afternoon. That’ll give me tonight and most of tomorrow to think about how we’re going to move on this, and start on getting confirmation of what’s in those files.”

  “You need help with that?” I question, hoping he says no.

  “No. I’ll put Sly and Cash on it. I’ll give them the go ahead to pull Brookes in if we need him, but they should be able to get what we need,” he confirms.

  Exiting the office, Boss makes his way over to Knight thanking him. Saying something to him Diesel and I can’t make out, Knight gives Boss a grim smile in return and pulls him into a one-armed embrace.

  I feel for the guy, I really do. He lost his wife, the center of his world, but that’s not what killing him. No. What’s tearing him apart is that he lost her for what Knight sees is no good reason. He doesn’t care Lena can’t give him babies, all he wants is her. It’s just a fucking shame she can’t see it that way. And only time will tell if Knight can convince her of it. If he can find her, that is.

  But I don’t have the brainpower to worry about other men’s woman issues. I’ve got a big enough one of my own to sort out. Thankfully, after tonight, that should be a thing of the past. If it isn’t, Avery best resign herself to having a permanent visitor living on her couch because I’m not giving up until she’s mine.


  ~ Avery ~

  “Yes, you have a Harley and tattoos, but so does my Dad. You want to impress me? try not being an asshole because that would be something new.”

  - Text from Avery to Fury

  Pacing the length of my living room, I stop and turn to glare at Blaine.

  “Can I ask what about this situation you find remotely humorous?” I ask, flipping her off.

  So much for being supportive in my time of need. Not that I’m really in need, per say, but some moral support, when I'm about to have a conversation with the man I've thought about non-stop for the last week, would be nice.

  After confronting Fury in his room at the clubhouse a few nights ago, I’ve purposefully avoided all things Vengeance, which includes going to the diner where I might run into them. Sarge called me several times to check in, but since the first phone call when I told him under no circumstances is he to mention his name to me, he relented and made small talk instead.

  It’s not that I don’t want to discuss him, but the last person I want to talk about Fury to is one of his brothers. I know enough about how these guys work, and the things I have to say, albeit deserved, wouldn’t go over well. No matter how much Sarge loves me, and I don’t doubt that he does – a lot – Fury is still his brother so with him is where his loyalty lies.

  Part of me is glad for it too. Fury needs people in his life that will look out for him. He hasn’t had that, and it’s something he desperately needs whether he’s willing to admit it or not.

  I’d like to say I’ve come to a conclusion about what I’m going to tell him when he gets here, but I haven’t. I’ve gone over it a million times, in a million different way, and I still can’t come up with a clear-cut answer. The world isn’t black and white, there are various shades of gray. And because of that, it’s hard for me to hold onto my anger at him.

  What I said to Fury, him not having technically done anything wrong, was true. It took a lot for me to admit that to him, but it was the truth and Fury and I are nothing if not honest with each other. He doesn’t deserve me holding a grudge against him for something he should have had to do, regardless of how much it hurt me. But that doesn’t change the fact I don’t know if I can forget it as easily as he hopes I can.

  Bella breaks into my thoughts, laughing right alongside Blaine. To be honest, I don’t know why I even invited Bella over. If I’d known she was going to side with Blaine, I wouldn’t have. Oh, who am I kidding? I knew exactly what she’d do and she hasn’t disappointed me yet.

  “Do you need a shot or ten of tequila to calm you down, beca
use I think I can hook you up if you do?”

  “Shut it, slut guts. Your input is not required at this juncture. In fact, why don’t you do me a favor and go home?” I retort waspishly.

  Bella doesn’t take offense to my petty name calling, breaking into another fit of hysterics instead.

  “Not on your life,” she giggles, leaning heavily into Blaine’s side. “I can’t wait to see how you’re going to talk your way out of this one. You know Fury isn’t going to buy the whole ‘I don’t know if I can forgive you, we need space’ thing, don’t you? That man is as stubborn as they come. Take it from me, if he wants something he gets it.”

  With nothing better to say, I focus on the latter part of that comment.

  “I’m not a thing. I’m a living, breathing, human being thank you very much.”

  “Oh, I’m sure he’s well aware of that, Ave. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s one of the first things he noticed about you, aside from your boobs, legs, and ass that is.”

  Throwing my hands up in the air out of pure frustration, I huff and collapse onto the couch beside them. Turning to my two best friends, I plead,

  “What the hell am I gonna do?”

  Taking pity on me, Bella puts her arm around my shoulder, drawing me closer.

  “About what in particular? The fact that you forgave him months ago and you just didn’t tell him? Or, the fact that you’re in love with him and you haven’t told him that either? The way I see it, you’ve got two options. One, you let him off the hook, tell him you forgive him, and then lie to him saying nothing will ever come of a relationship between the two of you. Or two, you let him off the hook, tell him you forgive him, and then tell him the fucking truth. If you want my advice, I’d take door number two.”

  “I second that,” Blaine adds softly. “I know you’re scared, Avery, but I think if you talk to him, tell him what’s troubling you, you’ll find Fury will be more than happy to help you sort out your head and get over it. He’s good for you, honey, and you’re good for him. Don’t ask me how the two of you work, but you do. In a strange way, you balance each other out.”

  “How do you mean?” I ask, cocking my head.

  “He’s dark and you’re light. Where Fury struggles to trust anyone, you trust everyone. You look at the bright side of life, even after everything that’s happened to you, whereas Fury is more cynical and pessimistic in his outlook. You are fun and outspoken, and he’s observant and happy to watch as everyone around him enjoys life with him as a bystander. I don’t know, you guys just work,” she finishes.

  Wow. I hadn’t looked at it like that before, but I suppose she’s right. Our personalities might be entirely different, but somehow, it works for us.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready to take that risk, though, B. It’s a big step, what happens if it doesn’t work out?” I admit more timidly than I’d like.

  Blaine lifts herself off the couch, coming to sit on the coffee table at my feet. Reaching forward, she takes both of my hand in hers and look directly into my eyes.

  “There aren’t any guarantees in life, Avery, you know that better than most. Not even Fury can promise you that if you take this chance it will last forever. But what you have to ask yourself is this. Are you willing to live the rest of your life regretting you didn’t, at least, try? I know this is scary, but you’re ready, Avery. You’ve worked hard to get back to the woman you were before your attack, don’t let being scared stand in the way of your happiness. Not now. Not when you’ve come so far.”

  “She’s right, you know?” Bella chimes in. “I saw you afterward, we all did, and every single one of us who watched you suffering inside was terrified you wouldn’t be the same Avery anymore. And for a while, you weren’t but then, something happened. One day you woke up and the shadows that were lurking behind your eyes were gone. I don’t know what took them away, and honestly, I don’t give a care. I’m just glad I got my friend back.”

  Tears sting the back of my eyes at their confessions, but my head is no less chaotic than it was before. I know the day Bella’s talking about, which only adds to my confusion about what I’m going to do next.

  Squeezing Blaine’s hands, I let go of one and reach for one of Bella’s.

  “See, that’s part of the problem,” I whisper. “I remember the morning I woke up and finally wanted to try and get my life back on track. It was realizing Fury was gone, and we’d never get back what we once had that made me realize he was who was holding me back. Waiting for him, relying on thoughts of him for strength when I didn’t have any wasn’t doing me any favors. I’d been so sure he’d come back and help me through it that I didn’t want to try until he did. What does that say about me? I wasn’t even strong enough to fight unless he was there. I don’t want to be in that position again. I don’t ever want to feel like that again.”

  “But you were,” Bella snaps, startling both Blaine and me. “eventually, when you were ready to go it alone, you did fight. I watched you do it, Avery. You fought every day to get out of bed with broken ribs when your body wouldn’t cooperate. You fought to walk more than a few steps to the bathroom. You pushed yourself to go out into the main room at the clubhouse and socialize, even when you wanted nothing more than to hide under the covers and wish the day away. And you fought your demons during therapy. But more importantly, you fought like hell to make it out of that room alive so you could come home to all of us. I’m not going to pretend I know the first thing about what you went through, no one does, but trust me when I say; you’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met, Avery. Beth lived through it too, but she only had to deal with a small portion of what you did. She knew the guy who attacked her, and when she came home, Beth had Boss to help sort her out. You did it on your own.”

  “No, I didn’t,” I interject. “I had all of you to help me.”

  At that, Blaine gives me a look filled with sympathy and a hint of frustration, stating,

  “But did you? Did you really? Think about it, Avery. We might have been there offering to help, but how many of those offers did you accept?”

  Thinking back on it, the answer is none.

  “I can see your brain working, babe, but you know as well as I do you did it solo,” Bella says with a knowing smile. “I get why you’d be gun-shy when it comes to, Fury. He’s angry, controlling, and practically mute for Christ’s sake. His life has been the club, he’s dedicated to his brothers, and before you, he was married to a woman who didn’t understand him. Fury’s got more baggage than most, but he loves you, Avery, that much I’m sure of. I’m also sure he wouldn’t take a chance on a relationship with you if he weren't one hundred percent certain it’s what he wants. Aside from the fact your Dad would no sooner kill him than look at him if he fucked you over, Fury hasn’t had a relationship since Rosalie.”

  That last part I know.

  Fury hasn’t had a meaningful relationship with a woman that wasn’t purely sexual since the death of his wife. I’ve never asked him why, but I’ve suspected it has a lot to do with the guilt he felt at introducing her to his lifestyle. Why he’d feel responsible is beyond me, he loved her and she loved him, it makes sense he’d want her involved in every facet of his life. However, deep down, but not so far under the surface I can’t see it plain as day, Fury blames himself for Rosalie’s death.

  Sam notwithstanding, Fury hasn’t had a woman in his bed for more than a night or two at most. They’re all one-night stands that are fully aware he won’t be calling them and asking for round three or four. He doesn’t parade the women he sleeps with around the clubhouse like some of his brothers, if anything, Fury’s particularly discreet about his hook-ups. While that should be somewhat of a relief, I can’t help but be concerned that’s all this will be between us.

  I know Fury says it’s not, that he wants more and he wants that with me, but you can’t blame me for being skeptical. Lack of previous relationships and his track history aside, this is the first time during our long-standing friendship
he’s even hinted at being interested in me.

  “Then answer me this. Why now? Fury and I have known each other for years, fifteen of them to be exact, and not once has he done or said anything that could be construed as him having feelings for me.”

  “I don’t know,” Blaine shrugs.

  Followed by,

  “Beats me,” from Bella. “But does it really matter, babe? He might not have said it before, but he’s into you now. Maybe the timing was off, you were too young, he was too fucked up, who knows? Whatever the reason, it’s in the past. Apparently, he doesn’t feel like that anymore or he wouldn’t have made his move.”

  “Bella’s right,” Blaine murmurs. “His timing could have been better, like, say, seven years ago when you turned eighteen, but better late than never.”

  “Ha, I’m not sure about that,” I snort.


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